Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2997: The power of a sword!

Jinling City!

Xiao Chen held a unicorn sword and landed on the highest part of the city wall. He looked at Wu Feishuo and the others indifferently, and said, "No matter who you are, the young master of Jinling City will save you. If you retreat quickly, you can spare your life. , Otherwise don’t blame this young master for keeping you all here."

"It depends on you, it's just a Tier 4 ant." Wu Feishuo said disdainfully.

"I don't know whether you live or die, since you want to die, this young master will fulfill you!"

Xiao Chen said coldly, his eyes were already full of killing intent, and the great power in his body surged out.

"Kirin destroys the world!"

Xiao Chen swept out with a sword, and a flame sword light with a width of several kilometers was formed. In everyone's shocked eyes, it instantly swept through Wu Feishuo, Hu Xiong, and countless yuan beasts. Then, in front of the entire city wall, everything except the ashes fell. Nothing left.

"Huo Qilin, when was your power so strong?" Xiao Chen said in a little astonishment. The power of this sword is almost equivalent to the power of a Tier 6 powerhouse.

"Master, this is my strongest talent and supernatural power, and in order to hug the beauty as soon as possible, I have to cultivate hard."

"You are really motivated." Xiao Chen smacked a bit, and then fell on the wall again, and everyone on the wall looked at Xiao Chen in awe.

Xiao Chen returned the unicorn sword to Dongfangzhi: "Well, your unicorn sword will return to the original owner, and then we should also deal with the Yuan beast in other directions."

"it is good!"

Yuan Beast besieged the city, just under Xiao Chen's sword, the curtain fell quickly, and in the room of Li's house, Xiao Chen looked at the green bar that had been filled.

"The green bar is already filled, but I don't know what will happen next."

Xiao Chen murmured, but at this moment, he found that his own body began to become illusory, and then the whole body completely disappeared. When Xiao Chen opened his eyes again, he found that he appeared in a stone room. It is a cold stone.

"Xiaochenzi, you finally wake up."

The elf's surprised voice rang.

"Little elf, I finally heard your voice." Xiao Chen was also surprised, and hurriedly checked his own situation. After finding that everything was back to the original state, he breathed a sigh of relief, but shortly afterwards, something more appeared on his face. I was shocked, because the fire unicorn was indeed gone.

"Xiaochenzi, you have been empty for three days and three nights, what happened to you?"

"I don't know, it seems to be a phantom, but it feels very real." Xiao Chen didn't know what his previous experience was, but what is certain is that he has indeed returned to the tomb of the Witch Emperor.

"You tell your sister what happened, and your sister will help you analyze it." the elf said.

Xiao Chen nodded, and then explained what happened.

"Sure enough."

"What do you know?" Xiao Chen asked.

"If this lady is not wrong, I am afraid you have picked up the treasure this time. Look at the stone room and see if there are special items." The elf said, with some surprises in his voice.

"Special items?" Xiao Chen swept across the stone room. The whole stone room was empty, with only a stone table with a black bead that looked like an eyeball.

"Is it this thing?" Xiao Chen looked at the black beads, and there was nothing special.

"Have you discovered that your soul power is much stronger than before." The elf suddenly asked.

"Huh?" When the little elf said, Xiao Chen realized that his soul power was indeed much stronger than before.

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