Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2998: The Eye of Reincarnation!

"Are you trying to say that my soul power is strengthened and is related to this bead?"

"Yes, it should be the eye of reincarnation, the eye of reincarnation, absorbing countless grievances, and its greatest use is that you can hone your soul power through countless reincarnation experiences."

"Reincarnation experience?" Xiao Chen frowned slightly.

"From what you just said, it is very likely that the Eye of Reincarnation absorbed Li Zichen's grievances, and then through the illusion, the things that Li Zichen experienced were repeated. If you don't show up, the history is that Jinling City was destroyed. , So Li Zichen should have been destroyed along with Jinling City."

The elf explained, and his words made Xiao Chen fall into contemplation.

"In that case, I helped Li Zichen eliminate the resentment in my heart, so I returned to normal." Xiao Chen thought of the green bar, killed the person who bullied Li Zichen, and eliminated the resentment in his heart, green bar It will change.

"Yes, a resentment, a reincarnation, in reincarnation, you can experience different lives, every time you complete a reincarnation, the power of the soul can be improved, and the eye of reincarnation has another function. If you can master the eye of reincarnation , Just use the eye of reincarnation lightly. As long as the opponent is not determined or the power of the soul is weak, he will fall into reincarnation. At that time, the enemy will be the fish on the chopping board and you can kill it."

"If all this is an illusion created by the Eye of Reincarnation, then why did the fire unicorn disappear?" Xiao Chen asked the question in his heart.

"According to my analysis, the eye of reincarnation is not activated now, but it has been placed in this stone room for a long time, and it has accumulated too much power of reincarnation, so you have experienced a real reincarnation."

"What do you mean?" Xiao Chen suddenly opened his eyes.

"In other words, the things you experienced may also be true. You may have gone to the era where Li Zichen was. Of course, only your soul was gone, but in that era, Xiao Chen might really have appeared. "

"This...that is to say, the people I contacted at the time probably remember me, maybe I still have a chance to find the fire unicorn, right?"


"Maybe we need to find some time to go to the Eastern Wilderness." Xiao Chen muttered.

"How to use this eye of reincarnation."

"I'm here to help you merge, but fusing the eyes of reincarnation is very dangerous. Don't, you must stick to your heart and don't get lost in reincarnation." The elf said very seriously.

"Don't worry, I have gone through so much, I won't let myself die here in vain." Xiao Chen said.

"Okay." The elf said in a deep voice, and then the Eye of Reincarnation in Xiao Chen's hand floated directly between Xiao Chen's eyebrows, and the next moment, it was suddenly embedded between Xiao Chen's eyebrows.


The elf's voice fell, and Xiao Chen suddenly felt that his soul was as if being pulled by countless hands. An unspeakable pain came. The unforgettable pain made Xiao Chen instantly full of cold sweat.


Wuhuang Shangguan Zucheng!

Xiao Chen appeared in a certain restaurant with a tired face.

It has been four full months since the eyes of reincarnation began to merge, and during these four months, every minute and every second, I was tortured by pain. I was tortured Xiao Chen from a handsome young man into a skinny thin rod. .

"Finally, I can have a good meal." Xiao Chen's current expectations for food are like being hungry for three days and three nights.

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