Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2999: Wu Huang changed to heaven!

While destroying the food, Xiao Chen inquired about recent events. After he merged with the eyes of reincarnation, he was already outside the tomb of the Witch Emperor. However, Xiao Chen, after listening to everyone’s comments, summed it up and found a few A big event.

The tomb of the Witch King has been closed, and the yin and sun mirrors are missing, but the giant tiger of the Seventy-two Earthshade has directly become a Tier 6 top powerhouse. After returning to the Seventy-two Earthshade, he has become a new generation of the Earthshaw King. And carried out a general offensive on 72 cities.

At present, the 72 cities have all fallen, and the upper ranks of Shangguan and the royal family, the surrender of the surrender, the death of the war, the captives of the prisoners, and the entire witch famine have become the absolute rule of the seventy-two territories.

The second major event, the gluttonous sect is showing signs of recovery, because the emergence of the strong gluttonous sect attracted the attention of all the forces of the gluttonous land in an instant, but it suppressed the Wuhuang thing.

And the third big thing is that in half a month, the Shao King will publicly execute the senior officials of the Shangguan royal family in Shangguan Zucheng.

"Unexpectedly, in just four months, so many things happened, and I don't know what happened to Tushan City." Xiao Chen had some worry in his heart, so he hurriedly left the restaurant and hurried towards Tushan City.

When Xiao Chen rushed to Tushan City, he found that there was no change in Tushan City, and then Xiao Chen hurried to the City Lord's Mansion.

"Stop, the city lord's mansion is heavy, don't rush into it!"

Two guards at the door stopped Xiao Chen directly.

"Get out of the way." Xiao Chen said coldly, now he is desperate, how can he have time to waste time with these people.

"Audacious, I dared to run wild in the city lord's mansion!" The two guards were furious and were about to take down Xiao Chen when suddenly there was a sound of footsteps inside the door.

"What's the mess, do you want to do it?"

As the voice fell, a young man swayed out with a few attendants, his face a little impatient.

"I have seen Young Master Jianjun!"

When they saw the youth, the two guards hurriedly saluted them respectfully.

"What's the matter?" Jian Jun said impatiently.

"If you return to Young Master Jianjun, this boy who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth wants to force him into the City Lord's Mansion. We are about to drive him out. We didn't expect to disturb you, so we will drive him away now."

A guard hurriedly said.

"Hold on!" Jian Jun said, then his eyes fell on Xiao Chen, and he said lightly: "I am in a bad mood today, just take you out."

When the voice fell, Jian Jun had already slapped Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen didn't have time to entangle these people. A Seven-Star Wing had already escaped Jian Jun's slap, then appeared behind Jian Jun and rushed directly into the city lord's mansion.

Jian Jun slapped and slapped him for a moment. Then he turned to look at Xiao Chen's back, his face was full of anger: "Asshole, you dare to hide, call me the strong man in the city lord mansion and take him Next, I will kill him myself!"

"Yes, son!"

Xiao Chen broke into the city lord's mansion and went straight to Ke'er's residence. His consciousness was swept away. When he found Ke'er's breath, Xiao Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiao Chen took a deep breath, and then slowly opened the door of the room. In the room, Ke'er was talking with a young man. Leng Bing, black robe, and Old Dou were all following Ke'er, looking at the opposite youth. Some fear.

When they heard the door opening, everyone looked towards the door. When they saw Xiao Chen appearing at the door, Ke'er and the others were suddenly surprised. Ke'er stood up directly and threw himself into Xiao Chen's arms.

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