Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3058: Don't run away!

"Alright, let's kill two casually." Jian Wuxie thought for a while, looking at the white-haired mad demon and the others in a playful manner, and finally his eyes fell on the two and a half step infant transformation.

"Then kill with you first, so that they will feel distressed." Jian Wuxie's voice fell, and a sword aura had already been cut out at the two half-step infant changes.

The two half-step infants became stronger, their faces were full of despair. Behind them were many disciples of the Shangguan imperial family. If they escape now, they will surely suffer numerous deaths and injuries, but if they resist, they will not be able to take it.

However, they belonged to the Shangguan imperial family, and their deaths gave the Shangguan imperial family a glimmer of hope. They would never back down, so they directly greeted Jianqi and deployed the strongest defense.

Seeing this, Jian Wuxie flashed a sneer in his eyes.

Soon, the sword qi was about to fall on the two of them, but at this moment, the void suddenly stretched out a hand, and then pinched the sword qi, and the sword qi turned into nothingness.

The scene that happened suddenly made everyone stunned, and some of them couldn't react to what happened. At this moment, two figures walked out of the void, it was Xiao Chen and Duanmu Qinghan.

"Sect Master, Deputy Sect Master!" Qin Sheng and Yi Jian Biao had a **** expression of joy.

"Ancestor!" The Baifa Kuangmo and the others were equally happy. Since Xiao Chen and Shangguanying rescued Wu Huang from the silver fox, Xiao Chen, like Shang Guanying, has become the Wu Huang ancestor.

"Three young masters!" The old Dou, Leng Bing, Hei Robo and other Tushan City powerhouses in the crowd were full of joy.

"You finally showed up, what about the others?" Jian Wuxie was stunned and reacted. He glanced at Xiao Chen and Duanmu Qinghan, and then asked coldly.

"It turned out to be you, you are so brave, you dare to come to my Witch Wilderness!" Xiao Chen's expression was cold, Duanmu Qinghan received the help of the Tianxing Sect disciple, and then took Xiao Chen directly to tear the void. Shangguanying had just asked him to protect Shangguan's royal family. If something went wrong, he would have no face to face Shangguanying.

"Last time I let you escape, this time the lord will see how you escape!" Jian Wuxie's expression became cold, and at the same time a jade card appeared in his hand, which exudes the atmosphere of Beiyantang. This jade card and silver fox give Xiao Chen's jade pendant has a role, he is guarding against the silver fox.

Xiao Chen also found the jade brand, and an inexplicable smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. It seemed that Jian Wuxie didn't know that Bei Yan Tang was dead.

However, if you look closely, you will find that not only are there cracks on the jade card, but the aura is already very weak. It will not take long for the whole jade card to completely turn into powder. Jian Wuxie naturally discovered this, but He didn't believe that the strong like Beiyantang would die, so he didn't think about it at all.

"You don't have to escape this time, because you are not qualified to let us escape." Xiao Chen said lightly, Ling Tianhuajian appeared in his hand, looking at Jian Wuxie, he had already taken a posture.

Jian Wuxie was taken aback, and then amused: "Are you trying to fight me?"

Xiao Chen didn't speak, just cut out a sword light. There was not much movement, and it was surprisingly flat, but this sword light was not simple. It not only possessed a frustrated sword intent, but also Xiao Chen's understanding of the sword.

Jian Wuxie looked at Jian Mang, sneered again with disdain, and did not see any movement, but gently raised his hand and grabbed it at Jian Qi.

But the next moment, Jian Qi directly passed through his hand, leaving a deep wound on his chest in his astonished gaze.

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