Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3059: I don't know anything about power!

Wuhuang, above Shangguan Zucheng.

Jian Wuxie looked at the blood dripping from his wound, his eyes filled with consternation.

"You actually hurt this leader?" Jian Wuxie said in astonishment, his voice was full of suspicion. Obviously he didn't understand how he could be injured by a Tier 5 powerhouse.

"You don't know anything about power." Xiao Chen said lightly, looking at Jian Wuxie's gaze, as if an adult was looking at a kid who punched him.

Feeling Xiao Chen's gaze, and hearing what Xiao Chen said, Jian Wuxie suddenly felt a great humiliation. With a chill and sword intent, the people in the Northern Wilderness Alliance around him couldn't help taking three steps back.

"Boy, you will pay the price for your words." Yingbian's six-fold aura exploded from Jian Wuxie's body, and he couldn't help but want to do it.

"Qinghan, protect other people." Xiao Chen said to Duanmu Qinghan, and then stepped out, the aura of Yuan Ying's peak burst out, and at the same time, no less than Jian Wuxie's sword intent, emerged from him. For a moment, the two had directly met in mid-air, with sword intent gushing out and constantly colliding in space.

The two of them have been surrounded by countless sword auras. At this time, regardless of the Northern Wilderness Alliance or the Witch Wilderness powerhouse, their faces are full of horror. There is only one end, and that is to be smashed to pieces by the endless sword energy.

"How is it possible that you are only a Tier 5 ant, how can your power be stronger than this leader!" Jian Wuxie was a little shocked, and when he confronted Xiao Chen's sword aura, the sword aura he displayed was steadily defeated, Xiao Chen's sword aura has compressed his sword aura to less than three meters.

"I said, you don't know anything about power." Xiao Chen said lightly, his current control of power, let alone a sixth-tier, even a seventh-tier, it is far inferior to him.

"You...!" Jian Wuxie's face was ugly to the extreme, he glanced at the jade card in his hand, gritted his teeth, and crushed it directly. Before he could use his hole cards, he was about to explain here.

However, as the jade card was crushed, Beiyantang's figure did not appear, and Jian Wuxie's face appeared astonished.

"Are you wondering why Beiyantang didn't appear?" Xiao Chen said lightly.

Jian Wuxie looked at Xiao Chen.

"Don't wait, Beiyantang is dead long ago, your backstage has long since collapsed, and you are still working for him. I don't know if you should be loyal or stupid."

Xiao Chen said, and his words blasted like thunder in Jian Wuxie's ears, Bei Yantang died? Beiyantang is a seventh-tier powerhouse, how could it die?

"Impossible!" Jian Wuxie shook his head, he didn't believe that Bei Yantang would die.

"I personally cut off the head of Bei Yan Tang, if you don't believe it, go and ask him." Xiao Chen said lightly, but his voice sounded from behind Jian Wuxie.

Jian Wuxie suddenly turned his head, and then he was shocked to find that dozens of flowers of various colors appeared around him.

"Hundred flowers burial, burying a hundred flowers, nothing is more appropriate than blood."

Xiao Chen's calm voice fell, and all the flowers suddenly burst into bright sword lights, passing through Jian Wuxie's body and leaving with blood, which was unusually coquettish.


Jian Wuxie's miserable cry resounded across the sky, watching Jian Wuxie covered in blood, and there was silence. Everyone took a breath of cold air. Jian Wuxie, who ruled the Northern Wilderness for thousands of years, was beaten so miserably. , This is incredible.

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