Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3069: Doubt of identity!

The ground said faintly, with complex colors flashing in his eyes.

Xiao Chen took a deep look at Di Sha. He didn't answer the conversation, but changed the subject and said: "I will talk about going to Xihai. What we have to do now is to find a way to get rid of the Yin family. I can't see through your strength. Can you tell me something?"

"If you really want to deal with the Yin family, the old man can help you get rid of an ancestor who is incarnate with four layers. As for the others, the old man will not do more." Disha thought for a while and said lightly.

"It seems that your strength has recovered well, but only one. I will find a way for the rest." Xiao Chen said.

"What can you do? There are three seventh-tier powerhouses on the bright side of the Yin Family. Even if the old man solves one, there are two more." Di Sha asked.

"Shanren has a clever plan." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"The old man wants to see how good you are, but the old man tells you in advance that if something goes wrong, the old man will not save you."

"Although I can't kill the seventh-order strongman now, the seventh-order strongman who wants to kill me has not been born yet." Xiao Chen said lightly, with unusual confidence.

"You kid, the old man can't see through." Di Sha gave Xiao Chen a deep look.

Xiao Chen smiled.

Two days later, Yin Fengsheng appeared in the Xiao Chen courtyard. Xiao Chen had no surprises that Yin Fengsheng found his place to stay. After all, this was the octagonal city controlled by the Yin family.

"Your Excellency, the ancestor got another treasure yesterday, and I am here to invite you to take a look." Yin Fengsheng arched his hands.

"Baby, what baby?"

"Mermaid." Yin Fengsheng whispered.

"What, mermaid!" Xiao Chen was surprised, his eyes flashed with excitement, "The mermaid of the Xihai sea clan, because my master has a relationship with the sea clan chief. No one in Xihai dared to catch a mermaid anymore, how could you do it? To the mermaid?"

"This is a mermaid that escaped the West China Sea. I got it accidentally by my Yin family." Yin Fengsheng explained.

"The mermaid who escaped from the West Sea, that's great. Even if my master knows about it, I can't say anything. Quickly take this young master to see." Xiao Chen said impatiently.

"Your Excellency, please." Yin Fengsheng looked at Xiao Chen's expression, with an inexplicable smile in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Yin Fengsheng took Xiao Chen and Duanmu Qinghan to the Yin family meeting room again.

At this time, in the Yin’s family meeting room, when Xiao Chen arrived, there were four people in the Yin’s family meeting room. In addition to the ancestors of the Yin family, there was also a strong man who reached the fourth level of God Transformation. With an arrogant color and extraordinary bearing, it is not easy at first glance.

Xiao Chen just glanced lightly, and then said loudly, "Where is the mermaid, bring it out for this young master!"

As Xiao Chen's voice fell, the eyes of the four people in the meeting room fell on Xiao Chen, with different expressions.

"Are you the guy who claims to be the apprentice of Venerable Xihai?" A young man stood up, looked up and down at Xiao Chen, and then said with a slight disdain.

"Who are you, dare to talk to this young master in this tone?" Xiao Chen also looked up and down at the young man, disdainfully said.

"Xihai, Leng Jia, Leng Jianyuan!" The young man said lightly, his eyes flashing arrogant.

"Leng Jianyuan, the last name is Leng? Are you a descendant of Big Brother Leng Aotian?" Xiao Chen frowned slightly.

"Hmph, our Leng Family ancestors don't have any apprentices, boy, you pretend to be a disciple of Venerable Xihai, you are unforgivable!" Leng Jianyuan said coldly.

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