Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3070: Little Master Uncle!

"You are so courageous, according to your seniority, you want to call this young master a master uncle, you even call this young master a kid, this young master wants to ask the senior brother, how he taught his offspring!"

Xiao Chen reprimanded coldly, Leng Jianyuan was arrogant, Xiao Chen was more arrogant, Leng Jianyuan was indifferent, Xiao Chen was more indifferent, and Xiao Chen was even more arrogant. This momentum almost convinced Leng Jianyuan.

"You...Since you are a disciple of Venerable Xihai, you should naturally know the face of Venerable Xihai. If you can show me the face of Venerable Xihai, I will believe that you are my master uncle!" Leng Jianyuan Dao, the face of Venerable Xihai, few people know, he was once in Leng Aotian's ancestor's house without comment once.

"Hmph, the master's face, this young master naturally knows, but the master's face, how can you look up to the ants?" Xiao Chen said proudly.

"This can't be for you. If you can't prove that you are the disciple of Venerable Xihai, I am afraid that you two cannot live without this place today." The four-layer ancestor of the **** of transformation said indifferently, and the threat was clear at a glance.

"Are you threatening this young master?" Xiao Chen said coldly.

"I don't dare to threaten him. It's just that the old man has admired Venerable Xihai for a long time, so I hope to see the true face of Venerable Xihai and fulfill the old man's wish." Huashen four-fold ancestor said.

"Fine, since you want to see the face of the master, the young master will satisfy you, but after seeing the face of the master, the young master will take away the mermaid you call."

Xiao Chen said lightly.

"No problem." Leng Jianyuan said first.

"That's good, then let you open your eyes." Xiao Chen said, and then, Xiao Chen used his yuan force to condense a figure in the living room, with a face that is alluring and peerless, and his temperament is senior Xihai.

"Hahaha, boy, Venerable Xihai has dominated the West Sea for hundreds of thousands of years. Although few of them have appeared, many people have seen the true face of the Venerable. Moreover, Venerable Xihai is also respected as the mother-in-law Haitang. A girl in her twenties." The ancestor of the Yin family laughed.

"Shut up!" Leng Jianyuan scolded coldly.

Being scolded by Leng Jianyuan, the ancestor of the Yin family looked a little ugly, but he didn't dare to refute, but showed a sceptical smile.

"Believe it now. If you don't believe me, this young master can also show you the power of moving mountains and seas with the help of the universe." Xiao Chen looked at Leng Jianyuan and said lightly, whether it was the use of the universe or the gluttonous feast, it was already The system is improved and complete, but Qiankun leverages more advanced and profound, and if you want to use it, you must have stronger strength.

"Moving mountains and seas, you still know how to move mountains and seas!" Leng Jianyuan was shocked. If it weren't for his grandfather's higher status in the Leng family, he wouldn't have known that Qiankun's leverage was to move mountains and seas. But the young man in front of him was so clear that only One possibility is that Venerable Xihai passed it personally.

"It seems that your boy's status is also very high? You know how to move mountains and seas." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Disciple Leng Jianyuan, I've seen Junior Master Uncle!" Leng Jianyuan arched his hands, no more doubt in his eyes, but full of respect, knowing the appearance of the deity of Xihai Venerable, and knowing how to move mountains and seas, even in the Leng family. very few people know.

"What, he is really a disciple of Venerable Xihai!" The two ancestors of the Yin family and the other young man had their eyes widened, still full of doubt.

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