Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3109: Three idiots!

"Lao Mo, Lao Ning, Lao Xu, the cultivation base of that earth tiger is only equivalent to the first level of **** transformation, you two have the first level of **** transformation, and the second level of **** transformation. If you can't solve it, you can commit suicide."

Xiao Chen looked at the three people around him with a serious expression.

The three of them nodded. Then, the three of them looked at each other and went directly into the void.

"These three idiots." Guan Sheng cursed mercilessly as soon as they disappeared.

Xiao Chen also frowned slightly, and at this moment, three directions above the earth tiger suddenly heard spatial fluctuations, and when the spatial fluctuations appeared, the earth tiger had already opened his eyes, and then slowly stood up. , His eyes are full of indifference.

In the next moment, all the three of Mo Lao walked out of the void, and at the same time, the power in his body continued to emerge.

"Hey, these three idiots are holding big moves at the same time, how did they cultivate to the seventh rank, is it really just relying on resources to pile up." Xiao Chen raised his forehead with a black line on his face.

Sure enough, as soon as Xiao Chen's voice fell, Earth Tiger had already shot, and all the sharp thorns on his body shot at the three of them. Their complexions changed and they could no longer perform attacks and could only defend quickly.

Bang bang bang!

The sharp thorns kept shooting on their defensive barriers, and just after the sharp thorns ended, the earth tiger had appeared in front of Old Mo, and under the horrified expression of Old Mo, he patted a paw.

With a touch, the defensive barrier shattered, and a huge scar appeared on Old Mo's chest. With a scream, he was shot and flew out.


Ning Lao Xu Lao's complexion changed drastically. At the beginning of the battle, one of his team members had already lost their combat effectiveness, and this land tiger was too strong.

"Too weak." Guan Shengman was disappointed.

"Deputy commander, please send someone to get Lao Mo back." Xiao Chen sighed.

Guan Sheng nodded and waved, two people already flew towards the place where Old Mo flew out.

"Head Xiao Chen, do you know where the three of them lost?" Guan Sheng asked suddenly.

"The combat experience is too weak. The elemental beasts are more perceptive than the strong humans. They approach the Earth Tiger by tearing the void, just telling the Earth Tiger that I am here, come and hit me."

"They used ultimatum without any preparation. It is also an opportunity for the enemy, or a performance of weak combat experience!"

"In addition, they don't have the slightest sense of teamwork, and they fight on their own. Their hope of winning is very slim."

Xiao Chen said flatly.

Guan Sheng looked at Xiao Chen with some surprise, but he did not expect that Xiao Chen's evaluation would be so pertinent.

"Then what is a good way for you?" Guan Sheng asked.

"They are the flowers in the greenhouse just like those brothers. The only way at present is to keep them fighting and running in."

Xiao Chen said lightly.

Guan Sheng looked at Xiao Chen in surprise. The strong were trained after countless life and death battles. He didn't expect the youth in front of him to see so thoroughly.

When Xiao Chen and the others were talking, Old Mo had already been brought back. Except for the wound on his chest, Old Mo fainted without spine.

Old Mo naturally had members of the mercenary group to help. Xiao Chen was not worried. On the frontal battlefield, Old Ning was also thrown out by the tiger's tail, smashing big trees and spouting blood. Fighting power.

Now only Xu Lao kept dealing with the Earth Tiger, and as a dual powerhouse, he was not as powerful as the Earth Tiger. He was always suppressed and beaten by the Earth Tiger. Sooner or later, he would lose.

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