Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3110: Xiao Chen shot!

"Should my people take action?" Guan Sheng asked.

"No, I will do it myself." Xiao Chen said, and then under Guan Sheng's puzzled eyes, he stepped on the seven stars and quickly approached Earth Tiger.

"Fast speed." A look of surprise flashed in Guan Sheng's eyes. If he didn't use the power of space, Xiao Chen's speed would be even faster than the average seventh-order powerhouse.

"What does he want to do?" At this moment, Guan Sheng's eyes suddenly condensed, he was about to move, but stopped again.

At this time, Earth Tiger's tail had already drawn towards Old Xu at a swift speed. Old Xu had already prepared a defensive posture. At this moment, a light flashed, and Xiao Chen had already appeared in front of him.

"Three young masters, danger!"

Old Xu's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly shouted.

"You step back, I will solve it." Xiao Chen said, looking at the tail that was drawn, his palms suddenly pushed out and patted the tail.

"What!" Guan Sheng and the others suddenly widened their eyes. Earth Dragon is an elementary beast, and its physical strength is already strong. In addition to the cultivation base of the first layer of transformation, the power on its tail is enough to smash the first layer of transformation. The strong, Ning Lao is a lesson from the past, but not only did Xiao Chen not be photographed into flesh, he even failed to shoot and fly out.

Xiao Chen's eyes suddenly shot bright light, and at a point under his feet, the person had already reached the sky above the earth tiger, the long sword appeared in his hand, and the sword intent formed a dense net and slashed on the earth tiger.

The earth tiger not only has spikes, but also has strong defensive scales. Although the Lost Sword Net did not cause much damage to the earth tiger, it can still prevent the earth tiger from moving.

The Ling Tian in Xiao Chen's hand suddenly turned into a growth knife. Xiao Chen lifted it aloft. Qiankun took advantage of his strength to launch. The surrounding heaven and earth's vitality suddenly gathered towards Xiao Chen's sword, and Xiao Chen had just stored it in his body through the fight The strength also converges towards the big sword.

"What a terrifying power, is this really something a Tier 6 powerhouse can do?" Guan Sheng felt the power gathered on Xiao Chen's sword, his face finally changed, and the members of the mercenary group behind him had already regarded it. Up.

"Star River Blade, divide this young master into two."

Xiao Chen yelled, and the big knife in his hand was suddenly cut off, and a star river suddenly fell, illuminating half of the sky.

The Earth Tiger looked up at the falling galaxy, his eyes flashed with horror, all the spikes blocked in front of him, forming a spiked defensive armor, and just as the spiked defensive armor was formed, the star of the star had already fallen. .


The spiked armor shattered!


The body of the earth tiger was divided into two by the star of the star.

Such a shocking scene completely shocked Xu Lao and the strong men such as the mercenary group.

Xiao Chen slowly fell, and before he came to Wuye Tianxin Grass, he picked off all three plants, and at this moment, Guan Sheng also brought other people over, and Ning Lao also came over with a badly injured body. .

Ning Lao, Xu Lao, Guan Sheng and others couldn't say a word when looking at the corpse of the ground tiger that was divided in two.

"These three five-leaf Tianxin grass, you can solve it yourself." Xiao Chen handed the five-leaf Tianxin grass to Guan Sheng, then looked at Ning Lao and Xu Lao, and said lightly: "You have disappointed me too much, wait for Lao Mo That shameful guy wakes up and I will give you a lesson."

"I'm sorry to let you down." Ning Lao and Xu Lao lowered their heads. Their first battle in Tian Gen Zhi Forest ended with a disastrous result, which is simply too embarrassing.

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