Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3115: Extremely despised!

The young man said indifferently, an evil light flashed in his eyes, and a terrifying killing intent instantly fell on Xiao Chen and Hua Yu’s heads. Under this killing intent, Hua Yu’s face was already covered with cold sweat, and he was forced to release it directly. Out of his own breath.

However, Xiao Chen was already very familiar with killing intent, but he seemed very relaxed.

"Three young masters, this guy is so ignorant that he dares to release his killing intent to you. Third young masters will kill him!"

Hua Yu stared at the youth and said viciously.

"At a young age, don't be so murderous, and you are not his opponent." Xiao Chen shook his head.

"Although I am not his opponent, if it is the Third Young Master, you can kill him by raising your hand." Hua Yu said admiringly, then looked at the youth and yelled.

"You dare to offend the Third Young Master, you are dead."

Hua Yu's attitude was full of arrogance and taken for granted, and at the same time, looking at the youth's gaze, it was full of disdain.

The youth frowned slightly, he could see the cultivation of Hua Yu and Xiao Chen at a glance, but Hua Yu’s attitude was too strange, he didn’t believe that Hua Yu couldn’t feel the gap between her and him, but even so, Hua Yu He still trusts the so-called Three Young Masters very much. Could this kid hide his cultivation base, even if he can't see it?

"Cultivation is not easy, especially the Yuan Beast. If you want to break through the eighth level, you need to survive the thunderstorm, the yin fire, the hurricane disaster and the most important heart demon calamity. You are about to break through the eighth level. Cause and effect, change happens in vain!"

Xiao Chen said calmly.

"Who are you?" The young man's eyes condensed. For some reason, he had a feeling of being seen through, that is, he saw his body and his cultivation level. How could this be seen by a Tier 6 powerhouse? of.

"I'm just a boring person who is inspired to be a good person and travels through the wild." Xiao Chen said lightly, looking very unpredictable.

"Be a good person?"

Hearing this, the young man was taken aback. There are countless people in this world who are inspired to be strong, but it is the first time he has heard of encouraging people to be good.

"Three young masters, you are such a good person to get involved in these nosy things." Hua Yu said.

"I won't say if I met. Since I met, I always have to take care of it. I don't know if you can look at my face and let them go." Xiao Chen pointed to the person in Zhigu and said.

"Who are you, and why should I give you face?" The young man said coldly.

"You don't even know who the third young master of my family is. You are really ignorant. You can listen to this girl. The third young master of my family is Xiao Chen, the **** of murder."

Hua Yu said very proudly, his eyes seemed to say how great Xiao Chen was.

"Killing God Xiao Chen?" The youth looked puzzled, he was certain that he had never heard of this name.

"Hmph, you don't know, it's not surprising, only someone with a rank 8 or above like Venerable Xihai is worthy of knowing the name of my young master. As for you, you are not qualified enough."

Hua Yu said proudly, and while speaking, he glanced at the young man with extreme contempt.

"Since I met, it can be regarded as fate. In that case, I will point you to one or two. If you want to break through the eighth level, the most important thing is to integrate the power of time and space to form the power of time and space. In addition, When crossing the Tribulation, the most difficult thing is the Tribulation of the Heart Demon. Only by sticking to the heart can you not be disturbed by the Heart Demon."

Xiao Chen said lightly.

"The power of time and space?" Hearing this, the young man frowned slightly.

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