Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3116: Escape successfully!

"Getting the guidance of the Third Young Master is a blessing you have cultivated in a few lifetimes, so don't hurry up and thank you." Hua Yu pointed to the young man.

Xiao Chen waved his hand and prevented Hua Yu from continuing to speak.

"The power of time and space is the product of the fusion of the power of space and time. The power of time and space is not just about breaking the void and stopping time. It can even travel to the past and the future for a short time. If you want to master the power of time and space, it is not It can be done in a short while, it needs to constantly run the power of space and time to an equal level..."

Xiao Chen used the power of the soul, sounded like a bell, with an inexplicable attraction, and rang in the youth's mind. The youth gradually fell into contemplation, and Xiao Chen said this for several hours, not only the youth , Including Hua Yu and everyone in Gu, all listened attentively.

After a few hours, Xiao Chen's voice gradually stopped.

"Thank you senior for your advice." The young man recovered from his contemplation, and was able to speak so transparently about the eighth-order cultivation base. How could a sixth-order powerhouse do it.

"It's just a small matter, you can let them go now," Xiao Chen said.

"Naturally," said the young man.

"Then thank you very much." Xiao Chen smiled.

"Senior is polite. The younger generation is deeply touched by the words of the senior. If the younger generation is going to retreat, he will leave first." The young man said, the voice fell, and it has disappeared directly, and everyone in the valley feels loose.

"Since it's okay, let's go." Xiao Chen glanced at Guan Sheng before turning to leave.

Where Elder Mo and the others were, the three of them were waiting anxiously. At this moment, they suddenly saw Xiao Chen and Hua Yu, and they immediately surrounded them.

"Three young masters, are you all right."

Xiao Chen shook his head, then leaned against a big tree, and he was deeply relieved, Hua Yu sat beside him with cold sweat on his face.

"Good performance." Xiao Chen smiled lightly.

"It's exciting to despise a seventh-order peak powerhouse." Hua Yu smiled similarly, despising the youth, and at the same time making Xiao Chen's identity unpredictable. This is their idea. This idea is not crazy, because it is slightly Inadvertently, there are two corpses.

"Hahaha, this effect is what you want." Xiao Chen laughed.

"But to be honest, Third Young Master, you are too powerful. To me, what you talk about is like a divine enlightenment and a huge harvest. If it weren't for what you said, it would be impossible to shock that guy." Yu couldn't help but said.

"Hehe, where is this? When I return to Tenglong Villa, I will give you a training camp to completely improve your strength." Xiao Chen laughed.

"Training?" Hua Yu was a little confused, and the three of them also looked over with a puzzled look.

"You will enjoy it very much." Xiao Chen smiled inexplicably. For some reason, looking at Xiao Chen's smile, Old Mo and the others had a bad premonition.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps, and then Gu Ying, Guan Sheng, Lu Jun and others walked over in embarrassment.

They stopped not far from Xiao Chen, with embarrassment on their faces.

"Does it feel good to be alive?" Xiao Chen asked faintly, looking at Guan Sheng.

"Good." Guan Sheng nodded silently.

"Then stay alive, after all, I can save you once, it is impossible to save you a second time." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Thank you for your life-saving grace, the head of the team." Guan Sheng bowed his hands. No matter what, if it weren't for Xiao Chen this time, they would have already died under the thunder.

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