Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3117: Huayu's decision!

Forest of Tian Gen!

"Thank you for the help of the head."

The members of the Tamron Mercenary Corps bowed their heads and saluted.

"Thanks a lot. I just can't watch a group of idiots go to death."

Xiao Chen faintly waved his hand, "You should be fortunate that the strong man was frightened this time, but I tell you clearly that in Tiangen Forest, there is no weaker than the strong man, there are many, next time You have no such good luck."

"Three young masters, are the other three no less than the strong one?" Hua Yu couldn't help saying.

"Yeah." Xiao Chen said solemnly on his face, "In addition, in other areas, there are many people no less than that strong. The Forest of Tian Gen is very dangerous. We gave up this mission and we immediately left the sky. Gen Zhisen."

"It stands to reason that those powerful people only appeared inside the core of Tiangen Forest. Maybe we just had bad luck this time and we encountered it by accident. Needless to say, it is so serious."

Gu Ying said lightly, close to the existence of Tier 8, Tiangen Forest does exist, but this existence only lives in the core of Tiangen Forest, and their current position is not even inside.

"You shut up, there is no place for you to speak here." Xiao Chen gave Gu Ying a cold glance.

"You!" Gu Ying's expression turned pale. She has been the young master of the Gu family for so many years. This is the first time she has been reprimanded by her peers.

"Tenglong Mercenary Corps, now listen to my order, return the same way, who dares not to follow, kick out the Tenglong Mercenary Corps."

Xiao Chen ignored Gu Ying, who had a pale face, and ordered directly.

"From now on, the Tamron Mercenary Corps will only obey the orders of the Third Young Master. Who dares not follow, I will never let him go."

Hua Yu stood beside Xiao Chen, coldly sweeping the members of the Tenglong mercenary group, and finally his eyes fell on Guan Sheng, "Also about the deputy commander Sheng, after this time I go back, I will challenge you, the winner Loser Kou, if you lose, give up the position of deputy commander!"

"What, challenge the boss!"

Hearing that, all members of the Tenglong mercenary group were in an uproar, and they all looked at Huayu in an incredible way, even Guan Sheng frowned slightly.

"Hua Yu, although I don't know what the relationship between you and the leader is now, I also know that this time is my fault, but the deputy leader of the Dragon Mercenary Group has always respected the strong."

Guan Sheng said solemnly.

"Do you think that I am not qualified to challenge you?" Hua Yu said lightly, the sixth layer of the **** of transformation aura surged out, causing Guan Sheng and Lu Jun to change their colors.

Gu Ying and other members also changed their colors one after another, and they felt no less than Guan Sheng's breath from Hua Yu.

"Hushen Sixth Layer, when did you break through?" Guan Sheng asked in shock.

"In the past few days, the Third Young Master helped me improve my cultivation, so I don't want anyone to violate the Third Young Master's order, otherwise I will definitely not let it go."

Hua Yu's gaze swept across the audience coldly, his killing intent flickered, and everyone felt the chill when Hua Yu's gaze swept across the audience. Hua Yu was very strong in the past, and now his gaze is even stronger, even Guan Sheng is far away. It was compared.

"What? Tenglong Villa actually has another six-fold powerhouse!" Gu Ying's eyes flashed shocked. Tenglong Villa, Tengying Villa, and Tenghu Villa are the three major forces in Haitang City, and the same is the West Sea. The place where the young master of the forces created by the three major apprentices of the Venerable lives, and its standard configuration is basically the same, there is a six-layer powerhouse and ten powerhouses of the seventh rank.

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