Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3124: Begonia Restaurant!

Xiao Chen looked at the two people who were constantly competing for power. Gradually, the shadow of the gun was corroded. The poisonous dragon took this opportunity to directly crush the shadow of the gun and hit Guan Sheng's body. Guan Sheng screamed and flew away. Get out.

The victory is divided!

Guan Sheng fell to the ground, vomiting blood, his face was full of loneliness, he actually lost, and he was still in front of all the members of the Tenglong mercenary group.

"The victory is divided, Huayu wins!"

Xiao Chen stood up and announced that as Xiao Chen's voice fell, there was a thunderous shout in the martial arts arena.

"Be quiet."

Xiao Chen's voice sounded again, and the martial arts field became quiet again.

"The owner of the village has decided to expand Tenglong Villa, and now has two deputy heads, one is Huayu, and the other is Guan Sheng. In addition, Lao Mo, Lao Ning, and Lao Xu have officially joined Tenglong Villa. The main reason for this village is to let Tenglong Mountain Villa resound in all directions!"

Xiao Chen's voice resounded through Tenglong Villa!

"Wish to follow the owner to the death!"

The neat voices resounded in the martial arts arena, straight into the sky.

"Next, we will have an internal battle, two and two catch and fight, the winner can enjoy the golden nuts, and the losers will all go to me to sweep Zhuangzi!"

Xiao Chen said lightly, and when he heard Xiao Chen's words, everyone on the martial arts field looked at Xiao Chen with a little excitement in their eyes.

"Three young masters, are you going to take out the golden nuts for us?" Hua Yu couldn't help asking.

"Naturally, you and Guan Sheng have a share, and the rest will be decided through the competition. This matter will be left to you two. It must be fair and just."

"Yes, Master Three!" Hua Yu said excitedly, and Guan Sheng's eyes flashed brightly. The other members of the mercenary group glanced at each other, both excited and hostile in their eyes.

"Let's start then, I'll go out and stroll."

Xiao Chen waved his hand, left the martial arts field, and came to the street outside Tenglong Villa.

"Brother, are you going to find something delicious?" Xiao Bai appeared beside Xiao Chen and asked excitedly.

"I have already inquired, there is a Haitang restaurant in Haitang City, which not only has very delicious food, but also Haitang wine. It is said that this Haitang wine can be drunk even if the seventh-order strong drink a glass."

Xiao Chen said with excitement.

"What are you waiting for, let's go." Xiao Bai took Xiao Chen and disappeared quickly, leaving only a breeze.

Haitang Restaurant, located in a street in the east of Haitang City, is very remote. If Hua Yu hadn't told Xiao Chen, he would have never found it.

The Haitang Restaurant is not big, there are only six wooden tables, the decoration is very simple, and there are few diners, only five or six people.

Xiao Chen brought Xiao Bai to the only empty table.

"Brother, here is so remote and there are few people, you won't be deceived." Xiao Bai looked around for a while and couldn't help asking.

"If the mountain is not high, there will be a fairy, and if the water is not deep, there will be a dragon. Don't just look at the surface." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Brother said so profound, I don't understand." Xiao Bai gave Xiao Chen a white glance.

Xiao Chen looked speechless.

"This is only for people who are destined. Since the two walked in here, they are people who are destined. What do you want to eat?"

At this moment, a white-haired old woman suddenly came over and looked at the two with a smile.

"Huh?" Xiao Chen looked at the old woman, and then suddenly surprised: "You are?"

"I am the owner of this Haitang restaurant, Granny Haitang, two guests, what do you want to eat?" Granny Haitang smiled.

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