Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3125: The arrogant Luo family son!

"I heard that there is Haitang wine here. I wonder if I have the honor to taste it?" Xiao Chen said.

"of course can."

"Then two jars of Begonia wine, let's order some wine and dishes, but this little girl is greedy, so bother grandma prepare more." Xiao Chen said.

"Two guests, please wait a moment." Granny Haitang smiled and walked towards the back kitchen.

"Brother, do you know that mother-in-law? That mother-in-law is very dangerous." Xiao Bai said solemnly.

"Know, you can rest assured to eat." How could Xiao Chen not know, Grandmother Haitang, isn't he the one who respected Venerable Xihai, but he didn't expect that Venerable Xihai still has this hobby, if the world knows about it, I don't know what it will be like.

Soon, a table of delicacies was brought up, Xiao Bai's appetite was very appetizing, and he had already started, Xiao Chen poured himself a glass of Begonia wine and drank it all in one go.

"It's spicy!" Xiao Chen slapped his tongue. As the Haitang wine drank his stomach, he felt a warm current flowing in his body, that is, Yuanli flowing in the meridians.

"I didn't expect Master to have this good thing, but it's really not something ordinary people can enjoy."

Xiao Chen drank a few more cups, and suddenly there was a feeling of being broken through the meridians. If Xiao Chen's body wasn't strong enough, he might break it directly.

"Ying Bian San Zhong, this kid has drunk six cups in a row, and nothing happened?" At the table next to Xiao Chen, a middle-aged man looked at Xiao Chen, his eyes flashed with surprise.

After Xiao Chen came back to retreat, he had already directly broken through to the Triple Level of Infant Change, and every time he broke through a small realm, his physical body would greatly increase. Six cups of Begonia wine just made him a little uncomfortable. After a short rest, Xiao Chen was already Recovered.

"Interesting, when did such an interesting little guy appear in Haitang City?"

The middle-aged man looked at Xiao Chen who was continuing to drink, and his eyes became more surprised. With the cup after cup, the middle-aged man has changed from surprise to shock.

The middle-aged man looked at Xiao Chen, who had already drunk a jar of Haitang wine, and was about to make friends. Suddenly two people flew in from outside the door and directly smashed the table in front of him.

The middle-aged man's face sank, and the killing intent flashed in his eyes.

Xiao Chen picked up the wine glass and glanced at the middle-aged man, then his eyes fell on the two figures on the ground.

"Run, I want to see where you can go!" An arrogant voice sounded outside the door, and then a young man walked in with a few followers.

The young man looked arrogant, glanced at the restaurant, and said coldly: "What do you look at, eating your meal, angered this son, and this son lighted all of you."

"What an arrogant boy." The middle-aged man's face was gloomy.

The young man ignored the other diners, looked at the two people on the ground, and sneered: "This is the east city of Haitang City, the world of the Gu family, and my Luo family and Gu family are relatives in marriage. They want to escape from our Luo family, wishful thinking, you two Just serve the people behind my son obediently, maybe it can give you a happy way to die."

"Thank you son!"

The attendants behind the young man looked at the two women on the ground and rubbed their hands, their eyes full of filthy smiles.

"From the Luo family?" The middle-aged man's expression became more gloomy, and he was about to do it, but found that Xiao Chen beside him had stood up. After thinking about it, he decided not to do it anymore, but looked at Xiao Chen with interest.

Xiao Chen looked at the young people. The next moment, all the young people knelt on the ground, unable to move.

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