Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3179: The power of destruction!

Only in the next moment, his pupils suddenly shrank, a seven-star light flashed, disappointed sword intent gushing, blood soared out, Xiao Chen had appeared in the crowd, and there were already seven strong men who had fallen towards the sea of ​​innocence. And among these seven people, there are four seventh-tier powerhouses.

"Luo Family, use your real power." Xiao Chen said lightly, the voice fell, and the whole person disappeared again, a sword cut out, the sword net was densely net, and the Luo family powerhouse was covered, and the screams sounded instantly.

"Boy, I underestimated you." Luo Junfeng's expression became cold. In the next moment, all the rest of the Luo family's strong, red light appeared on their bodies. These red lights made people feel very unknown, and the Luo family's strong eyes gradually became Flushing, a very strange breath radiated from them.

"The power of the evil spirit?" Xiao Chen frowned slightly.

"Kill!" Luo Junfeng said coldly, and immediately afterwards, the remaining powerhouses all rushed towards Xiao Chen, like wild beasts, exuding an aura of destruction, regardless of speed or strength, greatly increased.

"It seems that you have gained a strength that is not weak, but I don't have much time to waste on you, so you should die."

Xiao Chen said lightly, and at the same time shouted indifferently in his heart: "Time and space bound!"

"Star River Blade!"

With a single cut, a round blade light formed, slashing straight across the body of the Luo family powerhouse. With a sea breeze blowing, all the Luo family powerhouses turned into stars and were blown away by the sea breeze.

"How is it possible?" Luo Junfeng looked astonished. The Luo family powerhouse was the only one who was wiped out! Is the kid in front of him a sixth-order or seventh-order?

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for gaining the power of destruction. Will it be incorporated into the pit dad artifact?"

"The power of destruction?" Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed: "This feeling, is it the power of the gods?"

"Yes, it is the power of the gods. Although the power of the gods in these people is insignificant, it will accumulate little and more. Collect it and it will always be useful."

The elf said lightly.

"It's interesting to get the power of Tiansha." Xiao Chen smiled and directly integrated the power of destruction into Ling Tian. Although only a little bit, Xiao Chen clearly felt the destructive power emanating from Ling Tian. .

"Luo Junfeng, dumbfounded, why do you think I can become the owner of Tenglong Mountain Villa? I rely on my identity? I rely on talent? You are wrong, I rely on my own strength, and I don’t know what I have in my heart. Your Luo family is in the eyes."

Xiao Chen taunted, but his words made Luo Junfeng's eyes become solemn.

"Who wouldn't say big words, I don't believe you can be my opponent!" Luo Junfeng said coldly, the red light on his body was even more unknown, and suddenly disappeared in the next moment. When he appeared again, he had already appeared beside Xiao Chen, with one foot pointing towards him. Xiao Chen kicked his head quickly and hard.

"Don't you understand, I didn't pay attention to the eighth level or less." Xiao Chen raised his arm faintly, and easily blocked Luo Junfeng's powerful kick in the shocked eyes of Chun Yuli and others.

"How come! I used the power of destruction!" A look of shock flashed across Luo Junfeng's face, and the next moment, he appeared on the other side of Xiao Chen, and raised it again to his head.

But it was still blocked by Xiao Chen with one hand, not only blocking his powerful strength, but also his speed.

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