Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3180: Sea clan siege!

Luo Junfeng refused to admit defeat and attacked dozens of times, but no matter from which angle he attacked, it was easily blocked by Xiao Chen.

"Have you played enough?"

Just as Luo Junfeng attacked again, Xiao Chen's indifferent voice rang in Luo Junfeng's ears, and immediately afterwards, a punch full of explosive power hit his chest.

Luo Junfeng's expression became very distorted in an instant, a mouthful of blood, and the whole person flew out and disappeared on the horizon.

"I..." Chun Yuhou looked at him and wanted to explode. He could feel that Luo Junfeng was outrageously stronger than him, but such a strong man was blown away by Xiao Chen with a punch. Life and death are unknown. How strong is Xiao Chen?

As for Chun Yuli, they were frightened a long time ago, especially Chun Yuli. There was a look of horror in his eyes. He had just said unkind words to Xiao Chen. He thought he was just a trivial guy, but he did not expect to be a terrible guy. .

After Xiao Chen solved the Luo family powerhouse, he looked towards Chun Yuli and said lightly: "Aren't you running?"


After Chun Yuli and the others reacted, they didn't care about Chun Yuhou, so they turned around and ran at a very fast speed, as if they had met a ghost.

"Aren't you running?" Xiao Chen looked at Chun Yuhou again.

"I think it's safer to stay here." Chun Yuhou also recovered. He will definitely be intercepted by Chun Yuli when he leaves now. It would be better to stay here, at least it is safe now.

"It's up to you, but the second batch of guests is here." Xiao Chen said lightly, and just at this moment, the Wuwang Sea below bubbled up, and then one by one sea clan emerged from the water. In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of sea races have appeared, and the aura of these sea races is not weak.

Immediately afterwards, a seventh-tier sea clan slowly ascended into the sky, looked at Xiao Chen, and said coldly: "The royal water bead is on you, hand it over!"

"The Royal Water Bead is indeed on me, if you want, come and take it yourself." Xiao Chen took the Royal Water Bead in his hand, looked at the other party, and said lightly.

"Imperial Water Pearl is a sacred item of our Sea Clan heritage, handing it over, you can spare your life." The Sea Clan expert said indifferently.

"I know that Yushuizhu is a sacred item of the Sea Clan heritage, but I don't want to hand it over, what do you want to do?" Xiao Chen smiled.

"When I get to the territory of my sea clan, I dare to be so arrogant. If I don't pay, then go to death!"

The sea clan expert said indifferently, and then with a big hand, the sea clan below had all rushed up.

"Then kill." Xiao Chen's gaze remained unchanged, Ling Tian in his hand pulled a sword flower, and then directly killed it down, the cold light flickered, and several sea clan experts had already fallen.

Boom boom boom!

Tens of thousands of sea clan experts kept besieging Xiao Chen, and Xiao Chen, one man and one sword, killed up and down, in and out, the body of the sea clan fell like rain, and the sea of ​​innocence was dyed red. Xiao Chen's worn-out War God suit was also dyed red.

"It's horrible!" Chun Yuhou looked at Xiao Chen who was killing all around with one sword and one man, his eyes had changed from shock to shock, especially when he looked at the corpse that kept falling from the air, he couldn't say a word.

The seventh-tier sea clan expert looked at this scene, his expression unchanged, the most indispensable thing the sea clan lacked was the number, killing 10,000, and tens of thousands, millions, he wanted to see how much this kid could kill.

But he was wrong. He was wrong from the beginning, and it was wrong. One day and one night, Xiao Chen had killed one day and one night. The Sea of ​​Wuwang was full of floating corpses. As for the number, I don't know how many.

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