Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3184: The death of Xiao Chen!

"What are you doing with him? He is the only one left. Just kill him directly and grab the Yu Shuzhu back."

An eighth-order strong man disdainfully said, the voice fell, and he shook Xiao Chen. The time and space constraints had fallen on Xiao Chen. The eighth-order strong man had a sneer on his face and slapped Xiao Chen.

"Be careful, time constraints are useless to him!"

Hu Jiao hurriedly shouted.

As soon as his words fell, the eighth-ranked powerhouse had already arrived in front of Xiao Chen, sneered and said, "Whether it's useful or not, he can't escape."

"I never said that I want to escape!" Xiao Chen said lightly, and then directly slapped the eighth-order strongman. The eighth-order strongman stayed on the spot, and Xiao Chen retreated several tens of meters.

Although Xiao Chen retreated tens of meters, Tiger Jiao and others were stunned, especially Tiger Jiao and Zhang Qianmian. This time Xiao Chen didn't have Xia Ruoxi's defense. He was alone against a Tier 8 powerhouse. Palm.

"Step 7, this kid has already broken through to Tier 7. At Tier 6, he can fight against Tier 8 by various means. Now that he has broken through Tier 7, we must be more cautious. There will be many nights and dreams. Let’s go together.” Zhang Qian He said solemnly.

"Senior Zhang, you are too dear to him, anyway, he is only a seventh-order after all, ants, I will solve him now!"

The eighth-tier powerhouse sneered, and before Zhang Qianmian and others could do it, he had continued to attack Xiao Chen!

Bang bang bang!

Xiao Chen blocked several attacks of this eighth-order strongman in succession. Every attack of the eighth-order strongman carried a powerful force. After these many times, Xiao Chen's physical body also showed signs of collapse.

But at this moment, the eighth-order strong man slapped again, Xiao Chen's expression flashed coldly, and he staggered with the eighth-order strong man, and Xiao Chen's palm hit the opponent's chest. , The opponent's palm hit Xiao Chen's right arm.


The next moment, something that shocked everyone happened. The body of the eighth-ranked expert burst into pieces, and Xiao Chen's right arm also exploded at the same time. The two fought and lost both, but one lost life and the other lost. It is the right arm.

"Idiot, be careful." Hu Jiao cursed.

Zhang Qianmian had already started, countless tentacles, attacked Xiao Chen from different directions, and at the same time, he saved the soul of the eighth-order strong man. Although he could be reborn if he found a suitable body, he had no system and wanted The restoration of the heyday is impossible without tens of thousands of years.

Xiao Chen held the sword in his left hand, the sword net was densely covered, and while dodging the attack, he cut off the octopus tentacles.

However, Hu Jiao and other Tier 8 powerhouses did not froze, but at the same time carried out a melee attack on Xiao Chen. Suddenly, Xiao Chen fell into a crisis and suffered several attacks on his body.


Just after Xiao Chen was hit by the octopus tentacle again, Xiao Chen's body was like a stone, and instantly shattered into rubble.

"Finally dead." Zhang Qianmian looked at the bursting Xiao Chen. He wanted to get the imperial water bead for the first time, but at this moment, he discovered that there was a delicate appearance where Xiao Chen's body broke. Small tower.

"What is this?" Zhang Qianmian was taken aback.

And at this moment, the delicate little tower rose up against the wind, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a pagoda almost one person tall, and then suddenly disappeared. When it reappears, it has appeared in front of the nearest tiger flood, and it has no time to react. Under the circumstances, it hit the tiger Jiao.

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