Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3185: Stunned!

Tiger Jiao only felt a huge force coming, couldn't help but feel a sweet throat, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the whole person was directly hit by the pagoda.


The expressions of the other eighth-ranked powerhouses changed. They didn't see anything at all. The tiger had been hit by the pagoda, and when they were still in shock, the pagoda moved again!

Bang bang bang!

Including Zhang Qianmian, all the eighth-tier powerhouses were knocked out, vomiting blood and severely injured.

Just when the pagoda was about to continue its attack, many black thorns shot out from the void, hitting the pagoda, turning the pagoda on the spot.

"Linglong Pagoda is the Linglong Pagoda of Venerable Xihai. You are not rivals, withdraw!"

The voice of the sea king came, and then countless black thorns hit the pagoda, and Zhang Qianmian heard the voice of the sea king, one by one, they got into the sea of ​​Wuwang and disappeared.

Countless black thorns hit the pagoda, and the pagoda was not damaged. It just kept spinning in place, spinning around, directly piercing the void and disappearing into the sea of ​​innocence.

"What kind of baby is that, it can actually block the attack of the eighth-order strong, but is Xiao Chen really dead?"

I don't know when Chun Yuhou appeared in the distance, but he saw a war of the century, which ended with the death of Xiao Chen.


Within the Hualing sphere of influence, there is an unknown mountain range.

"What are you going to do?" A young girl fell to the ground, looking at the strong man in front of her with horror.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect to be able to meet the second lady of Hualing in such a remote place. Whenever I thought of holding the second lady of Hualing under my body, I was excited not to want it."

The big man laughed wildly, his face full of perverted smiles.

"Since you know that I am the second young lady of Hualing, and you dare to be disrespectful to me, are you not afraid that the strong Hualing will kill you?" the girl said inwardly.

"Hahaha, my relatives, my colleagues, have been killed by people from Hualing, what terrible thing I have, I can play with the second lady before I die, even if I die."

The big man laughed wildly, but there was both sadness and resentment in his voice. After the laughter, the big man continued to approach the girl.

"Don't come here!" The girl's face was full of horror, her eyes flashed with despair, and her heart was full of regret at this time. She really shouldn't leave Hualing on the spur of the moment, otherwise she would not encounter such a terrible thing.


The big man’s perverted laughter continued to sound in this unnamed mountain range, and at this moment, the void suddenly broke open, and a delicate little tower suddenly appeared, directly hitting the big man’s head, and the big man’s laughter stopped abruptly. He rolled his eyes and then fell straight down.

The girl's horrified gaze slowly turned into a consternation, and then her gaze fell on the delicate small tower that fell beside the man's body.

"What is this? Did you save me?"

The girl held the small tower in her hand and said with some surprise.

"Is this little tower a treasure? It knocked this guy out." The girl glanced at the big man, thought for a while, and then put the delicate little tower on her hair, like a pendant, which looked very nice of.

The girl did not kill the big man, but chose to leave the Unknown Mountain Range.

Inside the Linglong Pagoda, Xiao Chen suddenly became conscious. He glanced at his soul state and showed a wry smile. He was fainted because of the rotation of the Linglong Pagoda. This was the first time he passed out so embarrassingly.

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