Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3232: There is so much baby!

"I said that you would not recognize your mother who beat you, I said to do it!" Mu Wanping said coldly, the golden sword once again turned into dozens of golden swords, all stabbed at Quan Tianyuan and others. The sword dance was dazzled and entangled more than a dozen strong men.

"Kill her!"

Quan Tianyuan said gloomily, someone dared to do something to him in Hanyou City, really looking for death, following his words, some other strong men directly attacked Mu Wanping.


Mu Wanping snorted, and a long whip appeared again in her hand. The jade hand fluttered and the whip danced wildly. Every whip shadow carried a terrifying power. Even if the eighth-ranked powerhouse was defeated, she would scream and leave one behind. Scars, and then fly out.

"Unexpectedly, there is another Tier 8 magic weapon, can this girl not lie?" Xiao Chen's eyes flashed with surprise.

But at this moment, another jade plate appeared in Mu Wanping's hand, and then the jade plate appeared directly on top of her head, forming a protective barrier to block attacks from a distance, and this jade plate also exuded the eighth-order method. The breath of the device.

"This girl is really a local tyrant." Xiao Chen smacked his tongue, and at this moment, Quan Tianyuan also found something wrong. How could it be easy for a person who could take out three eighth-order magical artifacts casually.

"Little girl? Mu Wanping? Eighth-order magical weapon? No." Quan Tianyuan seemed to have thought of something, a look of horror appeared in his eyes, and he was hurried to stop his hand, but then he realized that it was too late because he was watching Several small black **** appeared in Mu Wanping's hands, exuding thunderous breath on them.

"Weapon refining technique, Thunder Thunder, one-time consumption of eighth-order magical weapons!" Mu Qingxuan also saw what was in Mu Wanping's hand and said in a deep voice.

"Booming Thunder!" Xiao Chen frowned.

And at this moment, Mu Wanping had already threw the Thunder Sky Thunder in her hands in all directions, and immediately afterwards, it exploded directly in the surrounding crowd, engulfing many powerful people in an instant.

"This girl is really a treasure. The power of every Thunderbolt is no less than an attack by a five-tiered powerful person." Xiao Chen said in surprise.

Under the thunder of the sky, many people died, and even Quan Tianyuan was a little embarrassed.

Because of the explosion of Sky Thunder, many powerful men were attracted. When they discovered that it was Empress Quan Tianyuan who had been beaten, they were all angry, and killing intent broke out in their eyes.

"Stop it all!" At this moment, Quan Tianyuan hurriedly shouted.

"Miss Mu, this is a misunderstanding. I have offended a lot before, and I am willing to make compensation." Quan Tianyuan looked at Mu Wanping and hurriedly apologized.

"Quan Tianyuan admits defeat?" Xiao Chen was a little surprised.

"It seems that he has already guessed the identity of Mu Wanping." Mu Qingxuan said.

Hearing this, Xiao Chen was taken aback and allowed Quan Tianyuan to admit defeat and apologize. It seemed that Mu Wanping's identity was extraordinary, but Xiao Chen was not interested in it, so he didn't ask much.

"Hmph, I wasted a few blasting thunders, you must compensate!" Mu Wanping said coldly.

"This is natural." Quan Tianyuan said with a smile, and at the same time he felt aggrieved to the extreme. He was just looking for someone to frame Xiao Chen. Why did he meet the little witch? This time he lost his wife and broke down. , He didn't dare to kill Mu Wanping, but his killing intent towards Xiao Chen reached the extreme. If it weren't for that damned kid, how could he meet the little witch.

"Hmph, count you acquainted!" Mu Wanping snorted coldly.

"Haha." Quan Tianyuan gave a dry smile, and at the same time he was a little relieved. He didn't expect Mu Wanping to speak so well.

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