Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3233: General House!

"Quan Tianyuan, since it was a misunderstanding, have you found the person I asked you to?"

The three of Xiao Chen fell down.

Quan Tianyuan glanced at Xiao Chen and said, "I found it. It's at the General Mansion in Hanyou City. I want to entertain Girl Mu. You can find it yourself."

"Miss Mu, if you don't mind, why don't you go sit in my house?" Quan Tianyuan looked at Mu Wanping again with a flattering expression.

"No, I'll be here waiting for your compensation." Mu Wanping said, and then her eyes fell on Mu Qingxuan and Chang Qianqian, their eyes suddenly showing envy.

"The two beautiful girls, it seems that those guys are lying to me, all the most beautiful girls in the world are fake."

Hearing Mu Wanping's voice, Quan Tianyuan's face was embarrassed. With Mu Wanping's identity, it was too late for the people around him to flatter himself. Naturally, he just said anything that sounds nice.

"Miss Mu." Mu Qingxuan and Chang Qianqian arched their hands.

"Two beautiful ladies, can I play with you? I have never seen someone as beautiful as you." Mu Wanping was familiar with each other and directly picked up Mu Qingxuan and Chang Qianqian. Arm.

"Little girl, now you know what a beauty is." Xiao Chen said.

"Hmph, I'm too lazy to care about you!" Mu Wanping snorted, obviously still angry about Xiao Chen despising her.

Xiao Chen smiled and didn't care, then looked at Quan Tianyuan and said, "Master Quan Tianyuan, can you send someone to take me to the General's Mansion?"

Quan Tianyuan gestured for a moment, and a follower walked out behind him to join forces.

Xiao Chen said goodbye, and followed Quan Tianyuan's attendants to the so-called General Mansion.

After turning left and right for a while, the strong man brought Xiao Chen to a magnificent manor, the manor gate was engraved with the three characters of General's Mansion.

After a few words with the guard and the guard, he took Xiao Chen into the General Mansion, but after stepping into the General Mansion, the follower disappeared and the gate of the General Mansion was also closed. Several guards from the General Mansion Surround Xiao Chen directly!

"What do you mean?" Xiao Chen's expression sank. Is this also a trap set by Quan Tianyuan?

"Bold fanatics, dare to break into the general's mansion without permission, and kill without mercy!"

A guard leader, possessing the cultivation base of the peak of transformation, suddenly shouted, and did not give Xiao Chen any chance at all. The guards around him rushed towards Xiao Chen like a hungry tiger, with killing intent on each face.

"Sword!" A long sword appeared in Xiao Chen's hand, and the sword intent surged. Hundreds of flowers were buried. In just a moment, all the guards around were chopped by sword qi, including the guard leader.

"Is this the way your General Mansion treats guests? This time I just teach you a lesson. Don't blame me for being unsympathetic if you don't know what it is.

Xiao Chen put away the long sword and said indifferently.

"Boy, you are so courageous, you dare to hurt people in the general mansion!" The guard commander shouted, he was obviously intentional, in order to attract the attention of the strong man in the mansion.

Sure enough, a few silhouettes fell, and joy flashed in the eyes of the guard leader. He had recognized these silhouettes, all of them were the eighth-rank experts in the General's Mansion. He immediately gained confidence, and he held a machete and slashed towards Xiao Chen's head.

"I gave you a chance." Xiao Chen's expression was cold, and his sword intent burst into dismay. A sword light flashed past. The head of the guard leader had already flown out, his eyes were full of consternation. Obviously, he didn't understand until he died. , A person who is obviously weaker than him, how could he dare to kill him in front of the eighth-order powerhouse, and even so simply and neatly.

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