Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3251: Pure Baichun!

Xiao Chen soon came to the sea beasts. He was in the sea beasts, just like an ant in the mountains. Several of these sea beasts felt Xiao Chen's breath, and raised their heads, staring at them with huge eyes. With Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen immediately felt a terrible crisis.

Before he could think about it, Xiao Chen condensed all the power he had just stored and his own power into Shifang Purgatory, and then threw Shifang Purgatory into the group of sea animals and returned quickly.

As soon as he landed on the battleship, the sea beasts had already rushed towards him. Before the sea beasts arrived, the huge waves had hit the sky.


Xiao Chen said solemnly.

Obsidian's face sank, and he hurriedly launched the battleship defense, while Xiao Chen and others also came to the edge, constantly urging their vitality to strengthen their defense.

And just after everything was ready, an explosion sounded from the sea beast group, and the power of destruction that was soaring to the sky spread out to the surroundings, engulfing the huge sea beasts, and the entire sea horizon was illuminated.


Obey Baichun and others looked at the terrifying explosion, and their faces showed shock.

Boom boom boom!

The next moment, it exploded on the waves and the huge waves, and directly lifted the battleship out for an unknown distance. After everything stabilized, even a sea beast could not be seen.

At this time, Xiao Chen's expression was a bit ugly, and there was a sentence in his heart that I don’t know if I should say it or not. The power of Shifang Purgatory is not weak, and Xiao Chen didn’t leave any hands just now, but it was a sea beast who died under Shifang Purgatory. , Only two dozen.

Xiao Chen also knew that it was not that Shifang Purgatory was not strong, but that the size of the sea beast was so large that the Shifang Purgatory had not affected much.

However, the rewards are very rich. Each of these sea beasts is equivalent to the boss level, which is regarded as making up for Xiao Chen's injured heart.

"Brother Xiao, you made the horrible explosion just now?" Obsi asked with a lingering fear on his face.

"Yeah." Xiao Chen nodded, and said with some regret: "But although that move is powerful, it consumes terrifyingly, and the sea beast is too big to kill a few at all."

"It's so scary to be able to die a few." Obsidian said silently.

"Hey, Obsidian, when did your Yandang Demon Island have such a perversion, why don't I know?" At this moment, Bai Chun's voice suddenly rang.

At this time, the other women who were about to pull Bai Chun to leave quietly, all stiffened in place, and the defensive barrier was directly shattered by the waves. They wanted to take advantage of Obsidian and they were in a state of shock and escape quietly. Never imagined that Bai Chun would suddenly speak out.

"Senior Sister, we are on the enemy ship now!" The hearts of several disciples were almost broken.

"If you don't speak, we almost forgot about you, Obsidian, did we kill them, or throw them into the sea and let them fend for themselves, or we had fun with them."

Xiao Chen looked at Bai Chun with a wicked smile.

Hearing that, the other female disciples' expressions changed, and there was a nervous look in their eyes. Unlike their expressions, a surprise flashed on Bai Chun's face: "We choose the third one. We can play with you."

Bai Chun's voice fell, and the other female disciples suddenly looked black again.

Obsidian held his forehead with his hand, he didn't know what to say.


Mu Qingxuan and Chang Qianqian laughed directly.

Xiao Chen also almost laughed. Is this girl really stupid or pretending to be stupid, or is she really pure and innocent?

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