Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3252: Adult beauty!

"Well, since we want to play, let's play something interesting." Xiao Chen's eyes flashed with evil light and said: "Let's play the game of marriage, okay?"

"Marriage game?" Bai Chun looked puzzled, and everyone else looked at Xiao Chen in confusion.

"Yes, you are the most beautiful among the six of you. The bride is destined to be you, and we only have two men, but I already have them, so naturally only Brother Obsi will be the bridegroom."

Xiao Chen pointed to Obsidian Road beside him.

Obsidian suddenly looked confused, what did Xiao Chen want to do?

"What, let Obsi and Bai Chun get married!" Mu Wanping exclaimed in astonishment. The female disciples of Penglai Xiandao also opened their eyes, all with stunned expressions.

"Yes, Bai Chun, now you have only two choices. Either you choose to marry Obsidian, or I have a lot of fun with some of your juniors. When I think of their expressions, I'm so excited."

Xiao Chen smiled evilly.

"Marriage is not fun. Since you are so happy, then you should have fun with them. After having fun, you are friends. You must not kill them."

Bai Chun said innocently.

Xiao Chen's expression of evil smile suddenly stiffened on his face, took a deep breath, and said: "Let's take a look at their expressions first."

"Why are you so scared?" Bai Chun looked at her juniors in a puzzled manner. At this moment, these female disciples were full of horror, and their bodies could not help retreating. They were disciples of Penglai Fairy Island. Sometimes, Death is not the most terrible.

"Qingxuan, Qianqian, tell her about it, I'm really convinced." Xiao Chen said helplessly.

Mu Qingxuan and Chang Qianqian smiled. Although they didn't know what Xiao Chen wanted to do, they knew that Xiao Chen would never really hurt Bai Chun, so they walked to Bai Chun and began to speak.

"Brother Xiao, what do you want to do?"

Obsidian came to Xiao Chen and asked in a low voice.

"You are interesting to Bai Chun, I am the beauty of adults." Xiao Chen laughed.

"Penglai Fairy Island and Yandang Demon Island have been hostile for a long time. It is impossible between us." Obsidian said in a low voice. From the first time he saw Bai Chun, he was deeply attracted by Bai Chun, but he is Yandang Demon. Bai Chun is from Penglai Xiandao, it is destined to be impossible between them, so he keeps this feeling in his heart.

"With me, nothing is impossible."

Xiao Chen smiled faintly, and at the same time his mind contacted the elf, and said: "Little elf, when did the system start the matchmaker business?"

"Be boring, find something to do, but don't you think the two of them are a good match, a cold man and a silly white sweet." The elf said lightly.

"It's a good match, but what interests me more is that if they really become, I don't know how Penglai Xiandao and Yandang Modao will react by then."

"It must be interesting then."

Obsidian was silent, not because he had confidence in Xiao Chen, but because he had his own ideas, at least in the Fallen Sea, in the Isle of Wicked Man.

Following the explanation by Mu Qingxuan and Chang Qianqian, Bai Chun gradually understood, and then gritted his teeth and stared at Xiao Chen.

"It seems that you already understand, make your choice." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Even if I agree to marry Obsidian, will Obsidian agree?" Bai Chun said.

"I agree." Obsidian said.

"Do you understand that if this incident spreads, we will become traitors to the two families, and the two families will have no place for us."

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