Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3312: Sirius family!

"My dear son, who is bullying you? I will avenge you for my father now." A middle-aged man said with a majestic look, his voice was full of hostility, no matter who it was, as long as he bullied his son, he must Destroy the opponent.

"Father and mother, it's him, as well as these other women. The child wants to take them back to be slaves and maids!" Long Duan pointed at Xiao Chen and Chu Yunmeng and said with a distorted expression on their faces, as if they had already thought about it. How to torture Xiao Chen and the others.

"My dear son has a good vision, but they are also honored to be your slaves and maids." The lady's eyes fell on Chu Yunmeng and the others, she glanced lightly, and said proudly.

"Madam is right." The middle-aged man nodded in approval.

Xiao Chen looked at Long Duan's parents. He finally knew how Long Duan's arrogance and domineering came from. It turned out that he was used to his parents.

"We don't want to bully the small with the big, so quickly kowtow to my son and confess our mistakes. We can consider sparing you." The middle-aged man looked at Xiao Chen indifferently.

"I don't know the so-called!" Xiao Chen said indifferently.

"Junior, you are very uninterested, then don't blame us for bullying the small." The middle-aged man looked cold and wanted to do it.

"Senior of the Hualong clan, let's do it slowly!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly rang, and then several figures shot from a distance, and then fell in front of the middle-aged man, and one of them was Qin Yongsheng.

"From the Sirius family?" The middle-aged man frowned slightly.

"Leng Wu of the Sirius clan, I have seen seniors!" A young man headed by his hand bowed his hands.

"What do you mean, do you want to protect them?" the middle-aged man frowned and asked.

"Senior is misunderstood. These people clashed with the nobleman in the territory of the wolf clan. Speaking of the wolf clan also has faults, the younger generation hopes that the seniors will not care about the faults of the wolf clan. For this reason, my Sirius clan is willing to send people to capture with the senior These little ones!"

Leng Wu said straightforwardly.

Hearing that, the middle-aged man frowned slightly. Although Long Duan lied to others, he did not lie to his parents. Therefore, Long Duan was beaten in the territory of the wolf clan, and he knew exactly what the wolf clan did not take action.

He originally wanted to get rid of Xiao Chen and the others, and by the way make some trouble for the wolf clan, but the Sirius clan is different, the Sirius clan is no less than the dragon clan, and his Hualong clan only has a relatively small line of dragons. , Couldn't be compared with the Sirius clan at all. Since the Sirius clan was talking about this, he would naturally not be looking for trouble with the wolf clan.

"This has nothing to do with the wolf tribe. It's all the fault of these people who don't know how high the earth is. I will naturally not embarrass the wolf tribe." The middle-aged man laughed.

"Thank you senior for your generosity!" Leng Wu arched his hands.

Qin Yongsheng was also relieved to hear that the Hualong clan was not in the strange wolf clan.

Leng Wu then looked at Xiao Chen and the others, and said in a superior tone: "I am Leng Wu of the Sky Wolf clan. Now I order you to confess your mistakes to the seniors of the Hualong clan immediately. If this is the case, you can still leave a small Fate, otherwise you will only have a dead end!"

"Just kill the man, and the girl, my precious son, will be taken back as a slave." The middle-aged man said lightly.

Leng Wu glanced at Long Duan in disgust, did not object, just nodded lightly.

Xiao Chen and the others did not speak, but looked at Leng Wu and others indifferently.

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