Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3313: You're already dead!

After a while, Xiao Chen didn't reply, and Leng Wu's expression gradually became gloomy, "Since you dare to violate the orders of the Sirius clan, then prepare to accept death."

When the voice fell, Leng Wu beckoned, two people walked out behind him, and then he looked at the middle-aged man again.

The middle-aged man nodded, and two people walked out behind him, a total of four people, slowly stepping out towards Xiao Chen and the others, a breath of horror suddenly descended.

"My lords, you are the four Mahayana two-tier powerhouses, do you want to take action with the old man?" Feeling the breath of the four, Xuanwu said solemnly.

The Mahayana realm is the scientific name of Tier 9. In addition to mastering the power of time and space, the reason why Tier 9 is strong is to return the power in the body to its original nature, which is infinitely close to the first generation of power. Every time a small realm is raised, the power is closer to the first Generation power, and every time you raise a small realm, your power is dozens of times stronger than the previous one. After all, the higher you go, the closer you are to the first-generation power, that is, the closer you are to the power of the creator.

And the one who was just beheaded and defeated by Xiao Chen was only the Mahayana First Layer, most of them did not reach the level of returning to the original, and sometimes they were not as good as the Hedao powerhouse who awakened the first generation of power, while Mahayana Second Layer was different, because Mahayana The second layer has already experienced returning to the basics, and its power is much stronger than the Mahayana first layer.

"No, he can solve it." Chu Yunmeng said lightly, and the words were full of information for Xiao Chen.

"Can I kill them?" At this moment, Xiao Chen looked over. Whether it is the Dragon clan or the Sky Wolf clan, they are the guardian beasts of the Sky Star Sect, and they have an inexplicable relationship with the Sky Star Sect. Xiao Chen had never really wanted to kill.

However, he did not intend to kill, but Long Duan and others were pressing harder and tighter, Xiao Chen no longer wanted to bear it.

"You can kill!" Chu Yun dreamed.

"Okay." Xiao Chen showed a smile on his face, a spear condensed in his hand, watching the four Mahayana two-tier powerhouses, a horrible fighting spirit burst out.

"It's just a mere ant, and I want to do it with us, not knowing whether it is life or death." After watching Xiao Chen take out his weapon and release his fighting spirit, a strong man of the Sirius clan sneered.

But when his sneer fell, his figure suddenly disappeared. When he appeared again, he had already appeared above Xiao Chen's head. The Sirius clan was already very good at space power. At this time, he suddenly made a move, and even no fluctuations were emitted. come out.

But what he didn't know was that when he disappeared, Xiao Chen had already closed his eyes. When he appeared again, Xiao Chen's spear unconsciously swung, and then a spear light directly passed over the strong Sirius clan. The body, the body of the strong Sirius clan was split into two!

At this time, whether it was the three Mahayana double powerhouses, Xuanwu, Long Duan and others, their eyes widened, and their eyes were full of disbelief. They all saw Xiao Chen interrupted a Mahayana double with a cut. Of course, there is one person who hasn't noticed the body of the strong man, that is the Mahayana double strong man of the Sirius clan.

"Boy, go to hell!" The Mahayana two-tier powerhouse of the Sirius clan didn't even know that his body was cut off, still threatening Xiao Chen with a cold voice, and even his hands turned into wolf claws, and he took the action. .

"Save the province, you are already dead!" Xiao Chen said lightly. In fact, the shot he just obtained after absorbing inexplicable memories in the Void Sea. The shot he just used was completely natural, as if it had already been used. It was the same after rehearsing countless times, but only Xiao Chen knew that this was his first use.

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