Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3354: Fight between brothers!

"Feng Ling, you are always paying attention to the movement of the Tiansha Demon Sect. I will retreat for a period of time. If something happens, just call my name directly."

Xiao Chen ordered.

"Yes, my lord!" Feng Ling said.

Xiao Chen nodded, and then disappeared directly in place, appeared in the low-level illusion and mystery territory, and then used the power of destruction to begin to condense the Earth Sha clones, and then these Earth Sha clones began to swallow each other.

Two days after the outside world, Xiao Chen broke through, and at this time, in this small valley, there were many more figures, led by Leng Aotian, as for the others, all belonged to the Earth Shazong.

Before Xiao Chen left, he asked Leng Aotian to summon all the powerhouses of the Earth Shazong. They had a trace of the aura of Venerable Xihai, and they unconditionally obeyed Xiao Chen, who had the Eye of Samsara!

"See Sovereign!"

Leng Aotian and others all knelt on one knee!

"We are about to start a full-scale battle with the Tiansha Demon Sect. Are you afraid?" Xiao Chen shouted loudly, his voice was deafening, and his eyes flashed with satisfaction. It is indeed the Earth Shazong founded by Venerable Xihai, and many of them have no less aura than others. The sacred guards, and even many strong ones, are no weaker than the Nilin guards!

"Not afraid!"

All the evil sect powerhouses shouted.

"Okay, you deserve to be the great son of the Disha Sect. Next, this Sect will send you to a place to practice. I hope you don't let this Sect down!"

Xiao Chen said, and then opened the battlefield of reincarnation, sending all the strong people of the earth evil sect into it.

"Black Bear, your breath?"

After sending Leng Aotian and others away, Xiao Chen looked at the black bear with a look of surprise in his eyes. The reason why the black bear did not enter the heart of the Tiansha Demon Cult with Xiao Chen was because he felt something calling him, so he was alone. Leave for a while.

"Boss, I gained the power of the first generation of Black Bear Demon Ancestor. I am afraid that my strength is no less than that of you." Black Bear said, looking at Xiao Chen, he was a little eager to try.

"Oh, isn't it? Let me try your strength." Xiao Chen saw the war intent in the black bear's eyes, and a little bit below his feet, he was already in midair.

"Great!" The black bear looked excited, and then suddenly stepped on his feet. He was already in mid-air, and he was not polite, and punched Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen's hands turned black in an instant, and he punched the same punch, and collided with the black bear's punch firmly. The next moment, with the sound of the touch, the two simultaneously stepped back five or six steps to stabilize. Body shape.

"Not bad, the strength is so strong that it can knock me back!" Xiao Chen laughed.

"Boss, you have to be careful. I only used 80% of my strength for the punch just now." The black bear smiled, and then struck Xiao Chen again, with the wind whistling on his fist, which immediately ignited because of friction with the air.

Not to be outdone, Xiao Chen also punched, and soon it burned. The next moment, the two burning fists slammed together, sparks flew in all directions, and terrifying power continued to vent around. Even Feng Ling and others in the valley felt the power of horror continue to spread, and their complexions suddenly changed.

"As expected to be the brother of an adult, the adult is perverted, and this little brother is so perverted!" Feng Ling muttered, she will not forget that when she first saw Xiao Chen and the black bear, she didn't even look at the strength of the black bear. But now, it has become the existence she looks up to.

Gongyelang and others also sighed slightly, because now, whether it is Xiao Chen or the strength shown by the black bear, it is far stronger than them.

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