Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3355: Big girl!

The Unknown Valley!

Xiao Chen and the black bear kept colliding, and every time a fist collided, it was like sparks hitting the earth. The sparks splashed all over, and the whole nameless valley would shake a few times!

Xiao Chen and the black bear seemed tireless, fighting from the sky to the underground, from the valley to the river, wherever they passed, the mountains and the ground were cracked, like the end of the world, and the two of them fought, it turned out to be two days and two nights.

If you don’t know, I thought there was a great enmity between the two, and below the valley, Feng Ling’s face was full of anxious look, because she had already discovered that the Demon Sect of Heaven was moving towards this. Came everywhere, but because Xiao Chen and the black bear were fighting fiercely, she couldn't get in at all, and couldn't convey the news, so she could only be in a hurry!

It was not until the two sides of the valley were filled with the strongest demons of the evil spirits, Xiao Chen and the black bear stopped, glanced at the evil spirits of the surroundings, Xiao Chen directly opened the battlefield of reincarnation, and released all the strongest evil spirits!


There was an instant war on both sides of the valley, Feng Ling and the others all joined the battle. Xiao Chen glanced at the black bear beside him.

"Just now we didn't decide the victory or defeat, and now we have more demons than anyone who killed."

"Okay, but boss, you have to be careful, I still have stunts that I haven't used!" The black bear grinned, the next moment, it has disappeared directly, appeared in the Tiansha Demon Cult, and directly restored the real body of the black bear. With one shot, the space around him was squeezed for a while, and the Demon Cultist in front of him was squeezed into meat pie.

Xiao Chen smiled slightly, wherever his gaze passed, time and space smashing was launched, and the demon cultists of the Tiansha were directly smashed, a bit faster than the black bear's hug.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, and Xiao Chen was quickly spotted, and it was the black-robed woman who spotted him.

A dark blade flashed past, and if Xiao Chen hadn't reacted quickly, he would have been beheaded, but even so, a deep bloodstain appeared on his neck.

"Hey hey hey, do you use it like this? You will kill you as soon as you come up!" Xiao Chen looked at the black robe woman.

"You're not dead, I feel uneasy." The black robe woman said coldly, her body tightened with destruction, like a sharp sword, giving people a very sharp feeling.

"Look, we have had a lot of dealings. You know my name is Xiao Chen, but I still don't know your name. Why don't you tell me what your name is, or at least let me know where I am going to die? On hand."

Xiao Chen lost the previous indifference on his face, instead he wore a faint smile, as if he was facing not an enemy but a friend.

The black-robed woman was slightly startled, a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes, after thinking about it, she said, "My name is Li Shan!"

"It turned out to be the eldest sister Li Shan, eldest sister, do you think it is possible for us to get along with each other in peace?

Xiao Chen suddenly said, and a sister Li Shan directly called Li Shan ashamed. Whether she was regaining her status as Tiansha or after she was restored, she was a strong one on one side. Which one is not respectful. , This was the first time she heard this title.

"Get on peacefully?" Li Shan froze, sneered: "Are you afraid?"

"Fear, of course I am afraid, because I am afraid of death and I will lose everything, so I have to become stronger, and you, as the incarnation of the evil god, you should know that no matter whether you win or lose in the end, there is only one dead end. , Don't you have any other ideas?"

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