Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3393: Return to the other body by the other way!

"Old guy, didn't you just smoke very happy, now, are you still happy?"

At some point, a whip appeared in Xiao Chen's hand, and then he drew it on the one-eyed old man without hesitation, and gave back to him with the other way. Xiao Chen returned all the pain he had just suffered to the one-eyed old man.

"How is this going?"

Dao Fa, Elder Liu, and the powerhouse of the Immortal Cult, looked at the scene in front of them, and they couldn't react for a while. Just now, the one-eyed old man was using the whip to slap Xiao Chen. In a blink of an eye, he became Xiao Chen. Smoking the one-eyed old man.

"The power of the curse, the power of the curse! Boy, who are you! How could you be the power of the old man's curse!"

The one-eyed old man yelled in disbelief.


Hearing that, all the strong of the Immortal Sect teaches that their complexion changes, the power of cursing, this is a mysterious and weird power, any strong will suddenly experience stomach pain at the critical moment of the battle, and the vitality of the body is blocked. That is fatal.

The reason why the one-eyed old man can become their leader is that in addition to his own strong strength, the power of curse is also on the one hand, and the one-eyed old man is the founder of the power of the curse. He did not pass on the power of the curse. Therefore, the entire universe of stars He should be the only one who could use it. How could Xiao Chen use the power of curse in front of him.

"It's just a curse, what's so strange." Xiao Chen disdainfully said, the whip in his hand did not stop.

"Come and save the old man," the one-eyed old man called.

As the one-eyed old man's voice sounded, the others finally reacted and all attacked Xiao Chen.

Seeing this, Xiao Chen stepped a little and stepped back.

Several powerful men helped the one-eyed old man up. The one-eyed old man gritted his teeth and stared at Xiao Chen. He was lashed a few times by Xiao Chen. This is more humiliating than being beaten blind.

Although he can't wait to eat Xiao Chen raw, he is now more confused about Xiao Chen's identity, "Boy, in the Star Universe, only the old man can use the power of cursing, and you can also use the power of cursing, don't you? Like Lord Cthulhu, it comes from other universes?"

"Your knowledge is too short." Xiao Chen said lightly, and did not answer the one-eyed old man's words directly. Actually, Xiao Chen didn't know if he belonged to the Sky Star Universe. After all, he had the memory of the three generations, the earth, and the killing continent. And Wujie.

From the martial world to the heart of the wild, Xiao Chen has not encountered the same technology and culture as the earth, nor has he encountered a place full of murderous atmosphere like the killing of the continent.

Perhaps the universe where the Earth and Slaughter Continent are located belongs to other universes.

However, the evil **** that the one-eyed old man said caused Xiao Chen to frown secretly. Who is the evil god?

"This kid is a bit weird. In order to avoid any mistakes, we must take it down as soon as possible. This is your site. Come and do it." The one-eyed old man looked at Dao Fadao.

Daofa nodded, and then, the Sky Star Tower shook for a while, and then the phantom of Tian Xing'er appeared directly. He planned to directly use the Sky Star Tower's formation to suppress Xiao Chen.

Tian Xing'er's phantom lightly raised a finger and pressed it against Xiao Chen. The terrifying pressure swept over it.

"Daofa, you stop now, I can still treat you lightly in Tian Xing'er's face, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

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