Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3394: Grab control of the formation!

Xiao Chen glanced at the depressed giant finger, then looked at Dao Fa and said coldly.

Dao Fa looked at Xiao Chen and ignored it, just spurring the formation with all his strength. However, just when the giant finger was about to fall, it suddenly stopped. At this moment, Xiao Chen had reached the heights just a little bit below his feet. Looking at the figure below indifferently.

"What's the matter?" The one-eyed old man was startled, then looked at Daofa.

"I have lost control of the formation method." Daofa muttered. In his eyes, there is still a loss of consciousness. He is a great disciple of the creator. Needless to say, his talents are naturally related to alchemy, refining tools, seals, and control. He is very proficient in beasts and formations.

The Sky Star Tower guards the great formation of Tian Xing'er's Wrath, he naturally knows it well, and after his secret improvement, Tian Xing'er's Wrath has long been different from before, and now only he can control it, but now he has lost the match How could he not lose sight of his control.

"I lost my control over the formation, right?" The one-eyed old man was taken aback, suddenly thought of something, and suddenly raised his head to look at Xiao Chen: "Could it be that he did it?"

Dao Fa also thought of something, raised his head to look at Xiao Chen, and at this moment, Tian Xing'er's phantom had appeared behind Xiao Chen, looking down indifferently, and at the same time raised his fist slightly, and the fist was aimed. It is them.

"How is it possible, I have changed the formation, how can you still control it?" Daofa said in shock.

"Can you change the formation, can't I change it back?" Xiao Chen said indifferently. After learning that he could not use the formation, the elf kept reconnecting with the formation and changed the formation again. Changing back is just a breeze.

"how come!"

Dao Fa couldn't believe it, but at this moment, Tian Xing'er Phantom's fist had already smashed down fiercely, as if a meteorite fell, the huge wind, the pressure of Dao Fa and others kept retreating.

"This is the formation created by Master Creator. It is extremely powerful. Let's take action together!"

Daofa said in a deep voice, and then, the one-eyed old man and others as well as the strong behind Daofa shot at the same time, and all the powers merged together to form a huge fist, greeted by the fist that was smashed against Tianxinger's phantom Go up.


The next moment, two huge fists directly collided together, and the sky and the earth changed color, the sun and the moon were dark. One was a fist condensed from the phantom of the creator, and the other was a fist condensed by nearly dozens of super powers. , Two fists collided, and its power was very terrifying. The entire Star City trembled because of the collision of the two fists.

In Star City, everyone looked at the source of the earthquake with amazement in their eyes. At this time, within the Phoenix clan, all the Phoenix clan members were driven to the square. Around the square, there were a few powerful people full of evil spirits. And they are all strong in immortality teaching.

Not only in the Phoenix clan, but in many other powerful races, almost the same thing happened, and when they felt the terrifying fluctuations coming from the Sky Star Tower, they showed their doubts and shock.

"It's worthy of being an expert in Immortality Cult. It's really powerful. It can actually block Xing'er's fist, but here is the Sky Star Tower."

Xiao Chen's complexion sank, and immediately the uninterrupted power from within the Sky Star Tower converged towards Tian Xing'er's fist. Suddenly, the condensed fists of Dao Fa and others were instantly pushed down.

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