Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3395: The purpose of Taoism!

"Boy, stop, don't you want to know our mission? I tell you that all races in the Star City have been controlled by our immortal teaching. If you don't stop, I will let them all be buried."

Just as Tian Xing'er's fist was about to hit, the one-eyed old man's voice suddenly rang.

Hearing this, Xiao Chen's brows tightened, and the fist that was about to fall suddenly stopped. Looking at the fist that stopped, the one-eyed old man and the others were slightly relieved.

"What did you just say?" Xiao Chen asked coldly.

"The old man said that all the descendants of the races in the Star City have been controlled by my Immortal Sect. If you don't want these races to be queens, you'd better not act rashly." The one-eyed old man smiled slightly.

Hearing this, Xiao Chen frowned, and his divine sense dissipated into the Star City. After a while, his expression instantly sank to the extreme.

"The Eternal Life Cult can control so many races silently. It seems that your help is indispensable. What do you want to do?" Xiao Chen looked at Daofa and others with a cold expression.

"Since you already know it, it's okay to tell you. We are ready to use these hostages to coerce the strong from all races to join the Cult of Immortality and share eternal life with the help of Lord Cthulhu."

Dao Fa Dao, on his face, is full of enthusiasm and worship, not only him, but also Elder Liu, Chao Xinyu, the one-eyed old man and others, the expressions on their faces are almost exactly the same.

"In order to gain eternal life, have you betrayed your master?" Xiao Chen said coldly, eternal life is the ultimate dream pursued by all cultivators. Although Xiao Chen is not interested in this, he cannot deny that their pursuit is Incorrect.

"Betrayal?" After hearing this, Daofa's face flashed resentment, "She betrayed me first. It is obvious that I am the big disciple of her personally. What do the Ten Great Palaces do mainly by women of unknown origin? Why can my juniors and sisters become the gods of the Ten Great Wars, but I am nothing!"

Daofa's voice is full of resentment and unwillingness. Perhaps he has been suppressed for too long, his voice is getting louder and louder and more and more crazy.

"But after I learned the details, I didn't have resentment in my heart. Instead, I was full of pity, because the creator is definitely the poorest person. When fighting against the evil demons outside the territory, the various races suffered heavy casualties, and most of them were left behind. Of course Including my good brothers and sisters, all there are left is the remnant soul, reincarnated into the lower realm."

"The ten great war gods are the apprentices of the creator?" Xiao Chen frowned. He didn't interrupt Dao Fa's words, but kept the doubts in his mind.

"Of course, the most miserable is the creator. Although she sealed the creator of the evil demon outside the territories, she was exhausted, and her body was hard to maintain. She collapsed directly, and the soul was not preserved. The three souls and seven souls were scattered. ."

"The soul and body are all broken?" Xiao Chen's pupils suddenly shrank.

"But the creator is a creator after all. She was able to recover the scattered three souls and seven souls and the power of the whole body, and the most shocking thing is that the three souls and seven souls and the power of the whole body have all given birth to spirits. Wisdom, with his own consciousness, lives like ordinary people, but unfortunately if the creators really want to return, they must merge. After fusion, other consciousness will dissipate."

Daofa smiled lightly.

"You have your own wisdom, what do you mean?" Xiao Chen's expression suddenly changed, thinking of a certain possibility in his heart.

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