Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3460: question!

"Why don't you do it?"

Kong Jinghui and the others came to Xiao Chen in embarrassment, Kong Jinghui questioned Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen glanced at Kong Jinghui, too lazy to pay attention, then came to the Shifang Jumei enchantment, looked at the ten personal disciples in the enchantment, and smiled slightly.

"I asked why you didn't make a move just now, can't you hear me?"

Kong Jinghui found that Xiao Chen hadn't answered him, and his face was a little ugly. Then he came to Xiao Chen again and asked coldly.

"Why should I shoot?" Xiao Chen looked at Kong Jinghui with a smile.

"Just such a good opportunity, if you and the puppets next to you help us, you will definitely be able to take down those extraterritorial evil spirits, and you actually watched those extraterritorial evil spirits run away, what is your heart?" beside Kong Jinghui A super strong reprimanded sharply.

"Why should I help you?" Xiao Chen asked back.

"Boy, what is your attitude? Extraterritorial demons are our enemy. If you let them go, we have good reason to suspect that you are in collusion with extraterritorial demons!" The super strong said coldly.

"Oh, so what?" Xiao Chen smiled faintly, but his smile was a bit cold.

"If you are willing to take your puppet to serve the young master, we can assume that nothing has happened."

The super strong said, as if he had taken Xiao Chen, Kong Jinghui glanced at the strong and nodded in satisfaction.

"Hahaha, it turns out that you are playing this attention, but why do you think I will serve you?" Xiao Chen said a little amused, they even hit Sibuxiang with attention, and they are not afraid to hold themselves to death!

"By the way, introduce myself, my name is Kong Jinghui, and I am the direct disciple of that adult!" Kong Jinghui said slightly proudly.

"That lord!" Xiao Chen was startled. "That lord has twelve direct disciples, I don't remember you as such!"

"I am the third disciple, Kong Jinghui!" Kong Jinghui said proudly.

"Idiot!" Xiao Chen sneered.

"Boy, what do you mean, do you doubt the identity of Young Master? I tell you, Young Master is the third personal disciple of Master Kong Li. It is your honor to serve Young Master!"

The super strong next to Kong Jinghui said lightly, as if it was a great honor for Xiao Chen to serve Kong Jinghui.

After seeing Xiao Chen's somewhat dazed expression, their faces became more proud, and it seemed that Xiao Chen was also frightened by his identity.

"Relax, mix with me, the benefits are indispensable to you, they will also be my people, if you behave well, maybe I can reward you one!" Kong Jinghui said lightly.

Hearing this, the expression on Xiao Chen's face instantly chilled. The reason why he was stunned just now was because he subconsciously thought that the adult was talking about Tian Xing'er, but did not expect that it was Kong Li, so he stunned. , It was just the words Kong Jinghui said behind that made Xiao Chen see a man appearing for death!

However, the boy in front of him really took the courage of the bear heart and leopard. Not only did he hit him and Sibuxiang's attention, he even hit his personal disciple with his attention, and he didn't know whether to live or die.

"You said you are Kong Li's disciple?" Xiao Chen sneered.

"Boy, you are so bold, you dare to call Master's name directly, do you want to die?" Kong Jinghui yelled angrily.

"Even if Kong Li is in front of me, I dare not speak to me like this. What kind of thing are you, you better disappear before my eyes before I am not angry, otherwise don't blame me for not giving Kong Li face!"

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