Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3461: beat him!

Xiao Chen said coldly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. If it weren't because the other party was Kong Li's disciple, he would have the urge to kill the other party based on the words just now.

"Presumptuous, what kind of thing you are worthy of being compared with my master!" Kong Jinghui's expression was cold.

"What are you, dare to speak to my master like this, if you don't apologize today, we will kill you!"

As soon as Kong Jinghui’s voice fell, a cold voice came. I don’t know when, Shunyue and the others have stopped practicing, and they all walked behind Xiao Chen, staring coldly at Kong Jinghui, with murderous intent on their faces. Kong Jinghui does not apologize. , They mean to do it.

Kong Jinghui felt the killing intent of the close moon and the others, and took a step back subconsciously. Then, after thinking of something, a face of shame suddenly appeared on his face. His dignified disciple of Kong Li was scared back by several women. When it spread out, wouldn't his face be lost.

"What did you just say!" Kong Jinghui's face was cold, his face was full of pressure!

"Apologize to our respected master, otherwise I will kill you today!" Shunyue said coldly, but she didn't care who Kong Jinghui was, and if she dared to disrespect them, she had to think about paying the price.

"He is your master?" Kong Jinghui was stunned, and the cultivation base of each of them was higher than Xiao Chen. How could Xiao Chen be their master?

But Kong Jinghui doesn't mind if Xiao Chen is their master, he has only one purpose, to bring all these people under his command!

"I don’t care what your relationship is. I’m the third disciple of Master Kong Li. You just smashed into me. It stands to reason that you are mortal, but because of your good strength and good growth, as long as you do My people, I will spare your lives."

Kong Jinghui said coldly, the voice fell, and a powerful aura suddenly emanated. At the same time, the three super powers around him also exuded the aura at the same time, and suddenly a powerful force was pressing on them!

Xiao Chen listened to Kong Jinghui's words, but couldn't laugh. How could Kong Jinghui have such a big face, he dared to say such things!

As for this coercion, neither Xiao Chen nor Yue Yue took them seriously.

"Master, beating him, will it cause trouble to Master?" Shunyue asked Xiao Chen, looking at him.

"Of course not, just hit it, even if you kill it, there is no problem." Xiao Chen said indifferently.

Shunyue nodded, and the next moment the ten disciples suddenly moved, and a ten-colored dragon suddenly appeared on them. All ten people merged into the ten-colored dragon, and then they directly knocked Kong Jinghui out.

Kong Jinghui and the others obviously did not expect that the closed moon and the others would really dare to do it. Without any precaution, they were hit by the small ten-color dragon.

The other three super powers were stunned, and immediately wanted to make an angry shot, but just as they were about to do it, they found that Sidonian had already blocked them.

"I advise you to stay still. This is the battlefield. No matter who is dead, it is not enough for you. Say yes!" Xiao Chen's faint voice came over!

"What do you mean?" The three super powers turned and looked at Xiao Chen, their expressions slightly changed.

"I just saw the end of the battle with the evil demons outside the territory. I can kill them, and naturally I can kill you. Why don't you try?" Xiao Chen smiled harmlessly.

Hearing this, the expressions of the three of them changed again, and one of them said solemnly: "Do you dare? Don't forget, we are Master Kong Li's people!"

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