Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 189 Zhao Qingyan had nightmares, another system?

After the adjournment.

Court scene.

"As expected of Lan Gaojian!"

"High, it's really too high!"

"Lan Gaojian, you are my idol!"

"Lan Gaojian, I have decided. When I go back, I will put every sentence you said in the trial today into the learning handwriting, and recite it every day!"

"How is one time enough? I think we have to recite it five times a day to reflect what we have gained today!"

There is a saying that champagne is served at halftime.

This group of rookies surrounded Lan Zhengye and praised him, as if he was sure to win.

"Lan Gaojian, your methods really impress me!"

Zhao Chunming also gave a thumbs up, smiling all over his face.

Senior Prosecutor Lan Zhengye and Zhao Chunming are the head of the Serious Crime Division Office, and the two are actually at the same level.

But the former only obeys the Chief Prosecutor's orders, and Zhao Chunming is actually half a level lower than the other party, which is why he also has to be polite.

"Director Zhao, you're being polite!" Lan Gaojian waved his hand and responded.

He himself doesn't care about these flattery.

Anyway, after winning the lawsuit, whether it is colleagues or the media, there will obviously be no shortage of such compliments.

He is used to it.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that Zhang Wei and his party were about to leave.

"Director Zhao, I'm going to put some pressure on the defense Shi's family, let me leave for a while!"

As Lan Zhengye said, he went straight to Zhang Wei and the others.

that end.

At the end of the trial, Zhang Wei was about to leave the court with the defendant Fang Yunshu.

"Master, that guy is here!"

Lin Yumeng suddenly pointed her finger, and her little face was also full of anger.

"Lan Gaojian?"

Zhang Wei also saw the person coming, squinted and stared at him.

"Lawyer Zhang, Ms. Fang, hello!"

Lan Zhengye greeted with a smile, then ignored the slightly hostile gazes of Lin Yumeng and others, but looked at the only person who could call the shots.

Zhang Wei!

"Lan Gaojian, I didn't know you came to see us..."

"Oh, I just want to convey the prosecution's next intention, and discuss a court plea deal with you!"

Prosecutor Lan Gao was not ambiguous, and directly expressed his intentions, "On behalf of the prosecution, I solemnly inform Ms. Fang that before the trial next Monday, we may submit a motion application to the judge to change the court's defense!"

Zhang Wei narrowed his eyes, "Oh, change it to what?"

Lan Zhengye smiled slightly, and then had a cold look on his face: "At first, Ms. Fang's motive for killing was unknown, but following my question just now, I have figured out her purpose of killing, it is actually..."

He said this, but looked at Zhao Qingyan.

Although he didn't say it clearly now, in court, everything that should be said has been said.

"Next Monday, it is not ruled out that we will change the life sentence to the death penalty, because Ms. Fang's criminal motives are extremely despicable, and the social impact caused is extremely bad. Our local prosecutor's headquarters will consider everything strictly and set the record straight!"

Hearing the word "death penalty", Fang Yunshu's body trembled, while Lin Yumeng and Tie Ruyun were dumbfounded.

Even Zhao Qingyan was a little stunned in his eyes.

"Threatening us?" In the field, Zhang Wei responded calmly to his opponent for reasons.

He could naturally hear that Lan Gao inspector was planning to use the death penalty to force them to submit. Although this method was old-fashioned, the word "death penalty" was heavier than any other bargaining chip.

After all, no one is not afraid of death!

"Lan Gaojian, state your conditions, don't simply throw out the word 'death penalty', this is not considered a negotiation, but a threat!"

Zhang Wei faced each other directly, without flinching in the slightest.

"I'm not scared by me, this kid has good concentration!"

Looking at the young man in front of him, Lan Gaojian was slightly taken aback, but he didn't care.

"My condition is that before the trial next Monday, if you plead guilty, you will be sentenced to life imprisonment or 30 years in prison!"

"Based on just a little guesswork, we will be sentenced to death, and then use the death penalty to threaten us. Lan Gaojian really has a good plan!"

"Why do you think this is just a guess, maybe it's a fact, I believe the investigation department will be able to find evidence to prove the reasonable guess put forward by the prosecution!"

Prosecutor Lan Gao deliberately emphasized the "reasonable" tone.

"All in all, the conditions have been given to you. I hope you can think about it clearly within two days on the weekend. I don't want this trial to waste too much time!"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Zhao Qingyan again, "Mr. Zhao, the questions just now were all for the case, I hope you don't mind, I am doing business!"

"Of course, Lan Gaojian, you did this for official business. I believe Xiao Fang has heard your conditions!"

The implication of Zhao Qingyan's words is obviously that he intends to see off the guests.

Lan Gaojian was not annoyed at all, since the conditions were all given out, it could be regarded as achieving his goal.

And he is confident that as long as the defense cannot find any evidence to prove that Zeng Xiang is guilty, then the advantage will definitely be on his side.

Even the investigation department couldn't find evidence, how could they find it with a few non-professionals alone!

Zhang Wei here.

"In short, let's go back first!"

Seeing the oppressive and dull atmosphere, as the only person who was not affected, someone could only speak.

A group of people left the court and returned separately.

However, because of the conditions of Lan Gaojian, everyone was not in a good mood.

Although Zhang Wei knew that Lan Gao's prosecution was aimless, he was also aware of the threat of the death penalty.

It's hard to guarantee that Fang Yunshu won't have an idea.

Once the parties cannot bear the pressure of the death penalty, they may choose to plead guilty and reach a 30-year deal.

"Is this being manipulated by someone?"

When leaving the city court, Zhang Wei touched his chin. He somewhat hated this feeling.


that night.


Zhao Mansion, inside the master bedroom.

Zhao Qingyan was lying on the bed, tossing and turning but couldn't fall asleep.

As soon as he closed his eyes, what appeared in his mind was Zeng Xiang's tragic death, and Fang Yunshu's painful but helpless expression.

"Ah Xiang, Xiao Fang..."

He murmured, drowsy, and finally fell asleep in the wee hours of the morning.

In the dark, there is nothing, no one.

When Zhao Qingyan was in a daze, he walked a few steps in the darkness.

"Brother Zhao, why did you help that bitch!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

This voice was extremely familiar to him, yet extremely strange!

"Axiang, you have changed, you have become a stranger to me!"

Zhao Qingyan looked in a certain direction, his tone full of helplessness and puzzlement.

In the darkness, a person walked out, with arrows stuck in his knees and temples, it was the dead Zeng Xiang.

"Strange, maybe I am such a person!"

There was a weird smile on the corner of Zeng Xiang's mouth, and he looked a little eerie.

"Ah Xiang, the person I know is full of passion for life. He was the hardest working person in our team back then, but you are not that person!" Zhao Qingyan looked at Zeng Xiang and sighed again.

"What's the point of saying this, I'm already dead, I'm already dead..."

"Brother Zhao, why did you help that bitch, why didn't you avenge me, why didn't you avenge me..."

Zeng Xiang suddenly became angry and yelled at Zhao Qingyan. The sharp and ear-piercing voice echoed in the darkness for a long time.

Jingle Bell!

A rush of alarm bells woke Zhao Qingyan up.

The darkness disappeared, replaced by faint sunlight, shining into his room through the curtains as thin as fine gauze.

"6:30, how many hours did I sleep?"

Looking at the time on the alarm clock, Zhao Qingyan sighed and decided not to sleep.

He got up early and took a hot shower to wash off the sweat stains on his body before walking downstairs.

"Zhang Wei, do you want to run together today?"

"Okay, Miss Xiaowu, I have to practice boxing this morning!"

"Yeah, let's go then!"

"Okay, let's go!"

Outside the gate of Zhao Mansion, Zhang Wei and Zhang Xinwu greeted each other.

It sounds like Zhang Wei is in a good mood.

"This little Zhang, even under such great pressure, can maintain an optimistic attitude, which is better than me!"

Looking outside the door, Zhao Qingyan sighed again.

He also had to encounter failure, but his performance was actually not as good as that of a junior.

He has to admit that sometimes when people get old, they will be sentimental.

"Heartless" like Zhang Wei, on the contrary, is worry-free and speechless.

At noon, Zhao Qingyan had lunch at home, and then walked out of the Zhao residence.

After stopping for a while in front of the gate of the Lin Mansion next door, he finally mustered up his courage and knocked.

"Who is it?"

"Xiao Zhang, it's me!"

"Oh, Uncle Zhao!"

Zhang Wei opened the door, only to see Zhao Qingyan with a pale face.

"Uncle Zhao, do you want to come in?"

A guilty conscience flashed in Zhang Wei's eyes, but he quickly covered it up.

He subconsciously glanced back at the second floor of Lin's house.

"No need, the sun is out, I just want to stand here and bask in the sun!"

Zhao Qingyan said, looking at Zhang Wei: "Xiao Zhang, didn't I bother you to eat?"

"No, I've already eaten!"

After Zhang Weile said something, he asked, "Uncle Zhao, are you worried about the case?"

"Yes, this case is related to Xiaofang's future, can I not worry?"

Bringing up the case, Zhao Qingyan sighed again.

He has been watching the whole process of the case, so he is naturally clear about it.

Just because he knew clearly, he hadn't slept well in the past few days, and even had nightmares all the time at night.

"Just right, Uncle Zhao, you're here, I have a few questions I want to ask you!"

"Oh, say it!"

Zhang Wei looked around, and of course there must be no one around.

"Uncle Zhao, let me ask you, do you think Fang Yunshu really didn't lie?"

"Xiao Zhang, why do you ask that?"

"It's very simple, because if Zeng Xiang really followed her, why is there no trace?"

"Ah Xiang used to be the most powerful cybersecurity expert in our team. If he didn't want to leave traces on the Internet, even I wouldn't be able to catch him!"

"Is there still a possibility that Fang Yunshu lied, Zeng Xiang really didn't do anything, was really tricked into the house by her, and what the prosecution said is true?"


Zhao Qingyan also hesitated, and what Zhang Wei said made sense.

But when he thought of Fang Yunshu's call for help, he shook his head again, "Xiao Fang is not a murderer. She noticed that Ah Xiang was following her a few months ago, and she told me about it back then!"

"If she really planned it for a long time, she wouldn't be able to ask me for help in the first place. Moreover, the tone of her phone call and her performance are definitely not acting. I believe you can also see this, right?"

Zhang Wei thought about it carefully and nodded.

Unless Fang Yunshu is an international actress, it is impossible to deceive his eyes.

But obviously, Fang Yunshu is not, her innocence should not be pretended.

"But Uncle Zhao, you have also investigated. Zeng Xiang didn't do this, right?"

"Yeah, I searched all the equipment that the investigation department found from Ah Xiang's house, mobile phones, computers, and even electronic watches. I didn't even let go of his car's in-vehicle system. I investigated everything, but it didn't matter! "

Hearing this, Zhao Qingyan sighed again, "In his computer, there is no trace at all, it's so clean that I can't even touch it!"

"No trace at all?"

After Zhang Wei heard this description, he suddenly asked a question.

"Yeah, there is no trace at all. He doesn't even have a thousand-degree search history, nor has he browsed any web pages..."

Before Zhao Qingyan finished speaking, Zhang Wei interrupted directly: "Uncle Zhao, did you find the 'study materials' in the computer?"

"Study materials?" Zhao Qingyan was stunned for a moment, and some didn't understand what study materials were.

"Uncle Zhao, we don't have outsiders here, so you don't have to hide it!"

Zhang Wei leaned in front of Zhao Qingyan, and said mysteriously: "Study materials, when you were in college, your roommates didn't pass on a few copies to you, and those teachers didn't accompany you through the hard days. every night?"


Zhao Qingyan said to himself, good boy, you actually told me this, how do you want me to answer you?

I'm looking for someone, don't you want to lose face?

"Uncle Zhao, think about it!"

Zhang Wei put on an attitude that you can't even understand, and asked helplessly, "Is Zeng Xiang a man?"


"After Zeng Xiang got divorced, did he never meet other women? He didn't even make up his mind about that good-looking female neighbor, and his acquaintance with her was mostly perfunctory?"

"Yeah, didn't you prove everything in court?"

"Then he's been single for so long and doesn't have a single movie on his hard drive. How do you think he survived?"

Zhao Qingyan looked at himself, then at Zhang Wei.

He always felt that the kid in front of him seemed to be implying something.

What does it mean to be single for so long, and there is not a single movie in the hard drive, how can I survive?

Are you sure you're talking about Ah Xiang, not what you mean?

"Uncle Zhao, if you can't find evidence, it may prove that Zeng Xiang did not do it. But his computer is clean and abnormal. This is a suspicious point. It is very likely that he has another system, which is hidden in the investigation department. to the place, and all the evidence is in that system!"

"I see. What you said makes sense. It's really abnormal that his computer is so clean!"

Zhao Qingyan understood, or he had guessed originally, but Zhang Wei reminded him that the guess might be true.

Zeng Xiang must be hiding the second system somewhere.

Whether it was monitoring Fang Yunshu or taking revenge on the original six companies, it was all done with that system, and the investigation department has never been able to find the whereabouts of that system.

The two talked for a while, and finally Zhang Wei and Zhao Qingyan separated.

One of them needs to review the case again, while the other starts to search for information in another system.

It's a busy day on Saturday.


Zhao Qingyan fell asleep again, and saw the familiar person in his dream.

"Brother Zhao, why, why did you help that bitch!"

"Do you want me to die in peace, do you want me to haunt you for the rest of my life!"

"I won't let that bitch go, and I won't let you go, damn it, you don't help me, damn it!"

Facing the roaring "Zeng Xiang" again, Zhao Qingyan calmed down a lot this time.

"Axiang, you know, I have been helping you all the time. In the early days of Xiangyun, you had no business. I persuaded several companies to hand over the order to you!"

"There was also that time when your loan was due and the bank wanted to pay back, but other banks and even financial companies didn't intend to lend you money. In the end, an investor was optimistic about your studio and planned to invest a sum of money to solve your urgent needs. That People are actually arranged by me."

"Also at the technology summit, your studio wanted a booth, but the organizers didn't even look at you. In the end, why did they give you a booth in the central area, because it was also ordered by me..."

As Zhao Qingyan told each of the disappearances, the face of Zeng Xiang in front of him was no longer ferocious, and the darkness around him gradually faded away.

The darkness disappeared, replaced by a dilapidated house.

There are only five young people in the house, each of them occupying a computer, scattered around the house, typing on the keyboard, and lines of code on the computer screen.

"Brother Zhao, how is this system? I can run it 100,000 times without a single bug!"

"Not bad, you are really good, but I suggest you go back to sleep, how many nights have you stayed up for this system?"

"Hahaha, isn't it just a matter of three or four days, my body can bear it!"

A short-haired young man smiled and talked to another man wearing glasses, reporting the situation.

"Ah Xiang, let's get some sleep, I'll take care of the rest!" The young man wearing glasses patted the shoulder of the person next to him.

"Brother Zhao, of course I don't worry if you handle it, but you also know that this is a system that I typed out code by code. I have to watch the whole process, or I won't feel at ease in my heart!"

As the young man said, he took out a blanket from the sundries beside him, and covered himself like this.

"Brother Zhao, I'll just squint here for a while. Anyway, the rented house is deserted. I hope that the system I'm knocking on is at hand, so that if there is a problem, I can know it as soon as possible!"

"You, you, when can this paranoia be changed, be careful not to find a girlfriend in the future!"

"What's so good about a girlfriend, can it smell better than a computer?"

The young man laughed again, took a last look at his computer, and then lay down on the chair to catch up on sleep.

The young man wearing glasses started the operation, and it should be to help the young man with the finishing work.

A simple room, a few old-fashioned computers, and a few young people, this is the taste of struggle.

Zhao Qingyan looked at the scene in front of him, but couldn't calm down for a long time.

Because this is where they once struggled.

He walked to the young man who had just fallen asleep and stared at him for a long time.

"Ah Xiang, have you never changed your habits? What you want is absolute control over your own things?"

There seemed to be a ray of light in Zhao Qingyan's eyes.

He thought, thought of clues!

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