Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 190 Find the system! Coincidence with radish, buy time


Boom boom boom!

A hasty knock on the door interrupted Zhang Wei's dream.

"Good guy, it's only six o'clock!"

"Who, got up so early?"

Zhang Wei had no choice but to get dressed quickly and rushed to the door.

As soon as the door opened, it turned out to be Zhao Qingyan.

"Xiao Zhang, don't you have anything to do today?"

"This weekend, I'm going to continue reviewing the case at home..."

"That's fine, you will accompany me to Ah Xiang's house later, I know where the other system is hidden!"

Zhao Qingyan didn't wait for Zhang Wei to finish speaking, and directly revealed a breaking news.

The sleepiness on Zhang Wei's face disappeared within a second.

Good guy, the system was actually found by Zhao Qingyan!

There is nothing more exciting than this news.

"You wait for Uncle Zhao, I'll go wash up right away, I won't eat breakfast, let's go!"

After 5 minutes, wash up.

After tidying up his things, Zhang Wei set off with Zhao Qingyan.

It is still the driver to pick up and drop off, and if you act together with Zhao Qingyan, you can get a car for free, which is very good.

Zhang Wei also sighed that he could hire a professional driver when he waited.

There is a driver to pick you up and drop you off when you travel. It sounds so grand, and you don’t have to drive yourself.

The Oriental Metropolis is not crowded on weekend mornings.

After all, there is no need to go to work on the big weekend, who is happy to get up early.

Zeng Xiang's house is located in the outer ring. It is a 200-square-meter townhouse. It takes more than an hour to drive there.

After arriving at the community, Zhao Qingyan brought Zhang Wei to the door of the house.

The villa is not big, with two floors above ground, a basement, and a garden attached.

The only bad thing might be that this community is not all affiliated, there are a few rows of villas in the front, and high-rise buildings in the back.

It is said that Sister Peng lives in the high-rise behind the community, so her purpose of hooking up with Zeng Xiang may not be that simple.

But these have nothing to do with Zhang Wei, he entered the villa garden under the leadership of Zhao Qingyan.

"Axiang's house had a security system before, so I didn't go in personally, but tested it with instruments outside!"

After Zhao Qingyan turned around, he found that the gate of the villa was actually ajar.

After he gently pushed it away, he found that the house had been tidied up.

"Come on, Xiao Zhang, let's go directly to the basement!"

Zhao Qingyan had investigated this house before, so he was familiar with it, so he took Zhang Wei directly into the basement.

The basement space is not small, there are two rooms, and a storage room where sundries are piled up.

One of the rooms was turned into a gym, and Zhang Wei and Zhao Qingyan's goal was naturally not this.

They went straight to another room, and when they opened it, they found that there were many photos fixed in large photo frames.

"This is our team in the early days of our business!"

Zhao Qingyan walked to one of the photos, his tone a little emotional.

In the photo are several young people, surrounded by an old computer, smiling brightly.

At that time, it was the early stage of entrepreneurship, and a group of them developed a new software, which was acquired by a large company for millions of dollars.

That was the first pot of gold for their team, so they took this photo together as a souvenir. Zeng Xiang was also a member of the team at that time.

Thinking of the days of struggle, Zhao Qingyan couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"Xiao Zhang, are you curious why I brought you here?"

Without waiting for Zhang Wei to answer, Zhao Qingyan asked and answered by himself: "Because I remembered, Ah Xiang has had a shortcoming since a long time ago, and that is the desire to control!"

"For him, as long as it is his own thing, he must keep it under his nose. If he develops a new system and makes new software, he will stay in front of the computer until delivery! "

"So, I guess that system is hidden in his house, but I didn't find it before!"

Zhang Wei nodded, it turned out to be the case.

For a person with a strong desire for control, the more private things are, the more they will be kept around, preferably within reach.

"I've already searched upstairs, and there is nothing except some furniture, so the only place where the system can be hidden is the basement!"

As Zhao Qingyan said, he tapped on the wall.

Zhang Wei followed the same pattern and started a carpet search in the basement.

tuk tuk tuk...

tuk tuk tuk...

Duk duk!

After beating several times in a row, Zhang Wei's movements stopped suddenly.

In front of him was a wedding photo, in which the couple in wedding dresses and gowns were still snuggling together sweetly.

"It's empty here!"

Zhang Wei yelled and asked Zhao Qingyan to come over, while he took off the photo frame himself.

After the picture frame, there is a recess in the wall with a button inside.

"Uncle Zhao, could this be..."

"Obviously this is it, you found the entrance!"

Zhao Qingyan signaled Zhang Wei not to act rashly. After carefully watching for a while, he nodded and pressed the button.

For a while, the secret door opened.

"Good guy, this is an illegal extension!"

Inside the secret door is another room, and it is still beyond the scope of the basement. It is a space dug by Zeng Xiang privately.

Not only that, but in this room, Zhang Wei even saw a computer sealed with a glass cover.

"I see, I see, this is a "Faraday cage", no wonder I can't find it, no wonder the investigation department can't find it, so it's like this..."

After seeing the glass cover, Zhao Qingyan couldn't help but exclaim.

"Faraday cage, I remember the teacher said in physics class, this thing can isolate the magnetic field, right?"

"That's right, with this cage in place, any detection instrument can't find it here, because it shields all electromagnetic signals, so it's no wonder my instrument can't find it!"

Zhao Qingyan said, looking at the computer screen.

"Oops, this thing has a password, and it was set by Axiang, it will take a long time to decipher!"

Seeing this system, Zhang Wei was very happy at first, because what it represented, it represented a huge turning point for the case.

He can be 100% sure that all of Zeng Xiang's secrets are in this system.

Otherwise, why would the other party use such powerful means to hide it.

And Zeng Xiang is a very suspicious person, and he will definitely keep his secret by his side, which is his residence.

He doesn't trust others to place his most important systems elsewhere.

"Xiao Zhang, let's go out first. Now that the system has found it, it can prove that Xiao Fang is not lying. As expected, Ah Xiang has been monitoring her!"

After walking out of the basement, Zhao Qingyan immediately made a call.

"Bring someone here, there is a very important system here, remember to bring deciphering tools, I need the most professional people to deal with this matter!"

After Zhao Qingyan hung up the phone, he and Zhang Wei walked to the first floor of the villa.

"Who are you?"

It was at this time that they realized that there were other people in the villa.

"Who are you?"

"We belong to the inheritance company. Today we are in charge of disposing of the belongings of the deceased Zeng Xiang. He has no relatives in the East and no family members. So you are his friends?"

Looking at the two men in black suits who looked like insurance practitioners, Zhang Wei and Zhao Qingyan were stunned for a while.

It turned out that he was in charge of dealing with the aftermath.

"Zhang Wei?!" At this moment, a slightly surprised voice sounded from the gate of the villa.

A chubby, white and tender fat man walked in, holding a file bag in his hand, and looked at Zhang Wei in surprise.

"Carrot?" Looking at the fat man, Zhang Wei was also surprised.

The person who came was none other than Luo Xiaobu.

After a few minutes, the situation became clear.

Zhang Wei and Luo Xiaobu came to the garden of the villa.

"Oh, so this murder case is your case, and you represent the defendant?"

Luo Xiaobu was surprised by Zhang Wei's professional ability. He remembered that the other party, like himself, had never passed the internship period, yet he was able to represent such an important case.

But Zhang Wei was too lazy to reminisce about the past with Luo Xiaobu, and instead asked: "Luobo, after your notary office marks the relics, how will you deal with these things?"

"Of course it's all put away, find a place to put it first, because the deceased is involved in a murder case, and we can only deal with it after the case is over!"

"However, according to our department's investigation, the deceased had no relatives, no reason, no heirs, and no will was made during his lifetime. If no one wants these things, they can only be auctioned!"

Looking at a villa in Nuoda, Luo Xiaobu sighed with emotion: "To be honest, the deceased was considered a rich man, but it's a pity that he bought a villa with money, and in the end he won't bring it with him, and he won't take it with him when he dies..."


Zhang Wei couldn't help but nodded.

In fact, as long as the house can be lived in, buying a villa is mostly to save face.

"By the way, since you have participated in the case, do you know if the deceased had any good friends before his death? Our notary office does not accept some small items. If he is interested, he can take them away!"


Zhang Wei glanced at Zhao Qingyan in the villa, isn't this Zeng Xiang's former friend?

"By the way, Zhang Wei, do you have a business card? Let's get together in a few days. I'll contact you then!"

Luo Xiaobu said, and handed Zhang Wei a business card with the words "Dongfang Metropolis Notary Office" printed on it.

"business card……"

Thinking of the business card, Zhang Wei sighed again. It's really fucking bad that a trainee lawyer can't be named Jincheng.

Fortunately, Luo Xiaobu knew Zhang Wei's number, so it was not impossible to get in touch.

"By the way, what are you and that person doing here? I remember that the scene of the crime should be the home of the deceased's ex-wife?"

"Oh, we came here to investigate one thing. Fortunately, we found a clue, and now we are waiting..."

Zhang Wei hadn't finished speaking when he heard footsteps.

Thumb up!

Not far away, there was a group of people coming quickly.

Among them, there are bodyguards in black suits, researchers in white coats, and some workers in work uniforms with equipment on their backs.

"This is the person Uncle Zhao called, do you want so many?"

Seeing so many people appearing and heading straight to his villa, Zhang Wei couldn't help but smack his lips.

"Hey guy, what is this for?"

Luo Xiaobu on the side was also stunned, why did this group of people look more professional than his own notary office.

"Hurry up, set up the scene!"

"Where is Mr. Zhao, where is Mr. Zhao?"

"Mr. Zhao, where is the system, we are going to start deciphering it?"

"What, in the basement?"

"Hurry up, move all these equipment down, move down, hurry up!"

Seeing such a large group of people walk into the villa and go straight to the basement, Luo Xiaobu was thinking whether he should call the leader and ask.

"Carrot, I suggest you start working again in a few days, today is the weekend, do you work overtime?"

"Yes, our notary office cooperates with other people's estate management companies, and I work overtime today!"

"That's fine. You just say that you found the friend of the deceased. He is going to take something away from the villa. You can come back in a few days!"

As Zhang Wei said, he hurriedly went to Zhao Qingyan to explain the situation.

The things in this villa are very important and cannot be handled by the notary office and inheritance company.

Zhao Qingyan naturally understood the priority of the matter, and after explaining his relationship with Zeng Xiang to the inheritance company, the latter could only agree.

As for the code-breaking work in the villa, it has little to do with the inheritance company.

Luo Xiaobu also gave Zhang Wei face, and will deal with the villa in a few days.

In this way, the matter in the villa was finally resolved.

The rest is the progress of the deciphering work.

weekend, evening.

"Xiao Zhang, the deciphering work is not going smoothly. According to my estimation, it may take at least 12 hours to solve it, and even if it is deciphered, it is still unknown whether the evidence will be known..."

"So, your task after the court session tomorrow is to try to delay the time for me so that I can successfully decipher the system!"

This is the content of Zhao Qingyan's call with him just now.

As a top programmer, Zeng Xiang is naturally professional in the system's encryption methods.

Although Zhao Qingyan dispatched the top R\u0026D and technical personnel of blacksmith technology, some things will not be effective without a large number of people, especially the delicate work of this kind of software.

And Zhang Wei's task is also very heavy, he must buy time for the deciphering work.

"Since this is the case, if you want to gain time, you must find a way elsewhere."

Thinking so, Zhang Wei quickly dialed a number.

"Hey, are you Hanhan? May I ask if your father-in-law and mother-in-law are asleep?"


The next day, the court day.

City Court, gate.

The media reporters rushed again and surrounded the court entrance with three floors inside and three floors outside.

But what they didn't expect was that someone was earlier than them, and had already anticipated the enemy's opportunity and entered the city court.

Prepare the interior.

Zhang Wei yawned boredly, who told him to get up before dawn.

After waiting for a long time, Fang Yunshu rushed here under the escort of the martial arts association.

"Where's Brother Zhao?"

Looking at the empty preparation room, Fang Yunshu's face was very ugly.

"Uncle Zhao is busy, so we can only go to court later!"

Zhang Wei explained, but he didn't intend to elaborate too much with Fang Yunshu.

He was afraid of giving the other party hope, but in the end, if Zhao Qingyan did not succeed in deciphering it, or if he did not find the system after deciphering it successfully, then hope would turn into disappointment.

"Ms. Fang, if you need to testify in court later, do you have any difficulties?"

"To testify in court, what do I need to do?"

I thought Fang Yunshu would be afraid, but the latter's answer was beyond Zhang Wei's expectations.

"You just need to tell the story of you and your ex-husband yourself, and be prepared to deal with the other party's cross-examination. I will teach you a method. If you really can't answer, or don't want to answer, you can exercise your right to remain silent. You You also have the right to remain silent in court!"

"Brother Zhao, will he come?"

"Of course, I can assure you that he is helping you no matter whether he is in court now or later, and he will definitely catch up!"

Seeing Zhang Wei's promise, Fang Yunshu breathed a sigh of relief.

A few minutes later, the court time was approaching, and the two naturally entered the courtroom.

After waiting for a while, Tie Ruyun and Lin Yumeng also arrived, and this time Li Yueqin also followed.

The three of them were in the front row of the hearing booth, and they nodded with Zhang Wei, cheering and encouraging.

The defense takes its place.

Not long after, the prosecution also arrived.

The team at the local prosecutor's headquarters was still the same group of people, led by Zhao Chunming and escorted by a group of newcomers.

Lan Zhengye arrived later, so he should be dealing with the media outside.

"Lawyer Zhang, to be honest, I am very disappointed in your choice!"

As soon as he entered the court, Lan Zhengye came to Zhang Wei and shook his head.

Obviously, he was disappointed that Zhang Wei did not choose to reach a deal, which also indicates that the two must decide the outcome in court.

"Prosecutor Lan Gao, what are you talking about? My client is innocent. Why do you have to admit that you made a mistake?"

"Not guilty, lawyer Zhang is really naive!"

Lan Zhengye sneered, and said slowly: "When I prove that your client intended to murder and her motive, then it will be too late, and you will also accept a complete failure!"

"Ms. Fang, you should choose to plead guilty. In 30 years, you can at least breathe fresh air after you come out. Even if someone in the jury sympathizes with you, even if Judge Chen does not support the death penalty, you will most likely be rebelled for life. !"

Fang Yunshu didn't speak, just looked at Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei also nodded, signaling the former to stay calm.

"Lan Gaojian, you seem very confident?"

"Lawyer Zhang, I think you are blindly confident in yourself!"

Seeing that he couldn't convince Zhang Wei, Lan Zhengye didn't bother to waste his saliva, so he turned his head and returned to his seat.

Now, both the prosecution and the defense are in place, gearing up.

At 9 o'clock, it's court time.

"Stand up, please respect Judge Chen to enter!"

The court guard announced that Judge Chen walked slowly to the trial seat.

"I don't know how to spend a weekend, did everyone have a good time?"

"Prosecutor Lan Gao, I remember last Friday, you said that the prosecution seems to be planning to end the statement. Is that true?"

"That's right, Judge Chen, we, the prosecution, have concluded our opening statement!"

"Oh, then it's the defense's turn to speak!"

Judge Chen looked at the defense bench, "Lawyer Zhang, call your first witness!"

Zhang Wei got up, shook his suit, and looked towards the clerk's seat on the side of the trial seat.

I saw Li Qinghua's face was cold, looking at Zhang Wei with some displeasure.

"Your Excellency, the defense summoned the first witness, Xia Donghai, a field officer from the Wushu Association, to testify in court!"

Hearing the defense's first witness, including Judge Chen and the prosecution, all of them changed their faces.

Judge Chen remembered that Xia Donghai was Li Qinghua's husband, so didn't he mean...

Zhang Wei summoned his father-in-law?

Lan Zhengye, on the other hand, looked at Zhao Jing beside him with a dazed expression, his eyes full of doubts.

Who is Xia Donghai, and what does he have to do with this case?

In fact, they didn't know that Xia Donghai had also guarded the crime scene before.

Unfortunately, who remembers the name of a field agent stationed at the scene

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