Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 191 Xia Donghai court, Fang Yunshu testified

(Take the elderly in the family to the community hospital to get a booster shot today, the second chapter may be released later, sorry...)


Who is Xia Donghai?

That was naturally Zhang Wei's father-in-law.

However, as the party who was summoned, Xia Donghai himself was also confused.

He just remembered that his precious daughter handed over the phone last night, and then Zhang Wei asked if he could do me a favor.

He himself was also in a daze, and he agreed without even thinking about it.

After all, although Li Qinghua didn't like Zhang Wei, Xia Donghai still regarded him as his son-in-law.

It shouldn't be a big problem for the father-in-law to help the son-in-law, right?

As a result, he received a court summons early in the morning to allow himself to attend the trial as a witness.

Good guy!

Xia Donghai said that the so-called help was to let him go to court.

But he was also puzzled, he didn't seem to have anything to do with this case, at most he just watched the scene for a while.

He is not the person in charge of investigating the case, even if he goes to court, what can he prove?

Xia Donghai sat on the witness stand and looked at Zhang Wei helplessly.

This is what you call a small favor?

Zhang Wei gave his father-in-law a comforting look.

It's a pity that neither Xia Donghai nor Li Qinghua who was sitting in the corner appreciated it.

Speaking of which, it was the first time for the couple to participate in the same court trial, and they did not expect to complete this achievement under the urging of Zhang Wei.

"Hello, Mr. Xia Donghai!"

"Hello, Zhang Wei, today you are..."

Xia Donghai glanced at the seats of the prosecution and the defense, "...are you the defense lawyer?"

"Yes, on behalf of the defense, Fang Yunshu, I am calling you as a witness today as the defense!"

"Oh, then just ask any questions you have, and I will try to answer what I can..."


Seeing Xia Donghai's cooperation, Zhang Wei immediately asked, "Mr. Xia Donghai, how long have you been working in the Wushu Association?"

"It has been 20 years since I joined the Wushu Association after the end of my first internship."

"So you have 20 years of field law enforcement experience?"

"Well, so to speak!"

"Then the defense would like to ask, how would an excellent field officer deal with the informant and the incident after receiving the report?"


Hearing this question, Xia Donghai was stunned.

It's not that he can't answer, on the contrary, he can answer this question, and he can even draw inferences from one instance and give a systematic explanation.

If he can play freely, he can even list many actual cases, and he may not be able to finish his lectures in court for an hour or two.

But what he wondered was, these questions had nothing to do with the case, did they?

"be opposed to!"

Sure enough, after Zhang Wei asked the question, Lan Zhengye couldn't help it.

"Your Honor, what is the defense lawyer planning to do, and what does the standard enforcement of field law enforcement have to do with this case?"

"One more thing. The first witness summoned by the defense has nothing to do with this case. Anyway, I don't understand the intention of a field officer in charge of civil affairs to be a witness in our criminal case!"

Seeing the strong reaction from the prosecution, Judge Chen naturally also looked at Zhang Wei.

I have already allowed you to summon your father-in-law, but why don't you ask some questions related to this case?

Let your father-in-law go to court to solve the doubts of this case, not to let him come up to popularize science!

"Your Excellency, the defense summoned me, Yue... Mr. Xia Donghai, to answer everyone's doubts!"

Zhang Wei almost yelled out the word "father-in-law", but fortunately, he realized what was wrong and quickly changed his words.

"During the trial last Friday, the prosecution summoned a field officer to conduct questioning and evidence collection, and the field officer admitted that after receiving the report from the defendant, she went to the scene to meet the informant in person and conducted an investigation. But our side I think that the investigation work of this field agent has not been fully implemented, so I just invited Mr. Xia Donghai, a senior field agent, to come to answer this question."

After Zhang Wei explained a sentence, he looked at Chen Fa, "Your Excellency, my client has reported the case many times. Can you guarantee that the field personnel in charge of handling the case can handle it correctly every time? Don't they? If there is a mistake, there will be no flaws in the action?"


Judge Chen was helpless, and glanced at Li Qinghua, but the latter gave him a look of "you can figure it out, I don't know anything anyway".

"Everyone on the jury, this court is now asking for your opinions. Do you want to know the operating rules for field personnel to enforce the law?"

The jury members looked at each other, and after making eye contact for a while, many of them actually nodded.

Apparently, many of them wanted to know more about field law enforcement, which was unfamiliar to them.

"That's fine!"

Judge Chen nodded in agreement, and waved to Zhang Wei and Xia Donghai.

You guys continue!

"Okay, then I'll say it!"

After Xia Donghai organized the language, he began to brew, "Actually, our field law enforcement is not as serious as the public imagines. After we receive a report, the operator will first conduct a preliminary understanding of the case, and then assign it to different departments. , Our field work is generally responsible for civil dispute security checks, such as husband and wife quarrels, neighbor quarrels, stranger quarrels, husband and wife fights, neighbor fights..."

Xia Donghai was on the stage and started a long speech.

Zhang Wei has to admit that his father-in-law is worthy of being an old field worker, and his 20 years of on-the-job experience is really not bragging.

After he talked about some theories here, he was able to draw inferences and give a few vivid examples immediately, mobilizing the attention of the jury in an instant.

After all, Xia Donghai has 20 years of experience. Even if he doesn't deal with many cases every day, he already has countless experiences after 20 years of accumulation.

These cases are like recorded in his DNA, and a random story is almost at his fingertips.

Just like that, an hour passed...

An hour and a half passed...

in court.

The jury listened intently.

Some people in the hearing booth nodded from time to time.

But only...

Zhang Wei has changed countless standing positions, and his feet feel a little numb, because he has stood for 90 minutes in a row.

On the prosecution's seat, Lan Zhengye held his forehead with one hand, with a headache on his face.

Zhao Jing next door had already yawned countless times, and she was about to fall asleep.

on the hearing bench.

Lin Yumeng was already leaning on the armrest, snoring softly, Tie Ruyun resisted the doze, but his eyes were bloodshot.

Zhao Chunming, who was next door, had a gloomy face while looking at Zhang Wei with cold eyes.

He has been guessing, what is Zhang Wei's intention in inviting an outsider to court?

Is it just to waste time, isn't this nonsense?

As for the newcomers around him, some were taking notes, but most of them were looking up at the ceiling to pass the time.

So fucking boring.

They were all depressed, how could the witness in court speak for so long.

His job as a field worker is a side job. Is his job talking about cross talk?

In court, Xia Donghai continued.

"...Actually, there are ways to deal with this type of multi-person dispute. You need to ask who made the move first. Generally speaking, the first person to do it is the one who bears the greatest responsibility. And other people, the responsibility is relatively small. However, there are special circumstances, that is, multiple people against a single person, even if the single person strikes first, it may only be for the purpose of self-defense, etc., and they have no responsibility..."


Seeing that Xia Donghai had no intention of stopping at all, Lan Zhengye couldn't sit still.

He glanced at the time and objected: "My lord, it's been an hour and a half. The defense summoned this witness. Do you really want him to speak for a day?"

"If the witness continues to popularize science, the prosecution can only ask the court to temporarily dismiss the witness's qualification to testify for the progress of the trial!"

Seeing Lan Zhengye playing seriously, Judge Chen held back his drowsiness and nodded in the same way.

"Attorney for the defense, if you want to continue asking witnesses for popular science, you can do it in private, don't waste everyone's time!"

Now that the judge has said so, Zhang Wei has nothing to do.

"Mr. Xia Donghai, you must be tired after talking for so long, drink some water!"

Of course, he had to care about his father-in-law first, which was his duty as a good son-in-law.


Xia Donghai quickly poured a glass of water, this was already the fifth glass he had drunk.

"May I ask the witness, do you think she is professional about the field investigation and case follow-up behavior in the previous trial?"

"Although there were flaws in some small details, and when the defendant reported the case many times, her attention to the case dropped significantly, but the follow-up investigation of the case at the beginning was no problem!"

"So, after reporting the crime many times, the field staff actually showed a little indifference?"

"This is also a common thing, because we often meet some suspicious people, and they sometimes report some inexplicable cases, such as the dead elders, in their dreams, suspecting that there was a thief in their home, but it was actually the neighbor's cat……"


Seeing that Xia Donghai was about to start a long speech again, Lan Zhengye immediately stood up and interrupted.

"Defense?" Judge Chen also yawned, and then looked warning.

If you dare to continue, I'm really going to hit the hammer!

"Ahem, sorry, Your Honor!"

Zhang Wei quickly apologized, then walked to his seat and took out a few photos.

"Since I have wasted everyone's time for so long, let me ask the last question directly!"

He spread out the photo and placed it in front of Xia Donghai.

"Witness, what did you see?"

"I saw a dog door but it was boarded and nailed down!"

"And this one?"

"I saw a security system, and the equipment is not cheap at first glance, but this kind of system is usually found in rich people's homes, and the grade of this house is not worthy of such a system!"

"And this one?"

"Good guy, there are positioning pins on the windows. Is the owner of this house often visited by thieves? It's also a security system and a positioning pin?"

"It's not!"

Zhang Wei shook his head. The photos he gave were all taken at the defendant's home.

"Although I have asked the prosecution witnesses this question in the previous trial; but here, I still want to ask Mr. Xia Donghai, you have been in office for 20 years, you should have entered many families, seen many houses, and Have you seen many people living alone?"


"Then, from your professional perspective, do you think the owner of this house is in some kind of panic and fear?"

Xia Donghai lowered his head and glanced at the photo again, "I think the owner of this house is very, very scared. She can feel that someone outside the house is threatening her!"

"Of course, these are all judgments based on my experience and do not represent the real experience."

This answer is much better than the answer given by the female field worker before.

"Thank you very much for your answer, my question is over!"

After Zhang Wei thanked Xia Donghai again, he returned to his seat.

The jury was a little confused about the last question, and a few people even started making eye contact with each other.

"Witness, I would like to ask, what is your relationship with the defense lawyer, and why is he so polite to you!"

Lan Zhengye could naturally see that when Zhang Wei questioned this witness and other witnesses, there was a clear difference in attitude.

"That kid... ahem, the defense lawyer, he is my son-in-law!"

Xia Donghai didn't deny it, and directly revealed the relationship between the two.

"son in law?!"

Lan Zhengye obviously didn't know Xia Qianyue, but this didn't prevent him from continuing to ask: "Then since you have such a relationship with the defense lawyer, wouldn't your answer be..."

"Prosecutor, I don't know what you want to say, but I thought it through and gave an answer based on what I actually saw. For example, those photos, I made reasonable judgments based on 20 years of experience in the field. , has nothing to do with whether I am that kid’s father-in-law. As for the previous popular science, the same is true, my answer has no direct connection with that kid.”

"Besides, my daughter hasn't passed through his house yet, so legally, he and I are actually two strangers. At most, we just know each other's name and occupation."


Seeing that Xia Donghai's answer was well-founded, Lan Zhengye was speechless for a while.

Moreover, Xia Donghai, a witness, has worked in the field for more than 20 years, conscientiously and dutifully, and he can't find any breakthroughs.

"Forget it, this witness itself is meaningless, and it's a waste of time to dwell on him!"

Lan Zhengye didn't intend to cross-examine him anymore, it was a waste of time.

"Your Honor, we have also ended the interrogation, and at the same time thank this witness for his popular science!"

In the last word "popular science", he actually emphasized his tone.

Xia Donghai got up slowly, his legs were cramping due to sitting for a long time.

He dragged his numb legs and walked down step by step. Before leaving, he nodded with Li Qinghua in the corner.

"Defense, do you have any witnesses to appear in court?"

"Your Excellency, the defense thinks it's almost noon, why don't we talk about it after dinner, our client just happens to be a little hungry!"

Hearing Zhang Wei's answer, Judge Chen froze for a moment, and even Fang Yunshu, who was on the defense bench, opened his mouth.

The former said, shouldn't he be the one to say this?

The latter was speechless, because she was not hungry at all.

"Forget it, forget it, it happened to be delayed for so long just now, so let's temporarily adjourn the court and continue after lunch!"

When Judge Chen was told by Zhang Wei, he was really hungry and decided to take a lunch break.

The court is dissolved.

But this time, Lan Zhengye came to the defense table.

"Lawyer Zhang, what is your plan? Do you want to deliberately delay time?"

"Prosecutor Lan Gao, you misunderstood. If I want to delay the time, I will directly ask the defendant to pretend to be sick, or file a motion to delay the trial. Why bother?"

"Hmph, no matter what you plan to do, your client will never escape legal punishment!"

Lan Zhengye snorted coldly, shook his hands and left.

"Come on, let's go to dinner, Ms. Fang, you will testify in court this afternoon!"

Zhang Wei, on the other hand, comforted him, and went to the preparation room for dinner with Fang Yunshu under the care of the field.


1 pm.

Zhang Wei glanced at the phone and found that there was still no news.

"It seems that there is no way to avoid it. I really didn't want the client to go to court!"

Obviously, Zhao Qingyan still had no breakthrough, which made Zhang Wei very helpless.

The only thing that could delay the time was for Fang Yunshu to testify in court.

It is a very dangerous thing for the parties to face the prosecution's attack.

In particular, Fang Yunshu had also been stalked, and she had been in a trance for the past few months.

Now you're going to have her face a high-ranking prosecutor, and that's not going to kill her.

But there is no news from Zhao Qingyan, so Zhang Wei can only do this.

Returning to the courtroom again, as Judge Chen announced with a hammer, the trial continued.

"Defense, call the next witness!"

Zhang Wei got up helplessly, "Your Excellency, the defense requests that the defendant Fang Yunshu be summoned to testify in court!"


Judge Chen knocked on the gavel, but thought to himself, finally came.

It took so long this morning, but it can be regarded as waiting for the defendant to come up in person, and his old waist couldn't bear it any longer.

Lan Gaojian also saw that Fang Yunshu was about to testify in court, and there was a hint of confidence in his eyes that he had expected.

Because he knew that the defense didn't have many chances, and Fang Yunshu was their last resistance.

After the defense's self-examination is over, his cross-examination will also be the killer of the prosecution!

But for now, let them speak in court for the time being,

Although he knows that these are meaningless.

But it is also a great enjoyment to watch the opponent struggle with all his strength, and finally be slapped to death by himself.

All in all, Fang Yunshu went to court.

"Ms. Fang, as the defendant in this case, you must have a lot to say, do you want to tell everyone?"

Zhang Wei took the lead in asking questions, and repeatedly emphasized "a lot".

His words are voiced out, if you want to say more, you can say more, otherwise it will be the turn of the prosecution to cross-examine later, and you may not have a chance.

"Yes." Fang Yunshu nodded.

"Well, please go to court and tell everyone what you want to say about the murder of Zeng Xiang. Anyway, I don't need to ask questions, and the jury is waiting for your response!"

Zhang Wei withdrew to the side of the jury box and gave way to the stage.

Fang Yunshu lowered his head, and after contemplating for a while, he raised his head and looked at the jury seat.

"Let me first declare that I will not deny that I killed someone, because I killed my ex-husband, this is an indisputable fact!"

"But you may not know that the moment he died, I was actually relieved, because the long-term fear he had imposed on me finally disappeared!"

"I'm not admitting that I was afraid, so I killed someone, but after I killed my ex-husband, I didn't know how much I was afraid of him, so I didn't feel it until he died in front of me..."

Fang Yunshu began to prove herself, but the first thing she did was to admit that she killed Zeng Xiang.

"Oh, it's a good way to take the initiative to admit the crime!"

On the prosecution's seat, Lan Zhengye looked at the defendant who started to tell a story on the witness stand, feeling slightly surprised.

It is impossible for an ordinary defendant to do this. Even if you kill someone, you will strongly deny it.

But this defendant, unexpectedly, was uncharacteristically, and it was obvious that there was someone behind him.

This person is obviously Zhang Wei!

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