Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 193 Conclusive evidence, Fang Yunshu is not guilty!

"Xiao Shu, why did you reject me?"

"I'm your husband, I want to be with you, what's wrong with me?"

"We still have a chance, right? You're just pretending to be reserved, right, right..."

"Do you think I still have a chance?"


"Zeng Xiang, get out, get out!"

"You bitch, you dare to reject me, you're looking for death!"

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you bitch!"


"Fang Yunshu, did you find a man outside? If you fucking dare to betray me, I want you to die!"

"I curse you, I curse you..."


"Xiao Shu, why did you reject me? Do we still have a chance? Tell me, tell me quickly?"

"Zeng Xiang, let me go, I'm going to report the crime!"

"I'm your husband, I want to be with you, and you want to report the crime, you bitch!"


"Ah, you dare to push me, you fucking dare to push me!"

"Bitch, you dare to hit me, you are dead, you are dead!"

"What are you going to do, that's my collection, I use it for hunting, you put it down for me, if you dare to shoot me, I, ah—"

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill..."


"My leg is broken, my leg is broken..."

"Bitch, get out, don't come here!"



in court.

As the recording files are played out one by one, the expressions of the audience are changing all the time.

From their initial astonishment, to the next shock, to the final embarrassment and helplessness, someone has a panoramic view of the transformation process.

"At first they didn't believe the recording, but it turned out that the recording recorded everything. In the end, they regretted their desire for others?"

Zhang Wei took a deep breath until he heard the recordings end.


Sitting in the seat, Zhao Jing had a look of lovelessness, because she played several important recordings copied from the U disk according to Zhang Wei's request.

She never expected that she would be able to get rid of the fate of a tool person by following the high inspection.

But reality hit her hard in the face.

She is still the tool person, and she still played the evidence for Zhang Wei, and the case is likely to be lost again.

Just like she assisted Huang Fang back then, even if she assisted Gao Jian, she still couldn't beat Zhang Wei.

Zhao Jing is suffering~

Of course, Zhang Wei didn't know the pain in Prosecutor Zhao's heart.

All he knew was that the few recordings given by Zhao Qingyan had finally been played.

"Thank you, Prosecutor Zhao Jing, for your help, and thank you for helping me the second time!"

Toolman Zhao Jing: emmm...

After thanking you, the next step is to output!

Zhang Wei walked to the middle of the court and began to brew emotions.

But at this moment, the audience was silent.

Everyone knows that a storm is coming!

Because the few recordings just now caused shocks to the court one after another, so many people in the court have not recovered yet.

"Ahem, everyone can regain their senses, our evidence has been played!"

Following Zhang Wei's voice, the audience's attention returned to the trial.

"I believe everyone has heard the recording, and they should have clearly heard how the deceased in this case, Zeng Xiang, monitored and eavesdropped on Fang Yunshu, my client."

"In fact, this is only a small part of the recorded evidence of his long-term monitoring and tracking of my client. If you need it, we can also provide thousands of hours of recording files!"

"The irony is that in the last recording, not only the whole process on the day of the crime was recorded, but also the deceased Zeng Xiang... I'm sorry, I should call him a different name, I should call him a mental abuser, an eavesdropper The eavesdropper, the monitor, anyway, at the end of the recording, the eavesdropper tried to commit violence against my client, only to be killed by the hunting tool he made himself, or this is his own fault, his end, his death deserved! "

"I believe that whether it is the 12 jurors on the jury or everyone in the court, there should be a steelyard in mind, a basis for judgment..."

When Zhang Wei said this, he paused for a moment, then raised his finger to the defense chair, "My client, Fang Yunshu, no matter how you look at it, it should be regarded as a genuine self-defense, right?"

"On the day of the incident, she did kill Zeng Xiang with her own hands, but it also ended the year-long monitoring of her without privacy. She broke this spiritual cage and found true freedom!"

"So I would like to ask everyone, if it were you, you would have been tracked and monitored by your ex-husband for a full year, 365 days, 8,760 hours, 520,000 minutes, and 31 million seconds. During this period, no matter what you do Even if it’s a dream talk, it may be completely recorded in the database by the ex-husband’s monitoring system, how do you feel, and will you make the same move as my client?”

As Zhang Wei said, he glanced at the audience, and finally fixed his eyes on the prosecution seat.

At this moment, Lan Zhengye was silent, and Zhao Jing on the side had already lowered his head.

Because they all knew that they lost this round.

Everything changed drastically the moment the recording file appeared.

Lan Zhengye was actually suffering in his heart!

Why can't the investigation department find such important evidence!

Didn't this make me miserable?

Now he can only watch Zhang Wei's output in court, and he can't talk back if he is wronged!

"Finally, what I want to say is that my client, Fang Yunshu, is not the murderer, she is just the real victim of this case!"

"And Zeng Xiang, the person you identified as a victim, the person who was portrayed by the media as an innocent person, and the person who was mistaken for an unjust death by the public, he is a perpetrator, a psychopath, and a person who needs to be punished by law." people!'

"Although I know that saying this may not be very respectful to the deceased, but respect is mutual. Some people's actions make it impossible for me to respect. I think death is cheaper for him, and Zeng Xiang is cheaper. I think he needs Pay the price for what you did, I think the person sentenced to life should be Zeng Xiang, not my client Fang Yunshu!"

"I think my client, Fang Yunshu, is innocent..."

"She is innocent!!!"

In the last sentence, Zhang Wei almost yelled out, and the voice resounded through the audience!

Under Zhang Wei's angry shout, only two words echoed in the ears of the audience - innocent!

Everyone in the audience had different expressions, some were happy and some were sad, but most of them were sighing about this trial.

Because they all knew that the trial was coming to an end.

On the trial bench, Judge Chen looked around the audience.

He looked at the scene in front of him, and then took a special look at the controlling party seat, and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

It's over...

But it's finally over!

It's a pity that the local prosecutor's headquarters will be defeated by Zhang Wei again.

But there is no pity, because justice has finally been served, and the guilty have paid the price with their lives.

"Your Honor, my speech is over, and we will no longer present evidence, nor will we submit new evidence to the court!"

After Zhang Wei finished outputting, he naturally ended his speech.

Judge Chen nodded to him, and then hammered and announced: "Now that the defense has finished presenting evidence, this court announces that it will proceed to the final closing statement stage, but I don't think you need to listen to the prosecution and the defense to speak again, right? I think you all know the outcome of this case!"

"Jury, what do you think, do you still need to hear closing statements from both the prosecution and the defense before you can make a verdict?"

Judge Chen looked at the jury box, and after seeing the 12 jurors shook their heads, he already knew what was going on.

He had already guessed this result.

Closing arguments are not necessary to continue, the jury can even reach a verdict now.

10 minutes later.

The trial is in its final stages.

"Jury, have you negotiated a result yet?"

"Yes, Your Honor!"

"Well, chief juror, please announce it!"

The chief juror got up, picked up the paper that recorded the verdict, and read aloud:

"According to the unanimous verdict of the jury, the defendant Fang Yunshu in this case was not found guilty of murdering her ex-husband Zeng Xiang!"

"The jury unanimously found that the defendant Fang Yunshu's act of causing the death of the assailant Zeng Xiang in the process of resisting the assailant was a legitimate self-defense and does not need to bear criminal responsibility!"

"The jury found that Fang Yunshu did not commit a crime and should be released in court!"

Judge Chen was not surprised when he heard the result.

He looked at the defense bench and announced with a hammer: "Congratulations, Ms. Fang, you are innocent, you are now completely free!"

In the defense seat, Fang Yunshu really breathed a sigh of relief this time.

It was finally over, all the pressure Zeng Xiang put on her disappeared the moment the trial result was announced.

"Congratulations, Ms. Fang, you are now free, and you don't have to worry about your ex-husband's stalking and surveillance anymore!"

"Thank you, Lawyer Zhang, for your help!"

"You don't have to thank me, the most critical person in this case is not me, but that one!"

Zhang Weiyi pointed to the person at the front of the hearing seat who had stood up and applauded.

"Well, thank you, Big Brother Zhao!"

Fang Yunshu nodded, and there was a hint of emotion in his eyes.

Even under such circumstances, Zhao Qingyan has always supported her, this sincerity is really commendable.

on the hearing bench.

"Fuck, this kid won again!"

Zhao Chunming gritted his teeth watching the announcement of the trial results, and finally could only heave a long sigh.

Although justice was served and the guilty paid the price, he was not happy.

Because Zhang Wei, this kid, once again defeated the local prosecutor's headquarters, and once again trampled on his face.

"Let's go!" He shouted coldly, and quickly left with the newcomers around him.

If you don't leave now, the media will surround you later, even if you want to leave, you probably won't be able to leave.

In the prosecution's seat, Lan Zhengye looked at the joyful defense table next door, and heaved a long sigh.

"Lan Gaojian, our supervisor has left, so I will withdraw first!"

Zhao Jing on the side closed her notebook, hurriedly packed her things, and prepared to leave.

Lan Gaojian opened his mouth, but didn't say a word, he could only let the latter leave.

Zhao Jing ran away, he didn't know what to do, who made him make frequent killing moves at the beginning, and finally overturned the car.

"This Zhang Wei is really tenacious, and it really made him delay!"

He murmured and could only walk out of the court.

"Lan Gaojian, what do you think about this failure!"

"Lan Gaojian, I didn't expect the deceased Zeng Xiang to be a real stalker. Fortunately, you swore that he was the victim!"

"Excuse me, Prosecutor Lan Gao, what do you think of the fact that the investigation department did not discover the evidence of Zeng Xiang's voyeurism and tracking in time?"

"Lan Gaojian, for this failure, may I ask you or the investigation department, who is more responsible?"

When Lan Zhengye pushed open the door, countless media reporters had already flocked to him, completely surrounding him.

Lan Zhengye was surrounded by the media, and it was extremely difficult to even move a step.

The media estimated the power of the local prosecutor's headquarters before, and with Lan Zhengye's cooperation, they naturally wanted to save some face for the other party.

But now that Lan Zhengye lost, they wouldn't let it go.

The previous respect was all because Lan Zhengye could speak and provide them with news materials.

And now, if they backed down, Lan Zhengye would definitely leave.

So for first-hand information, they must block each other.

In the eyes of the media, if you don't leave something behind, Lan Gaojian, you won't be able to leave today.

Of course, there are also a lot of media, waiting at the door.

They're waiting for the defense to show up, and that's the big head.

inside the courtroom.

"Uncle Zhao, look at the door, this group of media is really unscrupulous, even the high-level prosecutors at the local prosecutor's headquarters dare to block the news for breaking news!"

"Look at them, there are almost dozens of people around them. If there is a way, the law does not punish the public. It is impossible for the Langao Prosecutor to really sue them!"

Zhao Qingyan also smiled, then shook his head.

He is in a good mood today, and he doesn't plan to argue with the media at the door.

"Xiao Zhang, take your colleagues with you later, let's go out to have a meal together, shall I treat you?"

"Uncle Zhao, what are you doing?"

"Don't be polite to me today. If you win the lawsuit, if you don't celebrate, what's the point of winning?"

"Uncle Zhao, I don't even know how to refute what you said..."

Seeing Zhao Qingyan's enthusiasm, Zhang Wei could only agree.

"Xiao Fang, let's go, today I will be the host, and I will clean up the dust for you, and get rid of bad luck!"

After Zhao Qingyan finished speaking, he was about to take everyone out of the court.

But the media at the door had already heard the news and moved, as if seeing a pack of wolves eating blood, waiting to make a move.

"so many people……"

Whether it was Fang Yunshu, Zhang Wei or the others, they were a little scared when they saw so many reporters blocking the door.

This is the disadvantage of big cities, too much media.

This time the case is so big, they must face the media.

"Don't worry, I'll call someone to deal with it!"

After Zhao Qingyan comforted everyone, he made a phone call.

More than ten minutes later, when the media reporters were about to move, more than 20 bodyguards in black entered the court aggressively.

"Get out of the way!"

They squeezed the reporters away while creating a passage.

"Let's go!" Zhao Qingyan took Zhang Wei and others, and left quickly under the eyes of the reporters.

The black-clothed bodyguards were loyal and responsible, and a human wall was erected between Zhao Qingyan's group and the reporter.

Relying on the escort of bodyguards, Zhang Wei and his party finally left the court.

After leaving, there was a luxury car waiting outside. Under the escort of a group of bodyguards, they walked away, leaving the media reporters in despair.

in the car.

"Uncle Zhao, you really don't show your face, you earn a lot of money, right?"

"It's our boss who gave me face. He said that as the company's face, I can't afford to lose my pomp when traveling. However, I usually don't invite these people to come forward. Today is to deal with the media. There is really no way!"

Zhao Qingyan smiled, and then told the driver: "Go to Dongjiang Star, I have booked a VIP room on the top floor, you can just take us there!"

"Good guy, the most expensive and luxurious hotel in the East!"

Hearing Zhao Qingyan's "tremendous inhumanity" speech, Zhang Wei was speechless again and again.

It wasn't just him, among the little friends, Tie Ruyun and Li Yueqin's eyes widened. They didn't expect that they could go to Dongjiang Star for a meal today.

Probably only Lin Yumeng didn't care too much. As Lin Xiangtian's daughter, she must have been to Dongjiang Star many times.

"Brother Zhao, it's costing you money." Sitting in the car, Fang Yunshu seemed a little different.

"It's okay, I'll take care of your affairs for you!"

Zhao Qingyan quickly comforted him, and at the same time, a cold light flashed in the corner of his eyes.


at the same time.

Dongfangdu, a certain online media agency.

One of the chief writers in the editorial department put down his phone, and his face became very ugly.

"It actually won, the defendant is actually innocent, that woman is acting in self-defense!"

Looking at the computer screen in front of him, with the latest news refreshed at that moment, his expression was a little ugly.

Because just a few days ago, he ordered his writers to write a lot of reports about Fang Yunshu's case.

Moreover, the headlines of these reports all used words such as "Devil Head", "Murderer", and "Femme Woman".

According to the descriptions in these articles, Zeng Xiang is the biggest victim in this case, and Fang Yunshu is the person full of evil.

Unexpectedly, when the court opened this Monday, things ushered in a 180° reversal.

Fang Yunshu was released without charge. What she did was self-defense, and Zeng Xiang was the perpetrator, the perpetrator, and the stalker.

"Oops, those reports!"

Because he wants to compete for popularity, attract traffic, and attract reading volume, when he asks his subordinates to write articles, the words must be fierce, even if it is eye-catching, it must be published, and the clicks must be grabbed.

Now, these articles will definitely be taken off the shelves of the publishing website, and their rush to draft these days will also be useless.

"Jingle Bell……"

The phone rang again, and the caller was his colleague, the leader of another online media agency.

"It's not good, people from the Internet Investigation Section are here to arrest people. All the reports we wrote are... beep..."

As soon as the call was connected, before the other party could say a few words, there was a busy tone.

However, the title of "Internet Investigation Section" still surprised the chief writer.

Why is the Internet investigation department dispatched, why are they dispatched?

"It's not good, leader, someone from outside is said to be from the Internet Investigation Section!"

Suddenly, a subordinate ran into the office with a panicked expression.

But then, a few people in black suits came in and went straight to the office.

"Director Luo, you and your subordinates are suspected of defamation, intentionally disseminating fictitious facts, belittling the personality of others, and damaging the reputation of others. The circumstances are extremely serious. Now our Internet Investigation Section is arresting you according to law. This is an arrest warrant. Please cooperate with us Investigation, thank you for your cooperation!"

When the chief writer surnamed Luo walked out of the office, he saw people from the Internet Investigation Section surrounded the office and began to collect evidence on the computer.


He yelled in his heart that he was wronged. In the past, they wrote so many reports, but they didn't see the Internet investigation department take action.

Why today, because of a few reports, this group of people actually came out in full force, and there was a big sweep.

In fact, it wasn't just him, another company he knew, and several other unscrupulous media outlets were all taken over by the Internet Investigation Section today.

This incident also caused waves in the online media circles of the Eastern Metropolis.

It's a pity that no one knows who initiated this operation, and who behind it has such a great energy to make the Internet Investigation Section send out such a big battle.

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