Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 194 You have two ways to send the house to Lao Zhao

Tuesday, work day.

Zhang Wei got up early in the morning, and after stretching, he began to wash up.

"Last night's dinner was really good. As expected of the Dongjiang Star Hotel, not only the scenery is good, but also the delicious food and wine will leave a lasting aftertaste!"

Although he has always been confident in his cooking skills, after trying the chef's signature dishes at the No. 1 hotel in the Oriental Metropolis, he knows that there are people outside the people, and heaven outside the sky.

It seems that he still has a long way to go before being a top chef!

After expressing such emotions, Zhang Wei honestly began to cook porridge for breakfast.

As usual, he called his second daughter downstairs, and after having a happy breakfast together, he was ready to go to work.

There is no way, even if the worker wins the case, the law firm still has to check in.

Otherwise, your internship points and full attendance will be deducted. Who will bear it?

As soon as Zhang Wei opened the door, he saw Zhao Qingyan was already waiting at the door.

"Uncle Zhao, what is this?"

"Oh, Xiao Zhang, remember what you said when you and I had dinner yesterday?"

"What did I say?"

Zhang Wei fell into deep thought. He had a meal with Zhao Qingyan and chatted about his life ideals for a while. It seems that there is nothing wrong?

"You said that your wish is to marry a wife and have children in the east, and to have a fulfilling and happy life..."

"Oh, indeed, that's what I said, but..."

Although Zhang Wei agreed with his mouth, he knew it in his heart.

The so-called happiness and fulfillment and getting married and having children are actually contradictory.

When an adult gets married, he will find that most of his happiness is enjoyed when he is single.

Especially if you are married and have a child, your life will have little to do with happiness.

This is especially evident in big cities where the cost of living is very high.

The high housing prices, the cost of living and children's education all urge the migrant workers to work hard.

As for pleasure, to hell!

To maintain a home, you can never be happy.

"Here, this is the first step for you to live a happy life. It is a gift from Uncle Zhao, and it is also a reward for you to win the lawsuit!"

Zhao Qingyan said, and handed over an envelope bag.

After Zhang Wei took it, he looked confused.

What are the things here?

Judging by Zhao Qingyan's appearance, it shouldn't be a bargain, right?

"You take it, but don't refuse it, I don't need this thing anyway, I just give it to you!"

Zhao Qingyan said, and looked back at the Zhao Mansion next door, with a little emotion in his eyes.

"Then, thank you Uncle Zhao..."

Zhang Wei didn't refuse. The things in the envelope bag were probably not too expensive, so he accepted it with a smile.

Seeing Zhang Wei accepting, Zhao Qingyan couldn't help laughing.

"Okay then, go to work, don't be late, after I finish my morning exercise, I'm leaving for the company!"

Zhao Qingyan waved his hand, said goodbye to Zhang Wei, and ran away.

It can be seen that he is in a very good mood.

Zhang Wei thought about it, and decided to go to the law firm to report first. As for the things in his hand, he would have plenty of time to look at the things in his hands when he arrived at the office of the Criminal Division.

take the tube.

After dozens of minutes of commuting, he came to Jincheng Building.

Since there was no case to be busy with, the time when he arrived happened to be the rush hour for work.

Seeing the endless stream of people around him, he also mixed in and followed a group of people into the building.

But as he walked, Zhang Wei felt something was wrong.

There seemed to be people pointing at me all around, and occasionally I could see groups of people gathering together and looking at me.

He walked into the elevator, and there were endless discussions behind him.

"He is Zhang Wei?"

"Yeah, the one who beat the senior prosecutor of the District Attorney's Headquarters."

"Our Jincheng Group, when did such a fierce man come?"

"You're new here, right? I'll tell you secretly, last month he beat Young Master Lin in a moot court!"

"Ah, so he was the one who beat Young Master Lin, I..."

"Hush! You can't talk nonsense about this matter. After all, Young Master Lin is the son of the big boss. We just need to be clear in our hearts. God knows, you know, I know..."

Zhang Wei's ears twitched, and he listened to the discussions of several Jincheng Group employees behind him verbatim.

Good guy, you still know the world, you know me?

You guys are discussing in the elevator, do you really think no one can hear you?

However, Zhang Wei felt relieved when he learned that it was because his record had deterred others.

Isn't it just winning the high inspection at the local prosecutor's headquarters? What's there to show off?

As the person involved, I am not even excited, why are you so happy?

Alas, the corners of my mouth!

Why can't it stop curling up?

Zhang Wei quickly covered his mouth, and hurried out after the elevator reached the 26th floor.

"Zhang Wei!"

As soon as he entered the litigation department, he saw Bai Meiqi walk out of the office and greeted him.

"Yesterday's case was good, congratulations on your victory!"

"Thank you, Lawyer Bai. I'm just playing normally. The main reason is that there is key evidence in this case. Otherwise, how could I win!"

"That's not bad, you can hold out in the hands of the high prosecutor for so long, and wait for the key evidence, it's also a skill!"

"Where, where..."

Zhang Wei hurriedly explained modestly, and dealt with Bai Meiqi a few words.

Then he walked into the litigation department and found that the way lawyers in other groups looked at him had changed.

Especially Li Qingshou and Wang Jianren looked at Zhang Wei with complicated eyes, including jealousy, envy, and fear.

When he arrived at the office of the criminal team and saw that his friends were all there, Zhang Wei finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Good guy, what's the situation? Why did I win a lawsuit and the whole world seems to know?"

"Master, haven't you read the headlines?"

The little apprentice was the first to respond, picked up a newspaper and handed it to Zhang Wei.

"Let me take a look..."

Zhang Wei took it and turned to the first page.

"The biggest case of the year, Jincheng Law Firm was successful, and the chief lawyer of the case turned out to be an intern!" "

Good guy, this newspaper belongs to Jincheng Group, right?

Zhang Wei quickly turned to the cover of the newspaper, and sure enough, he saw that the newspaper was "Jincheng Daily of the Oriental Capital". No wonder...

This is really a newspaper media under the Jincheng Group.

"Zhang Wei, now that you are famous, not only the newspapers of our group, but also the Morning Post of the Oriental Metropolis and many other media have published your case, but they haven't given much introduction to you. They mainly talked about the case and the situation of your client. !"

Tie Ruyun also stood up, holding a copy of "Dongfang Morning Post" in his hand, and opened a page.

"Shocked, the case was reversed twice, I didn't expect that the real culprit in this case was actually the deceased! "

"Master, master, many legal forums on the Internet have also posted posts related to your case, and their titles are much more outrageous than these!"

As Lin Yumeng said, she opened several posts on the webpage and asked Zhang Wei to check them carefully.

"Shocked, the person who won the high inspection of the local prosecutor's headquarters was actually him! "

"Can you believe that the person who won the high-level inspection is actually an intern? "

"Crazy, you call this a trainee lawyer!" "

Seeing these attention-grabbing headlines, Zhang Wei couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

In terms of attracting traffic, the headlines of online media and forums are the real beer.

"Well, I saw..."

Zhang Wei looked calm on the surface, but in fact he already had an "emmm" expression in his heart.

"By the way, master, what is the bag in your hand?"

"Oh, this is Uncle Zhao's legal fee for me to win the lawsuit!"

As Zhang Wei said, he picked up the bag and prepared to unseal it.

"Uncle Zhao gave it?"

Lin Yumeng also became interested when she heard that it was a gift from Zhao Qingyan.

Tie Ruyun and Li Yueqin also raised their heads, as if they were very interested in what Zhao Qingyan would give.

Zhang Wei opened the envelope, only to see a contract, a bunch of keys, and a magnetic card.

"This is the house gift agreement, as well as the room card and spare keys..."

The moment Zhang Wei saw the agreement, Zhang Wei was stunned.

Old Zhao is really good enough to give himself a house.

"Hey, this key, isn't it very similar to my house?"

Lin Yumeng immediately reacted when she saw the magnetic card and key.

"Fuck, it really is!"

Zhang Wei was shocked immediately, and opened the first page of the agreement, and sure enough, he saw that the real estate information was written on it as "Dongjiang No. 1 Residence - Room xx01, Building A".

"Oh, this is the house of Uncle Zhao's house. After he bought it, he never lived in the house."

Lin Yumeng came up to her, and after a glance, she knew it.

"Master, what is the relationship between you and Uncle Zhao? The house he didn't want was given to you."

"Damn it, Old Zhao is too...too willing..."

Although he knew that Zhao Qingyan would not give away things casually, and he also knew that Lao Zhao was rich.

But Zhang Wei never expected that when Lao Zhao made a move, it would be so earth-shattering.

Dongjiang No. 1, is that a house he can expect?

The total price of any river view house there is hundreds of millions.

"Good guy, Mr. Zhao gave you a house in Dongjiang No. 1!"

The way Tie Ruyun looked at Zhang Wei also changed, you must be the Zhao family on the list.

Does Zhao Qingyan have a daughter who was taken by Zhang Wei, otherwise he would give away the house directly?

"No, this is too expensive!"

Zhang Wei got up quickly, took out his phone and went outside, he wanted to say no to Old Zhao.

If the house is taken away, he will feel very sorry.

Five minutes later, Zhang Wei returned to the office.

"Xiao Zhang, I know you think it's wrong. This house is worth hundreds of millions, but I gave it to you casually. You will definitely think about it."

"But you don't have to worry about it. This house is something outside your body. To tell you the truth, this house was actually given to me by someone else, and I won't live in it at all. Instead of leaving it empty, it's better to pull it here as a favor!"

"Speaking of which, I still took advantage of it. I used a worthless house to repay the favor of your case!"

"By the way, I remember that your father-in-law and mother-in-law also contributed to the case. If you really don't want to take this house, you can let your father-in-law and mother-in-law live in it. I remember that they seem to live in the husband's house of the Wuxie. Why don't you give it to them? Change to a better house?"

These are what Zhao Qingyan said just now.

Anyway, it just means one thing, do you want this house or not, anyway, I won't take it back.

"Okay, I lost to Lao Zhao!"

He sighed, and put away the agreement and the magnetic card key together.

Although he himself doesn't really want to live in this house, it's easy for people to lose their goal.

But it is true that as Lao Zhao said, Hanhan's family can live in it.

After all, his father-in-law is getting old, and his mother-in-law has that personality. Zhang Wei thinks that the two "parents" can enjoy a good life.

"It's decided, I'll go visit Hanhan tomorrow, and visit my father-in-law and mother-in-law by the way!"

After Zhang Wei finalized his plan for tomorrow, he planned to go to see the house tonight and go through the registration agreement by the way.

"Old Tie, tomorrow I will go to the Criminal Division to meet my girlfriend!"

"Oh, you won the case, it's no problem for you to meet anyone!"

Tie Ruyun has gone numb, you boy is my father now, you can do whatever you want.

Anyway, don't treat me as a leader!

"Zhang Wei, the leader is looking for you!"

Tie Cuilan at the door suddenly called out to the office.

"Leader?" Zhang Wei wondered, there was no case today, so why did things keep happening one after another.

As for the so-called leader, for Zhang Wei, Shen Zhengyi is the only leader of the Litigation Department.


You mean Li Qingshou and Wang Jianren?

They count balls!

Ever since Zhang Wei led the criminal team and surpassed the civil affairs team and the business team in performance, Li and Wang have become clowns in his eyes.

And they came to Zhang Wei without Tie Cuilan notifying them.

They are all on the same floor, so just send an intern in the group to go there. For example, Jin Mingming is the special line "liaison officer" between Li and Wang and the criminal team.

Zhang Wei walked out of the litigation department calmly, then went up to the 30th floor, and came to Shen Zhengyi's office.

Tuk tuk tuk!

"Come in!"

Shen Zhengyi inside has been waiting for a long time.

After seeing Zhang Wei, he nodded and asked Zhang Wei to sit down.

"Zhang Wei, you have performed well recently. Not only did you help Mr. Zhao win the lawsuit, but you also defeated the famous Lan Gao prosecutor."

"Leader, what do you mean by asking me to come?"

"Young man, you really speak fast!"

Shin Zhengyi got up from his seat, walked to the sofa in front of Zhang Wei, and sat down straight away.

"What do you think of the Criminal Division?"

"pretty good!"

"And what about the commercial and civil groups?"


Seeing the leader asking such a question, Zhang Wei hesitated to leave, but still complimented him: "It's pretty good too... isn't it?"

After all, Shen Zhengyi still valued these two groups, and Zhang Wei still gave each other a little affection.

"That's good!" Shin Zhengyi nodded in satisfaction.

"You said, if I transfer you to the business group 2, would you like to go?"

"You want me to adjust the team?"

Hearing Shen Zhengyi's words, Zhang Wei was stunned.

He never expected that the leader's intention was to let him leave the criminal group and join the second group of the commercial group.

Business 2 group, that's Tian Bin's subordinate!

Isn't this entering the enemy's lair?

Shin Zhengyi may have seen Zhang Wei's worry, and waved his hand: "Don't worry, I know you and Tian Bin had some unpleasant troubles, but this is not a problem."

"You know, the 2 teams led by Tian Bin have had the lowest performance for two consecutive months. And I also know that their team's performance this month will not be too good either!"

"You mean, let me join the business 2 group and bring their group's performance?"

"That's because you are thinking too much. If you really want to transfer the team, it's not this month. Besides, Tian Bin is incompetent as the team leader. Why should I help him improve his performance!"

"The leader, what do you mean?"

"When Tian Bin gets out of the position of team leader, I can let you be the temporary team leader of the commercial 2 team. After your internship period is over, this team leader may also become a full-time member!"

Shen Zhengyi finally revealed his purpose, and looked at Zhang Wei with piercing eyes.

He knew that this condition was extremely generous.

Especially for a trainee lawyer like Zhang Wei, he can directly skip becoming a regular and become a small leader like a team leader.

And the business team 2 needs to have at least 20 people. You can suddenly have more than 20 subordinates at your disposal. Wouldn’t it be awesome?

"Zhang Wei, let me tell you the truth. Inside Jincheng, the lawyers all follow the promotion system. Only when you become the team leader can you get the qualifications to be promoted to junior partners."

"I think you have no future in the criminal team. The criminal team is only a team with only a few people. If Tie Ruyun doesn't make any big mistakes, the position of team leader will not fall into the hands of others, but his performance level Just like that, it is almost impossible to be promoted to a junior partner, if you stay in the criminal department, you can only be a junior lawyer for the rest of your life."

"Now, I'm giving you a chance. You just need to join the business group, and when Tian Bin gives up the position of group leader, you will be the group leader. I know your performance ability. Not only do you have excellent performance, but you also It can also help the team members mobilize their performance, I believe that the performance of the 2 groups will be even better under your leadership!"

"After you have been the team leader for three years, you will be qualified as a lawyer for three years. Maybe I will give you the promotion of the junior partner of the litigation department. At that time, you will be the first lawyer in Jincheng with three years. You are the first one to be promoted to partner!"

Seeing that Zhang Wei didn't agree immediately, Shen Zhengyi quickly spoke earnestly and understood the righteousness.

Indeed, as he said, in any law firm, there is a qualification assessment.

Lawyers are based on age, and the older you are, the more valuable you are.

That's why big law firms have seniority levels such as three-year lawyers and five-year lawyers. It can be said that it has set a lot of precedents for a three-year lawyer to be promoted to a partner.

And this is not an ordinary junior partner, but a junior partner of Jincheng Law Firm.

As a partner of Jincheng Law Firm, the top ten firm, this kind of qualification is not something ordinary people can have.

If you get this title, you will definitely be regarded as the elite among the elites in the East.

Zhang Wei pondered for a moment, he was thinking about the authenticity of the words, and whether there were any loopholes in the words.

"Leader, if I agree to you and become a team leader for three years and become a lawyer for three years, will you recommend me as a junior partner?"

"Based on your current performance in the Criminal Division, as long as it is not bad, I will definitely recommend you!"

"Then you recommended me to be a junior partner. Based on my performance, I should be selected, right?"

"This... I can't guarantee it, after all, the partner has to be decided by the big boss!"

Zhang Wei understands, it means that he has to help Shen Zhengyi lead the business team 2 for three years before he is qualified, and this qualification does not necessarily lead to promotion to partner.

In the final analysis, there is still a chance to become a partner, and there is no guarantee of 100%.

There is a chance, there is a chance...

This is the same as pumping a fruit phone for 1 yuan. In the final analysis, it is a matter of probability.

Zhang Wei closed his eyes, as if thinking carefully.

After a while, he suddenly opened his eyes.

"Hahaha, the leader's words really made me see the sun, and I was suddenly enlightened!"

Hearing this, Shin Zhengyi was overjoyed: "Oh, you agreed?"

"I am naturally happy for the leader's appreciation, but please allow me to decline the matter of going to the business group!"

Zhang Wei did not agree, on the contrary he refused!

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