Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 195 Unexpected path, Li's family is better than his son-in-law?

Criminal Group, Office.

Zhang Wei returned again, but his complexion was not very good.

The reason is naturally because of the rejection of the leader's "support".

This also means that he rejected the way to join the business 2 team as the team leader and get promoted.

"You have no chance if you stay in the criminal team. Tie Ruyun can only be the leader of the criminal team all your life, so you can only be an ordinary lawyer in the criminal team for the rest of your life. As long as Tie Ruyun doesn't leave, you will never have a chance." Day of success!"

These are Shen Zhengyi's last words. He is warning Zhang Wei that if you don't leave the criminal team, you won't even think about being promoted.

Junior partner?

Senior Partner?

As long as Tie Ruyun is still there, all these things will go to hell.

Zhang Wei said that Shen Zhengyi's method of sowing dissension was a bit low-handed.

Although he didn't say it clearly, there was another layer of meaning in his words.

If Zhang Wei can squeeze Tie Ruyun away, it is still possible to get out of the quagmire of the criminal team.

But... would he do it?

Zhang Wei returned to the office, looked at Tie Ruyun who was typing documents with his head down next to the printer, and sighed slightly.

Such a pragmatic leader is really rare now.

"Zhang Wei, are you back?"

Tie Ruyun raised his head and greeted him.


"What are you looking for from above? Boss Shen doesn't want to promote you, does he?"

"Old Tie, why are you so predictable?"

Hearing Zhang Wei's answer, Tie Ruyun was slightly taken aback.

If Zhang Wei is promoted, how should he be promoted?

Of course he was transferred to the pro-son group under his command - the business group!

"Zhang Wei, you don't want to change the team, do you?"

"Master, you are going to the business group, I can't bear you!"

"Zhang Wei..."

Tie Ruyun, Lin Yumeng and Li Yueqin all raised their heads at the same time, with different expressions.

Tie Ruyun was both relieved and reluctant, Lin Yumeng was really reluctant, and Li Yueqin also had a complicated expression.

"Don't worry, how could I be willing to abandon you guys? Boss Shen's proposal was tempting, but I rejected it!"

Zhang Wei told the truth, telling the contents of the conversation between himself and Shin Zhengyi in the office just now.

After finishing speaking, he scratched his head and smiled, "Am I stupid for refusing such a good way out?"

After hearing this, Tie Ruyun couldn't help shaking his head: "No, you are really stupid!"

Old iron, this is meaningless.

Zhang Wei said, shouldn't you be moved and cry, and cry hard?

Why are you still scolding people?

"Master, you are awesome!" Lin Yumeng was so happy to hear that Zhang Wei didn't plan to leave the Criminal Division, and jumped up and down three times.

"But Zhang Wei, you don't plan to go to the business team, don't you want to stay under the iron team leader all the time?"

Li, it's even more boring for you to do this.

Li Yueqin's words made the atmosphere tense.

Lin Yumeng stopped jumping, and Tie Ruyun's face was slightly embarrassed.

Yes, Zhang Wei can be the team leader in the commercial team, but in the criminal team, there is already a team leader.

There are only a few people in the criminal team, how could there be a second team leader?

"Hahaha, in fact, I have thought about this problem a long time ago, but luckily I have found a way to solve it!"

Zhang Wei laughed again, signaling to the three friends not to worry.

"The method of cracking, what is it?"

"It's very simple. I can be an independent lawyer of the law firm. Just like lawyer Bai, I have my own office. Although she is affiliated with the commercial group of the litigation department, her performance and cases are calculated separately from the commercial group. You can be affiliated with the Criminal Division, but the office is located outside the office!"

As Zhang Wei said, he pointed to the gate on the 26th floor, which was Lawyer Bai's office.

He had been looking forward to having his own office for a long time, and he was short of implementing the plan.

It's not that Zhang Wei has never thought about the path of promotion, but he said he couldn't do it if he was to work under others and bow down to the leaders above.

But if you don't kneel and lick the leader, how will you be promoted?

The answer, of course, is to become an independent lawyer of the law firm. For example, Bai Meiqi, she plays by herself, and the business team is just a cooperative relationship.

On the contrary, because of their excellent performance, even Shen Zhengyi didn't dare to show Bai Meiqi's face. Li Qingshou and Wang Jianren even knelt and licked Bai Meiqi.

Why do several department leaders have such an attitude, because Bai Meiqi has raised the overall performance of the litigation department.

What's more, Bai Meiqi was appreciated by the big boss!

So, to become a lawyer independent of the department, it is only necessary to...

"Xiaomeng, where is your father usually?"

To solve the problem at this stage, you only need to find the big boss.

As long as the big boss says Zhang Wei can do it, then Zhang Wei can even be promoted to junior partner immediately.

Similarly, as long as the big boss says that Zhang Wei will be an independent lawyer, he will have an office immediately.

It is not difficult to find Lin Xiangtian and communicate with him.

Just need to ask where he is.

In the Criminal Division Office, there is a person who knows the whereabouts of the big boss.

"He, maybe, maybe, probably plays golf, he's always liked it, but he's just not that good at it..."

As Lin Yumeng spoke, she shook her head in disgust.

His father is like this, he likes to play, but his skills are outrageous, but he has no self-knowledge.

"That's it..."

After learning about the whereabouts of the big boss Lin Xiangtian from Lin Yumeng, Zhang Wei decided to find out and start preparations in a few days.

He was going to see Lin Xiangtian and negotiate with him!

If other people in the law firm knew his thoughts, they would probably be shocked.

A trainee lawyer dared to bargain with the big boss!

It's like chicken feathers wrapped on the poles, what a big duster (gut).

However, this is not the task to be carried out immediately at this stage, and it is impossible for Lin Xiangtian to play golf every day. To implement this step of the plan, he needs to plan carefully.

All in all, Zhang Wei was thinking about things in his seat all day on Tuesday.

The friends in the same group knew that Zhang Wei was thinking about important things, so they didn't dare to disturb him.

They were busy with their own business, Li Yueqin was busy with the case, Lin Yumeng went to work, fished and watched videos, Tie Ruyun was busy all the time.

It was time to get off work after fishing, and Zhang Wei got off work very early today.

"Master, you have to take this subway to go to Dongjiang No. 1!"

At the entrance of the subway station, today Zhang Wei and Lin Yumeng went together to Dongjiang No. 1.

After the subway drove for more than ten minutes, it passed the Dongjiang River and arrived at the platform near Dongjiang No. 1.

Soon, when Zhang Wei walked to the ground under the leadership of his young apprentice, he came to Dongjiang No. 1, a well-known top residential area in Dongfangdu.

The community is adjacent to the Dongjiang River, and there are proper river-view houses.

Moreover, in the entire community, there are only large flat-floor residences, with one family on each floor, but there are three elevators.

Dongjiang No. 1, property management office.

"Miss Lin!"

When Lin Yumeng brought Zhang Wei here, the surrounding property staff all saluted politely.

Soon, under the leadership of Lin Yumeng, Zhang Wei found the person in charge of the office.

"Uncle Wang, I brought my master here!"

"It's Miss Lin, please sit down, please sit down!"

The person in charge of the property management of Dongjiang No. 1 is a middle-aged man in a black tuxedo, with a gold pocket watch on his chest, white gloves on his hands, and his hair combed meticulously. He looks like a competent housekeeper.

His surname is Wang, and the owners like to call him Butler Wang.

"Master, this is Uncle Wang. He is the housekeeper of the community. If you have any questions, just ask him!"

Lin Yumeng didn't stay long. After talking to Zhang Wei, he introduced them to each other and went home.

Steward Wang also looked curious. Who is this young man in front of him who can be the mentor of the daughter of the boss of Jincheng Law Firm.

"Butler Wang, right? I'm here to handle the household registration agreement. This is the housing gift agreement of the original householder!"

When Zhang Wei handed over the document, Steward Wang suddenly realized.

One of the original owners actually gave the house of Dongjiang No. 1 to the other party.

A house worth hundreds of millions, you can give it away as soon as you say it!

"It's actually Mr. Zhao, but that's right. Although he owns our house, he has never lived in it. I wonder if he forgot to have a house in Dongjiang No. 1. I didn't expect him to give the house to us. Mr. Zhang!"

Seeing the house number on the document, Steward Wang naturally understood the meaning.

As a competent housekeeper, he must be familiar with every household, so as soon as he saw the house number, he knew who the head of the household was.

After all, those who can live in Dongjiang No. 1 are all famous people in the east. A random search on the Internet can find a lot of public information about the heads of households.

"Mr. Zhang Wei, right? I'll have someone come to help you with the formalities, as well as record fingerprints and face password locks. Don't worry, just sit with me for 30 minutes and everything will be done. You can go to the house today." stay overnight!"

Steward Wang immediately called two female subordinates with good looks and temperament, and asked them to do things as soon as possible after a word of instruction.

It has to be said that the properties in high-end communities are conscientious and efficient.

Zhang Wei just needs to sit and wait, all the formalities are done by those two young ladies.

He only needs to look up, blink, and press a fingerprint, and all the procedures are completed, and the face and fingerprint locks are also entered into the system.

From now on, when he enters Dongjiang No. 1, he can scan his face, and even if he forgets his magnetic card and key when he returns to the house, he can open the door with his fingerprint.

"By the way, my father-in-law, mother-in-law and girlfriend may live in, they are not here today, the formalities..."

"Mr. Zhang, don't worry, you can simply register their information here. If they come, I will take them to complete the formalities, but you need to leave a phone number. When they come for the first time, I will personally report to them." You call to inquire, and you will be released only after confirming that you are a family member."

Butler Wang once again showed a professional service spirit, and helped the owner consider all possibilities.

In the end, all the formalities were completed, and Zhang Wei also got his own owner card.

Under the leadership of Steward Wang, he walked into the house and took a rough look.

The house is beautiful, luxuriously decorated, all furniture and home appliances are famous brands, and the whole floor has a huge space, the balcony has a wide view, and the river view is even more amazing.

It's a pity that the house looks empty because no one has lived in it.

Generally speaking, Zhang Wei has no problem with the house, but he doesn't plan to live here either.

After saying goodbye to Steward Wang, Zhang Wei took the subway again and returned to Lin's Mansion.

Although the house in Dongjiang is very beautiful, it is the lifelong dream of many workers in the East, but Zhang Wei still feels that the Lin Mansion is more suitable for him.

Without him, because there is more down-to-earth.

Returning to the familiar Lin Mansion again, Zhang Wei started cooking dinner.

At the same time, he began to look forward to seeing his father-in-law and mother-in-law tomorrow.


The next day, Wednesday.

It was another day of fishing, and it was approaching the end of get off work time.

"Old man, I'll dodge people first!"

Zhang Wei immediately talked to Tie Ruyun, and slipped away after punching the card.

Soon, Zhang Wei arrived at the Wuxie family building next to Zhongcun in the eastern capital city.

But downstairs in the community, Zhang Wei saw a familiar car.

"Hey, auntie and the others are here too?"

The car was parked in a conspicuous place, and the license plate number matched, so Zhang Wei recognized it at a glance.

He knew that Li Qinghe and Li Feifei must have come to visit their father-in-law and mother-in-law

Sure enough, when he walked to the door of his father-in-law's mother-in-law's house, he heard the voice of his aunt Li Qinghe.

"Oh, sister, your Xiaoyueyue is really serious. She insists on joining the serious crime team of the Criminal Investigation Division. Girls fight and kill all day long. How decent is it? I didn't say that, you still let her Hurry up and find a good man to marry."

"When she gets married, Xiao Yueyue will probably be honest. If she has a child in the future, she will definitely take care of the child at home. Even if she wants to work, you can let her change to a clerical job in the unit, sitting in the office every day , send out documents, not to mention how comfortable it is."

I have to say that what Li Qinghe said made sense.

But if Xia Hanhan could accept it, then she wouldn't be Xia Hanhan anymore.

"Sister, I understand what you said, but who can bear the character of my girl?"

"No, Zhang Wei can bear it. Although that kid has a bad temper, a bad attitude towards elders, a little ruthlessness in doing things, and a little bit of a shyness, he is actually pretty good. At least he treats his elders a little worse. Yueyue should be sincere!"

Zhang Wei was about to knock on the door, but his hands froze slightly.

Well, you Li Qinghe, didn't you slap you Aoki in the face in the last lawsuit, did you actually slander me like this behind your back?

This aunt, don't mind!

"Zhang Wei, hum!"

Inside the house, came Li Qinghua's disdainful laughter.

"Although I admit that his ability as a lawyer is not bad, but if this kid wants to enter our house, I have to investigate carefully!"

"Let's just say Monday, this kid actually dared to summon our family's Lao Xia, and even made him talk nonsense in court for almost two hours!"

When it came to the end, Li Qinghua's tone was actually a little angry.

"Honey, how can you say that, I'm not talking nonsense, I'm serious science..."

"you shut up!"

Xia Donghai wanted to explain, but was interrupted roughly by Li Qinghua.

Well, the father-in-law has no place in the family, and Zhang Wei knows this too.

"Also, don't think this kid looks honest, but from my point of view, he..."

Boom boom boom!

A knock on the door interrupted Li Qinghua's singing.

Zhang Wei said that he could not let his mother-in-law go on talking, otherwise he might hear some nasty words.

The point is, he has been outside the door all the time. If he knocks on the door again later, what will the people inside think.

It would be better to go in early to avoid more embarrassment.

"Damn girl, you still know how to come back!"

Inside the door, Li Qinghua's angry voice sounded.

Unfortunately, the moment she opened the door, she saw a face she didn't want to see.

"Mother-in-law is good!" Zhang Wei greeted Li Qinghua with a smile as if he hadn't heard the previous words.

"Zhang Wei is here?"

Inside the house, Xia Donghai and Li Qinghe were taken aback at the same time, the former had a slight smile on his face, while the latter had a complicated expression.

"Yes, father-in-law, I'm coming!"

"Yo, auntie is here too, and cousin Feifei, hello, this is..."

Zhang Wei ignored Li Qinghua's slightly ugly face at the door, and immediately walked into the house to greet everyone.

However, he found that there seemed to be an extra person at the aunt's house today.

Li Feifei was still playing with her mobile phone with her head down, but beside her was a young man in a suit, tie and glasses.

"Oh, Zhang Wei, this is Feifei's boyfriend Xiao Zhan!"

"Xiao Zhan, this is Xiao Yueyue's boyfriend, Zhang Wei!"

Li Qinghe quickly introduced the two of them.

"Hello, Zhan Qingze, Investment Broker of Dongxing Securities!"

Beside Li Feifei, Zhan Qingze seemed to want to show off, and at the same time he stretched out his hand, he immediately reported his family name.

"Oh, it turned out to be in finance!"

Zhang Wei knew it well, and quickly greeted the other party, "Hello, Zhang Wei, criminal defense lawyer of Jincheng Law Firm!"

Although the background of the opponent is not bad, but Zhang Wei is also not weak.

The lawyer who is the head of the top ten firms in the Eastern Metropolis is fully capable of this status.

Sure enough, Zhan Qingze looked slightly surprised when he heard Zhang Wei self-reported his family name.

He didn't expect that Zhang Wei's background was not small.

And hearing the word "Jincheng", the corners of Auntie Li Qinghe's mouth twitched slightly.

In that case back then, Aoki stabbed Zhang Wei in the back, and as a result not only lost him, but also lost a future partner.

As for Zhang Wei, he left after winning the case and joined Jincheng Law Firm.

This incident is a sad thing for Li Qinghe recently.

"Let me tell you, Xiao Yueyue is also very lucky. To meet Zhang Wei who likes her so much, no ordinary man can stand this girl's character!"

"Sister, you too, that girl is not young anymore, why is she still like you, with that stubborn temper!"

Naturally, Li Qinghe would not bring up the old story again, so he quickly shifted his firepower.

Her own sister, Li Qinghua, is her main export target.

Her purpose was not to win over Zhang Wei, but to simply attack her own sister.

"Auntie, mother-in-law, silly... Where's Xia Qianyue?"

Zhang Wei secretly said that it was dangerous, he almost got used to it, and called out Xia Qianyue's nickname.

But he was also curious, this house has guests, why Xia Qianyue doesn't come home?

"Hey, that damn girl, you are so busy, you are so busy every day, you really think the serious crime team is such a good place, you work overtime every day until you die, and your salary is only so little, it's not enough to support yourself!"

When Xia Qianyue was mentioned, Li Qinghua became angry.

"Oh, so I'm busy in the serious crime team!" Zhang Wei understood instantly.

The serious crimes team is busy, which is recognized.

Moreover, it is Xia Qianyue's dream to act chivalrously and fight for justice, eliminate violence and protect the good.

In the crime team, Xia Qianyue can fight for her dreams, which is not a bad thing.

"By the way, why are you here today!"

For Zhang Wei, Li Qinghua was not so polite, and asked a question immediately.

"Oh, mother-in-law, I'm here today to..."

"I'm back~"

Just as Zhang Wei was about to speak, he was interrupted by a voice outside the door.

The whole room suddenly became energetic, saying that Cao Cao Cao Cao is here!

Hanhan is back!

I recommend a book by a writer in the same group, "The Life Simulation of King Zhou". Recently, simulators have become popular, and you can touch anything with a simulator (*^▽^*)

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