Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 196 Actually, it's not difficult to have a car and a house

Xia Qianyue was quite happy today.

Because it is rare to get off work early and rest early.

She can go home happily and have dinner with her parents.

But the moment she opened the door, her face changed.

Good guy, a room full of people!

Who did she see?

Besides her parents, she also saw Zhang Wei, Li Qinghe and Li Feifei, and a stranger.

She said that there had never been so many people in the house.

"Xiao Yueyue is back, come in quickly, we were still thinking about you just now!"

It was Li Qinghe who reacted first and hurriedly let Xia Qianyue into the house.

But to be honest, she didn't know that her niece actually didn't want to enter the house, and even wanted to go back to the crime team to work overtime.

In the end, Xia Qianyue could only enter the house.

After saying hello to Li Qinghe and the others, he obediently sat beside Zhang Wei.

"Zhang Wei!"


The two greeted each other in a low voice and sat quietly.

Zhang Wei was actually curious why Li Qinghe came here today.

In the end, he found out that this aunt actually came to Li Qinghua's house to show off her son-in-law.

"Come on, Xiao Yueyue, let me introduce you. This is Feifei's boyfriend, Xiao Zhan, Zhan Qingze. He will be your cousin in the future!"

"Mom, things haven't been decided yet!"

Li Feifei, who was playing with her mobile phone with her head down, finally couldn't bear it, raised her head and said the first sentence since entering the house.

"You girl, what are you talking about, isn't Xiao Zhan very nice!"

Li Qinghe took a look at Zhang Wei, and immediately said braggingly: "Look at Xiao Zhan, he is young, a good-looking talent, with an annual income of over 800,000, and he even bought a house in Central, a junior with more than 100 square meters. The room is more than ten million!"

Although she, Li Qinghe, is also a senior partner of Qingmu Law Firm, her annual dividends are only several million.

If she wants to buy a house worth tens of millions, she will have to save for a few years.

Although it is very realistic, but now to evaluate whether a young man is capable, being able to afford a house is the most important evaluation criterion.

"Aunt Li, where, where, the house is supported by the family. My parents know that Feifei and I are going to get married, so they also paid for it!"

"Work matters are appreciated by leaders, and in our line of work, an annual salary of 800,000 yuan is actually not high, and my performance ability is just above the middle level in the company."

Seeing Li Qinghe complimenting him, Zhan Qingze was of course polite.

However, as he spoke, he still raised his eyebrows at Zhang Wei. Although his movements were slight, there was a trace of provocation.

"By the way, Aunt Li, our leader praised me for my prudence yesterday, and plans to promote me to be a supervisor next quarter. By then, the total annual income will be more than 100,000, maybe over a million!"

After Zhan Qingze finished speaking, he turned his head and looked at Zhang Wei, "I don't know how lawyer Zhang is doing in Jincheng. If he can join Jincheng, his annual income can't be lower than this, right?"

As he spoke, he raised five fingers.

The meaning of this is already obvious, your annual income will definitely not be less than 500,000, right?

Of course, the 500,000 is still a little behind him.

Provocation, naked provocation!

For this kind of "children's" behavior, Zhang Wei generally will not fight, because it is too cheap.

Unfortunately, he didn't get the trick, but someone else did.

"What do you mean, how long has Zhang Weicai joined the law firm, and he is a criminal defense lawyer, how much is a case!" Xia Qianyue couldn't bear it, and immediately retorted.

"That's right, that's right!"

Li Qinghe also suddenly changed his attitude, and pretended to be helpful: "Lawyers rely on seniority, Xiao Zhang has just joined the law firm, and now he is still in the internship period, Xiao Zhan, stop talking, this is not to hit Zhang Wei ?"

In the end, she looked at her younger sister Li Qinghua, "Sister, don't ask too much of Xiao Zhang. After he has been around for three to five years, and he is qualified, his income will eventually increase this year."

"Now his income is definitely not high. The judiciary is completely incomparable with other similar financial industries. Just look at it a little bit."

Good guy!

Zhang Wei looked at Li Qinghe in a daze. Is this aunt using herself to teach her mother-in-law a lesson, and at the same time using Zhan Qingze to teach herself?

I, Zhang Wei, have become a springboard at any time.

Li Qinghua did not expect that Li Qinghe actually brought her son-in-law to provoke her.

When she looked at Zhang Wei, she suddenly became unfriendly.

You say you, so what if you win the lawsuit, it's better to have no money to make.

On Monday, I saw that you were nagging at the trial site, and you won the high-level inspection at the local prosecutor's headquarters, but the result is that you are going to be counted down here.

It doesn't matter if you are scolded, you will be tricked even with me.


The face of the mother-in-law changed, how could Zhang Wei bear it.

"Oh, what my aunt said is that the profession of lawyers requires mixed qualifications. A trainee lawyer like me who has just joined a law firm can't make much money a month, and only earned less than 3 million last month. Why……"

"Well, that's right, but Xiao Zhang, don't be discouraged, earning 3 million a month is already..."

Li Qinghe nodded, feeling that Zhang Wei was quite modest.

But soon, she realized that something was wrong.

What the hell, 3 million?

Are you sure it's not 30,000, did you say two extra zeros?

Zhang Wei directly took out his mobile phone, entered the account password, and placed the balance in front of Li Qinghe.

Looking at the balance of more than 2.9 million, Li Qinghe's face suddenly became extremely exciting.

"Hey, although I'm a criminal lawyer, the leaders of the law firm say that I'm not doing my job properly. I helped the insurance company and the beverage company to fight civil lawsuits, and got more than 10 million yuan in performance. The commission is more than 3 million yuan. I don't know why. flower?"

Zhang Wei sighed and made a helpless look.

With this helpless expression, as well as this look and movement, it seems that 3 million is not a lot of money.

Seeing this scene, Li Qinghe's face twitched a little.

"By the way, Auntie, how much is the car you usually drive? It's 500,000 or 600,000. It should be a high-end car. How about I buy one for Xiaoyueyue? It's not impossible to make do with the left and right!"

Zhang Wei didn't intend to let it go, so he made another knife.

Don't you have nice cars?

Look at you guys, I will take Hanhan to buy a car, and I want to buy a car that is twice as expensive as yours, you are disgusting.

After saying this, Li Feifei, who kept her head down, couldn't help it anymore, and looked at Zhang Wei with Zhan Qingze who was beside her.

But Zhang Wei doesn't care what the two of them think of him. It's not like he can't afford a car worth a million dollars.

"Zhang Wei, when did you get so rich?" Xia Qianyue didn't care, but Zhang Wei made money by accident.

She used to remember that Zhang Wei always did public welfare cases, and all he earned were subsidies.

A case seems to cost only a few hundred yuan.

At any time, the other party was already worth several million.

"Hey, the client is generous, I can't help it..."

Zhang Wei waved his hand, pretending to be "modest", and then quietly placed one hand on Xia Qianyue's jade shoulder, and the two became much more intimate.

Li Qinghua saw this scene in her eyes. If it was normal, she would never allow someone to eat her daughter's tofu.

But because Zhang Wei helped her beat her own sister just now, she didn't reject Zhang Wei as much as she did at first.

Maybe this is because having a common enemy will make the two people who were originally hostile stand on the same front unconsciously.

Li Qinghe was stunned for a long time, but quickly recovered.

She looked at "My son-in-law: Zhan Qingze took a look, and then pointed out, "Well, Xiao Zhang is pretty good, and he has earned a lot of legal fees so quickly. I think you plan to go with Xiao Yueyue, right? I don't know how the preparations for marriage are going, at least the house..."

"Mom, what are you talking about? Although 3 million is a lot, you can't afford a house in a good place in the east. The unit price of an apartment within the second ring road is tens of thousands!" Li Feifei immediately added.

This time, it was exaggeration and insinuation again, and it was the cooperation between the mother and daughter.

Obviously, Zhang Wei's counterattack also made Li Feifei join the "battlefield".

What they mean is obvious. Even if you, Zhang Wei, earned 3 million in legal fees, so what, if you want to really settle down in the East, you still have to buy a house.

Although Zhan Qingze's salary is not as high as yours, he at least has a house, and it is a house in the second ring road with a total price of more than tens of millions.

Even if you want to buy a house, you may have to save for a long time, and you may not be able to buy a good location.

Generally speaking, my son-in-law can still slightly crush Zhang Wei.

"Oh, the house!"

Hearing Li Qinghe talking about the house, Zhang Wei couldn't help being speechless.

Why do you insist on doing this, I really don't want to pretend to be B!

"Auntie, you are going too far. Zhang Weicai has been working for so long, how can he buy a house so soon!" Xia Qianyue protested, with a dissatisfied expression on her face.

Li Qinghua on the side also said: "Yes, sister, how long has your little Zhan worked, and he bought the house with the help of his family. It's not that you don't know the situation of Zhang Wei's family, so you are not embarrassing him! "

"Sister-in-law, Xiao Zhang is a good person. If he and Xiao Yueyue really want to be together, we will contribute a little bit to the house!"

This time, even his father-in-law Xia Donghai spoke up.

The main reason is that Li Qinghe has been embarrassing his own people, and Xia Donghai, who is a man, can't stand it anymore.

"That's what you say, but sister and brother-in-law, you two are so old, have you ever considered changing houses?"

"Although the Wuxie's family building is in a good location, the house must be more than ten years old. I think the bathroom is leaking, and the cooking fumes in the kitchen can't be drained cleanly. I think it's time to bring up the matter of buying a house. Schedule!"

"Besides, although many young people have to work now, more people buy a house after graduating from college and plan to get married. If you want to rely on work to save money to buy a house, when will you have to wait?"

Although Li Qinghe's speech sounded like a blow to Zhang Wei, it was also in line with reality.

Zhang Wei can hear it naturally, and can only say that Auntie is worthy of being a senior partner of Qingmu Law Firm. This set of methods of telling the truth on the surface and suppressing people in the dark is quite slippery.

Xia Qianyue, Li Qinghua and Xia Donghai were about to speak again, but Zhang Wei was one step ahead of them.

"Auntie, and father-in-law and mother-in-law, I am actually dissatisfied with you saying that I have already fixed the house!"




Just after Zhang Wei finished speaking, there were several different exclamations.

Li Qinghua and Li Qinghe opened their mouths at the same time, and their expressions were surprisingly the same.

As expected of sisters, although they are married to different people, they are still very similar in some places.

Then Xia Donghai and Xia Qianyue, father and daughter, also looked at Zhang Wei in a daze.

When did your kid buy the house, why don't we know?

If you bought a house, why didn't you say something on the day of the lawsuit before, let us make preparations, so that everyone is embarrassed now?

"You bought a house, where did you buy it, and what location?"

Li Qinghe recovered immediately and asked three more questions.

"Auntie, it's not a good location. It's just on the edge of the Dongjiang River, the rather famous Dongjiang No. 1. I went to see the house yesterday. It's a 500-square-meter flat, luxuriously decorated, and comes with a full set of brand-name furniture and appliances. It's still a river-view room." , the house looks quite spacious!"

"Beside the Dongjiang River, Dongjiang No. 1, this..."

Li Qinghe's face twitched again.


But Zhang Wei's words really made Zhan Qingze unable to sit still.

He looked at Zhang Wei and asked directly: "This is impossible. The unit price of the house in Dongjiang No. 1 exceeds 200,000 per square meter, and a set of large flats costs at least hundreds of millions. Even if you earn 3 million a month, you still need 4 About a year, but you are a trainee lawyer, and you have joined Jincheng for less than half a year!"

"Besides, the house in Dongjiang No. 1 is not something you can buy if you want it. Even if the chairman of our company wants to buy it, you need to be inspected by the developer of Dongjiang No. 1. You are just a small lawyer, how can you buy it!"

This is true. After all, the wage earners in Dongfangdu all want to live in the top mansions. They can't afford it, but it doesn't hinder their fantasy.

So regarding the rules of the most famous Dongjiang No. 1, they all seemed to know their own family.

It is said that the families who can live in Dongjiang No. 1 are all big figures in the East who would shake their feet.

But Zhang Wei is obviously not such a person.

"Anyway, I'm not lying. The house is at No. 1 Dongjiang. If my father-in-law and mother-in-law don't dislike it, they can move in and live in it. It's my filial piety to my son-in-law!"

Zhang Wei spread his hands, I'm telling the truth, if you don't believe me, there's nothing I can do.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Zhan Qingze shook his head again, not believing this explanation.

"Xiao Zhang, I didn't expect you to learn to brag at such a young age. That's not good!"

Li Qinghe also pretended not to believe it.

Let alone her, Li Qinghua and Xia Donghai didn't believe it.

The couple have lived in the East for decades, so they naturally know Dongjiang No. 1, and they know that this house is their whole life...

No, it is not necessarily something that can be expected in a few lifetimes.

They almost said, even if you brag, can you brag more reliably?

You can find any community in the east, it is more reliable than Dongjiang No. 1, right?

"Why, don't you believe it?"

Zhang Wei is depressed, no one will believe the truth these days?

Li Qinghe thought for a while, and suddenly realized that this was an opportunity to hit Zhang Wei.

In the previous niece's case, she was slapped in the face by Zhang Wei, so this time she can win back a victory?

"Xiao Zhang, it's not that Auntie doesn't believe you, it's just that we want to open our eyes and see what the most famous mansion in the Eastern Capital looks like. Since you said that the house has been booked and you went to see it yesterday, how about we Go again today?"

"Yeah, I also want to see how Attorney Zhang, at this age, owns a house that normal people can't afford in their lifetime!"

Zhan Qingze also chimed in, and looked at Zhang Wei full of teasing.

You are bragging, and now my mother-in-law wants to expose you, I must be my mother-in-law!

"This..." Xia Donghai and Li Qinghua didn't know how to speak this time.

Zhang Wei's bullshit has been blown out, and they seem to have no way to shirk it.

Xia Qianyue was clever this time, and hurriedly said: "Auntie, I actually don't want to see any houses..."

"Okay, then together?"

But Zhang Wei made a plan first, and took out a magnetic card from his pocket, and shook it in his hand, "It's just right, I'm wearing the key too, it's good to go to the house to have a look!"

"Zhang Wei, what are you doing, you..."

"Hanhan, don't you believe me?"

Xia Qianyue was about to pull Zhang Wei aside to talk, but Zhang Wei's expression made Xia Qianyue suddenly startled.

Zhang Wei, I don't seem to be lying...

Although she is not very smart, after so many days in the serious crime unit, she can barely tell whether someone is lying

Zhang Wei didn't care about these, but mobilized: "Why are you still standing there, everyone is here today, let's go!"

"Father-in-law, you are driving the four of us, and the three of you, aunt, are also driving to keep up!"

He said, opened the door first, and walked out.

Li Qinghua and Xia Donghai looked at each other, and Li Qinghe and Li Feifei also looked at each other.

In the end, it was Zhan Qingze who took the lead and followed Zhang Wei out.

The two families drove at the same time, heading for Dongjiang No. 1.

in the car.

Zhang Wei was full of confidence, but Xia Donghai and Li Qinghua who were driving looked a little nervous.

in another car.

Li Qinghe and Li Feifei were also thinking about it.

"Is that kid cheating?"

"I don't know, but he doesn't look like he's joking?"

"Could it be that he really bought the house at No. 1 Dongjiang? It's impossible...he must be lying. When the place arrives, I'll see how he ends up!"

Just as the two families had different thoughts, Dongjiang No. 1 arrived.

Two cars were stopped at the gate of the community. Zhang Wei poked his head out of the car window and nodded to the security guard at the gate.

"It's Mr. Zhang, hello!"

The security guard saluted, and the door slowly opened.

Unbelievably, the two families entered Dongjiang No. 1.

Then, directly entering the elevator from the underground garage, Zhang Wei took out the magnetic card, swiped it and went straight to the floor of the house.


The elevator opens.

"Mr. Zhang Wei, welcome home!"

The moment the elevator opened, a pleasant female voice sounded at the door.

This is an electronic sound, which is pre-set in the community system, but it also proves that the owner of this floor is Zhang Wei.

"Come on, the house is here!"

There is only one household on each floor, so after walking out of the entrance elevator, it is the entrance.

Moreover, it is also a large entrance hall of over 30 square meters.

This entrance alone is about the size of Xia Qianyue's living room.

"Welcome Mr. Zhang!"

At the entrance of Xuanxuan, Zhang Wei swiped his face again to activate, and the door opened automatically.

An invincible flat-floor river view room was displayed in front of the two sisters, Li Qinghua and Li Qinghe.

The luxurious and exquisite decoration, the expensive and shiny furniture, and the unobstructed view of the invincible river all refreshed their cognition.



"Fuck, you kid really bought a house!"

Continuous exclamations came from the mouths of Zhan Qingze, Li Feifei, Xia Qianyue and Xia Donghai.

They never expected that Zhang Wei was really not bragging, he really had a suite in Dongjiang No. 1.

This incident directly refreshed the three views of the two families.

This is too frightening!

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