Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 197 Xiao Li is under pressure, Lao Li reminds me

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Thursday, a working day.

Jincheng Law Firm, Criminal Division Office.

Zhang Wei was reading the newspaper at his workstation, but what he recalled in his mind was the scene from yesterday.

Thinking of yesterday's viewing of the house, Zhang Wei still wants to laugh.

In the end, both sisters Li Qinghe and Li Qinghua confirmed one thing, that Zhang Wei really has a house in Dongjiang Yipin.

Moreover, it is also a high-rise building with an excellent view, which can have a panoramic view of the Dongjiang River and a small half of the Oriental Capital. It is a proper invincible river view room.

With this floor and location, this suite is at least tens of millions more expensive than those lower floors, and there is still no market for the price.

Most people can't afford extravagant expectations, and even rich people may not necessarily be able to buy them if they want to.

Li Qinghe and Li Qinghua are not idiots, so naturally they can see these ways.

Although they were curious about how Zhang Wei got such a house, they didn't dare to ask more questions if Zhang Wei didn't say anything.

Anyway, in the end Zhang Wei saw that the eyes of Li Qinghe's family looking at him became extremely complicated.

Aunt Li Qinghe, daughter Li Feifei, son-in-law Zhan Qingze, the last three had no choice but to leave in despair.

Originally, Li Qinghe wanted to bring his son-in-law to taunt her good sister, but unexpectedly, she was slapped in the face by Zhang Wei instead.

My son-in-law has an annual salary of 800,000 yuan, and he is also in the financial industry. He has a bright future and a promising future.

As a result, Zhang Wei's monthly salary is close to 3 million, and he is also a lawyer of Jincheng Law Firm. This is the real "future soldier"!

Li Qinghe saw that the salary and benefits could not be dealt with, so he moved out of the house again.

In order to marry Li Feifei, his son-in-law, Zhan Qingze, bought a house with a total price of over 100,000,000 square meters in Central Ring, but Zhang Wei threw back a Dongjiang first-class Jiangjingfang mansion with a total price of over 100,000,000 yuan and slapped him in the face.

Zhan Qingze looked at this house with envy and envy, because he knew that no matter how hard he worked, he might not be able to afford such a house until he retired.

In the end, Li Qinghe saw the reality clearly, and Zhang Wei was no longer something he could handle at will.

Whether it is in the profession of lawyers or simply regards Zhang Wei as her younger sister's family, she can no longer find a sense of superiority in Li Qinghua and Zhang Wei.

Since she couldn't pretend, Li Qinghe could only retreat in defeat.

After the aunt left, Li Qinghua and Xia Donghai pestered Zhang Wei for a while to ask questions.

In the end, Zhang Wei had no choice but to invite the steward Wang of the property to explain to the two of them face to face.

It was also under Wang Steward's explanation that the father-in-law and mother-in-law finally understood that Zhang Wei was the owner of the house in Dongjiang Yipin.

And under Zhang Wei's persuasion, the father-in-law and mother-in-law finally agreed to move to Dongjiang Yipin's house.

Actually, Li Qinghua originally wanted to refuse.

She is a self-reliant woman. Although her work has not improved much and she may be a court clerk all her life, she does not want to accept alms from Zhang Wei, her son-in-law.

"Are you looking down on me, kid? Our family needs your charity, isn't it just a bigger house, we will be rare?"

Li Qinghua wanted to reject Zhang Wei like this, but this kid gave too much!

That is the invincible river-view house of Dongjiang first-class, super large flat, the top mansion in the East.

The mother-in-law wanted to refuse several times, but the words in her mouth just couldn't come out.

And under Zhang Wei's repeated insistence, she agreed...

Although the mother-in-law's expression seemed to be scolding herself for not living up to expectations.

Li Qinghua, oh Li Qinghua, I just bought you a first-class river view house in Dongjiang, you are a river?

But Li Qinghua did not resist the temptation of the house after all.

His wife agreed, and Xia Donghai naturally wouldn't object.

As for Xia Qianyue, her father-in-law and mother-in-law agreed, how could this girl dare to refuse.

And as a good daughter, she actually hopes that her parents can have a better quality of life in her heart.

The matter of the house was satisfactorily resolved in this way.

Today is Thursday, work day.

Li Qinghua and Xia Donghai should be busy with moving.

The father-in-law doesn't have so many materialistic pursuits, but the mother-in-law can't wait to move into Dongjiang Yipin.

"It's a pity, I still think it's better to live in the Lin Mansion!"

The only regrettable thing is that Zhang Wei can no longer live with Xia Qianyue.

He had to live in Lin's Mansion, firstly because it was convenient to live in Lin's Mansion, and secondly because there was still a person living in the house who needed to be taken care of by himself.

Thinking of Zhao Xiaoxiao, the second daughter, and the old Zhao next door, Zhang Wei had a headache.

What kind of conflict did the parents and daughter fall to the ground, so that the two became strangers?

"Master, what are you looking at?"

Suddenly, Lin Yumeng may have finished chasing the show, and suddenly looked towards Zhang Wei.

"Oh, I'm searching for major events that happened in the Eastern Capital recently!"

Zhang Wei turned the computer 30° sideways, allowing Lin Yumeng to see the content on the screen.

"Oriental Metropolis Entertainment Section, what are you looking at?"

"Hey, the entertainment section, sometimes you can get big cases!"

Zhang Wei pointed to the home page of the entertainment section, and explained with a smile: "For example, the case of a film tycoon being murdered by his wife has been a hot topic in the East recently. If we have the opportunity to get on the line with that wife, we might get rich!"

"Oh, I've heard about that too."

Lin Yumeng nodded, "But I heard gossip that it seems that the tycoon wanted to kill his wife, so he was killed instead?"

As he said that, the little apprentice analyzed the previous case: "Just like the case you fought for Uncle Zhao, the deceased Zeng Xiang wanted to threaten your client, Fang Yunshu, but your client killed him in the end. This is his own fault." !"

"However, in your case, the local procuratorate and the investigation department did not find any evidence of Zeng Xiang's threats, so they prosecuted the person concerned. But this case is very likely to be self-defense. The local procuratorate obviously will not prosecute the tycoon's wife, right?" ?”

Zhang Wei waved his hand calmly, "Xiaomeng, before meeting the person involved, any speculation is arbitrary, you have to learn to discern the truth of the matter!"

"Do you know who we criminal defense lawyers see the most every day?"

"I know, it's a criminal!" The little apprentice replied immediately.

Unfortunately, this answer is clearly wrong.

"you are wrong!"

Zhang Wei shook his head with a look of disappointment on his face: "Criminal is a name for a person whose criminal behavior has been verified and implemented, and our parties cannot be called criminals before they are tried, but can only be treated as suspects. What do you say? It's a big problem!"

"Oh, I know..."

Lin Yumeng lowered her head and accepted the reprimand humbly, but she still couldn't help asking: "Then, master, what's the answer?"

Seeing that the little apprentice was not reconciled, Zhang Wei smiled.

"The answer is also very simple. The people we criminal defense lawyers come into contact with the most every day are actually liars!"

"So you need to practice a pair of sharp eyes, be able to distinguish right from wrong, see the flaws in these people's words, and find the truth of the matter!"

"As long as you stand on the side of the truth, then you will be invincible, and you will be invincible!"

When Lin Yumeng heard Zhang Wei's words, little stars began to twinkle in her big eyes. She quickly took out her notebook and wrote down these words.

"Yeah, master is right, if you find the truth, you will be invincible!"

Seeing that the little apprentice was so well-behaved, Zhang Wei also smiled in satisfaction.

Although she is the daughter of the big boss, this attitude of humbly studying is definitely worthy of recognition.

There is no problem with Lin Yumeng, so the latest problem is only another little friend...

"Xiao Li, it seems that you are very busy recently, what are you busy with?"

As the "talker" of the criminal team, Zhang Wei felt that it was necessary to care about another little partner.

"I'm busy with a case..."

Li Yueqin raised her head and responded, but quickly lowered her head and wrote the document.

"Oh, busy with the case!"

I have to admit that Li Yueqin is very diligent. She is either busy with cases or taking time to study these few days.

The corresponding person, since the case was settled on Monday, has been fishing for three days and drying the net for two days, and went to work to catch fish when he had nothing to do...

Looking at the busy Li Yueqin, Zhang Wei couldn't help leaning over.

"Xiao Li, there are so many evidences in this case, and there are witnesses. Do you still want to defend your innocence?"

Opening a summary of the case, Zhang Wei couldn't help asking.

"I think...the person involved may be innocent..."

"No, no, he can't be innocent in this case. The prosecution has too much evidence. I suggest you plead guilty and try to persuade your client to plead guilty. This will help you propose a reduced sentence during negotiations. If you want to be innocent, the sentence The maximum sentence can be 10 years, which is not good for your client!"

"But I still want to fight for it..." Although Li Yueqin heard Zhang Wei's words, she didn't agree with everything.

"That's fine, this is your case, I can give you a reference at most!"

Zhang Wei spread his hands, so he didn't care anymore.

"I will consider your suggestion, but I will appear in court soon!"

Li Yueqin began to pack up the files, preparing to leave.

"Then I wish you success!"

Zhang Wei hurriedly cheered for the other party, but he was not optimistic that Li Yueqin could win the case.

"Yeah, come on, too!"

Lin Yumeng also stood up and praised Li Yueqin.

Tie Ruyun, who was buried in his work, also raised his head and said, "Xiao Li, fight hard, but I have to deal with a lot of documents today, so I can't accompany you to the court hearing. Are you okay?"

"Don't worry, team leader, and everyone, I won't let you guys fall behind!"

After Li Yueqin responded solemnly, she walked out of the criminal office with several documents in her arms.

Looking at Li Yueqin who was going to court, Zhang Wei shook his head.

"Xiao Li is under a lot of pressure recently. It seems that we have all engaged in a big case, but she is still involved in a criminal case. I feel a little unbalanced!"

Zhang Wei could tell that Li Yueqin's heart was a little messed up.

For example, in the case just now, even if Zhang Wei didn't go to the crime scene, he still knew that the person involved was probably the real criminal.

But Li Yueqin didn't want to plead guilty, and insisted on pleading not guilty, obviously also stimulated by Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei felt that there was nothing wrong with a competitive personality, but he couldn't let his personality affect his subjective judgment. That would be irresponsible to himself and the parties involved.

"I hope Xiao Li can gain something from this case..."

He sighed, and didn't bother to worry about it.


Afternoon, 4:30.

Li Yueqin is back.

However, compared with the solemn expression before she left, her current expression is a little bit bad.

"Xiao Li, how is the case?"

Zhang Wei immediately noticed the change in the expression of the person coming, and asked quickly.

But even though he was asking, he actually knew the answer in his heart.


Li Yueqin opened her mouth, but unfortunately she didn't have the face to say the result.

Zhang Wei smiled slightly, "How long will your client be in prison, 8 years or 10 years?"

"He...was sentenced to...13 years..."


Hearing Li Yueqin's answer, Zhang Wei's eyes widened.

"Impossible. The maximum sentence in that case was only 10 years. How did he manage to get it longer than the maximum sentence?"

"My client, he refused to accept the verdict, swearing and swearing in court, and had a physical conflict with the court guard, so the judge added another charge of assault, disturbing order, and contempt of court..."

"I understand!"

Zhang Wei waved his hand, signaling to Li Yueqin not to continue talking.

Obviously, the criminal thought that he and the defense lawyer could get acquitted, but instead he was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

The huge psychological gap caused his psychological defense to be defeated, so that he acted irrationally in court.

In fact, Li Yueqin also bears some responsibility for this matter. If she insisted on pleading guilty from the beginning, and the client pleaded guilty with a good attitude, the case may be sentenced to a maximum of 5 years.

After all, you are going to fight for the innocent, and justice may be on your side.

But if you want to defend the innocence of a guilty person, you can only say that you deserve to lose!

"Xiao Li, think about the good, at least the law has not wronged a guilty person!"

Zhang Wei didn't know how to comfort him, he could only sigh in his heart, there is no mercy!

"But, I want to prove myself, but..."

Li Yueqin was helpless, her face couldn't be happier.


5 o'clock, it's time to get off work.

Because there was no major case at hand, the criminal team got off work a little earlier than the other teams in the litigation department.

When Zhang Wei passed by the commercial group and the civil department of the litigation department, he saw that they were busy in full swing.

Not only that, the commercial and civil affairs teams also saw Zhang Wei, and several team leaders looked at him with fear and embarrassment.

Obviously, they thought that Zhang Wei had malicious intentions and might want to slap them in the face again.

Moreover, Zhang Wei also discovered a problem recently, that is, there are not many valuable cases in the "garbage dump" of the litigation department.

Only those cases that are not lucrative and know that they cannot be won will be thrown in.

Zhang Wei rummaged through the garbage dump at the beginning of the month, but unfortunately he couldn't find a big case that could boost his performance.

Obviously, the commercial and civil affairs teams did this intentionally, in case the criminal team received another major case.

Since there is no opportunity in the "garbage dump", Zhang Wei naturally has to consider taking the case from other channels.

That's why he's been surfing the web and the news lately.

It's a pity that big cases can't be received casually, and even big law firms can't guarantee that every case can make money.


at the same time.

Central, a mid-range neighborhood.

Ding dong!

After Li Yueqin got out of the elevator, she walked to a house and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?"

"Mom, it's me!"

"Oh, dear girl, come back!"

A woman similar to Li Yueqin opened the door, "Why didn't you bring the key?"

"I've been busy at work these few days, I left in a hurry, and I forgot my key."

Li Yueqin hurried into the house. This is a commercial house with three bedrooms and two living rooms, about a hundred square meters, but the decoration is a bit simple.

"Where's Dad?"

"He must be still in court, but he doesn't seem to get off work too late today, why don't we wait for him and let's have dinner together?"


Li Yueqin agreed, went straight back to her room, and closed the door.

"Father and daughter are now the same virtue. One is in the court and is busy every day; the other is in the law firm and has a sullen face every day..."

The woman glanced at Li Yueqin, and couldn't help shaking her head and sighing.

An hour later, the door opened again, and someone came back.

"I'm back!"

A calm man wearing glasses and a suit walked into the house with a key.

If Zhang Wei were here, he would be extremely surprised, because this person was none other than Lao Li, the judge of the Criminal Court of the Municipal Court.

Oh, Zhang Wei actually prefers his nickname, Brother Tranquility!

After 10 minutes, the meal was served.

Li Yueqin, Lao Li and his wife, a family of three rarely sat together to eat.

It's a pity that Brother Tan Ding looked calm, and Li Yueqin also didn't say a word, just focusing on turning her head.

The woman looked at the father and daughter several times, but she still couldn't liven up the atmosphere.

"Yueqin, do you have something on your mind?" In the end, it was Lao Li who noticed something.

"Dad, I'm fine, I just have some problems at work."

"That's all right?"

Lao Li thought for a while and asked, "What's the problem? Tell me. Your father and I are also a judge of the Municipal Court. If you are unhappy at work, I will definitely go to Jincheng to see the situation!"

"No, it's just that I've been under a lot of pressure recently. Both of them handled major cases in the same period last month, and their legal fees were more than 3 million. I'm the only one who still has a guaranteed salary during the internship..."

"3 million legal fees!"

Although Lao Li is a judge, he is in charge of the criminal court. He was a little shocked when he heard the figure of 3 million.

Being at the same time as my daughter, doesn't it mean that the other party has just graduated.

"Just graduated and got 3 million legal fees. Are you sure? You didn't join the criminal team. When did criminal cases make so much money? Why didn't I know?"

"They fought commercial cases and won all of them. They wanted tens of millions in compensation!"

"Oh, no wonder, commercial cases make money, but you have to win!"

Lao Li nodded, then looked at his daughter, "Why, do you envy them?"

"Yeah, I also want to prove myself, but criminal cases don't make money, and fighting is tiring..."

Seeing his daughter like this, Lao Li sighed.

Criminal cases don't make money, but you are studying criminal law. If you don't fight criminal cases, do you still go to commercial lawsuits?

Moreover, even if you want to challenge different types of cases, you must have the source of the case.

"Listen to you, you want to..."

"I don't want to. Commercial cases will definitely not be easy, and we are a criminal team, and we can't find commercial cases that can make money. I'd better fight criminal cases honestly and try to accumulate more experience this month!"

Seeing Li Yueqin's attitude, as an old father, how could Lao Li fail to see the unwillingness in his daughter's heart.

After thinking about it, he couldn't help but said: "Actually, you want to deal with a business case, and there is really a big case recently!"

Li Yueqin was originally busy with her meal, but when she heard her father's words, she couldn't help raising her head.

Seeing that his daughter was interested, Lao Li lowered his voice: "Actually, I also heard the news. It seems that there is a lawsuit in their company about the movie tycoon who was killed recently, but I don't know the details. You can understand it, there should be a lot of ways in it!"

"That case!"

When Li Yueqin heard this, she immediately understood.

This case has caused a lot of ups and downs in the East recently.

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