Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 199: Send 300 million? Up to 300 million legal fees!

Ren's Films, conference room.

Mr. Ding, the executive president of Ren's Films, and his company's top executives met here with Zhang Wei and other lawyers.

However, after learning that the opponent was Hu Yaode from Heizu Law Firm, some timid lawyers had already slipped away ahead of time.

As for their so-called excuses, none of the people present were idiots, so they could naturally hear their perfunctory excuses.

Mr. Ding didn't care, because the lawyers Ren's Pictures were looking for were not these timid people.

Although they released the news to the outside world that they needed the assistance of a lawyer, they did not specify the request, so many people came to fish in troubled waters.

Fortunately, the assets of Ren's Films are here, which still attracts many powerful lawyers.

No, those who can stay here now are basically lawyers who are not afraid of black feet and are relatively qualified.

Now, the meeting proceeds to the second stage.

"Boss Ding, let me take care of it!"

As one of the most influential people in the field, Qin Shaocong from Longteng International made a temporary speech as the lawyer's representative.

"First, Heizu represented Ms. Zhu Tianying and sent a lawyer's letter to Ren's Films. Ms. Zhu is planning to legally inherit over 60 billion assets of Ren's Films as the wife of the late director Ren. Once the succession agreement If passed, she will have the legal rights of the deceased Ren Xinwei's board of directors to make decisions, the shareholder's one-vote veto right, and the right to control the company's assets."

"That's right, that's right!" Mr. Ding nodded, although his face was grim.

Qin Shaocong continued, "Second, and most importantly, Ren's Films released the news of seeking a lawyer, but it is not actually seeking to solve the internal inheritance distribution problem as we imagined, nor is it other judicial proceedings, but Regarding the settlement of Heizu and Zhu Tianying, it means that what you want is for me to help you fight against Heizu law firm!"

"That's right!" Boss Ding nodded again.

"Third!" Qin Shaocong raised his third finger again.

"I would like to ask, is it reliable for Zhu Tianying to inherit Ren's film industry? Didn't Ren Dong leave any will before his death?"

Hearing this question, Mr. Ding sighed, "I believe you all know that Ren Dong is only 61 years old and has always paid attention to maintenance. No one thought that such a thing would happen to him, so no one felt the need for a will at that time. "

"In addition, Director Ren has always liked to do things by himself. The entire board of directors felt that Director Ren could continue to serve the company for a few more years, so no one reminded him of the will."

"Moreover, Ren Dong has a good wife as his wife. Although he has divorced these women, as a father, he still finds a job for his children in Ren's Films that can support him."

Mr. Ding said, and waved to the secretary beside him.

The latter understood and distributed several documents to Qin Shaocong, Zhang Wei and others.

"This is the family tree of Director Ren. Regardless of his ancestors, it is said that he has registered as many as 6 children. Their mothers were all the wives of Director Ren. Of course, he also divorced these women through legal means. Well, it stands to reason that they should not have a share in the inheritance."

"But there is a good saying, money can turn ghosts, I'm sure they are also salivating over Ren Dong's worth of tens of billions, and no one will even give up the so-called inheritance, they must also want a piece of the pie !"

Mr. Ding said this and looked at everyone, "Once that time comes, Ren's Pictures will also fall apart in the so-called inheritance competition!"

At this moment, Zhang Wei spoke up: "But the biggest problem right now is Zhu Tianying. She is the current wife of Mr. Ren Xinwei, and she has the legal right to inherit the spouse. She can inherit the entire Ren's Film Industry from her deceased husband!"

All eyes were on Zhang Wei.

Facing these gazes, he was very calm.

"Moreover, although Zhu Tianying killed Ren Xinwei, according to the statement of the person involved, it seems that the late Ren Dong wanted to rape Ms. Zhu, so he was counter-killed. Based on my understanding of the local prosecutor's headquarters, if Zhu Miss is intentional to kill, then they have already prepared to prosecute each other."

"However, so long has passed, and the headquarters of the local prosecutor's office, which has always been vigorous and vigorous, has not heard anything. This shows that they also believe that Zhu Tianying is acting in self-defense, and she may be released without charge!"

Zhang Wei looked at Mr. Ding, and there was nothing left to say.

Once the woman's murder is deemed to be self-defense, she does not need to bear any responsibility and enjoys the sole right of spousal inheritance.

"That's right. Lawyer Zhang is right. But now all the evidence points to Ms. Zhu's legitimate defense. Although we are a giant in the film industry and have some weight in the entertainment industry, it is impossible to interfere with the local prosecutor's headquarters. judicial decision."

"So I would like to ask everyone to help us think of a way, how to prevent Ren Dong's hard work from being taken over by a vase woman who is under 30 years old and knows nothing!"

Boss Ding is also worried now.

For Ren Xinwei, the entire board of directors is naturally convinced.

The other party started from scratch, and it took forty years to develop Ren's Films to its current scale.

But if a woman under thirty is suddenly placed in the position, and the other party has absolute decision-making power, which board member can be convinced?

Once that time comes, they don't know how much the assets of Ren's Pictures, which has assets of 60 billion, will shrink.

Mr. Ding and the others also have a small part of the company's shares. If the company's assets shrink, it will also threaten their interests.

This is absolutely not allowed.

"Under 30, vase woman!" Zhang Wei muttered.

It is such a woman who is less than 30 years old, but will soon own an entertainment giant company worth 60 billion yuan, and now they need to think about how to prevent this woman from obtaining legally allowed inheritance assets.

For a while, the atmosphere in the meeting room became depressed, and everyone frowned.

"Boss Ding, what did the investigation department say?" someone asked.

This person is Baisheng's lawyer Zhao, who sits under Qin Shaocong.

"I asked a related friend to ask. There is no evidence to prove that Miss Zhu Tianying's death was premeditated by Ren Dong. The investigation department also tends to admit self-defense!"

Mr. Ding said, and added, "And they only found Ren Dong's own fingerprints on the murder weapon that hurt Miss Zhu and caused Ren Dong's death. Miss Zhu was stabbed several times, which was almost life-threatening, although I don't want to admit it. , but I have to say that she is indeed miserable!"

Zhu Tianying was miserable, which proved that it was Ren Xinwei who wanted to rape her, and the former had to kill Ren Xinwei to protect himself.

"Boss Ding, I didn't say that, if that's the case, it's really difficult!" Another person said.

This time it was Lawyer Qi from Xicheng, who was sitting next to Zhang Wei.

Lawyer Tian of Yongjie on the side also nodded, and then looked at Mr. Ding.

"Mr. Ding, let me ask again. You released the news to the outside world and invited us to Ren's Pictures. Is it really just to deal with the problem in front of you?"

Mr. Ding knew what he was going to ask.

But the biggest problem for Ren's Films at present is the matter of Zhu Tianying.

As for all other things, they are not considered to be hurting muscles and bones, so you can ignore them for the time being.

"That's right, that's the only thing!" Boss Ding nodded his head as an admission.

"Since this is the case, please forgive us for being powerless!"

Attorney Zhao, Attorney Tian and Attorney Qi got up at the same time, took their assistants and others, and left without looking back.

Originally, they were expecting to reach a cooperation with Ren's Films, but who would have thought that you guys would miss out on some kind of mission.

They couldn't handle such a difficult task, so naturally they couldn't cooperate.

After they left, the only lawyers left in the meeting room were Qin Shaocong and Zhang Wei.

"Young Master Qin, you are the representative of Longteng, what do you say here?"

Although Mr. Ding wanted to ask Zhang Wei's opinion, but Qin Shaocong's qualifications and identities are placed here, so there must be a priority.

"Can Zhu Tianying reconcile, for example, give her a sum of money to give up her inheritance?"

"We have also thought of this, so we have provided a number!"

President Ding said, holding up three fingers.

"300 million?" Qin Shaocong raised his eyebrows.

"That's right, 300 million!" Mr. Ding nodded.

"Mr. Ding, you guys are really going to give people problems. Just give that woman 300 million yuan. If it were me, I wouldn't accept it, hahaha..."

Qin Shaocong laughed, and the subordinates behind him also laughed.

"300 million, these capitalists are really enough..."

Not only that, even Zhang Wei, who was sitting in the corner of the conference table, couldn't help laughing.

"Mr. Ding, I didn't say that, the total assets of Ren's Films exceeds 60 billion, and it is the leader in the entertainment circle of Dongfang Metropolis. Before Ren Dong of your family was the seventh richest man in Dongfang Metropolis, he is also known as the godfather of the entertainment industry. .”

"Now, you plan to send that woman away with 300 million yuan, and make her give up more than a hundred times the legal inheritance. Do you think she will agree?"

Qin Shaocong also understood that these guys from Ren's Pictures are simply greedy and want to use 300 million to send beggars away.

"Mr. Ding, please forgive Qin for leaving!"

Qin Shaocong patted the table to show his dissatisfaction, and then he was about to leave with others.

But when he left, he suddenly paused, because he found that someone hadn't moved.

"Lawyer Zhang, why, you still plan to take this case, they plan to spend 300 million to send beggars, do you still want to help them save this money?"

"Lawyer Qin, I think everything can be resolved through negotiation. If we sit down with Ms. Zhu to find out, maybe this matter will turn around!"

"Hmph, turning point, Qin doesn't have the time to be a lobbyist for someone who is not sincere!"

Qin Shaocong sneered, then looked back at Mr. Ding and the others, then shook his sleeves and left.

Obviously he didn't think the plan could be negotiated, so he just left.

Now, only the Jincheng side represented by Zhang Wei and Li Yueqin remained in the field.

"Lawyer Zhang, you..."

"President Ding, don't worry, I'm just asking, is your bottom line really only 300 million?"

Seeing that Zhang Wei not only did not leave, but continued to ask questions, Mr. Ding also nodded solemnly.

"300 million, no more, if there is more, the board of directors and shareholders will have opinions!"

"That is to say, if I take your company's case, I will be responsible for persuading Zhu Tianying to give up the 60 billion that can be obtained legally and choose 300 million?"

At the last word "300 million", Zhang Wei's tone was a little teasing.

For some reason, in the face of Zhang Wei, who was a generation younger than himself, Mr. Ding's forehead inexplicably seeped a little sweat.

Maybe he himself felt that this matter was a little unreliable.

But he still nodded and admitted: "Yes, Lawyer Zhang is right!"

"What about my fee?"

"If Lawyer Zhang can persuade Zhu Tianying to give up her inheritance rights, we will give you a generous reward!"

"Oh, what a reward!"

Zhang Wei and Li Yueqin looked at each other, the latter looked confused, while Zhang Wei was smiling.

"Then let me ask again, in case, I mean in case..."

After emphasizing it several times, he asked: "If I can make Zhu Tianying not get any money, how much can I get?"

Mr. Ding also went all out, "If Lawyer Zhang can complete this matter, then we can give you the full amount of the 300 million compensation for Ms. Zhu Tianying!"

"300 million in legal fees?"

"That's right, a reward of 300 million!"

Good guy!

Zhang Wei felt that he was motivated again in an instant.

"Mr. Ding, I think, in fact, it's not impossible for us to cooperate. Of course, it has nothing to do with money. The main reason is that I think you are sincere enough. We took this case!"

Zhang Wei himself felt that these words were not convincing.

If Ren's Films was sincere enough, it should have recognized Zhu Tianying's legal inheritance instead of choosing to use 300 million to send beggars away.

"Xiao Li, get ready to sign the contract!"

But the work still has to continue. Since Ren's Pictures can provide "up to" 300 million in legal fees, Zhang Wei must go all out.

"Hurry up, prepare a contract for Lawyer Zhang, and add the last item I just said to the terms!"

Mr. Ding hurriedly gave instructions to the secretary, then he couldn't bear to get up and walked to Zhang Wei.

"Lawyer Zhang, I don't know what your current method is..."

"It's very simple. We are going to the local prosecutor's headquarters to see if they plan to prosecute a murderer!"


"Yes, murderer!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Wei showed a slightly sinister smile, "As long as it can be proved that Zhu Tianying intended to murder Ren Xinwei, the criminal murderer will be deprived of the right of inheritance, and if she really killed Director Ren, she herself will no longer have the right of inheritance."

"But the evidence from the investigation department, and the news from the local prosecutor's headquarters, they..."

"It's okay, this is just one of my tricks. As for whether to take this step, I still need to go to the investigation department and the local prosecutor's headquarters in person. By the way, I still have to meet Zhu Tianying. Did she do anything?" I also need to have a personal interview with the other party before I can find out about those things!"

Seeing that Zhang Wei had already figured it out, Mr. Ding couldn't help but nodded.

He likes it that way.

Before the contract was signed and the money was confiscated, I started to help you.

Although Lawyer Zhang looks young, he is pragmatic.


In the end, the contract was naturally finalized by both parties, and both Li Yueqin and Zhang Wei also signed their names on the contract.

But what surprised Mr. Ding was that he thought Li Yueqin was Zhang Wei's assistant, but he didn't expect two people's names to be written on the contract.

That means that if the case is really completed, the 300 million legal fees will be shared equally between the two.

Mr. Ding was very surprised, because it was 300 million, and Zhang Weizhen planned to distribute it to a woman who had never spoken to him and looked like an assistant?

In fact, Zhang Wei originally planned to write only Li Yueqin's name on the contract, but was rejected by the latter.

Because Zhang Wei was negotiating the case from the beginning to the end, she would feel a little embarrassed if she took the spot in the case again.

Originally, Li Yueqin didn't want to sign, but she couldn't be more stubborn than Zhang Wei, so there was nothing she could do.

Finally, the contract was finally signed.

"Then Lawyer Zhang, we are waiting for your news!"

Mr. Ding and the senior executives of Ren's Films sent Zhang Wei away politely.

But after they watched Zhang Wei go away, the smiles on their faces disappeared instantly.

"President, you really have to believe that this young, somewhat over-the-top kid has a good saying, and he can't do things well if he doesn't have a hair on his mouth!"

"I know that too, so we won't pin our hopes on one person, but if he really succeeds, although this kid is too young, judging by the attitude of Young Master Qin of Longteng International, this Lawyer Zhang seems to be capable. !"

Mr. Ding said, looking at the female secretary beside him, "Lawyer Zhang, how is the investigation going?"

"President, this is the information about Lawyer Zhang that I have so far. I printed it out for you."

The female secretary immediately handed a stack of documents to Mr. Ding.

Although he was very polite to Zhang Wei, it was because he had the attitude of giving it a try, and Zhang Wei was the only one left, so if he was less polite, maybe the last one would run away.

But even though it is a cooperation, Mr. Ding, as the president of a group with assets of 60 billion, will definitely understand all aspects very carefully.

So he ordered his subordinates to investigate Zhang Wei.

"Come on, let me see what is so special about this lawyer Zhang!"

Just like that, Mr. Ding began to look through the documents.

After turning a few pages, his face gradually became serious.

"My good fellow, this lawyer Zhang has fought so many cases of innocence defense, and he has won all of them!"

"The opponents are actually the local prosecutor's headquarters. This person is so powerful. I haven't heard of it before?"

"No wonder, in the previous case, he scolded the media in court, probably blocked, so these search records are recent, but there were no public records and reports before!"

"It seems that this lawyer Zhang is a bit more qualified than I expected, we might as well try to trust him!"

Mr. Ding has decided that he can have more trust in Zhang Wei.

Although Ren's Pictures still won't fully rely on Zhang Wei, it's always a good thing to have some expectations.

At the same time, outside the gate of Ren's Films.

"Zhang Wei, are you really going to help them deal with that victim? I think it's immoral to do so. Zhu Tianying was almost killed, and you want to deprive her of her inheritance?"

"Xiao Li, as a lawyer, you should take a long-term view. What did you see in the case? You only saw one victim. Do you know what I saw?"


"I saw that you can get a lawyer's fee of up to 300 million!"

Hearing what Zhang Wei said, Li Yueqin was speechless.

Who has the vision problem?

Do you only have money in your eyes?

You still have the nerve to say me, you are the one who lost money!


The author Jun here recommends a good book "Cyber ​​Strange Records" for seedlings.

Future sci-fi, cyberpunk style, super dream, weird, suspenseful, the protagonist's profession is a lawyer!

I had a py with an author in the same group, the book is very good, not because the other party is a girl, it is really because the book is good, really...

PS: The author is a programmer girl!

(Although the attitude towards programmers in my book is not very friendly, it is all a joke. Readers will definitely not take it seriously~)

Another PS: My sister’s other book "Big Lawyer Mixed in Rizong" can be said to be one of the sources of inspiration for me to create this book. Although it is a bit short, the author has ordered all the books. I like Li Gou. You can go and have a look...

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