Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 200 See Zhu Tianying, this woman has a problem!

For the 300 million legal fees, Li Yueqin could only complain in her heart.

In fact, she also had a glimmer of expectation.

If they can really get 300 million in legal fees, it will definitely make the entire litigation department look at the criminal team with admiration.

After all, this is a performance of 300 million yuan!

The entire litigation department may not have so many achievements.

Now that the matter at Ren's Pictures was settled, the two returned to the law firm soon, and it was almost noon.

After lunch, they began to sort out the information of the case.

After all, after signing the contract, he had to work for Ren's Pictures.

Zhang Wei wrote down the names of "Zhu Tianying" and "Ren Xinwei" on the clipboard.

According to public records, the two have been married for nearly 5 years and are legal couples.

However, unlike ordinary couples, Ren Xinwei is over 60 years old, while Zhu Tianying is under 30 years old.

This is a proper old cow eating tender grass.

Zhu Tianying's information can be found on the Internet, and Zhang Wei is browsing one by one.

"This Zhu Tianying made her debut as a business model and Internet celebrity at the age of 20, and soon signed a contract with the agency under Ren's Films. She has appeared on stage, walked in shows, and even starred in some online movies, but the reviews are mixed."

"People who like her like her appearance and figure, but there are more people who hate her, because this woman is notorious for her looks and no acting skills. Judging from the evaluation of the entertainment industry, she is quite good. a vase."

Regarding Zhu Tianying's working experience and qualifications, Zhang Wei did not make any comments. Whether this woman can perform or not has nothing to do with him.

The only thing he cares about is whether this woman is really a victim.

Zhang Wei wrote down two numbers on the clipboard.

300 million and 60 billion.

The former is the compensation that Ren's Film intends to give to Zhu Tianying, while the latter is the property that Zhu Tianying can "legally" inherit.

"Zhang Wei, Ren's Films has sent a fax!"

At this moment, Li Yueqin suddenly walked up to Zhang Wei with a document.

"What's this?"

"This is Ren Xinwei's prenuptial agreement. He signed a copy with each of his wives and kept a copy in the company. Since we accepted the case, Mr. Ding gave us a copy of the document!"

"Oh, let me take a look!" Zhang Wei took the document and read it carefully.

After a few minutes, he finished flipping through the files.

"Good guy, this Ren Xinwei is well versed in the laws of the capital market!"

"He knows that a woman's beauty will depreciate over time, so every wife only signs a five-year prenuptial agreement, and they will divorce after five years."

Zhang Wei frowned when he said this.

"In that case, Zhu Tianying actually has a motive to kill, because her 5-year term is coming soon, once she breaks up with Ren Xinwei like this, she can only get a breakup fee of 50 million at most!"

On the writing board, there was another number, 50 million.

One side is 50 million and the other is 60 billion.

Although Zhang Wei doesn't want to speculate on others with malice, if people choose, they have a chance to get 60 billion, why choose 50 million.

Even if you have to pay a lot of money to get the 60 billion, but a normal person may not get one-tenth or even one percent of the 60 billion for a lifetime.

Most people, he believed, would take the risk, and most likely a woman was among them.

"Come on, Xiao Li, let's go to the investigation department in the afternoon to ask, and then meet with Zhu Tianying to find out about her. If there is something really wrong with this woman, we will go to the local prosecutor's headquarters to lobby for them to sue Zhu Tianying for murder!"

In almost a moment, Zhang Wei planned the itinerary for the afternoon.


In the afternoon, Wushu Association headquarters.

Criminal Investigation Division, Serious Case 1 Office.

Here, Zhang Wei met the person in charge of Xinwei's death case. Coincidentally, this person had dealt with him countless times.

"Deputy Lin, what a coincidence, we meet again!"

"Lawyer Zhang Wei, there is nothing to investigate in this case. We believe that Zhu Tianying was acting in self-defense. Why, do you still want to overturn the case?"

To be honest, Lin Ruonan actually didn't want to see Zhang Wei.

Because every time the other party appears, something unfavorable to the investigation department happens.

Speaking of Fang Yunshu's case last time, their investigation department did not find any evidence of Zeng Xiang's crime, so it turned out to be a joke.

Fang Yunshu's acquittal was a slap in the face of the Serious Case Team 1 of the Investigation Section.

In the past few days, the captain, Lei Hu, was like eating a powder barrel, yelling at people at every turn, and even she was scolded.

Unexpectedly, only a few days later, Zhang Wei came to the serious crime team again.

"Also, I remember that it's not your Jincheng Law Firm that represents Zhu Tianying, right? What do you want to know?"

"Oh, we represent Ren's Films under the name of the deceased Ren Xinwei. As the representative of the deceased, we also have the right to know the details of the case and the public evidence of the investigation department. Please prepare a copy for us!"

As Zhang Wei said, he also ordered Li Yueqin to call Tie Ruyun and ask the old iron to come to Serious Case 1 Team to collect information.

Li Yueqin was a little hesitant. After all, Tie Ruyun is the team leader, so asking the team leader to run errands is a bit...

But Zhang Wei has nothing to be ashamed of, so what if Lao Tie is the team leader?

In the face of major cases, he also has to be a tool person.

Lin Ruonan had no choice but to order his subordinates to sort out the evidence for publicity, and made a copy for Zhang Wei.

Thirty minutes later, Tie Ruyun rushed to the serious crime team, but Zhang Wei and Li Yueqin had already left.


Dongfangdu, a top rehabilitation medical institution.

No. 1 VIP recovery room.

There is a lot of space here, complete medical equipment, and even a pure oxygen chamber in the room.

A woman was lying in the cabin for treatment.

Besides her, there were three other people leaning against the pure oxygen cabin, two of them were sitting and one was standing.

"Miss Zhu, according to the information we have at Heizu, Ren's Films released information to the outside world and called many colleagues to their headquarters to discuss. I don't think I need to tell you, you know what they are discussing, right?"

In the pure oxygen cabin, the woman nodded slightly.

"Among the lawyers who went this time, most of them are not a problem, but there is one person who needs attention, that is Young Master Qin from Longteng, this is a very capable person!"

A man looked at his phone and reported to the woman in the pure oxygen chamber.

"Wang Meiyan, is there any news from over there?"

"Lawyer Hu, the news came back just now, it seems that Young Master Qin has left and has not reached a cooperation with Ren's Films!"

"Then what about Lao Zhao from Baisheng, Lao Tian from Xicheng, and Lao Qi from Yongjie?"

"They left earlier than Young Master Qin."

"Haha, then it's all right!"

After hearing this, the man laughed on the spot, "As long as these people don't sign the contract, the rest will be crappy stuff, nothing to be afraid of!"

"Miss Zhu, this time, lawyer Jiang from our law firm will take the lead, and I will advise you on the sidelines. The 60 billion assets of Ren's Films will definitely be yours!"

"Lawyer Hu, needless to say, I actually don't value the money, I just want to get what I deserve from my deceased husband..."

In the pure oxygen cabin, a woman's weak words came.

Even though she said that, the three people outside the cabin knew it well.

That's 60 billion. If you say you don't want to be tempted, go ahead and lie to ghosts!

But having said that, it’s enough for everyone to know things like words on the scene, and it’s not easy to expose them.

After all, the other party is a client, and this case has a great chance of winning. If it wins, Heizu Law Firm can get hundreds of millions or even billions in revenue.

And once the other party agrees to the lawsuit, he will be able to take charge of Ren's Films. In the future, he will sign a long-term contract with this company, which will be a long-term project that can earn hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars a year.

In terms of emotion and reason, public and private, they must respect the injured woman in front of each other.

tuk tuk tuk...

At this moment, outside the recovery room, there was a knock on the door.


The man gave a low drink and gestured for someone with his eyes.

The man knew it well, and hurried to the door, opened the door to check.

"why you!"

A high-pitched scream attracted the attention of the remaining three people in the room.

"Wang Meiyan, please be quiet. I don't know if Miss Zhu needs to be quiet to cultivate herself?"

"Yo, is Lawyer Hu here?"

Hearing that familiar voice, Zhang Wei leisurely walked into the recovery room, and saw everyone in the room clearly.

It was Wang Meiyan who opened the door for him, and it was Hu Yaode, an old acquaintance of Heizu, who reprimanded the former.

Beside Hu Yaode, there was a woman in a suit sitting, who should also be a lawyer.

After Zhang Wei's gaze lingered on the woman for a while, he focused on the woman lying in the pure oxygen cabin.

She is the target of Zhang Wei's trip, one of the parties in this case, Zhu Tianying.

I have to admit that Ren Xinwei is worthy of being a bigwig in the entertainment industry, and he has a good vision.

Zhu Tianying was born as a model. She is tall, fair-skinned and beautiful. Although this woman has no acting skills, she definitely deserves the name "Vase".

"It's no wonder she has many fans on the Internet, and her relationship is full of beauty!"

Zhang Wei sighed with emotion, and walked carefully to the pure oxygen chamber.

He pointed to the thing in front of him, looked at Hu Yaode who was beside him, "Lawyer Hu, Miss Zhu can hear me talking here?"

"Who are you and what do you want from me?"

Before Hu Yaode could speak, Zhu Tianying couldn't help it.

"Oh, it looks like Miss Zhu can hear you."

Zhang Wei understood, she could hear it.

Zhang Wei didn't talk nonsense, and immediately said: "Miss Zhu, we are here on behalf of Ren's Films. As their entrusted lawyer, I am responsible for discussing some business matters with you!"

"What, it's you!"

Hearing Zhang Wei's words, Hu Yaode couldn't sit still anymore.

He never expected that the person who took over the case of Ren's Films was actually the kid in front of him.

I thought that all threatening opponents had been ruled out, and there were very few people who could take the case.

But Cheng Yaojin happened to come out!

Thinking that the opponent is Zhang Wei, Hu Yaode has a headache.

On the one hand, Zhang Wei is not afraid of their black feet, because this kid has no sore feet, nor any weaknesses.

On the other hand, the other party had Jincheng's back, so they didn't dare to use any tricks.

Hu Yaode really has nothing to do with Zhang Wei.

And the most important point, even Hu Yaode has to admit that Zhang Wei's level is much higher than his age.

Wang Meiyan was a lawyer of Heizu for five years, but she was beaten to the ground by Zhang Wei in the sincerity insurance case.

So for Zhang Wei, the Jedi cannot be viewed as a trainee lawyer.

Zhang Wei glanced at him, "Lawyer Hu, so you are Ms. Zhu's attorney?"

"It turned out to be the famous lawyer Zhang. Your performance in Fang Yunshu's case really impressed me, especially in the end, you were able to win against the Lan Gao prosecutor. I have to say that this is something we didn't expect!"

"Besides, Wang Meiyan, my subordinate before, was also taken care of by you. I'm here to ask you!"

Hu Yaode didn't speak, but the woman next to him spoke first.

"Blackfoot Law Firm, junior partner Jiang Fengzhen!"

"So it turns out that Lawyer Hu is a staff officer, and Lawyer Jiang is my opponent!"

Zhang Wei looked at the woman again, his eyebrows were sharp, his eyes were cold, and there was a hint of hostility between his brows, which seemed difficult to deal with.

However, the woman was quite restrained. Wang Meiyan behind her was extremely jealous when she met her enemy, and she looked at Zhang Wei with strong murderous intent.

Zhang Wei didn't care about Wang Meiyan, but looked at Zhu Tianying in the pure oxygen cabin, who was the right one.

"Miss Zhu, today I came here with sincerity, and on behalf of Ren's Films, I would like to express my sincere apologies for what happened to Miss Zhu. As compensation, Ren's Films is willing to provide Miss Zhu with 300 million yuan in compensation. Of course, regarding assets Regarding the right of inheritance, we also want to ask Miss Zhu to discuss with us..."

When Zhang Wei said his intentions and talked about the right of inheritance, Zhu Tianying in the pure oxygen cabin suddenly opened his eyes wide and glanced at Zhang Wei.

But she quickly restrained her expression and returned to her original sick posture, her eyelids were bleary, and her whole body was weak.

"The acting skills are too bad, no wonder you can only be a vase!"

However, Zhang Wei had already noticed the slight change in Zhu Tianying just now, and he sneered in his heart.

"Miss Zhu, I don't know what you mean..."

"Lawyer Zhang is really courageous. My client can inherit the entire Ren's Films, but you just want to give away 300 million. Isn't it a little too greedy?"

"Oh, it turns out that Attorney Jiang has signed a full agency contract, so he can speak for clients?"


Facing Zhang Wei's irony, Jiang Fengzhen was speechless for a moment.

Zhang Wei ignored her, but looked at Zhu Tianying in the pure oxygen cabin.

This one is the Lord.

"Lawyer Zhang, have you ever been betrayed?"


Zhang Wei looked at Zhu Tianying, not quite understanding what he meant.

"Do you know that a week ago, I was a carefree girl. My late husband, Ren Xinwei, once made an oath to me and said he loved me."

"But that night, the man who had sworn to me forever wanted to stab me to death with a knife. From then on, I decided to live for myself."

"While I am sorry for killing him by mistake, I have no regrets and as his only wife, I have legal rights given to me by law."

As Zhu Tianying spoke, her tone gradually became agitated.

"In fact, I think I have defeated him, and now Ren's Films, and you, are just another enemy in my life."

"I can proudly tell you that the law and justice are on my side. I have the legal right to inherit and the right to make decisions about the rest of my life. If you want to hinder me, then let it go! "

Zhang Wei looked at Zhu Tianying and frowned slightly.

"Miss Zhu, I have to admit that if the episode you just said was in the movie you starred in, it would definitely be a big screen classic!"

Clap clap!

Zhang Wei even applauded.

"Lawyer Zhang, if you want to be provocative, I, Jiang Fengzhen, can take it. Please stop harassing my client!"

"Oh, so that's the case, but the purpose of my visit today has been achieved. If that's the case, then don't bother me any more!"

Zhang Wei saw that the black-footed person stood up, and he also put out his intention to continue negotiating with Zhu Tianying.

He knew in his heart that this woman would never give up 60 billion.

If it were him, he would not give up the benefits at his fingertips, let alone such a woman who yearns for "rights"?

"By the way, Ms. Zhu, I hope you can recover soon. Here I can only say that your luck is very good. It's really good. All four knifes almost hit the vital point. As long as one of them is a little bit off, you It is impossible to lie here today, I hope you can keep this luck forever!"

"Goodbye, Miss Zhu, and Lawyers Hu and Jiang, I look forward to your next performance!"

Zhang Wei said goodbye and left.

And just after Zhang Wei left, Zhu Tianying's eyes widened again.

"Good luck, I almost hit the nail on the head..." She murmured, with a slightly strange look on her face.

"Miss Zhu, don't pay too much attention to that Zhang Wei. Although he is Jincheng's lawyer, we are confident that we can definitely crush this kid in the next inheritance. After all, the inheritance law is on your side. Yes, as Ren Xinwei's legal spouse, you have the highest priority inheritance!"

"Lawyer Jiang, I advise you not to be too confident. This Zhang Wei is best at taking surprises. He may not let us easily fight the inheritance lawsuit!"

Seeing that Jiang Fengzhen was full of confidence, Hu Yaode frowned.

In the previous insurance company case, Daode was still on their side, so he lost.

Zhang Wei's method highlights a surprise and hits people by surprise.

Therefore, it is necessary to guard against Zhang Wei's other methods, which is what their black feet need to do most at present.

Just when Heizu and others were afraid of Zhang Wei's methods, he had already walked outside the rehabilitation center.

Rehabilitation center, the gate.

Zhang Wei and Li Yueqin meet up.

"Xiao Li, have you read the evidence given by the Serious Crime Squad?"

"Going too fast, I only read the first few pages."

"Okay, then memorize Zhu Tianying's self-report!"

"Ah, oh, let me think about it, Zhu Tianying seems to say...she is still a carefree girl, and her late husband Ren Xinwei once swore to her and said he loved her, but..."


Seeing Li Yueqin start reciting, Zhang Wei interrupted directly.

Because he has caught the point.

"Just now I went to see Zhu Tianying and confirmed one thing, and you recited her statement, which made me even more convinced!"

"What is it?"

"This woman has a problem, a big problem!"

Zhang Wei glanced back at the rehabilitation center, his eyes narrowed.

"First of all, this woman's behavior is not suitable for a victim. She is too calm, not like an innocent woman who kills or is forced to kill!"

"Secondly, in her testimony, the self-reported content is watery, because I have heard it once in the ward before you recited it, and it is exactly the same as what you recited!"

"In the end, I can confirm that this woman doesn't want power, but power. She probably killed Ren Xinwei, and then pretended to be forced to kill him!"

Zhang Wei can confirm that there is a turning point in this case.

However, he was the one who discovered the turning point, but he couldn't be the one who took advantage of the turning point!

It has to be...

Recommend a seedling of the same group of writers, "Rebirth Begins in 1987", if you like chronology, you can read it

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