Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 201 Going to the Prosecutor's Headquarters, Teammates Are

Chapter 201 Going to the headquarters of the local prosecutor, the teammate is...

Dongfangdu, the gate of the local prosecutor's headquarters.

"Zhang Wei, do we really want to go in?"

"Xiao Li, why are you so cowardly every time you come to the local prosecutor's headquarters?"

Zhang Wei said, isn't it just standing at the gate of the local inspection headquarters?

Why did everyone who came with him confess in advance, their legs trembling in fright?

What happened to the local prosecutor's office?

The people here are nice to speak, and there are beauties who are seductive, and all of them are talents who study criminal law. Zhang Wei likes this place, and every time he comes, it is like going home...


He greeted him, he walked to the tea room on the second floor and poured himself a cup of hot tea.

After taking a sip, my whole body feels warm.

"Hey, although the tea here doesn't taste very good, it's very comfortable to drink for free!"

Li Yueqin looked at the intoxicated Zhang Wei, speechless.

Isn't it just a sip of hot tea? Are you addicted to the tea at the headquarters?

"Zhang Wei, aren't we here for tea?"

"Of course not, we are here to wait for someone!"

Zhang Wei waved his hand and looked towards the entrance of the tea room.

I saw people from the felony department next door coming in one after another to pour water.

Among them, someone saw Zhang Wei, and his eyes swept away without stopping.

Apparently they didn't recognize the man.

But there were also people who looked at it hesitantly, always feeling that the young man looked familiar.


"Hiss, Zhang Wei!"

Accompanied by the sound of gasping for air, the cup in the visitor's hand almost fell to the ground.

"Hey, Prosecutor Tan Yingying!"

Zhang Wei waved to the person who came, as a greeting.

But when Tan Yingying saw Zhang Wei in the tea room, she unconsciously took two steps back, not daring to move forward.

"Prosecutor Tan, what are you afraid of, I won't eat you, come and pour tea!"

Zhang Wei smiled and pointed to the water heater in the pantry with a smile on his face.

But in the eyes of someone, this smile is a proper "devil smile".

"What, I'm not thirsty yet, so I'm leaving first..."

Tan Yingying left a word and ran away quickly.

Zhang Wei was not in a hurry, and continued to drink tea and wait.

A few minutes later, a cold and pretty beauty walked in, pulling the timid Tan Yingying.

"It really is you!"

Xiao Baihe looked at Zhang Wei who was leisurely drinking tea next door to his department, and felt so angry.

Do you really treat this place as your own office?

"I thought Yingying was dazzled. I didn't expect you to show up at our local prosecutor's headquarters. Do you really think that here..."

"Yeah, I've always regarded this place as my own home. Don't get too familiar with your leaders Director Zhao and Director Guo."

Zhang Wei didn't seem to have heard the disdain from the people in front of him, so he was not ashamed but proud.

To be honest, if this wasn't the local prosecutor's headquarters, Xiao Baihe would slap him in the face.

But she knew that since she was a prosecutor and the other party was a criminal defense lawyer, this slap would probably cost her her job, and she would have to pay money and apologize.

I will endure!

Xiao Baihe suppressed the desire to hit someone in her heart, and asked, "What is your attorney Zhang doing in our local prosecutor's headquarters? Could it be that you have recently accepted a major case and want to negotiate with us?"

"Don't worry, go to your office and talk!"

Zhang Wei waved his hand, indicating that this is not a place to talk.

As he said, he walked out of the tea room and walked towards the felony office.

"You wait..."

Xiao Baihe and Tan Yingying hurriedly chased them out, Li Yueqin could only follow after seeing this.

Not long after, the four of them squeezed into Xiao Baihe's work station.

In the felony office, many people also realized that a "celebrity" came to the office today.

"That's Zhang Wei?"

"He came to our office like this?"

"I heard that Director Zhao wrote down his name in a small notebook, and even marked it in red!"

"That's right, how many times this guy has slapped the supervisor's face, and last time he won the Langao Procuratorate, our local prosecutor's headquarters is almost losing face!"

"He just came here today, and he even made a special trip to find Xiao Baihe. Could it be that the rumor that they had an affair is true?"

"Who knows..."

Faced with the pointing and pointing of colleagues around, Xiao Baihe's face completely darkened.

What does it mean that I have an affair with him, we have nothing to do with each other, who dares to spread rumors?

If you let me know who it is, I, Xiao Baihe, must sue him for spreading rumors and make him kneel + apologize!

"Zhang Wei, what are you going to do when you come to our local prosecutor's headquarters?"

"Oh, it's nothing, I just want to ask you, are you going to sue a murderer?"

"Murderer, how could he not prosecute!"

Xiao Baihe immediately replied, but then he thought something was wrong.

"Who are you talking about?"

"Who else could it be? Of course it's the headlines of the recent newspapers. Morning and evening entertainment are all about them!"

"Zhu Tianying!"

"That's what you said, I didn't imply anything to you!"

Zhang Wei quickly pointed out that he didn't say anything, it was all Xiao Baihe's subjective guess.

"You want us to sue Zhu Tianying. What's in it for you? Are you her lawyer?"

"Xiao Baihe, what are you talking about? I didn't ask you to prosecute, but as a prosecution, you need to carry out the necessary public prosecution of a murderer, so that the public can conduct the necessary prosecution of the murder case and the real murderer. Judgment!"

Xiao Baihe listened to Zhang Wei's high-sounding and logical words, but he couldn't find any rebuttals for a while.

But she still sneered: "Then you are late, our supervisor has already said that even if this case is to be fought, it is self-defense!"

"Speaking of which, it's still your fault. If it wasn't for Fang Yunshu's case, how could we be so passive?"

"You still blame me?" Zhang Wei spread his hands, expressing his innocence.

It's because your local prosecutor's headquarters is sloppy, and it's because the technology of the network investigation department is too good, otherwise Zeng Xiang's criminal evidence will be discovered early, how can such a thing happen?

Xiao Baihe looked at Zhang Wei, with a trace of resentment in his eyes, "Because of Fang Yunshu's case, we are now timid. Even if we encounter a murder case, we will not prosecute easily without evidence of a thorough conviction!"

"Isn't this a basic requirement?"

Zhang Wei touched his nose, still feeling innocent.

"Actually, I think there are a few reasonable doubts about Zhu Tianying's case. You might as well think about it. This case can still..."

"Good boy, you dare to come to our local prosecutor's headquarters!"

Just when Zhang Wei was about to lobby for a while, he was interrupted by a sharp shout.

I saw Guo Wufeng standing at the door of the Serious Crime Division office, staring at Zhang Wei angrily.

"Director Guo, we didn't do anything!" Seeing this, Tan Yingying quickly exclaimed and shook her head frantically.

Zhang Wei was speechless for a while, judging by what you said, it seems that we really have a problem.

"Hey, Lao Guo, what a coincidence?"

Zhang Wei quickly responded and waved at the other party.

Of course, Guo Wufeng would not respond to Zhang Wei's politeness, but walked in front of the four of them angrily.

"Zhang Wei, you came to our local prosecutor's headquarters again. Could it be that you come and leave whenever you want when there is no one here?"

"No, I'm just passing by to say hello to you!"

Zhang Wei hurriedly explained, but Guo Wufeng obviously wouldn't listen.

Not only that, but Zhao Chunming in the office heard his yelling and cursing.

The latter also followed the sound and saw Zhang Wei.

"What's going on, it's so noisy, how decent it is!"

Zhao Chunming frowned and walked out.

As a result, when he saw Guo Wufeng and Zhang Wei having sex, he had a headache.

Good guy, Zhang Wei came to the local prosecutor's headquarters for the afternoon again?

If Zhang Wei knew Zhao Chunming's inner thoughts, he would definitely cry out for his injustice. He Zhang Wei is not the kind of person who comes to the local prosecutor's headquarters every day to call in the afternoon.

He came here today, really just to say hello.

Unfortunately, Zhao Chunming and Guo Wufeng obviously wouldn't believe it.

"Lawyer Zhang, our local prosecutor's headquarters is very busy, so don't come and make us feel uncomfortable!"

"Xiao Baihe, send Lawyer Zhang for me, and let him leave on the way, be careful not to be tripped by anything!"

Good guy, this is disgusting me and being an eyesore, isn't it!

Zhang Wei naturally heard Zhao Chunming's voice-over, but he didn't refute.

"Okay, since Director Zhao and you guys are busy, I'll take my leave!"

He cupped his fists and walked out of the Serious Crimes Office without looking back.

"Director, I'll keep an eye on him to see if he's really gone!"

Xiao Baihe also ran out in a hurry, chasing after Zhang Wei.

As a result, as soon as she walked out of the door, Zhang Wei suddenly turned around and walked into the tea room next door.


Xiao Baihe was speechless for a while, but still followed in.

In the tea room.

"Why don't you leave?"

"Xiao Baihe, you really don't intend to sue a murderer?"

Zhang Wei's goal has not been achieved, how could he leave.

The purpose of his coming here is, of course, to get the local prosecutor's headquarters to prosecute a murderer.

Although Ren's Films couldn't control the local inspection headquarters, Zhang Wei felt that he could fight for it.

However, he can only try to persuade the local prosecutor's headquarters to pursue the truth of the incident by raising reasonable doubts.

Now a billionaire in Dongfangdu is dead, and the murderer is likely to be judged to be self-defense. This is not the whole truth of the incident.

"Zhu Tianying acted in self-defense. The investigation department gave this judgment based on the evidence at the scene. We are not fools to prosecute. Why should we prosecute a victim!"

"Is that true?"

Zhang Wei walked up to Xiao Baihe and asked: "Ren Xinwei's wives almost change every five years. He and Zhu Tianying have no real relationship between husband and wife at all, and some are just pure transactional relationships; he has money, she has sex." , the two hit it off."

"If it is true as Zhu Tianying said, Ren Xinwei wanted to kill himself, why did he choose to do it himself, and even use the most stupid techniques to fight with bare hands. If I were Ren Xinwei, I could think of a hundred ways to 'send' him with less risk If Zhu Tianying is gone, it is guaranteed that no one will be able to find his trace, and it is even less likely that he will be killed by the other party."

"And to be honest, Ren Xinwei probably has lost interest in Zhu Tianying for a long time. This year happens to be the last year of their contract. Ren Xinwei can just kick him out. At worst, he will give Zhu Tianying 50 million; Is it impossible to frown?"

"As for the so-called Ren Xinwei's sudden malicious intention to force Zhu Tianying to have sex, it seems to me even more outrageous. A billionaire with 60 billion assets, can't he still control his little brother? Can't hold back your emotions?"

"Now that Ren Xinwei is dead, Zhu Tianying can talk about the situation at that time. Don't you have any idea at the local prosecutor's headquarters? She is Ren Xinwei's only legal wife and has the right to inherit the spouse. That is 60 billion assets. Doesn't this constitute a motive for killing?" ?”

"Even if you don't plan to file a case, but investigate. I wish I hadn't seen you investigate Zhu Tianying's background carefully. You wouldn't really treat her like an ordinary victim, would you?"

Facing Zhang Wei's repeated questioning, Xiao Baihe frowned slightly, and there was also a trace of doubt in his heart.

Although this case appeared to be that the rich man was murdered with intent to commit murder, but as Zhang Wei said, the rich man was all dead. As the only party involved at the scene, Zhu Tianying must have provided testimony in his favour.

What is the truth?

Whether Zhu Tianying will kill Ren Xinwei for the sake of 60 billion assets and forge the scene by hand is a reasonable doubt.

"It's a pity that there is no evidence. Whether it is the on-site investigation or the murder weapon, it is not good for Ren Xinwei. As for your so-called suspicious point, there is no evidence to support it at all, so you should save yourself!"

Xiao Baihe interrupted Zhang Wei, and said in a cold voice: "Although I don't know why you insisted on us prosecuting Zhu Tianying, I remember you also said before that the principle of innocence. The doubts you mentioned are just doubts and Guess, if there is no evidence to support it, then we will acquiesce that Zhu Tianying is innocent!"

"Good guy, return the same way to him!"

Zhang Wei was speechless.

Your local prosecutor's headquarters actually refuted the criminal defense lawyer with the question of no conviction. The sun really came out from the west.

Then I came to you before, why don't you use this principle, but sue my client every time?

"All in all, Director Zhao has already mentioned to us that it is unrealistic to sue Zhu Tianying!"

Xiao Baihe left behind these words and left without looking back.

Afterwards, Li Yueqin walked into the tea room cautiously.

"Zhang Wei, the Attorney General's attitude towards you is so bad."

"No way, who told me to always uphold justice?"

Zhang Wei teased, then motioned Li Yueqin to sit down.

"Shouldn't we go?"

"What are we going to do? We haven't achieved our goal yet."

"But the local prosecutor's office doesn't seem to be planning to sue Zhu Tianying. Shouldn't we go back and prepare for the civil lawsuit, and fight the succession case with Heizu?"

"No, no, although I'm not afraid of black feet, it's too difficult to fight an inheritance case with an injured woman. Although that woman's acting skills are not very good, as long as she goes to court and sheds some tears casually, the jurors will be very happy." It may be against the other party. Compared with this, it is still more advantageous to let the woman go to the criminal court. Once the woman is convicted of murder, let alone the right of inheritance, she will never get out of Iron Island Prison for the rest of her life!"

"But in the criminal court, it is too difficult to convince 12 jurors!"

"Xiao Li, we are criminal defense lawyers, and the criminal court is our main battlefield!"

Zhang Wei waved his hands, and then with a sly smile on his face, "Besides, we are not the ones who charged this time. The prosecutors from the local prosecutor's headquarters will help us attract the firepower. We just need to stand behind the scenes!"

"Look, here comes the helper!"

With Zhang Wei pointing, Li Yueqin suddenly turned her head and saw a figure walking into the tea room.

Tan Yingying was very scared at the moment, because she didn't expect that Zhang Wei didn't leave and was still waiting in the tea room.

But she failed to pour water just now, and now she can only come to the tea room again.

"What to do, I'm so scared, will Zhang Wei hit someone!"

Tan Yingying was panicked, very panicked...

While pouring tea for herself, she comforted herself that as long as she filled the water, she could leave this dangerous place.

She has already suffered from PTSD for Zhang Wei, and now she also has a little fear of the pantry.

Because she didn't know when Zhang Wei would appear in the tea room.

Fortunately, the glass was finally full.

"Prosecutor Tan Yingying."

But suddenly, a "ghostly" word came from behind her.


Tan Yingying's body trembled, and she almost missed the teacup in her hand.

"I, Zhang, have always known that Prosecutor Tan Yingying is a righteous prosecutor who is upright, kind, upright, has no tolerance for sand in her eyes, and cannot let go of unjust cases in her heart. Now there is a murder case in front of you. You Are we going to let the murderer go away?"

"I...I don't know...what are you talking about..." Tan Yingying was trembling with fright, her teeth chattering.

"Prosecutor Tan Yingying, I think you know what case I'm talking about. The rich man in Dongfangdu is dead, but your local prosecutor's headquarters is planning to let the real culprit go. What about your conscience and your sense of justice? As a prosecutor What about the officer's responsibility?"

"But the supervisor..."


With a long sigh, Zhang Wei decided to "communicate" with the person in front of him in another way.

"Prosecutor Tan Yingying, let me ask you a simple question. Do you think I am the one who is terrified, or are you in charge of it?"

"As long as you don't go to court, the supervisor is much more terrifying than you..."

"Oh, that's right, then I know how to communicate with you, hehe..."

Zhang Wei showed a friendly smile, his white teeth gleaming in front of Tan Yingying.

But the latter's face became more and more frightened and pale.

15 minutes later.

Zhao Chunming's office.

Jingle Bell!

A rush of phone calls interrupted him from his busy schedule.

"The phone number from the city court, what's the situation?"

When he saw the call, he was stunned. There seemed to be no cases for him to follow up recently. Why did the city court call at this hour on Friday?

"Hi, I'm Zhao Chunming, who is it?"

"Judge Chen, are you looking for me?"

"What, the local prosecutor's office decided to prosecute Zhu Tianying, why didn't I know?"

"At the last moment of the acceptance period, people from our headquarters submitted the application, and the court approved it?"

"Who submitted it?"

"Tan...Tan Yingying!"


Zhao Chunming can't remember how he hung up the phone.

But the anger in his eyes couldn't be concealed.

Well, you Tan Yingying, you actually dare to be obedient to me, are you itchy?

A newcomer dares to try such a big case. This is not to make trouble for our local prosecutor's headquarters!

"By the way, Zhang Wei!"

Suddenly, Zhao Chunming thought of another thing. Zhang Wei showed up in the office today, and this happened.

It seems that there seems to be an inner ghost in their local prosecutor's headquarters!

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