Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 202 On-site investigation, found abnormal footprints?

Friday night.

Blackfoot Law Firm, Hu Yaode's office.

"What, a criminal case!!!"

"The prosecution decided to prosecute Zhu Tianying for murder. The public prosecutor is the prosecutor of the local prosecutor's headquarters. The court has accepted it???"

"I, ctmd, Zhang Wei on this dog day, no wonder I finally said that I want to look forward to our performance. It turns out that I want us to prepare to face the local prosecutor's headquarters!"

Hu Yaode put down the phone and swears directly.

He is angry!

What a drop!

I thought that Zhang Wei's spirit could be rubbed hard.

Because the law of inheritance is on Zhu Tianying's side, their black feet helping Zhu Tianying is tantamount to standing on the side of the weak.

And Zhang Wei's position in Ren's Films is tantamount to standing on the side of capital, standing in the position of a powerful person.

The jury can easily sympathize with the weak and loathe the strong. Coupled with legal support, it is very likely that the client Zhu Tianying will be awarded the inheritance rights of Ren's Pictures and Ren Xinwei's assets.

The fucking thing happened.

At this critical juncture, the local prosecutor decided to prosecute Zhu Tianying for murder.

Under criminal cases, civil cases have to stand aside.

Zhu Tianying didn't have the time to fight any inheritance lawsuits. She had to give priority to solving criminal charges, and it was a serious charge like the murder of her late husband Ren Xinwei.

Once the charge finds her guilty, let alone inheritance, she may spend her life in prison.

What's more, if the prosecution can prove that it was Zhu Tianying who murdered Ren Xinwei, then it is impossible for her to obtain the inheritance.

"cmtd Zhang Wei, actually used this method!"

Hu Yaode clenched his fists tightly, his back molars were about to be bitten off, and the anger in his heart had accumulated to a critical point.

This Zhang Wei has to fight against him every time, and can catch him by surprise every time.

"Come on, call Lawyer Jiang to me!"

Hu Yaode had no choice but to inform Jiang Fengzhen that the two would discuss how to counter the follow-up moves of the local prosecutor's headquarters.

Most importantly, they must ensure that the case is won!

at the same time.

Lin Fu.

"Mr. Ding, have you also received the news?"

"That's right, that's right, this trick is actually used by me to increase my bargaining power. If Zhu Tianying doesn't like her, then I'll use a ruthless trick to rub her spirits!"

"You ask why the local prosecutor's headquarters can listen to me. Don't be joking. How can I talk to the local prosecutor's headquarters? They sued Zhu Tianying just for the sake of justice in their hearts and to be responsible for Mr. Ren's family. How could it have anything to do with me?"

"Well, I'll be busy first. Tomorrow, I will go to the scene with the prosecutor in charge of this case to investigate. As a good citizen, it is also my duty to assist the prosecutor in solving the case."

"Yes, I will accompany you all the way, and you don't need to worry about it. After all, as a family representative and also a counsel lawyer for Shi Films, I naturally need to keep abreast of the progress of the case, so as to give an explanation to the victim's family. This time I am the "original plaintiff." "People" representatives, please rest assured? "

"You're right, I've worked really hard, but I deserve to be a little bit harder and a little bit tired. You should be busy, you should be busy first..."

After exchanging pleasantries, Zhang Wei hung up the call with President Ding of Ren's Pictures.

In general, they did not expect that Zhang Wei would actually do this trick to Zhu Tianying.

But once this trick works, the blow to Zhu Tianying will be fatal.

Now that the day's work is over, he has traveled so many places today, and overall it is still in line with expectations.

"On one side is the top rich man in the Eastern Capital worth tens of billions, and on the other side is a woman who knows that she is about to fall out of favor. If I were this man, there are ten thousand ways to get rid of this woman. Why would I choose the stupidest, most risky one? ?”

Thinking of the crux of the case, Zhang Wei laughed.

Outsiders may not be able to see it, but he has "personal experience".

He could tell at a glance that Ren Xinwei's death was definitely not an accident.

But now, they need to take advantage of the weekend to go to the scene to investigate.


the next day.

Saturday, out investigation day

Midtown, a luxurious villa complex.

Zhang Wei and Li Yueqin were waiting at the gate of the villa complex.

This is a well-known wealthy area in the Oriental Capital. As the owner of Ren's Films, Ren Xinwei has a detached villa here.

And this is also the place where the crime happened, and the scene has already been blocked by the investigation department and the serious crime team.

Because the security in the villa area is strict, and there are many field tasks on site.

Relying on Zhang Wei alone, there is no way to get in, so he can only accompany the prosecution and assist in the investigation.

This was the scene of him waiting at the door.

Because he can't get in!

"What's going on, Tan Yingying, as a prosecutor at the local prosecutor's headquarters, why doesn't she even have the basic quality of being punctual?"

Looking at the time, it was 3 minutes past the agreed 9:00 a.m. Zhang Wei was very dissatisfied.

You are still the prosecutor, don't you know how to be on time?

While Zhang Wei was waiting, a pink car drove towards the villa complex.

The headlights, pink paint, and soft cushions inside the car are all hellokitty, full of girlishness.

Soon, the car parked in the temporary parking space at the door, and after 5 minutes of slow speed, the car was finally turned off.

In the driver's seat, Tan Yingying got out of the car carefully.

In the same co-pilot seat, a woman with cold brows also stepped down. But it's Xiao Baihe.

"Nani, Xiao Baihe is here too!"

Seeing Tan Yingying appear, Zhang Wei breathed a sigh of relief, but when he saw Xiao Baihe, he gasped.

"Zhang Wei!"

Similarly, when Xiao Baihe saw Zhang Wei, she also gritted her teeth.

"You are the one who threatened Yingying to sue Zhu Tianying!"

"Xiao Baihe, don't slander me and sue Zhu Tianying. Prosecutor Tan Yingying is out of justice and responsible for the family of the deceased Mr. Ren Xinwei. How can you say that I threatened?"

Zhang Wei immediately said "sophistry", and at the same time looked at Tan Yingying with a smile, his eyes were full of "friendliness" and "goodwill".

The latter trembled subconsciously, and quickly said: "Sister Baihe, I... I really decided to pursue the truth of the incident out of my own heart. It has nothing to do with Zhang Wei, and I have not been threatened by him. !"

Xiao Baihe couldn't tell, Tan Yingying must have received threats from Zhang Wei.

But now that the case has been accepted and the court has accepted it, we can only go all out as a prosecution.

"Go, go to the scene!"

Xiao Baihe took over the command and became the person in charge.

Although she is not an investigative prosecutor, everyone knows Tan Yingying's level.

And Xiao Baihe also wanted to let Zhang Wei make trouble at the scene, which was why she came with Tan Yingying.

Because of his identity as a prosecutor, the community security quickly felt at ease.

Soon, Villa No. 66, located in the center of the community, arrived, which was Ren Xinwei's real estate.

In the villa, there were three field workers from the Wuxi Association on duty. Fortunately, none of Zhang Wei's acquaintances were among them, so he was also relieved.

"It turns out to be the prosecutor of the local prosecutor's office, please come in!"

The field worker who took the lead saw Xiao Baihe's ID card and immediately let her go.

Zhang Wei and Li Yueqin also crossed the yellow line and entered the villa.

The villa is very large, covering an area of ​​over 1,000 square meters, including the yard at the entrance, etc., at least 2,000 square meters.

"This house is so big. According to the housing price in the inner ring of the Oriental Capital, the unit price of the villa will not be much lower than that of the house. This house will cost at least 200 million yuan!"

Zhang Wei walked into the villa and said something with emotion.

He finally understood why Zhu Tianying refused to pay compensation.

You, Ren's Films, paid 300 million yuan in compensation. This amount of money is only enough to buy a "big house" in this kind of villa area, which is really too little.

"What to look at, quickly find evidence, and see what else the Criminal Investigation Division and Forensic Division have missed!"

The four began to look for clues, which of course are generally unlikely to be found.

Because it was the Serious Case Team of the Criminal Division and the Crime Scene Forensics Division who searched this place before, and they were the ones who specialized in collecting evidence.

Having said that, experts can be mistaken. Even at the scene of a murder, there may be truth hidden beneath the surface.

What Zhang Wei has to do is to discover the truth.

First of all, he naturally came to Ren Xinwei's office, which was also the scene where the other party was killed.

The office is large, with a whole set of mahogany furniture and some expensive-looking decorations on one side.

The location of the deceased was marked on the ground with white lime powder. After collecting the evidence, the forensics department had already cleaned up the evidence, so there were not many things left at the scene.

"The murder weapon should not be here, but I have Zhu Tianying's testimony!"

Zhang Wei walked to the mahogany desk and observed carefully.

"Zhu Tianying said that Ren Xinwei was sitting here on the phone at that time, as if he was discussing a project, and his tone was a little grumpy."

"After the phone call, he called her into the office and there was a confrontation!"

Zhang Wei leaned over to the mahogany table and looked at the entrance of the office.

He began to simulate in his mind that when Zhu Tianying walked into the office, Ren Xinwei walked towards the other party, and at some point there was an extra knife in his hand, and then he stabbed the other party 4 times in a row.

These 4 knives stabbed Zhu Tianying's chest, left and right ribs and thighs respectively.

"4 knives, all of them avoided the vital points, isn't that unreasonable?"

Zhang Wei thought about it carefully, and felt quite outrageous.

I don't know if Ren Xinwei's hit rate is too bad, or Zhu Tianying has the blessing of destiny, anyway, all four swords are dangerous and avoid the fatal point.

The first cut is 1cm away from the heart, the second and third cuts are 1-2cm away from vital organs in the body, and the third cut is no more than 0.7cm away from the femoral artery.

It can be said that as long as Ren Xinwei's sword technique is even a little bit accurate, Zhu Tianying will not be able to survive.

"It may be luck, and it's extremely good, but there is another possibility, that the person who assassinated Zhu Tianying was not Ren Xinwei, but herself!"

Zhang Wei instantly thought of the second possibility.

If the scene can be faked perfectly and is ruthless enough, it is not impossible.

For 60 billion assets, so what if you stab yourself 4 times.

If it were him, Zhang Wei, that number could even be doubled tenfold.

"Then I assume that Zhu Tianying is the real murderer. He killed Ren Xinwei first, then stabbed himself 4 times, and then put the knife back into Ren Xinwei's hand. But what about the fingerprints? What about the fingerprints on the knife?"

The thought of fingerprints gave Zhang Wei a headache.

Because the forensics department only found Ren Xinwei's fingerprints on the only murder weapon.

If Zhu Tianying stabbed herself with a knife, her body would also bleed and cause severe pain. In this case, it would be too difficult to carefully wipe off her fingerprints.

If fingerprints are not processed, evidence will be left.

How to deal with fingerprints, this is a question?

"Sister Lily, it's so warm here..."

Suddenly, the sound of the entrance to the office interrupted Zhang Wei's thoughts.

Tan Yingying and Xiao Baihe also searched here.

"Of course it's warm, there's a real fireplace here!"

Zhang Wei pointed to a corner of the office, where there was a real fire fireplace.

"According to Zhu Tianying's statement, the two of them had an argument, during which they moved towards the fireplace..."

"That's strange. If Ren Xinwei wanted to attack Zhu Tianying and the latter fled, why didn't he go towards the entrance of the office?"

Zhang Wei thought of a suspicious point.

Since they are threatened, people will flee to a safe place.

It doesn't make sense that the exit from the office is safe and the fireplace is inside the office.

Could it be that there is a hidden door in the fireplace?

Zhang Wei walked to the fireplace and took a closer look. There was no secret door here.

"The fireplace is not bad, it burns high-grade fruit wood, and there is a hint of fruity aroma in the air..."

"Zhang Wei, I found something!"

At this moment, Li Yueqin's voice came from outside the office.

Zhang Wei walked out immediately, Xiao Baihe and Tan Yingying were also moved when they heard the sound.

Li Yueqin called the two of them at the stairs, and when the three of them reached the second floor, they saw Li Yueqin pointing to one of the rooms.

"There are footprints in this room, and the windows are open!" Li Yueqin pointed to the room and whispered.

"Impossible. I remember that the forensics department found no other people's footprints in the villa, and when they left, they would choose to close the doors and windows to prevent the rain and moisture from damaging the scene!"

Xiao Baihe signaled Zhang Wei and the others to stay still, then took out two disposable white latex gloves from his pocket, put them on and opened the room door.

However, the movement of her putting on the gloves made Zhang Wei slightly stunned.

In the room, the windows were indeed open, and the temperature in the room was several degrees lower than downstairs.

The wind blows, the curtains flutter, and the cold wind blows.

“Windows have footprints, should be new!”

Zhang Wei discovered the problem. The traces of the footprints are very clear. They don't seem to be from the day when the crime happened, but they seem to have been left recently.

According to his visual inspection, the time left by the footprints should not exceed one day.

"Someone came to the scene of the crime recently, and they walked through the window!"

Sensing the seriousness of the problem, Xiao Baihe quickly shouted at Tan Yingying, "Notify the forensics department and Deputy Captain Lin, who is in charge of the investigation of this case, and ask them to bring someone here!"

"This person didn't walk through the door. He was able to sneak into the house under the noses of the three field staff of the Wuxi Association. He should be a master!"

Zhang Wei also saw some traces, and then called to Tan Yingying: "Prosecutor Tan, please inform the serious case 7 team by the way, and ask if Team Wu can send Hanhan over to support!"

"Who is Hanhan?"

"Almost forgot, you don't know this nickname, it's Xia Qianyue, my girlfriend!"


Tan Yingying nodded, and immediately walked away to make a phone call.

"Zhang Wei, what do you mean, we are investigating a murder scene, what are you calling that foolish man for?"

"Xiao Baihe, Xia Qianyue is a member of the serious crime team, right? Crime scene investigation, is there a problem with hiring someone from the serious crime team?"

"But isn't she a member of Team 1 in charge of this case?"

"I'm happy, can you control it?"


Xiao Baihe almost couldn't bear it anymore and hit someone, but in the end it didn't happen.

An hour later, the serious crime team and the forensic department arrived.

And Lin Ruonan really brought Xia Qianyue here.

"This footprint was left recently. There was no footprint in this room at that time. I collected evidence at the scene after the incident, so I remember it clearly!"

"That's strange. Who would come to the scene of the crime and still sneak away?"

"Could it be the real murderer? He returned to the crime scene to deal with the traces?"

"How is it possible? Zhu Tianying has personally admitted that Ren Xinwei was killed by her. We also found so many bloodstains at the scene, and the forensic department has already seen all of them."

"That's strange, who is this person?"

People from the forensics department and the serious crime team circled around the scene where the footprints were found, and began to collect clues.

"There is also a problem here. Judging from the dust on the table, there was a photo frame here, but it was recently taken away!"

"According to what you said, there are also traces on this table. Visually, it should be a book, and it was also taken away?"

"If you put it this way, it seems that this cabinet has been opened by someone..."

Sure enough, under the investigation of the forensics department, it was found that the room had been tampered with, but unfortunately no fingerprints were left at the scene.

After collecting the footprints, the forensics department finally got the parameters and began to report to Lin Ruonan and Xiao Baihe.

"Judging from the footprints, the person who came here should have stepped on the soil outside the garden, so there are some mud debris on the scene. From the perspective of size, it is an adult male with a burly build, with a height of 170-180cm and a weight of 75-85kg. No fingerprints were left at the scene, so no trace of identity can be made."

Looking at the data provided by the forensics department, everyone was helpless.

"After Ren Xinwei's death, someone took the risk of entering the murder scene to come in. Why?"

"Besides, Ren Xinwei was killed by Zhu Tianying by mistake, so it shouldn't have anything to do with outsiders?"

Lin Ruonan fell into deep thought.

"You said, could it be Zhu Tianying's lover?"

Zhang Wei who was standing on the side suddenly said, "Didn't Zhu Tianying say that Ren Xinwei suspected her of cheating and that's why he raped her? Although she denied this, what if Ren Xinwei was right?"

"But Zhang Wei, there is no evidence to prove this?" Xia Qianyue on the side hurriedly said.

She has also read some files of this case, and there is no evidence of Zhu Tianying's cheating.

"No, it's just that your serious crime team didn't investigate this aspect. From your point of view, Zhu Tianying is actually a victim, and her infidelity has little impact on the case, so you don't think it's necessary to investigate."

Zhang Wei sneered, "If she really cheated, she will definitely find clues!"

What era is it now? In the high-tech era, surveillance is almost everywhere in the East.

If you want to really investigate a person, relying on all-weather monitoring equipment and satellite tracking, who can escape?

Zhu Tianying was not investigated, but the investigation department thought it was unnecessary.

And now that there are footprints of outsiders on the scene, it happens to be possible to find out who this outsider is by the way!

However, although clues have been found, the forensics department still needs more time to investigate.

Today's harvest can't be counted as much.

"Hanhan, are you busy tomorrow? If not, come and investigate with us?"


When she heard that she was going to investigate the case with Zhang Wei, Xia Qianyue immediately agreed.

Xiao Baihe on the side wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

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