Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 203 Looking for clues on social media, are they all girlfriends?

(There will be an update this afternoon...)


Sunday, the second day of investigation.

Zhang Wei woke up early and had breakfast with Zhao Xiaoxiao.

In the kitchen, Zhang Wei had the following conversation with his second daughter.

"Zhu Tianying!"

"To what extent?"

"The more detailed the better!"

"I have an impression of this woman, a model in the entertainment circle, she is very beautiful, right?"

"In this case, she is a cold-blooded murderer!"


"Come on, second girl, I know you are Dad's caring little padded jacket~"

"Zhang Wei, you are going to die!!!"

Breakfast ended in a cheerful atmosphere.

After Zhang Wei packed everything up, he rushed to the headquarters of the Wuxi Association.

What kind of occupation should I talk about? I don’t rest 365 days a year, and I have to go to work on weekends. Maybe there is only the serious crime team.

Because abnormal footprints were found at the scene yesterday, people from the serious crime team and the forensic department sealed off the scene again, and Zhang Wei could only suspend yesterday's investigation.

Today, the specific data of the footprints should be announced, and Zhang Wei happened to come to the serious crime team to ask about the situation.

Serious Case 1 Group, Office.

Zhang Wei was the first to come, and there was no one else in the office even when he arrived early.

He sat for a while before Lin Ruonan yawned and rushed to his work station.

Looking at this team leader Lin who is busy with his career, Zhang Wei knew that the other party must be single.

Obviously there is still a team leader in the team, but Lin Ruonan has always led the team to fight on the front line. For a female operator, this is really too...

"I hope Hanhan doesn't develop into this..."

Zhang Wei muttered something in his heart, but still put on a smiling face, and approached Lin Ruonan.

"Deputy team Lin, good morning, how is the footprint investigation yesterday?"

"Zhang Wei, you are not the prosecutor who investigates the case, why should I tell you?"

"Hey, I know Deputy Team Lin is biased against me, but this time I represent the family of the deceased and the plaintiff in this case, so I also have the right to know the details of the case!"

Seeing Lin Ruonan's dissatisfaction, Zhang Wei immediately revealed his identity.

Just kidding, I was entrusted by Ren Xinwei's family and subordinates to work, so as the family representative and plaintiff, your investigation department is obliged to inform me of any new developments in the case, as well as the family members of the deceased behind me. .


Lin Ruonan never expected that Zhang Wei would have such a hand.

Ding dong!

The ladders opened, and the prosecutors arrived.

Xiao Baihe took the lead, walked into the office of the serious crime team, and then glared at Zhang Wei.

Tan Yingying stood behind Xiao Baihe, and when she saw Zhang Wei, she timidly hid behind Xiao Baihe.

"Why, you're the only one today, where's your follower?" Xiao Baihe stared at Zhang Wei.

"What's the attendant? She's called Xiao Li. She's my colleague. She's going to accompany my mother to the medical examination today, so she can't come here. I can only accompany the two of you to investigate."

As Zhang Wei said, he looked at Xiao Baihe and Tan Yingying, implying something: "Do you think that everyone is like you, that there are people who follow you every day to run errands, riding on the saddle?"

"What are you implying?" Xiao Baihe frowned, speaking a little slower than at the beginning.

Killing intent!

"Ha~~~Zhang Wei, you came so early~"

At the stairway, Xia Qianyue yawned and arrived.

"Hanhan, save me!"

Seeing Xia Qianyue, Zhang Wei finally felt relieved.

Although Hanhan's brain is not very bright, it can give him an inexplicable sense of security.

After Xia Qianyue came by her side, Zhang Wei felt relieved.

"Deputy Team Lin, everyone is here, what's the result of the investigation?"

Lin Ruonan had no choice but to pass the investigation report to Zhang Wei and Xiao Baihe.

"The footprints are from cloth shoes?"

"In this day and age, does anyone still wear this kind of shoes?"

"Are some ingredients of Chinese herbal medicine found in the mud of the footprints?"

"According to the estimation of the identity of the deceased by the forensics department, the deceased was an adult male, and the area he recently entered and exited may be a pharmacy or the traditional Chinese medicine department of the hospital!"

"But I remember that doctors generally don't wear cloth shoes, do they?"

"I'm not sure about this, this is the report given to me by the forensics department!"

Looking at the investigation and analysis of the footprints in his hand, Zhang Wei flipped through them a few times, but did not find any important clues.

One footprint, what else do you want to see?

Seeing this, Lin Ruonan said, "But we can analyze why this person came to Ren Xinwei's villa?"

"This man must have been to the villa before, and it is most likely related to Zhu Tianying!"

Zhang Wei thought for a while, and slowly analyzed: "He was able to bypass the sight of the three field workers, enter the room, and take things away without anyone noticing, which means that he must have entered the villa before, and he has been here more than once. once."

"That room is not Ren Xinwei's room, but there are traces of a woman's life in the room. If my guess is correct, it should be Zhu Tianying's room."

"A man came to Ren Xinwei's villa and knew Zhu Tianying's room like the back of his hand. If you say that he has nothing to do with Zhu Tianying, I wouldn't believe it if he killed him!"

Zhang Wei's analysis made Lin Ruonan and others nod their heads.

"So, Zhu Tianying really cheated?"

Lin Ruonan let go of a confession record, but his expression was not surprised.

Because Zhu Tianying's confession said, Ren Xinwei suspected that he was cheating, so he raped him, which also led to the latter's indirect death.

Although Zhu Tianying didn't dare to say it, everyone would think that Zhu Tianying might not be willing to be lonely and really found a man outside.

Xiao Baihe on the side frowned, "But if Zhu Tianying really cheated, why is there no relevant record, and we have also investigated, Ren Xinwei did not hire a private investigator, which means that even if Zhu Tianying cheated, he did it very secretly."

"Yes, but if you really want to investigate, you can actually investigate, it depends on whether you want to!"

Zhang Wei said, looking at Lin Ruonan.

The expert in the investigation here is you, the deputy captain of the Serious Case 1 Team.

"Although I am also curious about whether Zhu Tianying cheated, there is currently no evidence to prove that the mysterious footprints left at the scene are directly related to Zhu Tianying. The investigation department does not know exactly what this person walked from the scene, so I can't initiate an investigation. Zhu Tianying's investigation. Moreover, Zhu Tianying is the victim of this case, and a follow-up investigation of a victim requires sufficient evidence!"

Lin Ruonan's attitude was superficial, he refused to investigate Zhu Tianying.

"Let's look for clues from the footprints!"

Since Lin Ruonan couldn't help it, Zhang Wei had no choice but to follow the other party's advice and look for clues in the footprints.

It's just a footprint, if you look horizontally and vertically, left and right, you can't see any clues.


Zhang Wei's cell phone rang slightly, it was the second girl's V letter message.

[Zhao Xiaoxiao: In the past few months, Zhu Tianying's mobile phone signal has been normal. She either stayed at home all the time, or...]

[Zhang Wei: When she goes out, doesn't she bring her mobile phone? 】

【Zhao Xiaoxiao: Yes】

[Zhang Wei: No surprise, after all, she was having an affair with her lover, how could she find clues for others! 】

[Zhang Wei: Second daughter, how much information about Zhu Tianying in recent years can you find? 】

[Zhao Xiaoxiao: The past few months have been easy, but the past few years will take time, a lot of time! 】

[Zhang Wei: That's fine, you investigate first, and I will find another way here (smile.jpg)]

[Zhao Xiaoxiao: Investigation is possible, what are the benefits? 】

Seeing the news, Zhang Wei was slightly taken aback.

The second daughter is protesting.

【Zhang Wei: I ask you to mention it, and I will definitely do it (Smile.jpg)】

[Zhao Xiaoxiao: I want to eat lobster tonight (angry.jpg)]

【Zhao Xiaoxiao: (beating.jpg) x3】

[Zhang Wei: OK! 】

After finishing the "bargaining" with the second daughter, Zhang Wei showed a smile on his face.

"Second girl is really a simple-minded little girl, she can't hide anything, she... wait, can't hide..."

When Zhang Wei smiled slightly, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Deputy Team Lin, does the Serious Crime Squad have internet access?"

"Of course there is!"

"You can't track and investigate Zhu Tianying's whereabouts, so can you watch Zhu Tianying's social media?"

"That's fine, but what's so good about social media?"

"Although I don't know Zhu Tianying's whereabouts, I must know that such a woman is suddenly taken care of by a rich man, travels with luxury cars and yachts, and lives in a villa. She must like to show Moments. Zhu Tianying lived in poverty in her early years, so she made a website The popular model has taken over a lot of commercial performances, and now that she is well-off, she must show off her sense of superiority, and there may be a lot of information about her on social media!"

Lin Ruonan nodded, she thought she could investigate this point.

"I'll immediately notify the Internet Investigation Section and ask them to help!"

1 hour later.

The people from the network investigation department came with a laptop with intercepted Zhu Tianying's social media information.

"Since this woman married Ren Xinwei, she has updated her circle of friends at least five times a day in the first year, either posting luxury houses or luxury cars, or luxury goods, expensive drinks, etc..."

"The second year and the third year are similar. Those who posted about travel, showed off their figure, and posted some words of hatred. Therefore, most of the online media are actually people who scold her for showing her superiority."

"However, because of her high-profile life, she also has a group of fans, but generally speaking, there is nothing outstanding. Although fans and black fans often continue to scold and fight, Zhu Tianying hardly pays attention to these."

"In the fourth year, Zhu Tianying's circle of friends has fewer updates, and sometimes she will post some business activities, charity, or some information about fitness and learning. It seems that she has changed a lot."

"In the past year, there have been fewer updates in Moments, almost once a month, which is completely incomparable with the first few years; and the Moments she posted have very little information about luxury goods, and most of them are to improve themselves. The learning posts, such as practicing martial arts, reading books on financial foreign exchange investment, and gatherings with girlfriends and friends, etc., generally speaking, there is nothing suspicious, and those gatherings are also very clean.”

Lin Ruonan looked disappointed when he looked at the information provided by the Internet Investigation Section.

Zhu Tianying's life is in line with the interest of a female Internet celebrity who is maintained by a wealthy family. When she is rich at the beginning, she can't wait for the whole world to know that she is married into a wealthy family.

But after a few years, the novelty wore off, and she felt empty and bored, and she lost interest in showing off her superiority.

In the next two years, this woman became Buddhist, and even wanted to improve herself.

Unfortunately, this is just a clue from the circle of friends.

What can you tell from these few photos in Moments?

"What, Deputy Team Lin, thank you for your help. I'm already very satisfied if I can find these."

Zhang Wei comforted him, but no disappointment could be seen on his face.

These words made Xiao Baihe on the side slightly taken aback.

Is Zhang Wei planning to give up?

"Hanhan, come with me for a walk, maybe I can find some clues outside..."

Zhang Wei said, and after saying goodbye, he pulled Xia Qianyue and planned to leave the serious crime team office.

"This guy has a problem!"

Seeing this, Xiao Baihe frowned, realizing that the matter was not simple.

She also took Tan Yingying and chased her out.

Lin Ruonan watched the four leave one after another, but didn't say anything. After all, she was the investigation department and couldn't control the prosecutors.

Wushu Association headquarters, at the gate.

"Zhang Wei, did you find something?"

"Hanhan, can you see it?"

"Yeah, you used to watch the surveillance, watch videos, and even look at photos carefully several times. This time you stopped after watching it once. You must have discovered something!"

"Good guy, you can see this, even those who know me are stupid..."

Seeing that Xia Qianyue knew her so well, Zhang Wei was very relieved.

The eldest daughter is finally smart for a while.

He did find a clue.

"Zhang Wei, what did you find, tell me honestly!"

But Xia Qianyue was not the only one who suddenly became smart.

Xiao Baihe chased him out, and stared at Zhang Wei with his waist down and a cold face.

Xiao Mian, don't think that if you look alike, I won't be able to see it. You must have discovered something.

"Okay, it just so happens that Prosecutor Tan Yingying is also here, so you drive and drive us to a place!"

"Where are you going?"

"Of course I went to this place!"

Zhang Wei took out his mobile phone, and opened the navigation, and entered an address on it.


Inside the second ring road, Yangxin Hall.

Yangxintang is a relatively well-known convalescent institution for wealthy people in Dongfangdu. It is famous for its traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts, and it has a good reputation in the second ring road.

Most of the disciples in the hall practice martial arts, and even teach some methods for the rich to strengthen their bodies. Of course, they all charge money.

The surname of the head of Yangxintang is Huang, who is said to be from the south-central part of eastern Guangdong, and he learned from the martial arts master Huang Tianhong.

However, these are rumors and there is no evidence.

Yangxintang is a courtyard house with a large area. In a city like Dongfangdu, it is really surprising to see a large courtyard house.

"Zhang Wei, what are you doing here?"

After arriving at the destination, Xiao Baihe couldn't bear it anymore.

I remember that there is a martial arts gym next door to your house. If you want to come to this kind of place, is it unnecessary?

"Come on, I'm here to investigate!"

Zhang Wei pointed to the plaque hanging at the gate of Yangxintang, then took out his mobile phone and turned on V Bo.

"Look, in the past two years, Zhu Tianying has rarely updated her circle of friends, but in the past year, she came here many times!"

"It doesn't seem like a problem for rich people to come to this kind of place to recuperate their bodies?"

"Having said that, combined with the newly discovered footprints in the villa, it's another story."

Zhang Wei said, pointing to the Yangxin Hall disciples walking around the yard.

They were all wearing antique robes, and their feet were naturally black-edged and white-soled cloth shoes!

"Cloth shoes, footprints, and Yangxintang is most famous for its traditional Chinese medicine. Do you think the owner of the footprints is from here?"

"Then why don't you bring team leader Lin along? The investigation should be a matter of the investigation department?"

Xia Qianyue is puzzled, you have already found the clue, why didn't you bring Lin Ruonan with you.

"Hanhan, you are stupid. It is impossible to get a search warrant based on a simple footprint. If you conduct a personal investigation, this Yangxintang is so big, how can you only rely on the few people from the serious crime team to investigate it."

"That's why I didn't take Deputy Team Lin with her. Her identity is too ostentatious, and it's easy to scare the snake away. Let's go in and investigate by ourselves!"

As Zhang Wei said, he glanced at Xiao Baihe.

Lin Ruonan's identity is conspicuous enough, and the identity of your prosecution is equally sensitive.

Originally, Zhang Wei thought that he would bring a Hanhan to investigate together, which would be easier to deal with.

Now adding Xiao Baihe and Tan Yingying, it will be very difficult to get in.

But Zhang Wei had no choice but to drag Hanhan into Yangxintang.

The guys from Yangxintang quickly greeted the four of them.

"Hey, some guest officers, do you have any recommendations from acquaintances?"

"We know Ms. Zhu Tianying. She always praises you for raising your heart, so I came to see you today!"

Zhang Wei didn't say anything to death, nor did he talk about his relationship with Zhu Tianying, but in the ears of the buddy, it felt different.

"Oh, so it's Miss Zhu's friend, please hurry up!"

The man led Zhang Wei and the others to a separate room, and politely asked, "What are you planning to do? By the way, your relationship is..."

"Oh, this is my girlfriend!"

Zhang Wei put one hand on Xia Qianyue's shoulder, and the two became more intimate immediately.

"Then, these two are..."

"This is my girlfriend too, this is her little follower!"

Zhang Wei suddenly became playful, and put his other hand on Xiao Baihe's shoulder, causing the latter's eyes to widen suddenly.

"Zhang Wei, do you want to die!"

"Ahem, buddy, my family has a bit of a temper, how do you understand!"

Zhang Wei smiled and explained to the buddy.

The guy was stunned for a moment, then gave Zhang Wei a thumbs up and smiled.

You have to be amazing, bring two girlfriends to our Yangxin Hall.

Look at them, you are here to make up for your feelings.

"Guest officer, what's your name?"

"My surname is Zhang!"

"Mr. Zhang, I don't know if Ms. Zhu has recommended the master of our hall to you?"

"She didn't go into details, but Miss Zhu is usually the one looking for a master?"

"Oh, Miss Zhu has been looking for our elder brother all the time. He is the direct disciple of our hall master. Do you want to invite him here too?"

"That's a good relationship. Since Ms. Zhu has chosen this one, let's try it too!"

"Okay, I'm going to inform the elder brother!"

The guy left, and Zhang Wei felt a huge torque around his waist.

"Ah, it hurts..."

"Bastard, don't let go of your hand, and you are looking for death, and you actually said that I am your girlfriend"

As soon as Xiao Baihe twisted her shoulders, she shook off Zhang Wei's hand, and her eyes became completely cold.

"Xiao Baihe, if I don't say that, it's hard to guarantee that this guy won't ask for more information. Do you want the suspect to escape?"

Zhang Wei called out for being wronged, I just improvised.

"At least we have a suspect now, this elder brother of Yangxintang, there may be something wrong!"

This is true, if Zhu Tianying has been looking for this master, then the other party is likely to have something to do with the villa's footprints.

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