Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 206 The pre-trial contest, the bait and the real target (Dafeng pushes more 2)

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Trial isolation system.

This is the first time that Zhang Wei heard such a request from the defense during the trial in Dongfangdu.

The so-called isolation means closing information and isolating all interference.

What the court needs to do is put the jurors in a place where they are isolated from the information and make sure they don't have access to any information.

This is generally a request made by the prosecution and rarely mentioned by the defense.

In general cases, if the impact is not too great, jurors can usually go home.

However, if the case becomes a sensation, the pervasive coverage of the news and media can greatly distract the jury.

Then when choosing jurors, it is best to choose those who have no knowledge of the case.

In this way, all the information they get is the evidence that is allowed to be presented in court, and their judgment will not be affected by media speculation and illegal evidence.

But if the defendant is a big star, or a well-known entertainer, celebrity, etc., many jurors may already know the other party, or have heard of the other party.

If the jury returned home at this time, opened the search engine, searched for information about the case or the defendant, and happened to see a positive report on the defendant, then the jury’s verdict would be in favor of the defendant.

Similarly, if there are negative reports about the defendant on the Internet, the impact of the jury's verdict will also have a negative impact on the defendant.

Like this case, because gossip was all over the place before the jury was selected and quarantined.

You can hardly find anyone in the East who has not read the relevant reports. They may not remember the names of their relatives, but they definitely do not know who Zhu Tianying is.

Because of this, the trial trend of subsequent cases may be affected not only by factors inside the court, but also by factors outside the court.

Both the prosecution and the defense actually believe that the isolation system is correct.

Even Judge Ni Qiuping couldn't help but nodded.

"I am very glad that your defense will raise this point. After consideration by this court, this proposal is allowed!"

Judge Ni said, looking at the candidate jury.

"Now, this court has approved the trial isolation system. If you think you can't bear the isolation from the outside world in the next trial, you can leave the jury seat on your own!"

Hearing what the judge said, several jurors suddenly got up and left their seats.

They obviously can't stand the boring life of being cut off from the Internet, and even from electronic devices.

But even the remaining people may not be able to stand it, but they feel that it is worth staying to be able to participate in such a case.

Candidates for the jury, and quite a few.

Ni Qiuping asked again: "Among the remaining people, does anyone need to think about it? Once you enter the external isolation facility, you will live under the care of the field all the time. You can only watch specific channels and browse specific web pages every day. Accept any information related to this case, and only have brief phone calls with family members every day..."

Under the judge's reminder, two more stood up hesitantly. They glanced at the defense bench and chose to leave.

"Okay, then for the rest of you, this court thinks that you have no problem. If you want to protest during the isolation period, this court will not accept it!"

Ni Qiuping has repeatedly emphasized that if someone can't stand it and complains later in the quarantine, the field office and the court will pretend not to see it.

After all, her reminder was done to the utmost.

"Now, start screening the jury!"

She waved her hand, signaling Jiang Fengzhen to start quickly, because she just said that a lot of time was wasted.

Jiang Fengzhen understood and walked to the jury seat again.

"Here, I would like to ask a question, what do you think of women's youth?"

After asking questions, she began to roll the roll.

"What do you think, juror?"

"I think a woman's youth is very valuable, because a young woman, her youth is priceless!"

"Your Honor, we accept this juror!"

"This gentleman?"

"I think it depends on who it is for, after all, youth is also mutual!"

"Your Honor, we thank this gentleman for his answer and reject this juror!"

"Where is this..."

The first question is very purposeful.

"Is the opening so straightforward?"

Zhang Wei could also see that this question was to estimate Zhu Tianying's five-year youth.

Keep some people who agree with Zhu Tianying's sacrifice, and remove those who don't agree or have doubts.

Those who remained thought that Zhu Tianying's five years of youth were precious, so they were likely to sympathize with the defendant, thus achieving a favorable influence on the trial.

Conversely, those who cannot sympathize with the defendant are naturally disadvantageous to the defense.

After Jiang Fengzhen screened out a few more jurors, she temporarily stopped the screening, and it was the prosecution's turn to ask questions.

"The prosecution comes up!"

Judge Ni waved to the prosecution, but Tan Yingying did not move for a long time.

"The prosecution?"

"Ah, oh, it's my turn!"

Tan Yingying finally regained her senses, stood up in a daze, and walked to the witness stand.

"Prosecutor, it's not time for cross-examination yet, please go to the front of the jury box, ok?"

"Sorry, sorry, my fault, my fault, Your Honor..."

Tan Yingying quickly apologized, her attitude was flustered, and she trotted all the way to the jury seat.

Seeing this scene, many people in the hearing booth laughed.

Hu Yaode and Jiang Fengzhen on the defense bench also had sneers on their faces.

I thought that the local prosecutor's headquarters would send a powerful person, but I didn't expect the opponent to be so aggressive this time.

If the public prosecutors were of this level every time they held court, they would be able to win every battle against the local prosecutor's headquarters.

On the prosecution table, Zhang Wei couldn't help shaking his head.

"No way, Xiao Tan, why are you stretching your hips so much?"

He couldn't help complaining about Tan Yingying's performance.

How did Xiao Baihe lead people? It's been almost a year, and this is the level?

It's also about taking apprentices, look at Lin Yumeng, she is almost ready to be a teacher, and she can complete the case by herself.

"Fortunately, I have already discussed with Tan Yingying in advance about the issue of this trial!"

Fortunately, someone was well prepared and even thought of the questions during the pre-trial.


Tan Yingying cleared her throat and asked, "Jurors, what would you do if there was a hole on the ground the size of a football with a warning [Danger inside, no onlookers!!!]?"


Hearing this question, someone in the defense seat was immediately stunned.

Hu Yaode and Jiang Fengzhen looked at each other in blank dismay, both aroused doubts.

What kind of question is this?

What does this question have to do with this case?

This question, why is it such a fantasy?

The first row of the hearing booth.

"Sure enough!" Xiao Baihe rubbed her white forehead, speechless.

As soon as I heard this question, I knew that Zhang Wei was thinking about it, and only this guy's brain could think of such an outrageous question.

"Why did Zhang Wei raise such a question?"

Xia Qianyue at the side knew that she didn't understand these things, so she simply didn't bother to think about it, and looked directly at Xiao Baihe.

She knew that Xiao Baihe was smarter than herself and had court trial experience, so she might be able to see something.

"Don't ask me, I have never studied that guy's pre-trial methods!"

Xiao Baihe said, you ask me, who am I to ask, I am not Zhang Wei, how can I understand these fancy things.

If she couldn't figure it out, then Tie Ruyun, Li Yueqin, Lin Yumeng and others next to her, including the reporters and the melon-eaters behind, naturally couldn't figure it out either.

They have only one idea, will they go to see it?

In the heads of several people, there is this symbol: ? ? ?

in court.

"Sir, will you go and see?"

"Uh, I'll go and see..."


"I'm curious, there's such a big sign, I'm definitely going to check it out, what's so dangerous..."

"Thanks for the answer!"

After Tan Yingying thanked her, she turned to the trial seat, "Your Honor, we accept this juror!"

Then she walked up to a female juror.

"Ma'am, will you go and see?"

"I want to ask, is that logo eye-catching?"

"It's very eye-catching, and there are three exclamation points at the end!"

"Then I will definitely not go to see it, because I don't like to take such risks!"

"Thank you for your answer!"

Tan Yingying turned her head again, "Your Honor, the prosecution has rejected this juror!"

Ni Qiuping glanced at Tan Yingying, who felt guilty for a while.

But she didn't say anything in the end, but recorded it in her notebook.

Obviously, she didn't see any problem.

"No way, can't you see that?"

Only Zhang Wei, who was on the prosecution's seat, felt a sense of loneliness as if he could see all the mountains and small things at a glance.

"Isn't it just curiosity, why don't you even understand?"

He murmured to himself that this was his purpose.

In this case, the evidence on the surface is already obvious. Zhu Tianying and the media are talking about self-defense, and the evidence given by the investigation department also supports this statement.

If you followed the normal procedure, Zhu Tianying would definitely be innocent.

So what the prosecution needs is someone who is skeptical of appearances and curious about the truth.

Only such people are good at digging out the truth below the surface evidence.

Unfortunately, few people in the courtroom saw this.

What's even more pity is that such questions cannot be asked too much, otherwise the jurors will also discover the pattern and change the original answer.

On the trial seat, Ni Qiuping looked at Tan Yingying.

"Do you want to continue asking questions?"

"That depends on whether the defense wants to speak..."

Ni Qiuping and Tan Yingying looked at the defense seats at the same time.

Jiang Fengzhen shook her head, meaning to let the prosecution continue.

"Then the prosecution will continue to ask questions!"

"Oh well!"

Tan Yingying quickly flipped through the handwriting, and Zhao Ben read out: "I would like to ask the jurors, why do you think people get married?"

"Sir, would you please answer?"


The man who was questioned was stunned, his eyes widened, and he looked unhappy, "I don't even have a wife, why are you asking me this?"

"Then what do you think marriage is for?"

"To deal with the nagging of my family, anyway, they are urging me to find a wife every day, I am so annoyed!"

"So you hate marriage, and even women?"

"A little bit, but I have no objection to marriage, if I really find a suitable one..."


Tan Yingying nodded, this time she looked at the defense bench, "Your Honor, we accept this juror!"

"Your Honor, the defense rejects this juror!"

When Tan Yingying offered to accept, the defense immediately stood up and opposed it.

Just kidding, this juror said that he hated women, so why keep him?

The defendant was a woman, and who knows if the juror would hate the defendant for that.

So it's better to kick it off.

"Madam, what do you think marriage is for?"

"I think it's a sense of security, a sense of security between a man and a woman!"

"What is a sense of security?"

"Family, kids, responsibilities...of course, money..."

"Oh money!"

Tan Yingying suddenly emphasized it, causing the female juror to show a little embarrassment.

Then Tan Yingying suddenly lowered her head and opened a page in her notebook.

"Your Honor, we accept this juror!"

When she said this, she showed a "satisfied" smile.

"Your Honor, the defense dismisses this juror!"

Although I don't know what Tan Yingying's expression looks like, both Hu Yaode and Jiang Fengzhen think that this juror is not good for them.

Because in a marriage, the person who values ​​money the most may pay special attention to property.

They can be sure that the prosecution will definitely use property as evidence, and keeping this money-hungry woman is definitely not good for Zhu Tianying.

Judge Ni motioned for the female juror to leave, and then recorded it in his notes.

Tan Yingying's questioning continued.

And her question also attracted many discussions in the hearing booth.

"These questions are a bit simpler, but it's obviously not what Yingying can think of. It should be Zhang Wei's goal. I always feel that he is planning something!"

Xiao Baihe stared at the prosecution seat and had a guess in his heart.

"What plan?" Xia Qianyue next to her looked curious.

"The defense, you might have been tricked!" Xiao Baihe murmured, as if she had caught something.

In fact, apart from her, there was another person in the hearing booth who was also captured.

"Oh, these are actually bait, used to deliberately consume the number of rebuttals of the defense!"

As Long Teng's lawyer, Qin Shaocong sat in the middle of the hearing booth, watching the court motionlessly.

He could see that Tan Yingying's purpose of asking these questions was not to select jurors, but to consume the defense's opportunity to eliminate jurors.

Using these less important issues to create a jury feint to leave will make the opponent feel compelled to eliminate the threat and use the defense's elimination opportunity.

Once all 6 opportunities are used up, the prosecution will use its means to leave one of the most critical jurors that the defense cannot eliminate.

This is the purpose of the prosecution!

"Excellent question!"

Qin Shaocong looked at Tan Yingying, his eyes automatically skipping over the latter.

He knew that these questions must not have been raised by the rookie who immediately pulled his hips, but by the calm young man on the prosecution bench.

"As expected of Lawyer Zhang, he was able to defeat the local prosecutor's headquarters many times, and he was also able to defeat the high-level prosecutor. He is indeed very capable!"

Qin Shaocong had a high opinion of Zhang Wei, and even spoke highly of him.

in court.

"Your Honor, the prosecution accepts this juror!"

"Your Honor, the defense rejects this juror!"

As Jiang Fengzhen removed the jurors that Tan Yingying wanted to keep, Ni Qiuping drew another line in the notebook, and there were already 5 such lines.

"Prosecution, are there any questions?"

"Yes, Your Honor!"

Seeing Tan Yingying nod her head, Ni Qiuping waved her hand.

Anyway, the defense has no objection, so you can do whatever you want!

Tan Yingying counted in her heart, then walked up to a woman and asked, "Madam, what is your occupation?"

"I'm an actor!" The woman raised her head and replied happily.

"Actor?" Tan Yingying glanced at the other party, and then looked at the prosecution seat in surprise.

Because Zhang Wei told her one thing during the preliminary trial, that is, to pay attention to this woman, because the other party is likely to become the No. 1 juror in this case.

Similarly, Zhang Wei was also happy.

"Good job, this woman is an actress, she is a professional pretender, she can definitely see through other people's acting skills. Especially Zhu Tianying, this woman has almost no acting skills, this No. 1 will definitely be able to see through the other party's poor disguise at a glance."

"I have just observed that this character is relatively lively, and she can rely on her advantages to win over most people in a relatively dull 12-member criminal jury. She is an important juror who may definitely affect the trend of the trial. She can definitely serve as a Our "Number 1"! "

Thinking of this, Zhang Wei showed a sly smile of "conspiracy succeeded".

Because his real purpose has been achieved!

Before the jury, the question and answer continued.

"May I ask what movie you've been in recently?"

"I haven't accepted a movie recently, but my agent has helped me accept some live broadcast contracts. I am now working part-time as a 'bringing goods' anchor."

"Anchor with goods, what do you sell?" Tan Yingying nodded.

"I sell everything. It should be said that it depends on the company's contract that the agent accepts. I will help sell whatever they want me to sell. Recently, the products I sell the most are smart home refrigerators and TVs. Then It's kitchen utensils, like broom mop cleaners etc..."

"What about your career as an actor?"

"Don't worry, I will definitely not give up, because becoming an excellent actor has always been my dream!"

Seeing the woman's answer, Tan Yingying couldn't help but nodded again.

"Your Honor, we accept this juror!"

"Your Honor, we reject this juror!"

Seeing Jiang Fengzhen stand up without accident, both Tan Yingying and Zhang Wei in the prosecution seat were all happy.

"Defense, your 6 chances to dismiss have been exhausted!"

Judge Ni couldn't help interrupting Jiang Fengzhen, and directly announced, "This lady can join the jury!"

Hearing this announcement, Jiang Fengzhen's expression changed.

She seems to have noticed something.

"Damn it, you got caught!"

Similarly, Hu Yaode, who was sitting on the other side, finally came to his senses.

He never expected that Zhang Wei's goal turned out to be the woman who was an actress just now, and the other party was an important juror.

It's a shame that they didn't realize that the previous questions were all bait.

The defense was extremely remorseful, but the prosecution naturally achieved its goal and was overjoyed.

"Okay, the jury has been selected, and the trial will start tomorrow!"

With Ni Qiuping's announcement, the court began to dissolve.

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