Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 207 Interview with Lisa, The Nature of Humanity

That night, the Lin Mansion.

Zhang Wei and Zhao Xiaoxiao chatted while having dinner.

"That's all the basic information, I don't think there is any problem..."

"It's really not a problem. Before Ren Xinwei took a fancy to Zhu Tianying, she was just an ordinary girl. The main problem is that in the past five years, this woman has been used to the life of a princess who spends a lot of money. If she suddenly returns to ordinary life, she will not be reconciled. !"

Zhang Wei commissioned Zhao Xiaoxiao to investigate Zhu Tianying's information from 5 years ago, but unfortunately found nothing.

This is not because the other party is hiding something, but because there is really nothing suspicious.

The key question is still within these five years.

The only thing Zhang Wei knows now is that Zhu Tianying cheated on Liang Canguang, the big brother of Yangxintang, but this is not evidence of murder.

To put it bluntly, no matter how indiscreet this woman is, it is also a moral issue.

And murder is a criminal offense.

No matter how bad a person's morality is, no matter how bad her character is, it has nothing to do with whether she will kill someone or not.

Even if it can be proved that this woman has no shame, but it cannot be proved that this woman killed Ren Xinwei, she will still be acquitted.


At this moment, Zhang Wei's cell phone rang.

He opened it and saw that it was a V letter message, and there were several at a time.

The source of the message comes from a temporary discussion group.

Zhu Tianying \u0026 Ren Xinwei Case Information Discussion Group.

[Xiao Baihe: @Everyone, turn on the TV and watch the evening channel of Dongfangdu TV station! 】

【Xia Qianyue: (OK.jpg)】

【Tan Yingying: 1】

【Li Yueqin: 1】

[Xiao Baihe: @Zhang Wei, turn on the TV quickly, you are the only one who didn't reply! 】

[Zhang Wei: Oh! 】

Zhang Wei had no choice but to go back to his room, took out his laptop, started to log in to the Internet, and searched for the evening channel of Dongfang Metropolis.

In the evening channel.

What is being broadcast now is the most-watched program in the evening in the Oriental Metropolis - Lisa Interview.

The host of this program was Cheng Lisha who stood for Zhu Tianying at the gate of the city court during the day.

This mixed-race host, wearing a bright red dress, has an extraordinary conversation and a good aura, and he has a good temperament.

According to Zhang Wei, Cheng Lisha seems to be a sister in the host circle of the Oriental Metropolis, and her talk show is always the top three in the ratings of the evening show.

"Everyone, for our interview with Lisa today, we have invited Ms. Zhu Tianying, who was recently located in the topic center of the Oriental Metropolis, and her lawyer, Ms. Jiang Fengzhen!"

Following Cheng Lisha's introduction, two women in formal attire came onto the screen.

It was Zhu Tianying and Jiang Fengzhen who came, and the latter helped the former to sit down.

Zhu Tianying's complexion is much better than that of the pre-trial, which should be due to the pure oxygen chamber in the rehabilitation center, which allowed her to recover quickly.

"Miss Zhu, Miss Jiang, hello!"

Cheng Lisha and Jiang Fengzhen obviously knew each other. When addressing the latter, they smiled, showing a hint of familiarity.

"Hello host!"

Now that the invitees have arrived, the interview officially begins.

"Miss Zhu, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to come to our show. As far as I know, you are currently busy with a lawsuit?"

"Yes, but I feel wronged, because I am a victim, and I am the one who has been coerced and threatened, but why do I have to face a criminal lawsuit to explain why when I am in danger, Killing the perpetrator by mistake, it's as if I became the perpetrator, but I obviously didn't..."

Zhu Tianying's acting skills can't be said to be great, but she was already in a good mood, and she still shed tears at the show.

"Miss Zhu, please don't get excited. I believe that Prosecutor Tan Yingying from the District Prosecutor's Headquarters decided to file a lawsuit against you after careful consideration!"

Cheng Lisha on the side hurriedly comforted her, and at the same time explained something to the local prosecutor's headquarters.

"Moderator, you are wrong about this point. According to our law firm's investigation, Prosecutor Tan Yingying of the District Prosecutor's Headquarters actually did not communicate with the leaders about this case. She decided to sue my client because of some 'personal reasons'... ..."

Jiang Fengzhen interrupted suddenly, and the last one died, her tone suddenly increased.

"Oh, what kind of personal reason?"

"This, I really can't explain it, and it's in the show, so it's not convenient for me to say more..."

"Sister Jiang, don't hold back your appetite anymore. My Lisa talk show is all about telling the truth. If you don't say it, it will make me itch, and the audience of my show will also Feeling uncomfortable?"

Cheng Lisha said, looking at Jiang Fengzhen with slightly complaining eyes.

"Oh, okay, but I would like to declare in advance that the following remarks are just my personal guesses and do not represent the views of me or my law firm. If someone wants to use my remarks on the show to make excuses, I will reserve the right to sue him rights, and even pursue his criminal responsibility, and our Blackfoot Law Firm will support my work, I hope everyone understands!"

After affirming or threatening, Jiang Fengzhen said slowly: "According to what I heard, prosecutor Tan Yingying is just a newcomer at the local prosecutor's headquarters, and she doesn't even have experience in investigating major criminal cases. How could the local prosecutor's headquarters let such a What about a newcomer to take charge of my client's case?"

"It's strange. I'm also curious that a newcomer is uncharacteristically in charge of such a big case!"

Cheng Lisha hurriedly chimed in and filled the audience's curiosity.

"Actually, as far as I know, Prosecutor Tan Yingying seems to be the follower of Prosecutor Xiao Baihe, the ace of the felony division... and Prosecutor Xiao Baihe..."

When Jiang Fengzhen said this, she hesitated to speak.

"Sister Jiang, don't hide and pinch it, tell me what's next, or I'll be scared to death!"

Cheng Lisha urged immediately, her expression was very anxious.

"Okay, then I'll just say it. I heard that Prosecutor Xiao Baihe and Zhang Wei, the current representative lawyer of Ren's Films, have a very good relationship. There are even rumors that they seem to...seem to..."

Jiang Fengzhen didn't finish her last sentence, and she also knew that you can gossip, but you can't really tell the last guesses.

Otherwise, she can accuse others of infringement and defamation, etc. Zhang Wei and Xiao Baihe can also sue her for defamation.

Especially in this kind of talk show that faces the audience, there must be a degree in everything, and Jiang Fengzhen obviously grasped this degree very well.

Even if Zhang Wei wanted to investigate, what she said now did not slander Zhang Wei at all.

Even if Zhang Wei confronted her face-to-face, she could deny it right away: I didn’t say anything about what happened between the two of you. Even if you intercepted yesterday’s interview, show me where I slandered you?

that's it...

"Good guy!"

Seeing this, Zhang Wei couldn't hold back anymore.

Although you didn't say anything, it seemed like you said everything.

Not only that, but he could feel that the mobile phone information had not stopped for a moment after Jiang Fengzhen's speech just now.

Zhang Wei opened the discussion group.

[Xiao Baihe: This Cheng Lisha, I want her to look good! 】

[Tan Yingying: Sister Baihe, what is your relationship with Zhang Wei? Why does it feel like you are getting angry from embarrassment (doubt.jpg)]

【Xia Qianyue: (Curiosity.jpg)】

[Li Yueqin: +1]

[Xiao Baihe: Get lost, I have nothing to do with Zhang Wei, they just slandered me, I'm so mad! ! ! (angry.jpg)]

[Zhang Wei: Xiao Baihe and I are innocent, at most we have eaten together and solved crimes together, we are just good teammates~]

【Xiao Baihe: Get out, it's none of your business here, go to hell! 】

[Tan Yingying: Oh, that's right, I understand! 】

[Xia Qianyue: +1]

[Li Yueqin: +1]

Seeing Xiao Baihe's speech, Zhang Wei was speechless for a while.

This breaks your defense, but they didn't say anything!

After speaking, Zhang Wei looked at the show again.

"Sister Jiang, you are saying that this case was actually led by Zhang Wei. He secretly instructed Prosecutor Xiao Baihe to put pressure on Prosecutor Tan Yingying, and the latter launched a lawsuit against your client. litigation?"

"No, no, I didn't say anything, it's all speculation, it's all speculation..."

Jiang Fengzhen quickly waved her hand to deny it, but her attitude is one thing, and the audience's speculation is another.

"Yes, yes, what Sister Jiang said is that the above are all our personal guesses, and there is no intention to target the local prosecutor's headquarters!"

Cheng Lisha also explained, and then changed the subject: "In this case, let's continue talking about the case!"

"Miss Zhu, you feel wronged, so what do you want to say to the audience who watched my show and those who supported you?"

Zhu Tianying lowered her head, and after contemplating for a long time, she raised her head and said, "There is no doubt that I am the real victim, but in the eyes of the board of directors of Ren's Films, I am a greedy woman who clearly did something wrong It was Ren Xinwei, my late husband, and he was the one who should pay the price, but why is it me now?"

"And I want to obtain my own legal rights, but I have been obstructed in every possible way. Don't the capitalists of Ren's Pictures have a conscience? Doesn't each of them see justice? Do they only have money in their eyes?"

"During the time I was hospitalized, do you know that not even a single employee of Ren's Films showed up, and they didn't even say a word to me, and they didn't even send me a message of concern."

"During the time I was in the hospital, apart from Sister Jiang accompanying me, the president and directors of Ren's Films probably only thought about my late husband's death, how they could occupy his property and the painstaking efforts of his creation, They completely ignored that I was the only legitimate heir."

When Zhu Tianying said this, she burst into tears, more wronged than Dou E, more miserable than Meng Jiangnv.

"I'm not afraid to tell you that during my hospitalization, Ren's Films only sent a lawyer to threaten me. They threatened me to give up my inheritance rights, and then they would give me a so-called expensive compensation. The lawyer on my condition even threatened me personally, if I don't agree, he might make me look good, his last threatening words are still lingering in my mind..."

"However, I can tell everyone that I am not afraid of threats, and I will not bow to the board of directors and capital of Ren's Films. I will fight them to the end, and I will fight to the end for my legal rights. I, Zhu Tianying, cannot be defeated. of!"

"I want to tell everyone that I cannot be defeated!"

When Zhu Tianying said the last sentence, she almost raised her arms and shouted, her tone was extremely excited.

"Cough cough cough..."

After she finished speaking, she seemed to have affected the injury in her body, and couldn't help coughing violently.

"Cough cough cough... I'm sorry, my injuries haven't recovered yet, and my body can't support me being so excited..."

"Sister Jiang, help Miss Zhu to rest, I'm here!"

Cheng Lisha quickly asked Jiang Fengzhen and the staff to move and helped Zhu Tianying down.

"The speech just now was really impassioned. I believe we have also seen Miss Zhu's bravery and fearlessness. She is such a strong woman, but now she is facing an unusually controversial lawsuit!"

"Here, I would like to ask everyone in Ren's Film Industry, my friend Miss Zhu Tianying, she is obviously a victim, but why do you hold her accountable? Is it because she resisted when she was threatened?" ?”

"I also want to ask our local prosecutor's headquarters in Dongfang Capital, is it the justice you are pursuing to embarrass a weak woman who has just experienced such a major change and is seriously injured and has not yet recovered?"

"Finally, I would like to ask about the prosecution of this case, Prosecutor Tan Yingying, why do women make things difficult for women?"

Watching the show, Cheng Lisha who kept asking questions.

Zhang Wei actually laughed.

"Good guy, use public opinion to launch an offensive. This is to create pressure on the local prosecutor's headquarters and make them withdraw the case!"

Sure enough, the discussion group became lively again.

[Tan Yingying: Ahhh, Director Zhao called me, what should I do, Sister Lily (scared.jpg)]

[Xiao Baihe: Take it, if you take it, say it's all Zhang Wei's fault, just throw the blame on him! 】

【Xia Qianyue: Support (bad smile.jpg)】

[Li Yueqin: +1]

[Zhang Wei:? ? ? 】

Zhang Wei stared blankly at the V letter discussion group, how did he become a villain?

[Zhang Wei: Is there a problem with me, or do you have a problem? 】

[Xiao Baihe: You still have to think about it, what will you do tomorrow, I guess if you go out now, someone on the street can't help but beat you! 】

[Zhang Wei: Don't worry, there are no neighbors where I live, and the neighbors in the neighborhood are all familiar with me. 】

[Xia Qianyue: Zhang Wei, don't be afraid, I will protect you, whoever dares to do anything to you, I will kill him! 】

[Xiao Baihe: Don't think that you can sit back and relax if you have a fool protecting you. She can't protect you 24 hours a day! 】

【Zhang Wei: Who said you can't (smirk.jpg)】

[Xia Qianyue:? ? ? 】

[Xiao Baihe:? ? ? 】

[Li Yueqin:? ? ? 】

Because of Zhang Wei's news, after a brief silence, it was Tan Yingying who broke the deadlock.

[Tan Yingying: Woohoo, I was reprimanded by the supervisor, he let me handle this case...]

[Tan Yingying: He also said that if the investigation department has no substantive evidence to testify against the defendant, let me see the opportunity to withdraw the case, what should I do, Sister Lily QAQ]

[Xiao Baihe: Don't ask me, ask Zhang Wei @Zhang Wei]

[Xiao Baihe: I'm off, I'm going to sleep! 】

[Xia Qianyue: I'm off, I'm going to sleep! 】

[Li Yueqin: I'm off, I'm going to sleep! 】

[Zhang Wei: Why are you all becoming repeaters? 】

[Tan Yingying: Zhang Wei, please help me QAQ]

[System prompt]: Zhang Wei withdrew a message

[Zhang Wei: I'm off, I'm going to sleep! 】

[Tan Yingying: ...]

Well, being a repeater is really fun.

The essence of human beings is a repeater!

After finishing the "pleasant" chat with his friends, Zhang Wei closed his notebook, but he was worried.

"Zhang Wei, in fact, you should be happy. I read the pre-trial records. Your opponent seems to want to isolate the jury so that they cannot watch the show. They will definitely not be able to see the interview just now!"

Zhao Xiaoxiao, who was sitting opposite, suddenly burst out laughing at this moment.

"Second girl, you don't understand. What can influence the jury is not necessarily the evening news or the contents of the media. In fact, it can also influence the jurors in the courtroom!"

"What's the meaning?"

"Get up early tomorrow, and go to the gate of the court with me to have a look, and you will know why!"

As Zhang Wei said, his brows gradually frowned.

Because he had already guessed what would happen tomorrow morning.

Thinking of this, he had a headache for a while, but he still decided to rest and replenish his energy.

Because tomorrow is the real tough battle.


Tuesday, court day.

Zhang Wei woke up early, then went to the second floor and knocked on the door.

While eating breakfast, the second girl suddenly wanted to release Zhang Wei's pigeons.

"I'm going to go to you, Miss Ben has to catch up on sleep after breakfast!"

"But let me tell you, I found recruitment posts in several forums last night. It seems that someone paid for extras and asked them to go to the gate of the city court to stand for Zhu Tianying!"

"I think I know what you mean, and I also guess what will happen at the gate of the city court. You should go alone for such a showy thing!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Xiaoxiao threw down the empty bowl and rushed back upstairs without giving Zhang Wei a chance to speak.

"Oh, this second girl..."

Zhang Wei sighed with emotion, and only set foot on the road to the court after packing up.

at the same time.

City Court gate.

There is still more than an hour before the court opening time, but countless people have already gathered, and the nearby streets are almost blocked.

With so many people, it is obvious that not all of them are "melon-eating people".

There were even quite a few people holding banners with words such as "Support Zhu Tianying", "Acquitted", "Sanction the Greedy Board of Directors" and other words.

When Zhang Wei came to the city court, these people were all sitting on the ground, but they were quite quiet.

But he knew that once an important person appeared later, this group of people would raise their flags and create pressure on the former.

The war of public opinion is such a routine.

You have to let key people see key information before they feel the pressure.

"Tsk tsk tsk, to use such a trick, it's a bit of a mess. And this trick, I didn't use it more than ten years ago!"

Zhang Wei smiled, because although this trick is useful, it also depends on who is targeted.

If you encounter some hot-tempered people, the pressure of public opinion will arouse their fighting spirit.

The more suppressed, the more likely to suffer a strong backlash!

And Zhang Wei knows that if there is a personal temper in the court, it is very hot!

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