Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 208 Ni Qiuping's Threat, Three Numbers

At 9 o'clock in the morning, at the gate of the city court.

"Support Zhu Tianying, acquitted!"

"Sanction the greedy Ren's Film Board of Directors!"

"Support Zhu Tianying, acquitted!"

"Sanction the greedy Ren's Film Board of Directors!"

"Support Zhu Tianying, acquitted!"

"Sanction the greedy Ren's Film Board of Directors!"


Right here, the people eating melons and Zhu Tianying's "supporters" surrounded the entire area.

The Martial Arts Association had to dispatch dozens of field personnel to the scene to maintain order.

Whenever important court figures appear, the cries of these supporters will become louder and louder.

Tan Yingying and other trial participants had to pass through the noisy crowd under the escort of field staff before entering the city court.

But they passed through so many people, which was a test in itself.

After the timid Tan Yingying walked out of the crowd, her legs almost went limp. If it wasn't for Xiao Baihe's support, she might make another joke.

Looking back at the excited crowd, Tan Yingying shrank her neck in fright.

Also at the gate of the city court, the defense was treated differently.

When Zhu Tianying appeared, she heard voices supporting her.

With Jiang Fengzhen's support, she walked towards the city court, and before entering the court, she waved to her supporters to give everyone a positive and sunny impression.

And when the board of directors of Ren's Pictures arrived, there were boos and boos.

Watching the well-dressed members of the board of directors pass by, this time the real enthusiasm was excited.

Even if they were not Zhu Tianying's supporters, many people also sneered at these zbs, and even joined the ranks of supporters.

When Mr. Ding and others walked into the city court, many people were covered in cold sweat and were in a panic.

At the gate of the Municipal Court, Cheng Lisha, as Zhu Tianying's media spokesperson, was also dealing with the media.

"I believe that the presiding judge in this case will definitely make a fair and just verdict. She will never wrong any good person, and she will never let any guilty person go!"

"My friend, Miss Zhu Tianying, she is absolutely innocent, she is just a woman who wants to protect herself, she has nothing to do with it, it's the gangsters from Ren's Pictures, and..."

After the impassioned speech, Cheng Lisha didn't give the media a chance to ask questions, and she ended her speech directly amidst the dissatisfaction of the media.

The excitement at the courtroom also spread throughout the entire Eastern Capital.

The attention paid to this trial is unprecedented.

Municipal court, ready interior.

Looking at the crowd at the gate, Zhang Wei shook his head.

"Although these people gathered together, they are not actually demonstrations. Most of them are people who eat melons, but it is a pity that they were used as guns by those who want to!"

"Moreover, many of them are extras. These people only care about money, so they don't care about the truth of the case."

The so-called caring people are naturally Jiang Fengzhen and Cheng Lisha on Zhu Tianying's side.

These two others have no skills, but their means of guiding public opinion are superb.

The current attitude on the Internet is almost one-sided in support of Zhu Tianying.

There are even a lot of Internet trolls and Internet trolls, who made some radical remarks.

Fortunately, Zhang Wei knew without looking, that these must be the sailors bought by Cheng Lisha.

He didn't use this trick more than ten years ago.

Court interior, preparation room.

Tan Yingying's complexion was not very good-looking.

Because Zhao Chunming called her again just now, and without accident, this person was scolded by the leader again.

And this is the third time since yesterday, Tan Yingying is under a lot of pressure.

"What to do, what to do, Director Zhao said that the Attorney General also called to ask about this matter, I..."

"Xiao Tan, don't get excited, you have to believe in yourself and the investigation department!"

Seeing that our main force was in a hurry, Zhang Wei could only say a word of comfort.

"Besides, you will go to court later, and you will be the one who will lose face. You should think about yourself. But if you win this time, maybe I will change my mind in a few years. Calling you Tan Gaojian!"

Our future Tan Gaojian is not in a relaxed mood at the moment, and is even very panicked.

"Xiao Gaojian, can you say something too?" Zhang Wei had no choice but to ask another person for help.

Xiao Baihe was helpless, and hurriedly stepped forward to counsel Tan Yingying to relieve her tension.

Zhang Wei looked to the other side, and Li Yueqin was also conducting a mock questioning for Mr. Ding of Ren's Films, preparing for the next step.

"Okay, let's wait for the court session!"

Soon, it was time for the court session.

As the prosecution and the defense entered the courtroom, countless eyes focused on them.

This time, the big courtroom was truly full of seats.

As a result, Xiao Baihe and Li Yueqin had to notify Tingwei in advance to prepare two chairs for them, so that they could sit in the row behind the prosecutor's seat.

In the front row of the hearing, Tie Ruyun and Lin Yumeng were also present.

There were Bai Meiqi and Bai Ruoyun on the side, and even Li Qingshou and Wang Jianren from the Jincheng Litigation Department came, and several team leaders were also there.

There were also many legal practitioners in the back row, including Qin Shaocong from Longteng International, and lawyers from the other top ten firms.

After all, this case received too much attention, and it would be unjustifiable if the top ten firms did not send people to the scene.

Similarly, many media reporters also came, and many of them have already started to take out their notes and write manuscripts.

Just after the prosecution and the defense settled down, the jury rushed in.

However, many people have noticed one thing, that is, the faces of many jurors seem to be very ugly.

"Zhang Wei, what's going on?"

On the prosecution table, Tan Yingying couldn't bear it anymore.

"It's very simple, they were disturbed outside the court!"

"Ah, how is it possible?"

Tan Yingying looked strange, "Don't they all live in a hotel with field guards, and their electronic equipment has also been confiscated. Why are they disturbed?"

"The hotel is isolated from the outside world, but they still have to pass the gate of the court on the way here?"

Zhang Wei frowned, calling out the key points.

Tan Yingying froze for a moment, and quickly realized.

As long as you pass the gate of the court, you will be baptized by Zhu Tianying's supporters.

After seeing the impassionedness of these people, even legal practitioners will be affected, let alone jurors of ordinary people.

When they saw so many people standing at the gate of the court speaking for Zhu Tianying, they probably felt that the balance in their hearts had already tilted.

The so-called jury isolation does not completely isolate the jurors from the outside world. They will still see or hear something on the way to the court.

Likewise, the crowd of supporters gathered outside the courtroom is what jurors will most inevitably come into contact with when they enter the courtroom.

At this moment, the slogans of the supporters are probably echoing in their minds, right?

At the defense table, both Hu Yaode and Jiang Fengzhen all showed sneer.

Although they suffered a disadvantage during the pre-trial, they were at a disadvantage.

But now before the trial, they relied on means to win back a victory.

Didn't you see that the jurors all looked at Zhu Tianying after entering the courtroom? This is because the "slogan" outside had an effect.

"Lawyer Jiang, the next thing is your task. You have to completely defeat that new prosecutor, and also severely cut the face of that little bastard for me!"

"Don't worry, Lawyer Hu, I know what to do!"

After Hu Yaode and Jiang Fengzhen finished speaking, they looked at Zhang Wei with a stern look.

Little bastard, you just wait to die!

in court.

"stand up!"

Just under the announcement of the court guard, Ni Qiuping walked into the court.

After adjusting the black robe she was wearing, she sat down calmly.

"Ahem, before the trial begins, this court has something to say to both the prosecution and the defense, please come up with the lawyers of both sides!"

Seeing what Ni Qiuping said, Jiang Fengzhen and Tan Yingying had different expressions, but they also walked forward quickly.

"You know, I'm really depressed now, especially yesterday, after our court leader watched the "Lisa Interview", he called me into the office this morning and spoke for 40 minutes, do you know what he said ? "

Both Tan Yingying and Jiang Fengzhen shook their heads.

"Just imagine, you are a cow, and now someone is playing the piano to you..."

In Tan Yingying's mind, the idiom explanation of Niu playing the piano immediately appeared. It turned out that Judge Ni wanted to popularize the idioms with her.

"...that person is playing the piano, but he has a butcher knife in his hand, and there are several people holding ropes next to him, staring at your flesh!"

Tan Yingying listened, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Now, I am the cow. Our leader is holding a knife in his hand, and my colleagues are holding a rope, and they are staring at me, wanting to laugh at me!"

"I think if this case drags on for a little longer, or if the verdict is not convincing, I may have to contribute a little bit to the unemployment rate of Dongfangdu!"

"I believe you should be able to empathize, right?"

After Ni Qiuping finished speaking, she looked at Tan Yingying and Jiang Fengzhen with a "smiling smile".

The two froze in place, not knowing whether to talk or not.

"Well, you two, I didn't hear your answer?"

"Your Honor, I will definitely not make it difficult for you!"

Being stared at by Ni Qiuping, Tan Yingying immediately expressed her loyalty to the judge.

"Lawyer Jiang?"

"Your Honor, our side is the same as above!"

"Okay, go down, I'm tired, hurry up..."

Ni Qiuping waved her hand and sent the two of them back to their places.

"Now this court announces that the public trial of Zhu Tianying's murder of Ren Xinwei will now begin!"

As the judge struck the hammer, the prosecution and the defense took their positions, and the trial began.

First of all, it is natural for the prosecution to present evidence and make a statement in court.

Tan Yingying's trial level can only be said to be average, and her opening statement will naturally not have any bells and whistles.

"The prosecution called the first witness to testify in court!"

The first witness was naturally Mr. Ding, the CEO of Ren's Films.

As a representative of the family and the enterprise, Mr. Ding stood on the opposite side of Zhu Tianying and was also a powerful witness for the prosecution.

"Mr. Ding, as the executive officer of Ren's Film Industry and the right-hand man of the deceased Ren Xinwei, do you know about his relationship with the defendant?"

"Of course, we are very clear about the relationship between Ren Dong and the defendant Zhu Tianying."

"Then do you know the prenuptial agreement signed by the two of them?"

"Of course, we have read this agreement!"

Tan Yingying said, took the file from Zhang Wei, and handed one of the backups to the trial seat.

"This is the prosecution's evidence No. 1, the prenuptial agreement between the deceased Ren Xinwei and the defendant Zhu Tianying. Both of them signed their names and it was notarized at the notary office!"

Tan Yingying said, and asked again: "Witness, do you remember all the terms in the prenuptial agreement? Are there any obligations for both parties in the agreement?"

"Of course I remember that this agreement stipulates a lot of obligations for the defendant Miss Zhu Tianying, including the weekly, monthly, and even annual wife's obligations that she needs to perform, including but not limited to traveling, attending company business meetings, and attending company appearances. show, and..."

Mr. Ding hesitated for a moment, but stopped talking.

"And... what?" Tan Yingying spread her hands.

"And some... the intimate obligations of wives, that is, between husband and wife..."

When Mr. Ding said this, everyone understood.

The clauses in the agreement, and even wrote some content that is easy to cause 404.

"In the agreement, I heard a lot about Ms. Zhu Tianying's obligations, so did Mr. Ren Xinwei not pay?"

"How could it not be!"

Mr. Ding denied it, and said: "It is stated in the agreement that as long as the defendant completes the annual agreement, then Director Ren will pay her a considerable amount of remuneration!"

"Significant, how much does it mean?"

"10 million a year!"

After Mr. Ding revealed this number, the jury was in an uproar.

That's 10 million!

10 million a year. For many migrant workers, this amount of money is simply a lifetime goal.

"Excuse me, Mr. Ding, how many years have passed since the defendant and the deceased were married?"

"This year is the fifth year."

"Then the previous four years..."

"I know what you want to ask. The total amount of the previous four years is 40 million, and Director Ren has paid all of it to the defendant, Ms. Zhu!"

"Director Ren is actually quite honest, isn't he?"

"Of course, even though Ms. Zhu lost her temper, was late for the exhibition, and even missed the appointment, Director Ren still forgave her and gave her a lot of luxury gifts every year!"

After Mr. Ding finished speaking, he looked at Zhu Tianying with some contempt.

Ren Dong loves you so much, and in the end, you stabbed him to death with a knife.

"No, hearsay evidence!"

Jiang Fengzhen stood up and raised an objection.

"The objection is valid!" Judge Ni didn't waste any time and made a judgment very efficiently.

Tan Yingying could only change her mind and continue to ask: "Mr. Ding, let's not mention gifts, but just talk about the part of the agreement. The defendant and Ren Dong have been married for 5 years, and they have already received 40 million, and this year may be the last 10 million, right? ?”


"Then I have a question, what if Director Ren encounters an accident?"

Tan Yingying said, and gave an example: "For example, if he is not recovering from a serious illness, he goes skiing, skydiving and bungee jumping, or he goes to extreme challenges on a whim to survive in the wilderness, and an accident happens, what will happen..."

"If Ren Dong dies, then as the only spouse, the defendant will own all property under Ren Dong's name, including our Ren's Films of course!"

"May I ask the total value of Ren's Films..."

"Yesterday was Monday. I still remember the closing price of the stock. The total value of Ren's Pictures is about 61.3 billion!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

The previous 40 million has had an impact on jurors and hearing seats, but it is not enough to make people stunned.

But after the figure of 61.3 billion appeared, it was different.

For many people, this amount of money is an unimaginable astronomical figure.

One hundred million yuan in cash is almost 1.15 tons in weight and 1.19 cubic meters in volume.

If 61.3 billion is converted into banknotes, it would have a weight of 700 tons and a volume of 720 cubic meters. Even if you bought a set of large flats, you probably wouldn’t be able to fit so much money.

This amount of money is terrible.

"Everyone, I think everyone is clear. One side is 40 million, and the other is 60 billion. May I ask if Ms. Zhu Tianying will do any irrational behavior for these 60 billion?"

"Or, think about it for yourself, if you have a chance to get 60 billion, will you..."

"Objection, fabricated evidence, what the prosecution made is just groundless speculation!"

Seeing that Tan Yingying wanted to guide the court, Jiang Fengzhen immediately stood up and interrupted.

"The objection is valid!"

Judge Ni glared at Tan Yingying, and immediately announced with a hammer.

After being stared at like this, Tan Yingying was also persuaded, "Your Honor, the prosecution has no problem!"

She trotted all the way and quickly walked back to the prosecutor's seat.

After returning to her seat, she moved to Zhang Wei's side, "How about it, am I doing well?"

"It's okay, as long as you didn't act so cowardly when you faced the judge at the end, the effect might be better!"

Tan Yingying was helpless, and she didn't want to, but who let the judge "warn" herself before the trial.

It would be a lie to say that you are not afraid in your heart!

In fact, Zhang Wei was paying attention to the jury box the whole time. When it came to 40 million, someone in the jury box had already reacted.

When it came to 60 billion in the end, most of the jury members were already shaken.

Because the money is too much, so much that even they may act irrationally.

Then they couldn't help changing their positions. Could it be that Zhu Tianying could bear it?

Especially the "No. 1" identified by Zhang Wei, looking at Zhu Tianying at this moment, with a hint of veiled jealousy.

Because of her own hard work, she may only make a little money.

As a result, after playing with the rich man for a few years, Zhu Tianying made money that she could never make in her entire life, so it's no wonder she wasn't jealous.

The wind direction of the court is naturally biased towards the prosecution.

"Lawyer Jiang!"

At the defense table, Hu Yaode couldn't bear it anymore.

"Don't worry, leave it to me!"

Jiang Fengzhen got up immediately and walked to the witness stand.

"Mr. Ding, the numbers you just mentioned are indeed shocking, but I also have a question, and I hope you can answer it!"


"If my client didn't protect herself on the night when the case happened, but was killed by the generous director Ren you said, how much money would she get?"


As soon as this remark came out, the audience fell silent.

Yeah, they were all dazzled by the numbers just now, and they didn't take this into consideration.

Although the money was a lot, a lot, it was scary.

But if Zhu Tianying died, how much money would she get?

"Mr. Dong, you don't need to answer. I can tell everyone that the answer is '0', right?"

If Zhu Tianying died, she would not get any money, because she could no longer enjoy it.

With such a simple question, the wind direction of the court has changed again.

Although the astronomical figures of 40 million and 60 billion will have an impact on everyone.

But the number 0 will also bring another sense of shock!

The prosecution seat.


Zhang Wei muttered in a low voice, feeling a little helpless.

He also considered this problem, but there was no way.

Because numbers don't lie.

There is no solution to this trick...

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