Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 209 The nanny went to court to refute the witness Liang Canguang? (reward plus more)

(Thanks to the book friend "Coke with Sprite" for the reward of 10,000 points, the number of chapter names is not enough, so I can only put you here, sorry...)

PS: The author Jun said before that he was the leader of the alliance. These days, the group of book readers is very lively. It just so happens that there is a reward from the master reader, so I will add one more update for everyone (*^▽^*)


The first round of confrontation ended with the prosecution and the defense winning each other.

The prosecution's first witness, Mr. Ding, the CEO of Ren's Films, proposed two figures.

40 million and 61.3 billion, especially the latter figure, not only shocked the court, but also shook the jury's view of Zhu Tianying.

But the defense then hit back, using a third number, zero, to refute the prosecution's allegations.

This number also changed the direction of the wind, and also restored the views of many jurors on the defendant.

The prosecution wants to criticize Zhu Tianying for possibly killing Ren Xinwei for money. The focus is on money, which is the motive for killing.

The defense retorted that if Zhu Tianying died, it is very likely that she would not get a penny. The focus is on life, which is the most fundamental reason for the defendant to fight back.

The focus of the two sides is different.

But the prosecution knew that the first strike just now had no decisive effect.

"Nice counterattack!"

Zhang Wei narrowed his eyes slightly, and he also understood the opponent's level.

Jiang Fengzhen is indeed the junior partner of Heizu, one of the top ten firms, and there is Hu Yaode, a newly promoted senior partner of Heizu, beside him.

Although these two people used despicable off-court methods, they are also of a certain level. They can only make such a counterattack, and they can only be said to be worthy of the name of partners.

in court.

"Prosecution, do you still need to call new witnesses?"

Ni Qiuping doesn't care whether the confrontation between the two sides is fierce or not. Now that the cross-examination of the first prosecution witness is over, she points to urging you to continue.

"The prosecution called the second witness to testify in court!"

As Tan Yingying stood up and announced, the second witness also entered the courtroom and stepped onto the witness stand.

This time it was a middle-aged woman with a slightly fatter figure, who looked to be in her forties, and her hands were a little calloused.

"Witness, please tell everyone your identity!"

"My surname is Xu, and I'm the weekday nanny at Mr. Ren's villa!"

"Studio nanny, what are your working hours?"

"I work 5 days a week. From Monday to Friday, I arrive at work at 9 am every day and leave after cleaning at 4 pm!"

"That is to say, Aunt Xu, you spend five days with the deceased and Miss Zhu every week?"


"Then how long have you been doing this job?"

"Since Mr. Ren bought that villa, he has been hiring me to work. In fact, I have served Mr. Ren's two wives, and it is exactly the 10th year now."

After Aunt Xu finished speaking, she smiled at the defendant Zhu Tianying as a greeting.

Unfortunately, Zhu Tianying didn't respond at all to Aunt Xu's greeting.

"Then, Aunt Xu, during your time together with Mr. Ren and Ms. Zhu, did you discover their relationship?"

"Actually, for Ms. Zhu and the lady in front, they all know in their hearts why they were favored by Mr. Ren. To be honest, if I didn't have a beautiful daughter, I would have introduced her to Ren. Mr. knows."

Aunt Xu didn't care about everyone's opinions at all, she waved her hand and said, "Really, Mr. Ren treats his wife very well, let alone Ms. Zhu, just the previous one. It was also a honeymoon at that time, so sweet. Husband and wife should not live too happily."


Tan Yingying hastily interrupted, and if she continued, the judge might have to issue a warning.

"That is to say, the deceased Ren Xinwei was actually kind to the two wives?"

"Of course, Mr. Ren spends so much money. He will almost buy them whatever the wife wants. Mr. Ren is so rich, he doesn't care if he buys an extra piece of jewelry or two. Besides, Mr. Ren doesn't travel on business. At that time, almost all of them worked in the villa, which is not like the buildings next door, which are also rich, and the wife is at home every day, but the husband does not see anyone all year round."

"Well, thank you witness for your answer!"

Tan Yingying took a deep breath and asked, "Since Mr. Ren Xinwei is nice to his wife, what about the defendant, Ms. Zhu, and what is her attitude towards Mr. Ren?"

"Miss Zhu!"

Aunt Xu glanced at the dock and recalled: "At the beginning, I felt that both of them are very good. Mr. Ren likes Ms. Zhu very much, and spoils her in everything, and can almost be said to respond to her requests."

"Miss Zhu also liked Mr. Ren's gift very much. In the first two years, it can be said that they got bored of being together every day?"

"The first two years?"


Aunt Xu glanced at the dock again, and then said: "From the third year, I can feel that Miss Zhu has changed, she has become a little angry, she likes to throw things when she has nothing to do, and occasionally she will go crazy in the house alone. Swearing, cursing."

"To be honest, it's inappropriate for a girl to scold people when she has nothing to do..."

"be opposed to!"

Seeing what the real person said, Jiang Fengzhen immediately objected, "This is hearsay evidence!"


On the prosecution's seat, Zhang Wei coughed and made a fist gesture at the same time.

"My lord, as the nanny of the villa, the witness is only giving a truthful statement of what he saw and heard at work. The prosecution believes that this does not belong to the category of hearsay evidence!"

Ni Qiuping pondered for a moment, then nodded, "The objection is invalid, and the witness can continue to speak."

Jiang Fengzhen frowned, but she could only sit down.

Tan Yingying continued to ask: "You mean, from the third year onwards, the defendant's personality gradually became worse?"

"Let's put it this way, anyway, after the third year, I feel like Miss Zhu is a different person, and it will start from the fourth year..."

Aunt Xu said this, hesitated for a moment, and then slowly said: "Since the fourth year, Ms. Zhu and Mr. Ren have occasional conflicts. Sometimes they will argue over some trivial matters, but in my opinion It's not a big deal."

"How often do they fight?"

"In the beginning, they quarreled once a month, then once a few weeks, then several times a week, and at the end of the fourth year, they sometimes quarreled every day."

"Is it continuing until this year?"

"That's not true!"

Aunt Xu shook her head and recalled: "In the fourth year, they quarreled quite frequently, but this year, they didn't quarrel anymore. I thought they were all reconciled."

"Is not it?"

"Of course not, because Mr. Ren has less time to live at home, so they don't quarrel."

Aunt Xu smiled.

If you want to quarrel, at least two people must bicker.

There is only one person left at home, why are you still arguing?

"Then Aunt Xu, if there is no quarrel, what does the defendant, Ms. Zhu, do most of the time when she is at home alone?"

"Miss Zhu, she..."

Aunt Xu glanced at Zhu Tianying again, this time she was really hesitant.

"Aunt Xu, I know you have some things you don't want to say, but you are sitting on the witness stand, and the court is waiting for your response!"

Seeing what Tan Yingying said, Aunt Xu sighed helplessly, "Actually, since the Chinese New Year period, I feel that Miss Zhu is a little abnormal. She seems to have someone outside."

"What is someone?" Tan Yingying blinked, she seemed to be incomprehensible.

Aunt Xu sighed, and said frankly, "Oh, that's what we say, stealing men!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Good guy, your husband is not at home, so you went to steal a man?

This topic is explosive!

The eyes of the audience turned away from the witness stand and turned to the defense stand.

They all wanted to see how Zhu Tianying would react to such an accusation.

It's a pity that Zhu Tianying seemed to have expected this accusation a long time ago, and sat in her seat without saying a word or responding.

"be opposed to!"

The defendant did not speak, but Jiang Fengzhen did not.

"Your Majesty, this time is solid hearsay evidence, right? The witness is making subjective speculations. She is slandering my client's innocence?"


On the prosecution's seat, Zhang Wei "voiced" again, and pointed the table with his finger, making a "da da da" sound.

Tan Yingying understood immediately, and before Judge Ni was about to speak, she asked first: "Aunt Xu, you said that the defendant was stealing men outside, do you have any evidence?"

This move naturally stopped Judge Ni's objection, and she was also curious about whether the prosecution witnesses had any evidence.

If there is no evidence, then she will rule that what the witness said was false.

But if there is evidence, she just doesn't have to speak.

"Of course there is!"

Aunt Xu immediately raised her voice, "I have seen Miss Zhu and that lover together in the house more than once. They have always been in that room on the second floor, and they don't know what they are doing in broad daylight!"

"Excuse me, Aunt Xu, have you seen the face of your lover?"

"I see, that young man looks very strong!"

Tan Yingying immediately walked to the prosecution's seat and took out a photo from Zhang Wei's hand.

"Excuse me, is this the person?"

"That's right, that's him!"

As Aunt Xu testified, Tan Yingying handed a copy of the photo to the trial seat.

"The one in the photo is Liang Canguang, the elder brother of Yangxintang, a traditional Chinese medicine physiotherapy institution in this city!"

After Tan Yingying revealed the identity of the man in the photo, she said to the clerk: "Please record the clerk, the witness testifies that the defendant Zhu Tianying cheated, and the lover's name is Liang Canguang!"

"No, the accusation is false!"

At this moment, Jiang Fengzhen stood up.

She had to stand up and speak out, because once the prosecution confirmed that Zhu Tianying had cheated, the direction of the court would change completely.

No one would believe a cheating woman, no matter how pitiful she was.

And once the derailment is confirmed, even if Zhu Tianying can get rid of the murder charge, it will be more difficult for her to inherit Ren's film industry.

So even if it was for the future, they would help Zhu Tianying get rid of all the charges of murder and cheating.

"Defense, the objection you raised is actually this item, that is to say, do you have evidence to prove that what the witness said is not true?"

"Of course, Your Honor, the defense has ample evidence to support this!"

Seeing what Jiang Fengzhen said, Judge Ni looked at Tan Yingying again.

At this moment, Tan Yingying looked at Zhang Wei who was sitting on the prosecution table.

Seeing that the latter waved his hand slightly, this gesture meant "wait and see what happens".

Tan Yingying knew it well, and turned to look at the trial seat, "Your Honor, the prosecution will not comment on the defense's challenge!"

"Defense, where's your evidence?" Judge Ni looked at the defense again.

The prosecution has no objection, so you have to produce evidence to disprove this point.

"Your Honor, in fact, it is very simple to prove whether this is slander, as long as Liang Canguang testifies himself in court!"

"What about Liang Canguang, I remember his name is on the witness list."

"Yes, but unfortunately he is on the prosecution's witness list!"

Ni Qiuping looked at Tan Yingying again, "The prosecution, what do you say?"

When Tan Yingying turned her head, Zhang Wei immediately shook her finger, and she immediately understood.

"Your Honor, the prosecution has no objection!"

"Well, this court announces that Liang Canguang will be summoned as a rebuttal witness to testify in court!"

Under the watchful eyes of the audience, Liang Canguang walked up to the court as a witness.

Looking at Liang Canguang sitting on the witness stand, Tan Yingying took the lead to ask: "Liang Canguang, please tell everyone your identity."

"I am the eldest disciple of Master Huang's sect in Yangxintang, and all the fellow disciples in the hall call me senior elder brother."

"Then, Liang Canguang, what is your relationship with the defendant Zhu Tianying?"

"Miss Zhu is a client of our Yangxintang. I am responsible for helping her to regulate her body, and guiding her in self-cultivation and learning some basic martial arts."

Hearing his answer, Tan Yingying was not surprised.

But Zhang Wei, who was on the prosecution's seat, suddenly had a flicker in his eyes.

"Learn martial arts?"

He closed his eyes and meditated, and began to think about one thing.

Yangxintang has Chinese medicine conditioning services, which proves that most of the disciples in the hall are proficient in medical skills, and Liang Canguang, as a senior brother, is quite good in his own strength, at least better than ordinary people.

Although he met a fool and was beaten helplessly, but if this person came to guide Zhu Tianying, he should also teach him some real skills.

In other words, Zhu Tianying is not as weak as she appears, and she even has some means of self-protection!

Zhang Wei seemed to have caught something, and looked at the court.

He is not the prosecution attorney in the case and cannot ask questions.

At this moment, Tan Yingying had already asked the key question.

"Liang Canguang, may I ask if you had a super-friendly relationship with Zhu Tianying, and became her lover, and had sex with her many times in Ren Xinwei's villa nearby!"

"I..." Liang Canguang was frightened for a moment when he was asked this question.

He looked at the defense seats and saw Jiang Fengzhen and Hu Yaode shaking their heads at the same time.

And Zhang Wei also saw the reaction of the two of them. But he was not surprised.

"I don't. I only have a service relationship with Ms. Zhu. She is my client, and I am the master in charge of guiding her. That's all!"

"Liang Canguang, you know that you left a statement during the interrogation by the Serious Crime Squad. You didn't say that at the time!"

"situation at the moment……"

"Your Honor, the witness Liang Canguang was violently treated in the Serious Case Unit. His testimony was completed under force and coercion, which is illegal evidence!"

Just when Liang Canguang didn't know how to respond, Jiang Fengzhen stood up.

At the same time, Hu Yaode sneered even more.

"It depends on how you die this time. If you use illegal evidence to testify, you will also be implicated!"

This move is not poisonous. As a law enforcement agency, the Armed Forces Coordinator Chaco itself has the power to enforce the law, but it cannot harm civilians, let alone use force to coerce witnesses to make confessions against their will.

This is not allowed by law.

When Liang Canguang recorded his statement, there were many scars on his body. Even if he told the truth, Hu Yaode could use force as a reason to refute.

In this case, once the illegal evidence is confirmed, even this lawsuit may become an invalid trial.

Hu Yaode couldn't bear to see Zhang Wei's flustered expression.

But when he looked at the prosecutor's seat, he saw Zhang Wei's face was indifferent, and he even smiled at him.

"What's the situation, aren't you afraid that the judge will invalidate the trial?"

He was stunned. Why was Zhang Wei's reaction wrong? It didn't meet his expectations?

"Hmph, stupid, do you think I didn't guess this move? I, Zhang Wei, have been on guard against your move for a long time?"

Zhang Wei sneered and gestured to Tan Yingying.

The latter understood, and before Judge Ni opened his mouth, he hurriedly said: "Your Honor, in view of the witness's accusation against the investigation department, we request that the officer in charge of arresting Liang Canguang of the investigation department at that time be allowed to confront him in court, and the evidence comes from his innocence!"

"Court Approved!"

Of course Ni Qiuping would not object, because illegal evidence is a very serious accusation, and a bad one may affect the effectiveness of the trial, so it must be dealt with seriously.

Soon, Lin Ruonan from the Serious Case Team 1 of the Investigation Section led his team to the court.

At the same time, Xia Qianyue also walked out of the hearing booth.

In the court, there were several more investigation officers.

"Liang Canguang, since you said that you were coerced by force, please tell us who did it to you and how you were injured?"

"I was beaten by her!"

Of course, Liang Canguang pointed out that the person who attacked him was none other than Xia Qianyue.


But as soon as he finished his identification, the audience was dumbfounded.

Because what he testified was neither Lin Ruonan, who seemed to be the leader, nor the other tall and big members of the serious crime team, but a delicate girl.

"Liang Canguang, besides this one, did anyone else attack you?"

"No more, she is the only one who hit me!"

Seeing Liang Canguang motionlessly pointing at Xia Qianyue, many people in the courtroom laughed.

You said it's not good to point to someone, pointing at a woman, and it looks like a newcomer.

Does she have the strength to fight?

Are you kidding me?

Such a "thin and weak" little girl, maybe if we randomly send someone to punch her, she will cry for a long time.

"Miss Xia, the witnesses accused you of assaulting him and said you were violent in law enforcement. Let me ask first, how long have you been in the serious crime team?"

"I joined the serious crime team for about half a year, and I am still an intern."

"Then before you?"

"I used to be an intern in the field. In fact, I have only graduated from school for less than a year..."

"Oh, it's been less than a year since I graduated, and I'm still a rookie!"

Tan Yingying immediately repeated it.

At the scene, the eyes looking at Liang Canguang were all wrong.

You are tall and big, but you said you were beaten by a little girl, who would believe you!

"Witness, you said that you were beaten by Xia Qianyue, an officer of the serious crime team, and caused multiple injuries all over your body. Then let me ask you, how long have you been practicing martial arts?"

"I have been practicing martial arts with my master for more than ten years since I was a child."

"After more than ten years of martial arts training, you still can't beat a freshly graduated trainee operator?"


Liang Canguang was speechless for a while.

"Everyone, I was really beaten by her. She is very powerful in fighting and knocked me away with one punch. Really!"

"Your Honor, the prosecution believes that the witness Liang Canguang's accusation is purely slanderous. He chose to lie in court in order to conceal his affair with the defendant!"

"My lord, I didn't. I was really beaten by that woman. She is a monster. Her strength is unbelievable. She..."


Ni Qiuping can't stand Liang Canguang anymore, this guy is really talking nonsense with his eyes open.

So a little girl who just graduated, with thin arms and legs, how much strength can she have.

You have been studying martial arts all year round, you are tall and big, but you were defeated by a little girl, are you ashamed?

Anyway, it is impossible for Ni Qiuping to believe Liang Canguang, she thinks everything the latter said is an excuse.

How dare you lie in court, you are finished!

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