Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 213 Isn't it just telling stories, Tan Yingying also came

in court.

Zhu Tianying's crying continued.

I have to admit that at this moment, Zhu Tianying can use this acting skill to walk the red carpet, and even compete for the little golden man.

Under her tearful accusation, Ren Xinwei became a cruel, paranoid, extreme character, and vulgar language beast. On the day of the crime, he actually wanted to humiliate himself in the office.

Of course, Zhu Tianying swears against it to the death. Compared with unilateral abuse, what she expects is an equal and friendly exchange between the two parties.

One party was suffocating anger, while the other party would rather die than follow suit, and the result was naturally...

"He said a lot of vulgar words that day, and called me a slut, saying that I had a bad face outside, and he knew it all!"

"And then he just, he took a knife out of the drawer and wanted to kill me, he really wanted to kill me!"

Speaking of this, Zhu Tianying showed fear and lingering fear.

In the front row of the hearing seat, Cheng Lisha saw this scene with a sneer on the corner of her mouth.

good very good!

Although in the previous entertainment news, the media and film critics scolded you that Zhu Tianying had no acting skills.

But at this moment, I, Cheng Lisha, call you Zhu Tianying the strongest!

Your acting skills have reached the level of the number one female in the entertainment circle of the Oriental Capital.

This title is well deserved!

You on the witness stand are already the queen of the movie!

in court

Jiang Fengzhen and Hu Yaode on the defense bench looked at each other, and they both laughed.

Hu Yaode also made a subtle gesture towards Zhu Tianying, pointing to his collarbone, neck and thighs with his fingers.

Zhu Tianying immediately understood that this was to sell herself a little more miserable and to add fire to the jury.

"Your Honor, can I stand up and show a thing or two?"

She immediately looked at Ni Qiuping and made a request.


Judge Ni looked at the prosecution seat.

But neither Zhang Wei nor Tan Yingying raised objections.

"Since the prosecution does not object, this court will not object either..."

Zhu Tianying was ecstatic in her heart, it's safe!

She got up slowly, because the action affected the wound, which made her frown tightly, showing a trace of pain on her face.

But in order to win the lawsuit, the pain is worth it.

"My late husband, he left me with an indelible wound that day. He grabbed my hair with his hands, pressed me on the desk, and stabbed me hard with a knife!"

Zhu Tianying pulled down her neckline, revealing a bloodstain on her neck, and then pointed to her heart and waist.

"Here and here. At that time, the doctor said that the difference was only 1cm, and the blade would penetrate my heart, including the organs in my abdomen, and the last knife..."

Zhu Tianying pointed to her thigh, near the artery on the inner thigh.

The fourth cut was also a fluke, if it had been a little cheaper, the blade would have penetrated an artery in the leg, and she would have bled to death as well.

Four cuts, a total of four cuts, all of which almost killed her.

The corners of Zhu Tianying's eyes were filled with tears.

God knows how lucky she was to survive that day.

"Although I survived in the end, I am here to tell you how desperate I was at that time. Countless thoughts flashed through my mind, but the most of them was just to hope that all this was false. I hope My late husband, he was just impulsive, he actually still loves me, but he..."

Everyone knows what happened next.

Zhu Tianying missed at the last moment and killed Ren Xinwei instead.

Ren Xinwei was pierced through the neck by the murder weapon in his hand, and died of excessive blood loss.

The irony is that he was holding the knife at the time, and when he finally died, Zhu Tianying didn't even touch the weapon that was going to hurt her.

When the two pushed and shoved, the weapon cut off Ren Xinwei's neck artery due to inertia. In fact, he killed himself.

"Thank you, Ms. Zhu, for your story. I believe everyone should understand that it was Mr. Ren Xinwei who attempted to murder my client, Ms. Zhu, on the night of the incident, so she had to fight back for her own safety!"

"When she fought back, there were already many wounds on her body. Ren Xinwei's actions were completely aimed at killing her and taking her life. What Ms. Zhu did was to protect herself from threats. Take action!"

Jiang Fengzhen's words resonated with many people in the jury, and they all nodded to express their understanding.

Under such circumstances, no one would care about whether Zhu Tianying missed or not.

You are going to die, and it is understandable to do anything.

Do you understand emergency avoidance?

Even killing the perpetrator is an emergency escape.

"Defense lawyer, do you have anything else to ask?"

"Your Honor, we have no problem with Miss Zhu!"

Jiang Fengzhen nodded to Zhu Tianying and the trial seat, and then walked back to the defense seat calmly.

She knew that with Zhu Tianying's eloquence just now, the court's sharing had completely changed.

She also knew that the prosecution would fight back, but what about the counterattack, she could guess the opponent's routine.

It's nothing more than emphasizing Zhu Tianying's cheating and making a fuss about it, but it's just a moral issue, and this case is a murder trial.

The prosecution made a fuss out of derailment, but it actually had little effect on the conviction of the murder case.

Jiang Fengzhen and Hu Yaode conducted countless mock court trials against Zhu Tianying yesterday, and helped her prepare more than a dozen sets of corresponding arguments.

No matter what the prosecution asked, she could answer fluently.

It can be said that in this trial, the advantage is definitely on our defense side!

"Let me see, what kind of storms you and the prosecution can create!"

Jiang Fengzhen's eyes were full of confidence.

The prosecution seat.

Zhang Wei is having the final exchange with Tan Yingying.

"Remember, let her admit part of it first, and then you will use your ultimate move to make her inescapable and inescapable. This will be convincing!"

"Yeah, I see!"

"Go, Xiao Tan, this is your chance to prove yourself!"

"Yeah, I'm on!"

Tan Yingying picked up the documents in her hand and walked to the court step by step.

From the hearing seat, the jury seat, the prosecution seat, including the witness seat, countless eyes gathered.

Everyone has to see what the prosecution will do in the end.

Because this round of cross-examination will determine the final outcome of the case.

Once Zhu Tianying completes her self-certification, the trial will come to an end.

Tan Yingying took a deep breath and walked to the witness stand.

She and Zhu Tianying were face to face, their expressions were quite flat.

"Miss Zhu, you just said that Mr. Ren Xinwei, the deceased, scolded you and called you a bitch?"


"are you sure?"

"Of course, why can't I be sure?"

"Why did he call you a bitch?"

Zhu Tianying said to herself that it was true.

Why did Ren Xinwei call himself a slut because he cheated? It seems that the prosecution really wants to hold on to this matter.

Fortunately, Jiang Fengzhen had already simulated with herself countless times yesterday, and the prosecution wanted to get entangled in this matter, but it fell into their hands.

The more time you waste on cheating, the less confidence you have.

Zhu Tianying was eager for Jiang Fengzhen's advice, even if she did something wrong, she still had to try her best to pretend to be a victim.

She sobbed and cried, "Because he said I cheated... so he called me a bitch... I admit that I did something to apologize to him, but he wanted to stab me to death with a knife, he... woo woo Woo..."

At the end, Zhu Tianying really burst into tears in court.

In the jury box, among the 12 jurors, more than the average one was a little bit impatient.

Although Zhu Tianying did something wrong, there's really no need for your prosecution to pursue the affair, right?

The women of the family have admitted it openly, and at worst they will be condemned morally. There is really no need for the prosecution!

Tan Yingying looked at Zhu Tianying and continued to ask: "Are you sure?"

"Ah, what are you sure about?" The latter was slightly taken aback.

"Am I sure about what you just said, that Ren Xinwei called you a bitch and wanted to kill you because he knew about your cheating?"

"Of course I'm sure!" Zhu Tianying nodded blankly.

Isn't this something she has said and emphasized countless times, and she is not sure about it.

What's the matter with your prosecution?

She has been telling stories for so long, haven't you listened to a word?

"Are you sure, Ren Xinwei knew about your cheating and wanted to kill you, so he died under your counterattack?" Who knows, Tan Yingying asked again.


"You swear to God, that's the way it is, and nothing else?"

"Yeah, I swear!"

"Can you promise in front of the judge, in front of everyone in the court, that what you say is the truth?"

"Of course, what I said is the truth!"

Although it is not clear why Tan Yingying is so entangled in this matter, Zhu Tianying naturally has to admit it.

"My lord, and everyone in the court, I can tell you that I, Zhu Tianying, did not lie, everything I said is the truth!"

Tan Yingying looked in the direction of the clerk, saw that the latter had recorded everything truthfully, and then said to the judge: "The prosecution asks everyone in court to remember Ms. Zhu Tianying's words!"

Hearing this request, even Ni Qiuping was a little speechless.

You are not talking nonsense, you have asked so many times, who doesn't remember.

She believes that as long as there are no deaf people in the court, it is impossible for everyone to forget, after all, you have emphasized it so many times.

Seeing that everyone nodded subconsciously, Tan Yingying walked up to Zhu Tianying again.

"Miss Zhu, although you have emphasized it and swore to the judge, I still want to ask you again. Can you swear in court that everything you said is true? What you said is what happened that day. the truth?"

Zhu Tianying was a little impatient, and looked at Ni Qiuping, "Your Honor, why did the prosecution ask me so many times, what did I not understand?"

"Prosecutor, please don't waste everyone's time. This court knows that you want to confirm the facts, but can you please stop asking questions again!"

Ni Qiuping almost said "Are you out of luck and can only struggle repeatedly".

But in the end, she still saved a little face for the prosecution.

"Sorry, Your Honor, I just want to confirm that the defendant will not make excuses for our next testimony. Now it seems that she will not change her words!"

Change what?

Zhu Tianying frowned slightly, feeling a little strange in her heart.

At the defense table, both Jiang Fengzhen and Hu Yaode "thumped" in their hearts.

What the prosecution is going to do, you still have to provide evidence. Haven’t everyone seen the publicized evidence of the investigation department?

How could they not know about new evidence?

Tan Yingying walked to the front of the witness stand regardless of other people's thoughts.

"Defendant, we would like to ask, when is your birthday?"


Tan Yingying's question made Zhu Tianying confused.

You have been brewing for so long, and you finally asked this question?

In the same way, Jiang Fengzhen and Hu Yaode let go of their concerns.

You have been holding back your big move for a long time, and this is the end?

Just ask about my birthday, that's all...

The audience, the 12 jurors, and the judge in the trial bench were all speechless.

What do you mean when you ask someone's birthday?

"Prosecution, do you know what to ask again?" Ni Qiuping couldn't bear it anymore, she decided to warn Tan Yingying.

"Your Honor, I know what I'm going to ask, and I can also tell you that this question is closely related to this case!"

Ni Qiuping was speechless for a while, what does the defendant's date of birth have to do with the murder case?

But she still waved her hand, let Zhu Tianying answer.

"My birthday is at the end of this month, which is the end of April!"

This question is not difficult, Zhu Tianying did not hide it.

"Will Mr. Ren celebrate your birthday?"

"In the first three years of my marriage with him, he would help me organize a birthday party every year, but after the fourth year, our relationship was very tense, and he didn't do it for me."

"Thank you for your answer."

After Tan Yingying heard the answer, she was very satisfied.

Immediately afterwards, she walked to the center of the court and nodded to Zhang Wei who was on the prosecution bench.

"Your Honor, and everyone in the courtroom, please allow me to tell a story!"


Ni Qiuping waved her hand. She also knew that the prosecution had nothing to do now, so she graciously agreed.

"Thank you judge!"

Tan Yingying opened the folder, and explained it according to Zhang Wei's notes above.

"Zhang San is a girl who came to the big city from the countryside. She is very beautiful and has a good figure. After coming to the big city, her ambition and desire are gradually ignited. She yearns for a luxurious life. At this time, she I met Li Si, a big boss, rich and powerful, with a net worth of tens of billions. Coincidentally, Li Si had just divorced his previous wife and was about to find a new woman. Zhang San."

"Zhang San and Li Si hit it off immediately. One of the two is rich and the other is attractive. Both parties get what they need. But Li Si is a successful businessman. He made a prenuptial agreement for Zhang San. He will pay Zhang San 10 million every year. A total of five years, that is 50 million, in return, Zhang San needs to be Li Si's wife for five years, and needs to fulfill his duties as a wife."

"Although this clause sounds very tricky, it is still a huge sum of money for Zhang San. It only takes 5 years to pay 50 million. This is simply pie in the sky. Zhang San agreed , signed a prenuptial agreement with Li Si, and has since lived the luxurious life she wanted. From the day she got married, she lived in a mansion, drove a luxury car, used expensive cosmetics and luxury goods, and had bodyguards when she traveled. Escort, people with high status all called her Mrs. Li, that time was simply heaven for Zhang San."

"But it's a pity that people's desires are endless. After living a luxurious life, Zhang San's desires were not satisfied. On the contrary, because of the prenuptial agreement, a thorn seemed to grow in her heart. Because of her The marriage with Li Si is only 5 years, and this kind of luxurious life can only last for five years. You will be very happy in the first year, and you will be very happy in the second year, but in the third year, fourth year, and finally What about five years?"

"Once the five-year period is up, and Li Si has no interest in Zhang San, will he kick her away? It's like taking away his ex-wife. Will Li Si do anything worse?"

"The fear of the five-year period and the worry about the gains and losses of the luxurious life completely changed Zhang San. Her temper became bad, her desires were not satisfied, she became irritable, fickle, and insidious. The weather is uncertain, and even had a lot of conflicts with Li Si, and the two often quarreled."

"Unfortunately, it's not only useless to do so, but the five-year period is getting closer and closer, and Zhang San is extremely afraid of losing everything. She doesn't want to live a hard life anymore, and doesn't want to lose everything."

"At this moment, a terrible plan came to her mind, a very cruel plan!"

When Tan Yingying said this, she suddenly looked at the witness stand, and said slowly: "Why, can't I kill Li Si, and then legally inherit the other party's net worth of tens of billions as a spouse?"

As soon as this remark came out, Zhu Tianying's complexion changed.

At the same time, some people in the court showed astonishment, and then a hint of understanding.

If I were Zhang San instead, would I have the same idea?

They are used to living a rich life, and suddenly everything will disappear, can they accept it?

It seems that some people really can't accept it...

Wait, why is this story so familiar?

Tan Yingying continued: "I have to say that this idea is cruel and evil, but Zhang San feels that this idea is not without chance, and if he does it well, he can still have money that he can't spend in his lifetime. !"

"So, a bold idea came into Zhang San's mind. She decided to kill Li Si, and then created a case in which Li Si wanted to kill, and then she was killed by herself in self-defense. Only in this way can she Get rid of the sanctions of the law, and at the same time, as the legal heir, get all of Li Si's net worth!"

"The plan succeeded in the end. Li Si died. Zhang San pretended to be pitiful and begged for the jury's mercy, trying to convince everyone that Li Si died in his own counterattack because he wanted to kill himself. Now, I am in self-defense, and I am also a victim!"

"But in fact, Li Si died under Zhang San's knife, and then Zhang San faked the scene of being attacked. All the wounds on her body were stabbed on her body after Li Si died!"

"Similarly, Zhang San's behavior is not self-defense at all, but a real deliberate murder. She has been planning to kill Li Si for a long time!"

After Tan Yingying said this, she looked at the last sentence of the document and looked helplessly at the prosecutor's seat.

Do you really want to say that last sentence?

Feeling ashamed.

But Zhang Wei gave her a sideways look with a serious expression.

Tan Yingying sighed in her heart, it seemed that she had no way to escape.

She turned around immediately, looked at the jury seat, and tried her best to make a strange "teasing" expression on her face.

"This Zhang San is really bad~"

After finishing speaking, Tan Yingying felt that she was ashamed.

In front of so many people, such eccentric words were spoken in court.

It's so embarrassing...

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