Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 214 Conclusive Evidence, Reason for Killing!

Who is Zhang San?

I believe that those who participated in this court have answers in their hearts.

Because they could all hear what the story told by the prosecution represented.

Who is Zhang San?

Of course it was Zhu Tianying!

Then Li Si who was killed by her was Ren Xinwei.

"be opposed to!"

At the defense table, Jiang Fengzhen stood up under the instruction of Hu Yaode's eyes, "Objection, imaginary evidence!"

"Your Honor, I admit that the prosecutor's story is very exciting, but it is a story after all, and it has no meaning for this trial!"

"Yes, prosecutor, although your story sounds good, but unfortunately..."

"Your Honor, the prosecution has evidence to prove all this!"

Just when Ni Qiuping was about to beat the hammer and announce that this story was not true, Tan Yingying, who had always been timid, suddenly interrupted her.

If it was in a normal court, Tan Yingying would never dare to interrupt the judge, but this time she has confidence in her heart.

As long as you have confidence, even the timid person will have the courage and strength to face all difficulties.

Of course, it also includes the judges in court, and the sharp eyes of more than a hundred people eating melons in the court!

"What did you say, do you have evidence?"

"Yes, Your Honor, I have evidence!"

Seeing what Tan Yingying said was decisive, Ni Qiuping was stunned.

No, no, you don't really have evidence that the investigation department can't find, do you?

"What evidence?"

"It's a recording!"

As Tan Yingying spoke, she gestured to Zhang Wei who was on the prosecution table.

The latter immediately turned on the notebook, turned the volume to the maximum, and started playing the recording.


"Dongjiang Star Hotel?"

"Yes, sir, are you?"

"I'm Ren Xinwei!"

"Oh, it's Mr. Ren, what's your order?"

"At the end of the month, I'm going to make a reservation and hold a birthday party!"

"Is it your wife's side?"

"Yes, I didn't do it for her last year. I'm going to give her a big one this year. The scale of the birthday party must not be small. I will invite all my friends to come over. That's why I specially chose to hold it at Dongjiang Star!"

"Mr. Ren, then I will arrange for you here. I have to say that you really love your wife!"

"Haha, I can't talk about love or not. It's just that this woman has lost her temper recently. I have to coax her. Besides, holding banquets is also the way I make friends. A lot of my business is negotiated at banquets."

"What Mr. Ren said is that even the greatest person can't read a book, and that is "Woman"!"

"That's right, I don't understand why she loses her temper. In the first two years, she liked the things I gave her so much. How has she changed recently... Forget it, it's pointless to worry about it. I will prepare the venue, and I will ask the secretary to sort out the guest list and send it to you. As for the deposit, you can directly report it to my secretary, and she will contact the accountant!"

"Okay, Mr. Ren, don't worry, we will take care of it for you!"

This is the end of the recording, it is a telephone recording together.

"What recording is this?"

Ni Qiuping froze, it seemed that Ren Xinwei was booking a banquet.

"Your Honor, and everyone, I can tell you that this is the phone call from the deceased Ren Xinwei to the lobby of Dongjiang Inn Hotel, and he made the call himself. Because the grade of Dongjiang Inn is not low, most people may not even be able to book a seat , let alone a one-day reservation, so people with identity must be able to make a reservation, which is why Ren Xinwei called."

"I can also tell everyone that this is the phone call made by the deceased Ren Xinwei two days before the incident. The specific time of this call is recorded in the call record in the lobby of Dongjiang Heart Hotel. During the phone call, Ren Xinwei said that the purpose of holding a banquet is to In order to hold a birthday party for Miss Zhu Tianying, the defendant!"

Tan Yingying looked at the witness stand when she said this, "I would like to ask, if a man knows that a woman is cheating, he will still hold a birthday party for that woman, and it will be a special event. Will hundreds of guests be invited to the party?"

"If the deceased Ren Xinwei knew that Ms. Zhu Tianying had cheated, would he still invite all his friends to celebrate Ms. Zhu's birthday?"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience understood.


Two days before his death, Ren Xinwei called the lobby of Dongjiang Inn to make an appointment for a birthday party at the end of the month.

If he knew that Zhu Tianying was cheating, let alone hold a birthday party, maybe he would divorce on the spot, right?

After all, no man can stand a woman wearing a hat for him, especially a rich and powerful man like Ren Xinwei.

"be opposed to!"

Seeing that the jury was moved, Jiang Fengzhen immediately stood up, "The lawyer is testifying himself!"

"Your Honor, this call recording can prove that the deceased Ren Xinwei did not know about the defendant Zhu Tianying's affair, so the prosecution believes that the defendant's testimony is not credible!"

"No, this is slander!"

Jiang Fengzhen stood up again, "Does the prosecution think that a mere pass through the recording can question the integrity of my client?"

"What can this recording prove? Maybe Ren Xinwei did it on purpose?"

"Good guy, you still say it's on purpose?"

Now that Jiang Fengzhen stood up, Zhang Wei was unwilling to be lonely, and immediately sneered: "How big a man's heart must be to know that his wife is cheating, and invite all his friends in the circle to hold a birthday party for the cheating woman ?”

"I asked the lobby manager of Dongjiang Star. After the phone call that day, Mr. Ren's secretary personally delivered the guest list. He is just an artist and co-star of Ren's Pictures, and he invited nearly a hundred people. , plus the company's middle and senior management, the guest list has a full 4 pages of A4 paper, more than 400 people, do you think he will give such a big show to a cheating woman?"

Zhang Wei's words made many people in the jury and hearing room nod subconsciously.

If Ren Xinwei knew that his wife was cheating, how could he hold such a large-scale birthday party?

That being said, it does make sense!

"Your Excellency, what is Lawyer Zhang's identity? Does he have the right to speak in court?"

Hu Yaode couldn't sit still anymore, seeing Zhang Wei directing the court's wind direction, he quickly stood up to stop it.

"Lawyer Zhang, although what you said is very reasonable, this court still wants you to sit down!"

Ni Qiuping made a statement immediately, but the first sentence directly stabbed the defense in the back.

"Sorry, Your Excellency, it's my fault, I was just too excited and couldn't hold back for a while!"

Zhang Wei immediately admitted his mistake, but a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, because his goal had been achieved.

Seeing Zhang Wei's expression, Hu Yaode's expression became extremely ugly.

"Your Excellency, please decide for my client..."

"Calm down, this court knows what to do!"

Ni Qiuping gave Hu Yaode a reassuring look, and then looked at Tan Yingying.

"Prosecutor, although what you said is very reasonable, the story you just told cannot be proved by just a recording and some guesswork!"

This is indeed the case. The operation of booking a hotel alone can at most prove that Ren Xinwei may not have known about Zhu Tianying's affair before the incident, but who knows if he received the news suddenly on the day of the incident.

"Your Honor, the prosecution just wants to prove that the deceased Ren Xinwei didn't know about the defendant's cheating at all. Not only did he not know about it beforehand, he didn't even know about it on the day of the incident. It can be said that he was kept in the dark until his death!"

Tan Yingying hastily added: "Because within two days after he booked the hotel, the phone calls and people he had contacted were all for business, and no one could tell him about his wife's cheating!"

"The prosecution clarified this point, just wanting to tell everyone that Ren Xinwei had no motive to kill the defendant at all, and insulting, beating, or even murdering the defendant because of his derailment is completely unfounded!"

This sentence is a proper slap in the face for Zhu Tianying.

The latter sat on the witness stand, his complexion changed dramatically.

Zhu Tianying quickly looked at the defense seats.

"No, this is all groundless speculation by the prosecution, and there is no evidence!"

"The defense is right. We have no evidence to prove what Ren Xinwei said at the time of the incident, but we have evidence to prove that Ren Xinwei did not die in an accident!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Good guy!

It is impossible to prove what Ren Xinwei said, but it can prove how Ren Xinwei died. This is simply... a reverse lore!

Hearing what Tan Yingying said, whether it was Jiang Fengzhen and Hu Yaode in the defense seat, Cheng Lisha in the hearing seat, or Zhu Tianying in the witness seat, all of them changed their expressions drastically.

How is it possible, how do you prove it?

Tan Yingying didn't care what they thought, but immediately asked: "Miss Zhu Tianying, do you still remember that when the prosecution made a statement, they summoned your cheating lover, Liang Canguang?"

Zhu Tianying didn't speak, but just looked at Tan Yingying coldly.

"He told us that during his study in Yangxintang, in addition to cheating on you, he also taught you basic martial arts, Chinese medicine conditioning and some medical skills. Is there such a thing?"

"So what?"

"On the second floor of the villa, we saw a lot of books on traditional Chinese medicine, as well as diagrams of the meridians of the human body. Are these all yours?"


"Then it shouldn't be difficult for you to pierce the skin with a knife while avoiding the vitals, and fake the degree of almost being fatally injured?"

Zhu Tianying dared not answer this question.

"No, the lawyer is leading the witness to testify against himself!"

"Your Honor, we are only making a reasonable inference based on the testimony of witness Liang Canguang. At the same time, for this case, Miss Zhu's medical and martial arts level is also crucial information!"

After Jiang Fengzhen objected, Tan Yingying immediately defended herself.

Ni Qiuping looked at the two, and finally announced: "The objection is invalid, and the witness needs to answer the prosecution's questions."

Suddenly, the pressure came to Zhu Tianying's side.

"I have studied medicine for a few days, but so what?"

"You not only learned medical skills, but also martial arts!"

Tan Yingying walked to the witness stand and put on a very calm look, "Then I would like to ask, the deceased Ren Xinwei was over 60 years old, and he was addicted to drinking and sex all the year round, and his body had been hollowed out long ago. It can be said that he was old and weak. .”

"Excuse me, this is such a person. How can you restrain a person who has systematically studied martial arts and self-defense? Don't try to deny it. We have already asked Liang Canguang. He said that your self-defense is very good. There is no problem with the strong man, let alone the deceased Ren Xinwei?"

Faced with Tan Yingying's questioning, Zhu Tianying immediately replied: "I was very scared at the time, because he took out a knife, and the incident happened suddenly, and my mind went blank!"

This answer did not exceed Zhang Wei and Tan Yingying's expectations.

"Miss Zhu, do you still want to deny it?"

"What are you denying, I didn't deny it!"

Zhu Tianying immediately cried out for herself, "It was Ren Xinwei who wanted to kill me, he did it, and I was just protecting myself?"

"You were stabbed four times and your body was bleeding profusely, but you can still kill the perpetrator. You are indeed very powerful~"

Although this sounds like a compliment, anyone can hear the sarcasm in the words.

"Defendant, you still deny it until now, probably because you are sure that we can't find any new evidence, and you also know that there are only Ren Xinwei's fingerprints on the knife, but not yours?"

"What do you mean?"

"It's very simple. Whether it is the investigation department or our prosecution, they are actually thinking about why there is no fingerprint of yours on the murder weapon. It stands to reason that you fought with Ren Xinwei for a long time and finally killed him. There should be some stains on the murder weapon. The traces are right."

Tan Yingying said, looking at Zhang Wei, "Later, it was Zhang Wei who reminded us that if there had been no fight from the beginning, Ren Xinwei would have been killed by you from the beginning, and then you would have given yourself Stabbing four times in the body, with your familiarity with the meridians of the human body, you can perfectly avoid the vital points, and then you put the knife in Ren Xinwei's hands, fake the illusion of legitimate defense, and destroy the evidence at the same time, then everything is justified pass."

"You are all unilateral speculation, without evidence!"

"No, we have evidence!"

Before Tan Yingying finished speaking, Zhang Wei stood up and handed in a plastic bag.

"Your Honor, the prosecution requests to submit the new evidence collected yesterday, and at the same time attach the DNA test report collected on the evidence by the forensic office overnight!"

"be opposed to!"

"be opposed to!"

Seeing Tan Yingying submit new evidence, both Jiang Fengzhen and Hu Yaode panicked, and they stood up at the same time to express their opposition.

"The objection is invalid, and this court accepts new evidence!"

Unfortunately, the moment Ni Qiuping saw the new evidence, she knew that the trial could finally come to an end, so there was no reason to object.

"Thank you, Your Honor!"

Tan Yingying immediately expressed her gratitude and picked up the plastic bag, "This is new evidence found at the scene of the crime. It is a burning residue from a latex glove. The evidence was collected from the real fire fireplace in Ren Xinwei's office. "

"In this evidence, we found bloodstains and liquid residues locked inside the fingers. After collection by the forensic office, we found that the bloodstains came from Ren Xinwei and the defendant Zhu Tianying. There were two common bloodstains, and the DNA in the liquid was From the defendant Zhu Tianying!"

"So we can conclude that the defendant Zhu Tianying was wearing gloves when she committed the murder. The bloodstains of the two will be left behind. She then puts the murder weapon in Ren Xinwei's hands. Finally, she takes off her gloves and uses a real fire fireplace to destroy the evidence. This is also the bloodstain at the scene, why there is a lot of blood scattered on the real fire Cause near the fireplace."

"If Zhu Tianying really said that she was a victim, then the first time she broke free from Ren Xinwei's restraint, she should have fled to the only exit of the office in a panic, not to the fireplace inside the office!"

Tan Yingying looked at Zhu Tianying, "You were stabbed four times. After taking off the gloves, you were weak and couldn't control the strength in your hands. After throwing the gloves into the fireplace, you immediately called the police. So you only saw that the gloves were killed. The flames engulfed him, thinking he was safe, but he didn't see that one of the gloves fell on the side of the fireplace, and one of the fingers was not completely burned!"

"Zhu Tianying, this is the decisive evidence in this case. Why did you wear gloves at the time of the case? Don't tell me you want to do housework. We have already asked Aunt Xu. She has been a nanny for so long and has never seen you do it." After one housework, you even asked her to cut the fruit."


"If you want to say that it was a whim that day, then how do you explain the blood of the deceased Ren Xinwei? You may hurt yourself by doing housework, but it is absolutely impossible to hurt the deceased Ren Xinwei. Aunt Xu also said that Mr. Ren also does not do housework. Not even in the kitchen!"


"Also, Aunt Xu also said that Mr. Ren, the deceased, loved the real fire fireplace in the office very much. He specially bought fruit charcoal and only allowed the fireplace to burn these charcoals. He would never allow domestic waste to be burned in it, let alone burn it. Regret the latex products that emit a pungent smell, then you are the only one who throws gloves away!"

Tan Yingying walked up to Zhu Tianying, held up the evidence of burning objects in her hand, and approached step by step.

"Naturally, Ren Xinwei will not let you throw garbage into the real fire fireplace, because it is his precious office, so only after his death on the day of the crime, you can throw the latex gloves on your hands into the flames In the middle, because you want to destroy the evidence, you want to forge the scene, this glove must never be kept, it is the only evidence that can prove your crime!"

"No, I'm wearing gloves just because..."

"You admit that you wear gloves?"

Zhu Tianying explained in a panic, but Tan Yingying quickly grasped the main point.

"Ren Xinwei's villa is very warm, and there is a real fire fireplace in the office. I don't think you have any reason to wear a pair of latex gloves indoors, unless you have to wear gloves for the purpose of not committing murder. Leave fingerprints, Miss Zhu, am I right?"

"No, you're wrong, I'm wearing gloves, it's just, just..."

"It's just what, you can't explain it, because you don't know why you wear gloves other than killing people, because you probably haven't done any housework in the past five years!"


Sure enough, Zhu Tianying did what Tan Yingying said, and she couldn't find any reason to refute.

"You killed your husband Ren Xinwei with gloves on, then faked the scene, packaged yourself as a victim, and tried to escape the punishment of the law. You really have a vicious heart!"

"No, you're not right, I didn't kill him?"

"Miss Zhu, don't deny it anymore, isn't it hard to find a reason for you to kill someone?"

Seeing that Zhu Tianying was still struggling, this time it was Zhang Wei who stood up from the prosecution seat.

He sneered and said loudly: "I can think of many reasons, but the most obvious one is a number..."

what number?

Of course it is 60 billion!

For so much money, it is hard to guarantee that no one will lose their mind.

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